100+ USEFUL Sentences for Phone Conversation

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 2 ก.ค. 2024
  • Start a phone conversation (informal):
    1 Hello
    2 Hi. Noah speaking.
    3 Hey Ellie. It’s Ava.
    4 Is Noah there, please?
    5 Is Logan in?
    6 Is Mary around?
    7 Noah speaking.
    8 Speaking.
    9 This is Ethan.
    10 This is her/him.
    11 Who’s this?
    12 May I ask who’s calling?
    13 How’s it going?
    14 How are you?
    15 What’s up?
    16 How’s your day going?
    17 What are you doing?
    18 I’m so glad to hear from you.
    19 Good, thanks.
    20 Great, thanks.
    21 I’m doing great.
    22 Pretty good.
    23 Not much.
    24 The usual.
    25 What about you?
    26 How about yourself?
    Conversation 1
    Start a phone conversation (formal):
    27 Good morning/afternoon. ABC Company. Lily speaking.
    28 Hello, marketing department.
    29 How may I help you?
    30 What can I do for you today?
    31 Hello. This is Olivia calling from ABC Company. Could I speak to Mr. Johnson, please?
    32 Hi. This is Olivia from ABC Company. May I speak to Mr. Johnson, please?
    33 Good afternoon. I’m calling on behalf of ABC Company. I’d like to speak to Mr. Johnson, please.
    34 I’m calling to ask about the issues of my order.
    35 I’m calling to cancel my order.
    36 May I ask who’s calling?
    37 Where are you calling from, please?
    Conversation 2
    Tell the caller to wait (informal):
    38 One moment please.
    39 Just a moment please.
    40 Hold on.
    41 Hang on a sec.
    42 I’ll get him/her.
    Conversation 3
    Telling the caller to wait (formal):
    43 Please hold.
    44 Could you hold on, please?
    45 I’ll put you through to Mrs. Williams.
    46 Let me transfer you.
    47 I’m connecting you now.
    Conversation 4
    Saying someone isn’t available (informal)
    48 He’s/She’s not home right now.
    49 He/She isn’t back from school yet.
    50 She’s/He’s gone to a party with her/his friends.
    51 I’m busy at the moment. Can I get back to you later?
    Conversation 5
    Saying someone isn’t available (formal):
    52 I’m afraid she’s/he’s not in office right now.
    53 I’m sorry. She’s/He’s not at her/his desk at the moment.
    54 I’m sorry. She’s/He’s not here at the moment.
    55 I’m sorry he’s/she’s in a meeting right now.
    56 I’m afraid he’s/she’s not available at the moment.
    57 Well, it’s been great to talk, but I have a meeting in about five minutes. Would you mind calling again tomorrow?
    58 Would you like to leave a message?
    59 Could I take a message, please?
    Someone you asked for was not available. You want to leave a message or ask for calling back:
    61 When would be a good time to call?
    62 Do you know when she’ll/he’ll be back?
    63 Could I leave him/her a message?
    64 Could you ask him/her to call me back?
    65 Please tell him/her that I’ll meet him/her at 7pm.
    66 Please let him/her know that I’ll meet him/her at 7pm.
    Taking a message:
    67 Would you like to leave a message?
    68 Okay, I’ll make sure he/she gets your message.
    69 I’ll tell him/her that you called as soon as he/she gets back.
    70 I’ll let him/her know that.
    71 Can I have your name, please?
    72 Can I have your number, please?
    73 Could you spell that for me, please?
    Conversation 6
    Dealing with problems (Formal):
    74 Sorry, I can’t hear you very well.
    75 It looks like we have a bad connection.
    76 The line is very bad.
    77 Would you mind speaking up a little, please?
    78 Could you speak a little more slowly, please?
    79 Could you repeat that?
    80 Could I call you back, please?
    Dealing with problems (informal):
    81 Sorry, you’re breaking up.
    82 I didn’t catch what you just said.
    83 I’m sorry, what was that?
    84 Can you say that again?
    85 Can you repeat that?
    86 Can I call you back?
    Wrong call:
    87 I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong number.
    88 I’m sorry, there’s nobody here by that name.
    Ending a call (formal):
    89 It’s been great talking to you.
    90 It was nice talking to you.
    91 So, is there anything else I can help you with today?
    92 Thanks for calling.
    93 Thanks for your help.
    94 Thanks for your information.
    95 Thanks for your time.
    96 Have a nice day!
    97 Have a great day!
    Ending a calling (Informal):
    98 Bye.
    99 Enjoy your trip.
    100 Good luck with your exam.
    101 Take care.
    102 You too.
    103 Talk to you later.
    104 See you.

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