JazakaAllah khayran. This is pristine sufism. Those imposters are the ones telling their followers not to pray. ....that they will intercede for them in Akhira. That's nothing but sham.
HAKEEM BAWALA Somone just accused tijaniyah of saying that Ahmad Tijani said Solati Fatih is superior and greater in rewards than obligatory salat. And he cited this book. He said and I quote "all tijaniyyat do believe that you earn more reward when reciting solatul fatih than observing the obligatory solat.you can check a book called Jawa'hirul maha'ny by Ahmad tija'ny or tenwiirul absor by Muhammad Awwal(oshodi). They also believe that is everywhere not in the samoh and many more" He also said: "look at the juzhul Awwal (the first volume) sofha arbatu WA tishun (page 94)..please read to us what he (Ahmad tija'ny)" What's your take on this? salaam
Wailekum Salam Waramothulahi Wabarakatul, Brother Please allow everyone to say whatever they likes until the arrival of the truth; very soon it clear to everyone. Ma Salam.
Èmi gigun fun Baba (R T A ) Aaminu
May Almighty Allah continue to shower His blessings on my Sheikh 🙏🙏🙏
Allahu Akbar,A great Islamic Scollar, Sheik, Preasher and Sheu,May Allahu Tallah give him long life with good health amin.
Alihamdillilai for giving us sheik Mohd Robiu Abd Malik Adebayo rta May Allah gave sheik Long life with good health Ameen
Radiya llahu tahala anhu
JazakaAllah khayran. This is pristine sufism. Those imposters are the ones telling their followers not to pray. ....that they will intercede for them in Akhira. That's nothing but sham.
May Allah continue to bless sheik Robiu Adebayo. I always enjoy your Samon fathi 1 Solatul 11 adia fun baba .
Alhamdoullilah Rabbil Anlamine
Jazamkum llaehi khaeran....MY SHEIKH
Long life and prosperity for my sheikh.
please keep uploading baba's lectures
jazaka lahu khiran
+bello ibrahim waiya kum
Mash'Allah ,OLOHUN bawa lora emi baba pelu alafia topeye ,thanks more of baba's video please JLKH
Waya Kum
HAKEEM BAWALA Somone just accused tijaniyah of saying that Ahmad Tijani said Solati Fatih is superior and greater in rewards than obligatory salat. And he cited this book. He said and I quote
"all tijaniyyat do believe that you earn more reward when reciting solatul fatih than observing the obligatory solat.you can check a book called Jawa'hirul maha'ny by Ahmad tija'ny or tenwiirul absor by Muhammad Awwal(oshodi). They also believe that is everywhere not in the samoh and many more"
He also said:
"look at the juzhul Awwal (the first volume) sofha arbatu WA tishun (page 94)..please read to us what he (Ahmad tija'ny)"
What's your take on this?
Wailekum Salam Waramothulahi Wabarakatul,
Brother Please allow everyone to say whatever they likes until the arrival of the truth; very soon it clear to everyone.
Ma Salam.