I love the ranges of all of these women Vickie(scream machine) Kim (riff queen) Vanessa ( my favorite she can sing anything) I love you all Keep singing for JESUS.
Vanessa is my ALL-TIME favorite singer, and "Nobody But Jesus" is my all-time favorite song! They did this! All three of them on stage together was almost unbearable! Nothing quite compares to the original version of this song (Vanessa could NOT be touched back then). This was awesome, though! SING KIM, VICKIE and VANESSA!!
This displays what TRUE Gospel singing is! It's the ministry & annointing that is the MOST important thing. It's not always the prettiest singing...BUT hearing the passion, testimony, praise, worship, love, etc... BUT there is NO doubt that these ladies ALL have what it takes! God bless them!
I LOL every time at 0:58 when Vickie says "as Vanessa can do it", and playfully imitates that sassiness Vanessa gets in her voice. That is too funny! And those of us who are true Vanessa fans know how she can get down!
NOW THAT DON'T MAKE NO SENSE!!! Why they put them three together??!!! They don't know how to do anything else but start a song and then TEAR it to shreds and then have you on the floor slain in the SPIRIT!!!!!! MY GOD!!! Bless those leading ladies of GOSPEL!!!
Wow. No one can deny these power voices of God. And hats have to go off to Vickie for getting that weight under control. She is such an inspiration, given that obesity is hitting our community hard. You can be anointed but that doesn't mean anything if you're not going to be around to minister.
To wake up at 2:30 am in the morning on 06022009 and happen to view this video clip truly knocked me out of my chair! I thought I was actually dreaming! I know I saw Ricky and Dr. Betty Nelson in the audience and I screamed and woke everyone up in the house! Y'all Got To Stop This Madness, Lawd Jesussssssssssss!
Vickie is showing that she was doing runs up and down her vibrato before we even knew who Kim burrell was. Im not hating on Kim at all because she is bad for sure but Kim ain't the first one and isn't the only one thats got it. SANG VICKIE
Let me say something If Vickie can hold her ground with Kim why do people say kim has karen clark sheard.....there is more to singing than running or doing rifts kim and karen is the same thing as saying talent vs. anointing- nt hating on kim....I love her
I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS VIDEO!!! I won't even mention the singing cuz I even need to say how powerful it is. I just comment on the cool stuff I noticed. Vicki's jibberish@6:32-6:36, can anybody interpret it for me...lol Kim's hop@7:22, she got a kick out of Vickie following her so well Vickie's note@8:37, came from her anckles...lol Obviously I've watched this way too many times. And I'm gon keep on watchin it too....lol
Vickie and Kim are friends (notice kim calls her "queen" at 5:09). So I think Kim's aware of Vickie's vocal ability. Kim Didn't really give her anything that hard to do so... I don't really get the roller coaster comment. Not to mention, anyone who knows of Vicki, knows that she's always done runs of some sort. Kim's more like a higher pitched, jazzier Dorinda Clark Cole. Over all, Vanessa outsings both Kim and Vicki.
@dennydomemaster2 YES!!! They would have had to put Bettye at the end so she can just hit them high notes she loves to hit and then they'd be forced to say the benediction! No choice!! LOL Bettye would have took that song even higher!! MY GOD!!
ok i thought i was the only one that thought that she be with the clark sisters alot in the stuff i see on here p.s thanxs for not chewin my head off bout my comment
I don't think Kim has the voice for these types of songs. Her vocals are jazzy, and not meant for traditional powerhouse songs such as this one. I think she does well considering...
what happend to Kim? I thought she lost all that weight! oh my We all stuggle from something I guess. Great Video tho. I love Kim Burell and Vanessa Bell Aromstrong.
Best put, I don't know why this plaques the black community, but I am sick of looking at two tons of (not so fun) singing and eating, eating and singing, getting bigger and bigger by the verse, what happened to "gluttony" as a sin? I see too many sisters letting go,amd not letting God, this too is an addiction, in ot out of church, its time "we" as a people stop this madness!
I love the ranges of all of these women Vickie(scream machine) Kim (riff queen) Vanessa ( my favorite she can sing anything) I love you all Keep singing for JESUS.
Vickie's smile is awesome
all them killed this! That's why I love Gospel waaayyyy more than secular music!
