Would you guys like me to cover Kai’s theme? 🟧 *Death x Lord Shen* th-cam.com/video/RiTzTW0Fwso/w-d-xo.html 🟩 Out in *SPOTIFY* :) open.spotify.com/album/1yvKum8rsfUcfHkBgC3h6p?si=dmGWUghxSgWGP68vsqen-A 🟥 *Follow my Instagram* instagram.com/carameii_music?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
@@carameii bro, you're the best, I love your videos so much i come back every day just to enjoy them a bit more, you have an amazing talent and do an awesome job, congratulations on making another masterpiece, you truly deserve a prize and more recognition because this is incredible. 10/10 would come back again, every day 👌🏻.
@@somedude9450 Charming is pretty ok villain to be honest. He may not be the best but he's quite efficient(took the whole kingdom in one day with style), has understandable motivation and quiet funny. He just happened to be in the bad sequel with bad writing
Despite the 3rd movie being seen as the weakest, it's not weak in the sense of being terrible. It still remains a masterpiece of a movie, just not as powerful as the last two.
@@its_Hazerweakest? Kai literally blitzed all the masters in the Kung fu worldl and kept them as jade puppets, only thing he lacked was the character of the previous villains. But that's who Kai is, his theme just portray him perfectly. He's an embodiment of ambition, greed and pure power. there's not much of an evil character to him beside his hunger for the power he considered ultimate and thats what's terrifying, he's a force of nature and wants to control nature itself by acquiring all chi.
@@its_Hazer Yeah, it’s like comparing guns to each other, sure some are more effective than others, but they’re still deadly. Not my best analogy but you get the point.
Kai had been somewhere he had never been before. After his defeat, Po sent him somewhere different. Somewhere other than the spirit world, a white plain that stretched for eternity. When he first arrived, Kai was enraged at his defeat but as he screamed out his rage and anger, slashing everywhere and destroying the area around him he realized; *Nobody else could hear him.* As the supposed years of passing, Kai didn't seem to change, not physically at least. But as the supposed years flew by, he thought of his life. He spent decades in the spirit realm, his rage fueling his actions, his anger and feelings of betrayal making who he was. He thought of how pointless the thought of revenge was, and laughed at his past. As he laughed, he heard the first alien sound in this white void. Someone or Something was here with him. The thought of another here sparked a feeling of hope within him, he could finally leave. He could finally rest. A lone melody echoed in the endless void. Some would call it haunting, some would call it chilling, some would call it hopeless. But Kai felt otherwise, he knew this person. He met him before. He spotted a cloaked figure in the distance, he squinted with a small smile on his face, and as quickly as he saw the figure, it appeared before him. They took off their hood, revealing a wolf, with crimson eyes and a pointed snout. Kai smiled, and the wolf did as well. "I'm sure you remember me, old Bull?" The figure said, a calm ,welcoming grin across their face. "Soundly, old friend. Of course I would remember the face of death." Kai said, calmly. Death patted Kai on the shoulder, appearing taller to Kai as he did to Puss. "Ready to leave?" Death asked, welcoming Kai into an embrace. "Not quite" Kai said, readying his weapons. Death looked down towards Kai's blades, smiling with distinct satisfaction. He took a breath, sighing with a smile. "I remember, this wasn't like the first time we met. You've changed and so have the circumstances," Kai nodded, bowing towards Death humbly. "You were pretty mad, weren't you?" Kai said, reminiscing. "Yes, Indeed I was. I always disliked those who cheated me. However, you've learned, you've changed. Anyways, what was your request?" Kai smiled, raising his blades like he was heading back into battle. "One last fight, for old times sake?" Kais said, looking to Death. Death chuckled. "Of course, I can't refuse the wish of a dying man. Shall we?" Death said, holding his hand out to Kai. Kai smiled as they both stepped back 10 steps away from each other. They circled and rotated, then death struck the ground with his sickles adding a new color to the dull white void. A large, wide ring made of green glowing fire. It was the size of an arena, as Kai grinned at the set stage. Both contenders took out their weapons, then the fight commenced. They charged at each other, Kai using his blades to launch himself, while death ran and faced Kai head on. Kai used his blades to smash himself downwards towards Death, and death dodged it. Death cut off one of Kai's blades before he was kicked in the face, launching him back. Death dug his sickles into the ground, stopping his movement. "Bien, muy Bien. You've gotten stronger, Chi Warrior." Death said, grabbing the ends of his sickles, manifesting chains as they gripped to his forearms. Kai gasped, but in a surprised and impressed way. He never got this far fighting Death without retreating. Kai swung his blades towards the wolf as death slammed Kai's blades into the ground, beginning to run on the suspended chains. Kai pulled his blades back, twirling them and chaining death. Death easily cut through the chains, and charged at Kai with his own blades as Kai moved back. Kai ran towards the first clashing point, grabbing his cut blade and using his chains as whips towards Death. Death moved forwards, dodging and weaving from side to side as he charged at Kai. As soon as death got close, Kai smacked Death's face with his broken blade. Death countered by slashing at Kai's leg before he was launched back again. Death flew backwards, as Kai stood, ignoring his leg. "I know you've missed this feeling, old friend." Kai grinned as he looked up towards Death, "I'VE MISSED IT ALL! ALL THE PAIN, ALL THE ADRENALINE!" Kai said, holding his blade and broken chain. The fire around them roared, and glowed brighter. He swung his chain at Death, as the wolf entangled their chains and pulled Kai towards him. And with one fatal slash, the fight was over. Kai fell to his knees, turning to face death as he collapsed. Death sheathed his sickles as he walked to Kai. Kai gasped as he felt his life leave his body, looking up to death as smiles spread across their faces as the fire around them slowly died. "Was I close?" Kai said, his voice wavering "Pretty close, Muy cerca..." "Heh, I think I'm ready now.." Kai said in a satisfied voice as he looked on. Kai's body glowed as it slowly hardened into Jade. The jade pieces of his body slowly moved apart as they ascended upwards. Then the fire around them finally went out. Death looked up to the ascending pieces, a smile on his face. "Rest well, great warrior." Somewhere in the spirit realm, Oogway meditated. The golden area around him, moving like a calm sea. Then slowly, the leaves on his tree turned to a beautiful Jade green. Master Oogway shed a silent tear as a grin formed on his face, and he felt at peace knowing that his brother had finally been laid to rest..
