One thing I noticed that would have been enough to get you over the edge: You missed gaining coins when harvesting! Any time you harvest crops (in addition to gaining points) you gain 1 coin for each unique crop type harvested. So you actually ended up missing a whole 3 coins in Round 3 and then another 2 coins in Round 4, which probably would have been a real game-changer! There is also a slight error in that solo HARD mode that has been fixed. It should remove the income card that grants strawberries, which originally was the #6 card, but is now the #5 card. Thanks for helping us catch that!
Just picked this up at GenCon and it's THE best looking game of the con. It's unapologetically designed to feel and look like a Golden Book from (my) childhood. But gameplay - obviously not for that age group. The disparity between art and gameplay is kind of great. It's bright and makes you feel like you're having fun before you've even started playing.
I love this, glad I backed it. I think the blueberries would have had a win because it would have used less resources. With the extra 2 points at the end I think they score the same as the pumpkins.
Great solo play! So close to a win. Really like the decision space of this game. I think Keymaster has done a great job with update of Harvest. Sadly, I feel like the price point is pretty high regardless of the upgraded components. Going to wait for the retail release.
I just got my Kickstarter copy and it looks like a number of the rules changed (for the better I think). This playthrough got me to back and I’ve enjoyed my first play!
One question I have: you put Gairy's and your sunrise card into the stack and reshuffled all the sunrise cards prior to the start of the action phase. Looking at the rules, doesn't that sunrise card then also determine the order in which you take a sunrise card the next round? I guess it doesn't matter so much for the solo play, but this would then mean you wouldn't ever get the option to pick the same sunrise card in back to back rounds.
Sorry, but I don't really understand the question. In the multiplayer game it works generally the same way. You have a display of 3 Sunrise cards, you get your own card, and the other player(s) would get a card. In lowest priority order, you exchange your card with one in the display. At that point, you get the boon (income and ability) listed on the new card, plus your Sunrise ability on your player board. You also will have a new initiative number which will determine the player order for the Action phase. Once player order is set, you shuffle all of the cards back together for the next round's Sunrise phase, and begin the Action phase. The cards chosen in one round will have no bearing on the second round, since they all get shuffled. It's absolutely possible to get the same Sunrise card in a consecutive round(s). In the solo game, the main difference is you deal out a card to Gairy at the beginning of the phase, and that's the card he will keep to determine his initiative for the round. Therefore you as the solo player will know definitively what the number you have to contend with is. Oftentimes, this leads to a decision of, I really like this great ability, but it has a higher number than Gairy's card, so is it worth it to go second in turn order?
When reading the rules they posted in the kickstarter, what you did doesn't seem to be what the rules are saying to do, so I just was looking for clarification. To start out, yes, it says to pass everyone a sunrise card to use for the first sunrise phase. Then it says to reveal 3 in the display, then one at a time each player trades in their current sunrise card for one in the display. Then it says once everyone has exchanged their card, it says to "shuffle the display", not including the sunrise cards people have. So then I assume for the next round, people exchange the sunrise card they had for the first round for a new one in the display for the second round. I just wanted to clarify this so that people don't misunderstand this when they play the game for themselves.
@@swimprincess2 ah, yes I see what you mean. It’s certainly possible that your interpretation is the correct one. I didn’t get any feedback from the publisher about that specifically, but I agree that it will be good to get clarification on how it’s meant to work.
Maybe Keymaster games will see this is be able to clarify for us! Thanks for your solo playthrough, it was nice to see what a game of this looks like on the table!
@@swimprincess2 Just hopping in to help clarify here as well! (I'm a developer on the game and the solo designer.) The sunrise card you have in Round 1 DOES dictate the order in which you will draft sunrise cards in the next round, so they shouldn't be shuffled back in before you draft new ones. This prevents you from being able to get the same sunrise card twice in a row and it also allows for other players to potentially draft the card you had in the previous round when you swap it into the display. When playing solo, this isn't as important, but your card still shouldn't be shuffled back in before choosing a new card so that you don't have the opportunity to end up with the same card twice in a row. After revealing a new card for Gairy, his previous Sunrise card SHOULD be shuffled back in before you reveal a new display to choose from yourself. This isn't stated explicitly enough in the rules as it stands, so I will make sure that is fixed to be more clear.
I think Mike explained blueberries wrong based on my rulebook reading. He implied tend let’s you place a new blueberry bush. I thought it’s difference was it could be tended without replanting a seed after harvest, but the bush itself can’t expand in tend and is more like a building (and is worth 2vp too) No? He said at end that a planted berry bush comes with a crop on it, does it? It’s not clear in rulebook as written to me, it says a seed becomes a crop, so if that includes populating the bush, I think rulebook needs to make that clearer you put a berry on the planted bush seed when planted so it’s harvestable. Or is intent that berries are NOT harvestable until tended once? It’s a critical difference tending adds more bushes. My understanding is the bush seed has NO harvestable crop on it when placed, and bushes can’t multiply on tend. The benefit
To my understanding, When you buy a blueberry seed from the market (or elsewhere), you place the blueberry bush in your supply. When you plant a blueberry bush, it comes onto your board with a blueberry crop on it. When you harvest it, the crop comes off, but the bush stays. When you tend a blueberry bush, you place one from the supply adjacent to any other blueberry bush, and it comes with a crop on it from the supply. If a planted berry bush were to come on the board without a crop, when would the bush get a crop? If only when tending, you would never have your initial bush populated with a crop.