Vanessa is my ALL-TIME favorite singer, and "Nobody But Jesus" is my all-time favorite song! They did this! All three of them on stage together was almost unbearable!
Nothing quite compares to the original version of this song (Vanessa could NOT be touched back then). This was awesome, though! SING KIM, VICKIE and VANESSA!!
Vanessa Bell Armstrong's stage presence is legendary! Her Vocal's are Genius, but most of all her anointing is TREMENDOUS!
This displays what TRUE Gospel singing is! It's the ministry & annointing that is the MOST important thing. It's not always the prettiest singing...BUT hearing the passion, testimony, praise, worship, love, etc... BUT there is NO doubt that these ladies ALL have what it takes! God bless them!
Did anyone catch Vanessa's LV suit?...YES!!
I like vickie's expression imitating the runs...sweet lol
Vickie winans is my favorite singer i love her so much
wow vickie did alot more than usual in a good way
I throw my mouse at the computer evertime I get to 8:12, and today...I left a mark!
I LOL every time at 0:58 when Vickie says "as Vanessa can do it", and playfully imitates that sassiness Vanessa gets in her voice. That is too funny! And those of us who are true Vanessa fans know how she can get down!
Now I KNOW I wasn't the only one to feel that???
God is AWESOME and this proves He can use whatever or whoever to bless us.
Kim and Vickie did they thang but Vanessa owns that song. You know you doing something when Kim Burrell pauses to listen lol.
OMG they shut the place down that was phenomenal they betta sang!
i simple love kim burrells voice...all of these women are exttraordinary...they make me wanna sing...lol...
Sorry but I don't know who they were in past performances but Vickie ate this one..
Vickie and her clip on....gotta love her lol
Vicki is so goofy!!! I love her! But, tell me, don't her and Karen look like sisters!? Hahaha. And of course, Kim was a blessing again!
NOW THAT DON'T MAKE NO SENSE!!! Why they put them three together??!!! They don't know how to do anything else but start a song and then TEAR it to shreds and then have you on the floor slain in the SPIRIT!!!!!! MY GOD!!! Bless those leading ladies of GOSPEL!!!
sang VIckiiiiii..... Ms.kim no mam didnt know all those words and still sangggg lol... And Ms Vanessa..No comments.. lol
All three of them are beast!!!!!!!!!!!
Sing for Jesus ladies!!!!!
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord!!!!
This is crazy I am still shouting Nobody but Jesus Thank You Lord Thank You
They sung the juice out this song!
THAT was intense! They better sang now!
Wow. No one can deny these power voices of God. And hats have to go off to Vickie for getting that weight under control. She is such an inspiration, given that obesity is hitting our community hard. You can be anointed but that doesn't mean anything if you're not going to be around to minister.
To wake up at 2:30 am in the morning on 06022009 and happen to view this video clip truly knocked me out of my chair! I thought I was actually dreaming! I know I saw Ricky and Dr. Betty Nelson in the audience and I screamed and woke everyone up in the house! Y'all Got To Stop This Madness, Lawd Jesussssssssssss!
Did ya'll hear Vicki at 7:42-7:44...oh my goodness...oooooooo SWEETNESS!!!
kim meet her match on the runs.... 7:10-7:20, kim had to shout/dance off that herself.
hot vid!
Vickie, Kim and Nessa Wow.....
Yaaaaaaaaas! Two of Gospels best on the same stage... I love them together and it wasnt a competiton!!! Saaaaaaaaaang Nessa!
Listen to Vanessa's Run @ 9:07-:09...CRAZY!!
LOL @ kim for starting to takes notes @ 9:35
I even love just watching Kim toss back her hair! Its so cute! lol!
6:18-6:24 Kim was just playin with that run lol
OMG! Sing!
gotta love vanessa shes sweet a true legend
i remember her singign what the Lords done for me at the azuza
Vickie is showing that she was doing runs up and down her vibrato before we even knew who Kim burrell was. Im not hating on Kim at all because she is bad for sure but Kim ain't the first one and isn't the only one thats got it. SANG VICKIE
I just heard that and I have been listening to this post forever LAWD!
Look at Keith... Hey Keith Williams... Love it! Keep Praising HIM!