Hey this is Eli, this is frocking insane bro. You just crossed the Kung fu panda universe with the shrek universe and it’s amazing, not like they’re not already in the same universe. Very well written and saw very little wrong with it. Great job!
My take Death:"Noone has escaped me yet, you think you'll be any different?" Kai:"I WILL be the First." Death:" Confident? Or just plain Arrogant? Ohhhh How I LOVE. chasing Idiots like you."
“It’s not fair! You gave Oogway a thousand years of life, and yet you left me to rot for 500. Why?!”. “Because he *changed*, Kai, while you didn’t. Plus, what can I say? I’m a turtle person. Sue me”.
Kai: wait, you ACTUALLY recognize me and all my other titles!? YES! Thank you! Literally everyone I’ve met in the Living Realm doesn’t have a clue who I am! Death: believe me, I know a lot of people. Including the ones who’s souls are trapped within your jade amulets. Tell the snow leopard and peacock I said hi.
I would think Death, if he were to ever hunt down Kai, would take the form of a Panda, since it's widely believed that Death only looks like a big bad wolf in The Last Wish because that'd evoke the most fear out of Puss. By proxy, Kai might actually have reason to be scared of the Pandas due to their imperative control over Chi, especially if that Panda had glowing red irises and black sclera.
Kai: Oh look who is here!!! Death Wolf himself!!! Death: I told before DON'T CALL ME THAT!!! I am just Death!! DEATH STRAIGHT UP!!! K: Says someone who couldn't hold me! D: You're the only soul who escaped from my grasp. I'll make sure there's none after you. Tai Lung (in the afterlife): Hahaha finally a worthy opponent, their battle will be legendary!!! Shen : Quite you fool!! Let me see if death lives it to his name.
Kai and Death are such great villains, especially for me, because these 2 genuinely pose a dangerous threat against the protagonist, and I love those types of villains.
Facing off against one of them is terrifying enough. Now imagine facing off against both at the same time. Oh yeah and this sounds awesome. Keep it up👍
WOOOOOOW. 1:12 IS LIKE THE MOST EPIC THING I'VE EVER HEARD, IT'S SO AWESOME !! I was really waiting for this and damn is it epic. Like, 1 million congrats, and just, just thank you for mashing them up. Kai and Death are just so awesome villains, and hearing their themes mashed is so, so great. Just congrats, it's really really awesome
@@crabkid3473 consequences like what? I am currently writing a battle between them (this video inspired me) and would love to hear what consequences you think should result from these two going at it!
