That's some of the highest ELO ever achievable. Top performance of the SoloQ ladder. Rank freaking 1, they are soo good I can't even comprehend how good they are, I will never reach that level of competence and skill expression, even more impressing they are also strategizing while that happens. But then again, this: 4:38 , is the bronzest shit I have ever seen.
That's some of the highest ELO ever achievable. Top performance of the SoloQ ladder. Rank freaking 1, they are soo good I can't even comprehend how good they are, I will never reach that level of competence and skill expression, even more impressing they are also strategizing while that happens.
But then again, this: 4:38 , is the bronzest shit I have ever seen.
Goes to show that no elo is safe from big blunders, and that in the end, not making mistakes is more important than proactively outplaying.
3:51 this is one of the funniest non intentional jungle gank feedings ever! :D
would bring more videos of him playing renekton?
yxy would never make this amount of mechanical errors in a single game, i saw him fk up his E like 4-5 times.
is he really better than YXY though? idk about that.
his title is rank 1, i am not sure who is better
Fiora pls
Lol rank one in silver elo?
This guy is the most mid rank 1 player I’ve seen. Renekton is a such a snoozefest champ