Let me say something If Vickie can hold her ground with Kim why do people say kim has karen clark sheard.....there is more to singing than running or doing rifts kim and karen is the same thing as saying talent vs. anointing- nt hating on kim....I love her
oh they are going to make me have a praise time
listen to kim perfect vickis run at 7:01-7"04 hahahaha halarious
awsome awsome song
lol i was thinking the same thing. vickie showed what was up. they are both great
Great to FINALLY see the end of the video, the others cut off the end. when they say is he the one.
Thank You God!!
...lol. Goooo KIM..........& Vanessa
This was awesome.... as for vanessa... what gift is that?? its just out of this world.... i wouldnt wanna sing on her stage!!
I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS VIDEO!!! I won't even mention the singing cuz I even need to say how powerful it is. I just comment on the cool stuff I noticed. Vicki's jibberish@6:32-6:36, can anybody interpret it for me...lol
Kim's hop@7:22, she got a kick out of Vickie following her so well
Vickie's note@8:37, came from her anckles...lol
Obviously I've watched this way too many times. And I'm gon keep on watchin it too....lol
Kim Burrell..enough said Praise Him!
oo i rememba dis ...i was there
nobody but Jesus
zto much greatness on one stage system overload shutting down now lol
OMG this is great....thank you so very much for sharing
3:04 - 3:07! sick!
That sister can "sang"!
sing Vickie and Kim......
@shardtx I have never noticed that part... toooooooooooooooooo funny.... I love kim!
Much love to Kim my God she have a great voice I hope she lose weight a great talent need to be in great health God bless you Kim
Kim Burrell ate in this performance!
Vickie and Kim are friends (notice kim calls her "queen" at 5:09). So I think Kim's aware of Vickie's vocal ability. Kim Didn't really give her anything that hard to do so... I don't really get the roller coaster comment. Not to mention, anyone who knows of Vicki, knows that she's always done runs of some sort.
Kim's more like a higher pitched, jazzier Dorinda Clark Cole.
Over all, Vanessa outsings both Kim and Vicki.
If vickie can do it....then shut up to all the people who say Karen can't do KIm"s run and riffs they are on the same level
@dennydomemaster2 YES!!! They would have had to put Bettye at the end so she can just hit them high notes she loves to hit and then they'd be forced to say the benediction! No choice!! LOL Bettye would have took that song even higher!! MY GOD!!
ok i thought i was the only one that thought that she be with the clark sisters alot in the stuff i see on here
p.s thanxs for not chewin my head off bout my comment
BWAHAHAHA!!! I hate Kim don't know the words to this CLASSIC!!!!!
That's a doggone shame!!!!
I don't think Kim has the voice for these types of songs. Her vocals are jazzy, and not meant for traditional powerhouse songs such as this one. I think she does well considering...
She did lose all dat wieght. dis is an old vid. She looks greater now(I dnt think dat makes since)
KIMMMM Shut that down....She was just raining notes..everybody ele's was sqallin and holding..
Hahahahaha...Yes indeed.
that was vicki and kim in synce harmonizing
sure she has, her Karen Clark Sheard range
this is a question is kim know for her runs or something because she has that raspy to her voice so i dont think she can hit a high note or am i wrong
How I would love to trade vocal licks with you Kim but I sing R&B don't think they would allow me to do that. Kim B.... the B stands for Beast.
what happend to Kim? I thought she lost all that weight! oh my We all stuggle from something I guess. Great Video tho. I love Kim Burell and Vanessa Bell Aromstrong.
"We" as a people? Stop speaking for all black people. The real madness on that stage was not about weight.
I just saw that! LOL
Kim sing the song!! Can you just teach me please....DONT MAKE NO SENSE!!!
LOL thats funny!
Thought I forgot you .
im mad my computer stopped right on 6:16 lol
Best put, I don't know why this plaques the black community, but I am sick of looking at two tons of (not so fun) singing and eating, eating and singing, getting bigger and bigger by the verse, what happened to "gluttony" as a sin? I see too many sisters letting go,amd not letting God, this too is an addiction, in ot out of church, its time "we" as a people stop this madness!
vicki is weak..lol. she was standing lookin stupid on the right side