Two massive antagonists, maybe the biggest in Dreamworks, colliding to become a crazy theme. Even both characters are massively feared by there protagonists
I am imagining a scene that goes with the music. Here's a synopsis. Death was waiting in a field. He wasn't too sure why, but he could feel a soul that had evaded his grasp for many years. Several centuries even. It stank of a past due expiration, and Death was there to collect. Suddenly, the sky emitted a green hue, an ethereal power taking over the atmosphere like an oil spill in the ocean. Death's intuition seemed to have been correct, so he let loose his iconic whistle. As he lets out his warning call, a circle of energy begins to take shape. A silhouette can be seen in the center of that circle. A massive warrior, shrouded in green, weilding two blades on chains. Energy pulses around him, putting Death slightly on edge. He had never encountered anyone like this before. And in a flash of light, the warrior is uncovered, revealed to be the one and only Kai. He surveyed his surroundings, taking in the mortal realm. With the realization that he escaped the spirit realm, Kai grins, and triumphantly lets out a laugh, filled with an arrogant energy that Death has only seen in the most unworthy of souls. He growls and raises a hooked blade to Kai. "So you are Kai. The maker of widows, I presume?" Kai finally notices Death, and smirks, hearing his name sending a shiver of pleasure down his spine. "You presume correctly, wolf. Allow me to now ask you a question." Kai leaps into the air and lands just inches away from Death, his shadow looming over the force of nature. "If I were to stab you, would you die?" A green blade rose up to Death's throat. But instead of fear, to Kai's displeased surprise, the wolf merely chuckled, seemingly amused at the warrior's confidence. "As a matter of fact, no." Suddenly, in the blink of an eye, Kai's blade was on the ground, as if an invisible creature had knocked it out of his hand. "I would not." The wolf rose a hooked blade up to Kai, his sneer displaying a row of serrated fangs. "Now let's test *your* mortality, shall we?" Kai was at a loss for words. The wolf's piercing red eyes, like two hot coals, were like nothing he had ever seen before. And the tenacity of this mortal was astounding. It almost reminded him of...an old friend. "Your chi," Kai replied, as calmly as he could, "must be quite powerful." He picked up his blade, to the delight of Death, and swung it at the wolf. He narrowly missed, as the wolf dodged with ease. Kai then decided holding back was not an option. This mortal's chi was too strong. Kai launched a flurry of attacks, each swing shaking the very earth around them. And yet the wolf evaded each attempt, with grace comparable to the most poised kung fu masters Kai had ever faced. In his black cloak, he looked like a shadow, zipping around like a pathetic little fly, too afraid to be swatted. And this infuriated Kai. "What's the matter?" The wolf inquired with a condescending tone. "Is my life not in your hands? Am I not the bug you imagined mortals would be?" Kai yelled and bounded towards Death, wielding each one like how a butcher would before slaughtering a chicken. He reached the wolf and brought down his blades. And to his bewilderment, instead of a thunk, he heard a clank. Sparks illuminated the wolf's eyes, making him look otherworldly. It seemed Kai was not the only warrior duel-wielding, as the wolf held two scythes, their silver sheen reflecting Kai's greens eyes back to him. "You're not impressing me, Kai. All chit-chat and no actual skill." Fury flooded Kai's mind. How dare this weakling mock him? In one swift movement, the spirit warrior swung his chains around the wolf, ensnaring his enemy. Pulling his opponent, Kai smirked, his hands positioned to steal the chi of the wolf. "Your chi," Kai announced, "is now mine!" The victory of the moment soon turned into awkward silence. Death, trapped in the chains, began to cackle, his laughter echoing into the distance. Kai, confounded, stared at his hands. Despite his powerful ability, it seemed this wolf had..no chi. At all. Even the weakest living creatures had a sapling of chi in them. So where was this wolf's chi? Death snapped the chains, letting them fall. "You still haven't figured it out." He walked to Kai, his blades dragging across the ground. "You fancy yourself the "maker of widows?"" The wolf snarled, causing Kai to take a single step back, his poise turning defensive. "You are a common thief, taking what isn't yours." A scythe rose and poked Kai's neck. "While I am the *taker* of widows! I was there to witness each needless seizure of life. Oh I wanted your soul. But you were imprisoned in immortality. Which kept you safe from *me* ." Kai's eyes widened. "You are no mortal. You are.." Death grinned. "Go ahead," he chuckled as he combined his scythes to create one double-sided weapon, " *say my name.* "
Kai: "Your, Heisenberg?" Wolf: "WHAT!? NO, I'm fucking Death!!!" Kai: "ooohhhh, sorry it was so boring in the spirit realm that I spent most of it watching cable, you know shows like breaking bad?" Wolf: "shut up!"
My dreams, my nightmares, and my deepest wishes have come true!!!!!!!! My two favorite villains from the past few years (yes, KFP 3 was only a few years ago, don't make me think otherwise because then I'll feel old) coming together like this is just AH!!!!! But legit, could you imagine this duo?! A person, power crazed, and the other, literally death! And both with abso-frickin'-loutly AWESOME weapons!
@@darkblade8205 and they would probably break the laws of death about a thousand time before their fight finally came to a conclusion, and I’m saying that as a guy who understands inter dimensional realm travel…
Wolf: "Fear me, for I am death!!!" Kai: "I will not fear someone, who failed to contain me!!!" Wolf: "You will not escape me again Kai!!!" Kai: "The fact that I escaped you the first time proves that you are weaker then you appear!!!" Wolf: "you got lucky, but that luck is about to run out!!!' Kai: "Who ever said that it was all luck!?" Wolf: "Prove it"
@@robot4268 Oh day isn't my time anyway , i prefer night and do you know why my cloak is white? Because i want them to see and hear, that death is near....Smhhhh!!!! I JUST LOVE THE SMELL OF FEAR!!!!!
Kai and Death - both are insanely strong - both wield dual blades as weapons - both hail from the afterlife and came to the mortal realm to battle someone Its like they're made for each other
Quick dialogue scene between these 2 legends: Kai: The mortal realm! You hear that, PO? I'm back. Kai has RETURNED!..... (looks behind as he hears the death whistle!)...... Death(after kai turns to see death): Arrrrh, you're ruining this for me! Kai: Do you think I'm going to leave? I just entered the mortal realm after taking SOO MANY Chi's from all the masters. Death: Everyone thinks they'll be the one to defeat me, but no one has escaped me yet. You already know that! don't you? Kai: Well, I will return when I'm done with my revenge! Death: You had an opportunity to forgive what happened, and grow. But you chose destruction and revenge! Kai: I choose revenge, and will keep choosing until I'm satisfied. Stop me if you can. Death: This is gonna be FUN! Epic fight begins :)
Though when you think about it.. Death isn't the villain, more a loney hero. If you can't die, you will soon outlive all you care about, until you have no one and nothing.
