I really appreciate your very optimized builds. Imagine this combo with energized orb. Needs more slots from expanding stones, which might be trickier to do, but a zero cooldown mana absorb spam that can also give surplus mana to resonance rune for spawning more hands of cthulhu? Dunno if the mana cost would be too heavy though. Might need split and/ or energy saver on the mana absorb.
I really appreciate your very optimized builds. Imagine this combo with energized orb. Needs more slots from expanding stones, which might be trickier to do, but a zero cooldown mana absorb spam that can also give surplus mana to resonance rune for spawning more hands of cthulhu? Dunno if the mana cost would be too heavy though. Might need split and/ or energy saver on the mana absorb.
@@digusbickus that does sound interesting, thanks for the feedback :)
You're welcome. Hope it helps. Always fun to watch your runs, you really have a knack for making cool combos.