@@thedicetower I agree it should come with crop when planted, but rulebook is ambiguous. You’d have to tend it to get crop, though it can be tended after a harvest without new seed. I think the tending though is limited to bushes already planted getting crops, but the bushes don’t spread like other crops. The rulebook mentions a tending example where it’s says max 1 for the berry in its pic. The benefit for not spreading a bush like others is that you can tend an empty bush for a new crop on later cycle and bush is worth 2vp.
@@thedicetower if blueberry bushes both came with a crop when planted and the bush is worth 2 vp, and harvest a blueberry crop for 4 vp (6 total, and could tend more crops without new seed too), blueberries would be strictly better than pumpkins that harvest for 6 and cost more manure and clog more space. i think rulebook is unclear, but i think they come empty and dont spread myself but asked in comments of KS for clarity.
@@thedicetower fyi: i asked for rules clarity in campaign comments, and Keymaster clarified it is indeed as i mentioned: the blueberry seed becomes an empty bush when planted. When you tend blueberry bushes, you put the blueberry fruit on the bush. If you want additional blueberry bushes, you must plant them with the Plant action.
@@jamesabele Just hopping in to help clarify here as well! (I'm a developer on the game and the solo designer.) - The blueberry bush comes onto your board EMPTY when planted, tending it will give you a blueberry on top of it. So, unlike other corps, you HAVE to tend blueberries in order to get harvestable crops. However, unlike other crops, when you harvest that blueberry the bush will stay behind so that you won't have to replant it.
I love the original game . definitely not feeling the art. It looks a little to pre school .. I wish it was more in line of everdale . it’s really expensive compared to the original.. to bad they just didn’t add an expansion.
Glad you enjoyed the solo mode Mike! I'm very excited to finally see folks getting to try it out.
One thing I noticed that would have been enough to get you over the edge: You missed gaining coins when harvesting! Any time you harvest crops (in addition to gaining points) you gain 1 coin for each unique crop type harvested. So you actually ended up missing a whole 3 coins in Round 3 and then another 2 coins in Round 4, which probably would have been a real game-changer!
There is also a slight error in that solo HARD mode that has been fixed. It should remove the income card that grants strawberries, which originally was the #6 card, but is now the #5 card. Thanks for helping us catch that!
Thanks for the catch! I'm now going to count it as a win.@@cameronart4863
Just picked this up at GenCon and it's THE best looking game of the con. It's unapologetically designed to feel and look like a Golden Book from (my) childhood. But gameplay - obviously not for that age group. The disparity between art and gameplay is kind of great. It's bright and makes you feel like you're having fun before you've even started playing.
Thanks for the playthrough Mike! :)
I love this, glad I backed it. I think the blueberries would have had a win because it would have used less resources. With the extra 2 points at the end I think they score the same as the pumpkins.
Great solo play! So close to a win. Really like the decision space of this game. I think Keymaster has done a great job with update of Harvest. Sadly, I feel like the price point is pretty high regardless of the upgraded components. Going to wait for the retail release.
I just got my Kickstarter copy and it looks like a number of the rules changed (for the better I think). This playthrough got me to back and I’ve enjoyed my first play!
One question I have: you put Gairy's and your sunrise card into the stack and reshuffled all the sunrise cards prior to the start of the action phase. Looking at the rules, doesn't that sunrise card then also determine the order in which you take a sunrise card the next round? I guess it doesn't matter so much for the solo play, but this would then mean you wouldn't ever get the option to pick the same sunrise card in back to back rounds.
Sorry, but I don't really understand the question. In the multiplayer game it works generally the same way. You have a display of 3 Sunrise cards, you get your own card, and the other player(s) would get a card. In lowest priority order, you exchange your card with one in the display. At that point, you get the boon (income and ability) listed on the new card, plus your Sunrise ability on your player board. You also will have a new initiative number which will determine the player order for the Action phase. Once player order is set, you shuffle all of the cards back together for the next round's Sunrise phase, and begin the Action phase. The cards chosen in one round will have no bearing on the second round, since they all get shuffled. It's absolutely possible to get the same Sunrise card in a consecutive round(s). In the solo game, the main difference is you deal out a card to Gairy at the beginning of the phase, and that's the card he will keep to determine his initiative for the round. Therefore you as the solo player will know definitively what the number you have to contend with is. Oftentimes, this leads to a decision of, I really like this great ability, but it has a higher number than Gairy's card, so is it worth it to go second in turn order?