The essence, the orchestra, the component part of each and every second of the music is so OP that i imagine this is like the collaboration of Samuel Kim as Death and Carameii as Kai. Both working together to defeat their own arch nemesis, Puss in Boots and Po the dragon warrior,
POV: **puss in boots enters the boss room while death is chasing him** **kai is summoned** death: i have come for your last life, puss in boots *Imeanwhile* kai: I will take your chi! puss in boots: ah shit, here we go again
I just picture a scene where Death creates some red ghostly jade version of Oogway just to fuck with Kai but once he defeats the Oogway ghost Death fights him himself
AHHH! That gave me an amazing idea to add to the battle I am writing between these 2! Since Death has the ability to give people hallucinations. I will elaborate on it once I have developed the idea fully.
Kai was standing on a white plain. The snow-white ground stretched on as far as his eyes could see, and the sky emitted a blinding white light from all angles, making this a shadow-less realm. The last thing Kai could remember, he was battling a panda with chi that rivaled even Oogway's. And he had obtained it, all of it, and it felt _so_ good. But then all he could see was a blinding light, and he was here. Kai was furious. He was _this_ close to having limitless power, and now he had nothing. He let out a rageful bellow. The roar reverberated across the plain, and Kai suddenly noticed that he could hear no sound except that of which was caused by his own volition. He was alone. Kai spent decades retaining his anger towards Oogway and the panda that had defeated him. But as time went on, without any contact of life and nothing to do but fiddle with his blades, he eventually had to think about his own decisions, no matter how good he was at putting that off. And when that time came, he realized how pointless it was to sought the power of chi only for himself. Why hadn't he been satisfied with what he had? Why did he want more? Kai wrestled with these questions for months, and when he found no answer, he felt enraged with himself. With how many years he could have lived along side Oogway, the memories they could have made, the experiences they could have shared. But instead, he chose power, and where had that gotten him? Alone _and_ powerless. Kai lay on the stone, gazing up at the white sky, thinking of his arrogant self. A lone melody, quick and quiet, echoed across the void. Kai immediately jumped; it had been so, so long since he had heard a sound that wasn't his own. But once he recognized it, he calmed. Some would find it haunting, others chilling. But Kai, after decades of longing for it, found it soothing; he could finally leave, finally rest. He rolled on his stomach, and spotted a hooded figure, draped in a black cloak. It was jarring, seeing something other than himself, his accessories, or a blank sheet of white. His eyes sharpened on the figure, and before it had a chance to remove it's hood, Kai spoke, so eager to engage in conversation after going so long without it. "Salvation," Kai said, his voice filled with joy and his face a wide smile as the figure took off it's hood, revealing a tall, thin wolf with crimson red eyes and a pointed snout. "You remember me? I am flattered, viejo enemigo," the wolf said, his face forming a grin. "One does not easily forget death," Kai chuckled, feeling his muscles relax and his anger subside for the first time in centuries.
@@zacharyspencer6839kai:"seems like it I've had a few good decades long to think about all the things the maker of widows has done and what he could have done better"
Dos grandes leyendas que les quedo muy pequeña la historia en donde los pusieron el mejor villano y el mejor antagonista perfección joder esto si es cine fino señores
I imagine this playing during the most climatic battle sequence in Movie History. For example, that one Avengers Endgame battle scene is a great example. Or even during the end credit scene of the final episode of amazing trilogy, franchise (e.g. Spiderverse or even Kung Fu Panda) Please never stop making music like this, you have amazing talent.
An immortal spirit warrior and the embodiment of death, put them together and it’s an inescapable chase Put them against each other and it’s a clash of beasts
I haven't seen Kung Fu Panda 3 since it's release I forgot how much Kai's theme song slaps. Puss in Boots 2 was a delightful surprise the wolf definitely sold the show. Great Mashup👏👏
@@Trosvvo Death doesn't fight though. He only went after Puss because he didn't put value on his lives. Since Kai certainly doesn't have that problem, Death would have absolutely no reason to go after him and to top it off, Kai, like Oogwei can live a very long time
@@Saiko0001 But I think Death would go after Kai since Kai escaped him. Like Death would find the idea of cheating him and getting a new life absurd and infuriating, so he would go after Kai
@@Trosvvo Nope. Kai didn't die, neither did Oogwei. It's outright stated in the movies and series that Oogwei was hundreds (maybe even thousands) of years old and Kai was there for the majority of his time before getting banished yo the spirit realm. There can be a case if you mean after the Po fight but in terms of the DW lore, Kai, Oogwei and Tai Lung didn't die
@@Saiko0001 Except that when characters go into the spirit realm, that is when they die in the KFP universe. They die and get sent the spirit realm, hence the, ya know, 'spirit'.
