Hi, I love your Soulfist gameplay. I recently started building mine and I also went with Illusion strike build because of you. I have a question about what engravings I should play for 5x3+1 with master's elixir set?
elixir set is crit chance 7% set (don't know English notation) engravings is Grudge , Blitz Commander, mass increase, Adrenaline, E.O , ether predator 1 or Grudge , Blitz Commander, mass increase, Adrenaline, blunt weapon, E.O 1
Hi, I love your Soulfist gameplay.
I recently started building mine and I also went with Illusion strike build because of you.
I have a question about what engravings I should play for 5x3+1 with master's elixir set?
elixir set is crit chance 7% set (don't know English notation)
engravings is Grudge , Blitz Commander, mass increase, Adrenaline, E.O , ether predator 1
or Grudge , Blitz Commander, mass increase, Adrenaline, blunt weapon, E.O 1
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