When reading the rules they posted in the kickstarter, what you did doesn't seem to be what the rules are saying to do, so I just was looking for clarification. To start out, yes, it says to pass everyone a sunrise card to use for the first sunrise phase. Then it says to reveal 3 in the display, then one at a time each player trades in their current sunrise card for one in the display. Then it says once everyone has exchanged their card, it says to "shuffle the display", not including the sunrise cards people have. So then I assume for the next round, people exchange the sunrise card they had for the first round for a new one in the display for the second round. I just wanted to clarify this so that people don't misunderstand this when they play the game for themselves.
@@swimprincess2 ah, yes I see what you mean. It’s certainly possible that your interpretation is the correct one. I didn’t get any feedback from the publisher about that specifically, but I agree that it will be good to get clarification on how it’s meant to work.
Maybe Keymaster games will see this is be able to clarify for us! Thanks for your solo playthrough, it was nice to see what a game of this looks like on the table!
@@swimprincess2 Just hopping in to help clarify here as well! (I'm a developer on the game and the solo designer.) The sunrise card you have in Round 1 DOES dictate the order in which you will draft sunrise cards in the next round, so they shouldn't be shuffled back in before you draft new ones. This prevents you from being able to get the same sunrise card twice in a row and it also allows for other players to potentially draft the card you had in the previous round when you swap it into the display.
When playing solo, this isn't as important, but your card still shouldn't be shuffled back in before choosing a new card so that you don't have the opportunity to end up with the same card twice in a row. After revealing a new card for Gairy, his previous Sunrise card SHOULD be shuffled back in before you reveal a new display to choose from yourself. This isn't stated explicitly enough in the rules as it stands, so I will make sure that is fixed to be more clear.
Why does the cover look exactly like Catan though?
My thought exactly lol
I think Mike explained blueberries wrong based on my rulebook reading.
He implied tend let’s you place a new blueberry bush. I thought it’s difference was it could be tended without replanting a seed after harvest, but the bush itself can’t expand in tend and is more like a building (and is worth 2vp too) No?
He said at end that a planted berry bush comes with a crop on it, does it? It’s not clear in rulebook as written to me, it says a seed becomes a crop, so if that includes populating the bush, I think rulebook needs to make that clearer you put a berry on the planted bush seed when planted so it’s harvestable. Or is intent that berries are NOT harvestable until tended once? It’s a critical difference
tending adds more bushes. My understanding is the bush seed has NO harvestable crop on it when placed, and bushes can’t multiply on tend. The benefit
To my understanding, When you buy a blueberry seed from the market (or elsewhere), you place the blueberry bush in your supply. When you plant a blueberry bush, it comes onto your board with a blueberry crop on it. When you harvest it, the crop comes off, but the bush stays. When you tend a blueberry bush, you place one from the supply adjacent to any other blueberry bush, and it comes with a crop on it from the supply. If a planted berry bush were to come on the board without a crop, when would the bush get a crop? If only when tending, you would never have your initial bush populated with a crop.
@@thedicetower I agree it should come with crop when planted, but rulebook is ambiguous. You’d have to tend it to get crop, though it can be tended after a harvest without new seed.
I think the tending though is limited to bushes already planted getting crops, but the bushes don’t spread like other crops. The rulebook mentions a tending example where it’s says max 1 for the berry in its pic. The benefit for not spreading a bush like others is that you can tend an empty bush for a new crop on later cycle and bush is worth 2vp.
@@thedicetower if blueberry bushes both came with a crop when planted and the bush is worth 2 vp, and harvest a blueberry crop for 4 vp (6 total, and could tend more crops without new seed too), blueberries would be strictly better than pumpkins that harvest for 6 and cost more manure and clog more space. i think rulebook is unclear, but i think they come empty and dont spread myself but asked in comments of KS for clarity.
@@thedicetower fyi: i asked for rules clarity in campaign comments, and Keymaster clarified it is indeed as i mentioned: the blueberry seed becomes an empty bush when planted. When you tend blueberry bushes, you put the blueberry fruit on the bush. If you want additional blueberry bushes, you must plant them with the Plant action.
@@jamesabele Just hopping in to help clarify here as well! (I'm a developer on the game and the solo designer.) - The blueberry bush comes onto your board EMPTY when planted, tending it will give you a blueberry on top of it. So, unlike other corps, you HAVE to tend blueberries in order to get harvestable crops. However, unlike other crops, when you harvest that blueberry the bush will stay behind so that you won't have to replant it.
I love the original game . definitely not feeling the art. It looks a little to pre school .. I wish it was more in line of everdale . it’s really expensive compared to the original.. to bad they just didn’t add an expansion.
To me, it evokes the Little Golden books of my childhood. Personally, I love the art design on this one.
this new art looks much better.
@@AntiSocialHeroit’s so true. Reminds me of the rural hometown I come from.