"It's not fair. It's not FAIR! You gave Oogway a thousand years! The Dragon Warrior doesn't have to die until he wishes! But you lock me up, for centuries upon centuries?" "Life isn't fair, warlord. I'm not the one who counts the grains. I cut the threads. I trim the frayed edges. I deal with loose ends. That's my job." "I'm not going back! I can't! I WON'T! I'll take the chi of all the masters, even the Dragon Warrior! Then YOU will have to obey ME!" 'chuckles softly' "Oh, Kai. The arrogant ones are always the most fun. I'm going to enjoy watching your petulance be replaced with fear."
Would you guys like me to cover Kai’s theme?
🟧 *Death x Lord Shen* th-cam.com/video/RiTzTW0Fwso/w-d-xo.html
🟩 Out in *SPOTIFY* :) open.spotify.com/album/1yvKum8rsfUcfHkBgC3h6p?si=dmGWUghxSgWGP68vsqen-A
🟥 *Follow my Instagram* instagram.com/carameii_music?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Please make one theme gigachad x valkiry apocalypse
No gracias, pa eso tengo snaptube :)
Maybe you can do a Death x any HTTYD villain
Maybe you could do Death X Shen or Tai Lung
Death x Pitch Black from Rise Of The Guardians
When the toughest players in dodge ball are on the same team 💀
I’m glad I saw this before it was pinned
Death and also death.
So am I Death or Kai?
More like if the coach and the sans of dodge ball team up
I like to think death exists in every dreamworks universe, and this is playing when he faces Kai.
Reminds me of Samuel Kim’s mashups.
Death would be incredibly pissed off at Kai for reviving himself
@@alanabyss9246 imagine if kai stole death
@@toothhair3676 the ultimate UNO reverse card
@@alanabyss9246 Kai can't revive himself
Dreamworks never miss with villains. Just like how Carameii never misses with mashup
Thank you! I’m humbled
@@carameii bro, you're the best, I love your videos so much i come back every day just to enjoy them a bit more, you have an amazing talent and do an awesome job, congratulations on making another masterpiece, you truly deserve a prize and more recognition because this is incredible. 10/10 would come back again, every day 👌🏻.
*Looks at shrek the third* Erm…
@@somedude9450 Charming is pretty ok villain to be honest. He may not be the best but he's quite efficient(took the whole kingdom in one day with style), has understandable motivation and quiet funny. He just happened to be in the bad sequel with bad writing
@@ordinarymann Eh fair enough.
Kai may not be the most memorable villain out of him, Tai Lung and Lord Shen, but he certainly has the most memorable theme
Despite the 3rd movie being seen as the weakest, it's not weak in the sense of being terrible. It still remains a masterpiece of a movie, just not as powerful as the last two.
@@its_Hazer I personally think it's on par with the other 2.
@@its_Hazerweakest? Kai literally blitzed all the masters in the Kung fu worldl and kept them as jade puppets, only thing he lacked was the character of the previous villains. But that's who Kai is, his theme just portray him perfectly. He's an embodiment of ambition, greed and pure power. there's not much of an evil character to him beside his hunger for the power he considered ultimate and thats what's terrifying, he's a force of nature and wants to control nature itself by acquiring all chi.
@@its_Hazer Yeah, it’s like comparing guns to each other, sure some are more effective than others, but they’re still deadly.
Not my best analogy but you get the point.
Kai had been somewhere he had never been before. After his defeat, Po sent him somewhere different. Somewhere other than the spirit world, a white plain that stretched for eternity. When he first arrived, Kai was enraged at his defeat but as he screamed out his rage and anger, slashing everywhere and destroying the area around him he realized;
*Nobody else could hear him.*
As the supposed years of passing, Kai didn't seem to change, not physically at least. But as the supposed years flew by, he thought of his life. He spent decades in the spirit realm, his rage fueling his actions, his anger and feelings of betrayal making who he was. He thought of how pointless the thought of revenge was, and laughed at his past. As he laughed, he heard the first alien sound in this white void. Someone or Something was here with him. The thought of another here sparked a feeling of hope within him, he could finally leave.
He could finally rest.
A lone melody echoed in the endless void. Some would call it haunting, some would call it chilling, some would call it hopeless. But Kai felt otherwise, he knew this person. He met him before. He spotted a cloaked figure in the distance, he squinted with a small smile on his face, and as quickly as he saw the figure, it appeared before him. They took off their hood, revealing a wolf, with crimson eyes and a pointed snout. Kai smiled, and the wolf did as well.
"I'm sure you remember me, old Bull?" The figure said, a calm ,welcoming grin across their face.
"Soundly, old friend. Of course I would remember the face of death." Kai said, calmly.
Death patted Kai on the shoulder, appearing taller to Kai as he did to Puss.
"Ready to leave?" Death asked, welcoming Kai into an embrace.
"Not quite" Kai said, readying his weapons.
Death looked down towards Kai's blades, smiling with distinct satisfaction. He took a breath, sighing with a smile.
"I remember, this wasn't like the first time we met. You've changed and so have the circumstances,"
Kai nodded, bowing towards Death humbly.
"You were pretty mad, weren't you?" Kai said, reminiscing.
"Yes, Indeed I was. I always disliked those who cheated me. However, you've learned, you've changed. Anyways, what was your request?"
Kai smiled, raising his blades like he was heading back into battle.
"One last fight, for old times sake?" Kais said, looking to Death. Death chuckled.
"Of course, I can't refuse the wish of a dying man. Shall we?" Death said, holding his hand out to Kai.
Kai smiled as they both stepped back 10 steps away from each other. They circled and rotated, then death struck the ground with his sickles adding a new color to the dull white void. A large, wide ring made of green glowing fire. It was the size of an arena, as Kai grinned at the set stage. Both contenders took out their weapons, then the fight commenced.
They charged at each other, Kai using his blades to launch himself, while death ran and faced Kai head on. Kai used his blades to smash himself downwards towards Death, and death dodged it. Death cut off one of Kai's blades before he was kicked in the face, launching him back. Death dug his sickles into the ground, stopping his movement.
"Bien, muy Bien. You've gotten stronger, Chi Warrior." Death said, grabbing the ends of his sickles, manifesting chains as they gripped to his forearms. Kai gasped, but in a surprised and impressed way. He never got this far fighting Death without retreating.
Kai swung his blades towards the wolf as death slammed Kai's blades into the ground, beginning to run on the suspended chains. Kai pulled his blades back, twirling them and chaining death. Death easily cut through the chains, and charged at Kai with his own blades as Kai moved back. Kai ran towards the first clashing point, grabbing his cut blade and using his chains as whips towards Death. Death moved forwards, dodging and weaving from side to side as he charged at Kai. As soon as death got close, Kai smacked Death's face with his broken blade. Death countered by slashing at Kai's leg before he was launched back again. Death flew backwards, as Kai stood, ignoring his leg.
"I know you've missed this feeling, old friend."
Kai grinned as he looked up towards Death,
"I'VE MISSED IT ALL! ALL THE PAIN, ALL THE ADRENALINE!" Kai said, holding his blade and broken chain. The fire around them roared, and glowed brighter.
He swung his chain at Death, as the wolf entangled their chains and pulled Kai towards him. And with one fatal slash, the fight was over.
Kai fell to his knees, turning to face death as he collapsed. Death sheathed his sickles as he walked to Kai.
Kai gasped as he felt his life leave his body, looking up to death as smiles spread across their faces as the fire around them slowly died.
"Was I close?" Kai said, his voice wavering
"Pretty close, Muy cerca..."
"Heh, I think I'm ready now.." Kai said in a satisfied voice as he looked on.
Kai's body glowed as it slowly hardened into Jade. The jade pieces of his body slowly moved apart as they ascended upwards.
Then the fire around them finally went out.
Death looked up to the ascending pieces, a smile on his face.
"Rest well, great warrior."
Somewhere in the spirit realm, Oogway meditated. The golden area around him, moving like a calm sea. Then slowly, the leaves on his tree turned to a beautiful Jade green. Master Oogway shed a silent tear as a grin formed on his face, and he felt at peace knowing that his brother had finally been laid to rest..
Holy shit this is heat and underrated as hell my boy
Dawg you just dropped a massive essay and it was FIRE
Enjoyed reading the whole thing, underrated
Hey this is Eli, this is frocking insane bro. You just crossed the Kung fu panda universe with the shrek universe and it’s amazing, not like they’re not already in the same universe. Very well written and saw very little wrong with it. Great job!
Jesus you could ba a fanfic writer
@@jessechargualaf4110 Oi, Eli :)
Death: Kai, you've left the spirit world.
Kai: And I'm not going back!
Death: Nobody has escaped me yet.
Kai: Well let me be the first!
Death: Oh this is gonna be fun.
My take
Death:"Noone has escaped me yet, you think you'll be any different?"
Kai:"I WILL be the First."
Death:" Confident? Or just plain Arrogant? Ohhhh How I LOVE. chasing Idiots like you."
“It’s not fair! You gave Oogway a thousand years of life, and yet you left me to rot for 500. Why?!”.
“Because he *changed*, Kai, while you didn’t. Plus, what can I say? I’m a turtle person. Sue me”.
Kai: wait, you ACTUALLY recognize me and all my other titles!? YES! Thank you! Literally everyone I’ve met in the Living Realm doesn’t have a clue who I am!
Death: believe me, I know a lot of people. Including the ones who’s souls are trapped within your jade amulets. Tell the snow leopard and peacock I said hi.
@ShadowRyderVR Did you watch the movie?
Hey is there a way I can buy a license to your entire catalogue of music? I'd love to use them all!
Did not expect to see you here...
Duddeeeee ferg just in one of you're videos omggggg I can't believe it ferg if you can see me I'm a big fan more than me are my friends
Tbh I have something I'd love to use the death + dark souls for...
Wait iferg in here,how
How did you get here?
"Whats wrong? Lifes flashing before your eyes?"
"No its not because it already happend years ago"
I would think Death, if he were to ever hunt down Kai, would take the form of a Panda, since it's widely believed that Death only looks like a big bad wolf in The Last Wish because that'd evoke the most fear out of Puss.
By proxy, Kai might actually have reason to be scared of the Pandas due to their imperative control over Chi, especially if that Panda had glowing red irises and black sclera.
Best idea ever
^ agreed
That theory is not confirmed.
@@celtic7029 yes
I mean... The nightmare fuel of death contorting and bloating into a panda is worth to see.
Death: I'm sorry, have we met before?
Kai: I am Kai! Beast of Vegeance, Maker of Widows! A spirit warrior!
Death: ...Yeah I don't think we've met.
Kai: Oh look who is here!!! Death Wolf himself!!!
Death: I told before DON'T CALL ME THAT!!! I am just Death!! DEATH STRAIGHT UP!!!
K: Says someone who couldn't hold me!
D: You're the only soul who escaped from my grasp. I'll make sure there's none after you.
Tai Lung (in the afterlife): Hahaha finally a worthy opponent, their battle will be legendary!!!
Shen : Quite you fool!! Let me see if death lives it to his name.
@@sparshgongale1943 make it even better
@@arnavrakshit5140 How 😆
@@sparshgongale1943 using AI i guess
@@arnavrakshit5140 nah bro AI can't match my imagination 😎
Damn, this mashup is truly a LIFETIME
saw the pfp and thought ive already seen this💀
Is that supposed to be a pun though
if they're villains, why their themes are such a banger?
Villains get the best themes
If bad why good
Exactly being Villain made your themes banger
@@craytherlaygaming2852 Yes!
General Kai the Collector,
The Jade Slayer,
Master of Pain,
Beast of Vengeance,
Maker of Widows,
Supreme Warlord of all China.
And Death.
Straight up.
Not theoretically, or poetically, or any other fancy way.
The Grim Reaper Himself As A Wolf...
Too good.
We need an animation of these 2 fighting, CAUSE DAMN THIS WOULD BE INSANE, Let this be the battle music
Kai and Death are such great villains, especially for me, because these 2 genuinely pose a dangerous threat against the protagonist, and I love those types of villains.
They are both good villains in good movies.
Samuel Kim: *epic music*
Carameii: *A challenger approaches.*
Facing off against one of them is terrifying enough. Now imagine facing off against both at the same time. Oh yeah and this sounds awesome. Keep it up👍
Throw grimmel in there and you've REALLY got a bad time
And even better is that they both dual wielder
I would be flattered facing two strong opponents at the same time
Even if I die
I'll die as the guy who fought Kai and death at the same time
Sums up Elden ring godskin duo boss fight.
Kai would try to take Death's Xi if they met
Death's sinister and dark whistle mixed with the mysterious introduction music of Kai is just perfect👍👏
One is the beast of vengeance and the maker of widows.
The other is death. Straight. Up.
"I'm Death, straight up" 💀
"I'm Kai, straight up!"
Kais dead straight up
“I’m straight up, Dead”💀
WOOOOOOW. 1:12 IS LIKE THE MOST EPIC THING I'VE EVER HEARD, IT'S SO AWESOME !! I was really waiting for this and damn is it epic. Like, 1 million congrats, and just, just thank you for mashing them up. Kai and Death are just so awesome villains, and hearing their themes mashed is so, so great. Just congrats, it's really really awesome
Imagine a fight between these two with this playing in the background
@@somegoodsoup7008 YEESSSSS, GIVE US
No a battle with death and their fight has a chatistrofic conisquens
@@crabkid3473 consequences like what? I am currently writing a battle between them (this video inspired me) and would love to hear what consequences you think should result from these two going at it!
I would literally throw myself across the room
Two massive antagonists, maybe the biggest in Dreamworks, colliding to become a crazy theme. Even both characters are massively feared by there protagonists
Up there in my favorite villains.
W mashup great job bro
Linxyc why u here bro
Such a banger!!! Ngl!!!
This reminds of…the two best Players are against each other or in the same team!!!
I am imagining a scene that goes with the music. Here's a synopsis.
Death was waiting in a field. He wasn't too sure why, but he could feel a soul that had evaded his grasp for many years. Several centuries even. It stank of a past due expiration, and Death was there to collect. Suddenly, the sky emitted a green hue, an ethereal power taking over the atmosphere like an oil spill in the ocean. Death's intuition seemed to have been correct, so he let loose his iconic whistle. As he lets out his warning call, a circle of energy begins to take shape. A silhouette can be seen in the center of that circle. A massive warrior, shrouded in green, weilding two blades on chains. Energy pulses around him, putting Death slightly on edge. He had never encountered anyone like this before. And in a flash of light, the warrior is uncovered, revealed to be the one and only Kai.
He surveyed his surroundings, taking in the mortal realm. With the realization that he escaped the spirit realm, Kai grins, and triumphantly lets out a laugh, filled with an arrogant energy that Death has only seen in the most unworthy of souls. He growls and raises a hooked blade to Kai. "So you are Kai. The maker of widows, I presume?" Kai finally notices Death, and smirks, hearing his name sending a shiver of pleasure down his spine. "You presume correctly, wolf. Allow me to now ask you a question." Kai leaps into the air and lands just inches away from Death, his shadow looming over the force of nature. "If I were to stab you, would you die?" A green blade rose up to Death's throat. But instead of fear, to Kai's displeased surprise, the wolf merely chuckled, seemingly amused at the warrior's confidence. "As a matter of fact, no." Suddenly, in the blink of an eye, Kai's blade was on the ground, as if an invisible creature had knocked it out of his hand. "I would not." The wolf rose a hooked blade up to Kai, his sneer displaying a row of serrated fangs. "Now let's test *your* mortality, shall we?"
Kai was at a loss for words. The wolf's piercing red eyes, like two hot coals, were like nothing he had ever seen before. And the tenacity of this mortal was astounding. It almost reminded him of...an old friend. "Your chi," Kai replied, as calmly as he could, "must be quite powerful." He picked up his blade, to the delight of Death, and swung it at the wolf. He narrowly missed, as the wolf dodged with ease. Kai then decided holding back was not an option. This mortal's chi was too strong.
Kai launched a flurry of attacks, each swing shaking the very earth around them. And yet the wolf evaded each attempt, with grace comparable to the most poised kung fu masters Kai had ever faced. In his black cloak, he looked like a shadow, zipping around like a pathetic little fly, too afraid to be swatted. And this infuriated Kai.
"What's the matter?" The wolf inquired with a condescending tone. "Is my life not in your hands? Am I not the bug you imagined mortals would be?" Kai yelled and bounded towards Death, wielding each one like how a butcher would before slaughtering a chicken. He reached the wolf and brought down his blades. And to his bewilderment, instead of a thunk, he heard a clank. Sparks illuminated the wolf's eyes, making him look otherworldly. It seemed Kai was not the only warrior duel-wielding, as the wolf held two scythes, their silver sheen reflecting Kai's greens eyes back to him. "You're not impressing me, Kai. All chit-chat and no actual skill."
Fury flooded Kai's mind. How dare this weakling mock him? In one swift movement, the spirit warrior swung his chains around the wolf, ensnaring his enemy. Pulling his opponent, Kai smirked, his hands positioned to steal the chi of the wolf. "Your chi," Kai announced, "is now mine!"
The victory of the moment soon turned into awkward silence. Death, trapped in the chains, began to cackle, his laughter echoing into the distance. Kai, confounded, stared at his hands. Despite his powerful ability, it seemed this wolf had..no chi. At all. Even the weakest living creatures had a sapling of chi in them. So where was this wolf's chi?
Death snapped the chains, letting them fall. "You still haven't figured it out." He walked to Kai, his blades dragging across the ground. "You fancy yourself the "maker of widows?"" The wolf snarled, causing Kai to take a single step back, his poise turning defensive. "You are a common thief, taking what isn't yours." A scythe rose and poked Kai's neck. "While I am the *taker* of widows! I was there to witness each needless seizure of life. Oh I wanted your soul. But you were imprisoned in immortality. Which kept you safe from *me* ." Kai's eyes widened. "You are no mortal. You are.." Death grinned. "Go ahead," he chuckled as he combined his scythes to create one double-sided weapon, " *say my name.* "
Wtf that was poetry. Awesome short story!
@@paladynski you’re god dam right
Underrated. as. *HELL.*
Kai: "Your, Heisenberg?"
Wolf: "WHAT!? NO, I'm fucking Death!!!"
Kai: "ooohhhh, sorry it was so boring in the spirit realm that I spent
most of it watching cable, you know shows like breaking bad?"
Wolf: "shut up!"
i read that whole thing wow, also pritty good!!
The two greatest villain themes in DreamWorks mashed into one! I love it!
i literally told my friend exactly a week ago that we needed a mashup of these two themes and this just happened
are you reading my mind
Ig u should be careful... Kidding 😁😂
Maybe he is.. 😂
My dreams, my nightmares, and my deepest wishes have come true!!!!!!!! My two favorite villains from the past few years (yes, KFP 3 was only a few years ago, don't make me think otherwise because then I'll feel old) coming together like this is just AH!!!!! But legit, could you imagine this duo?! A person, power crazed, and the other, literally death! And both with abso-frickin'-loutly AWESOME weapons!
Well, 8 years is still only a couple....
When the coach and best player are on the same team💀
i literally cannot choose which villian i like more, so this video is absolutely the best solution i can think of
Definitely Death, no question.
@@Trosvvo for ya mate
@@thenameheisonvacation..8517 what?
@@TrosvvoKai is a beast tho, he is like a tank driving through houses, his actions is straightforward, no hesitation and a bit boasty too lol
The two immortal best villains decide to team up. This music is epic.
I don't think Death would be too fond of Kai since he literally broke the law of death and came back after his, well, death.
Yeah if anything lubo would be making a point to go after Kai.
@@darkblade8205 and they would probably break the laws of death about a thousand time before their fight finally came to a conclusion, and I’m saying that as a guy who understands inter dimensional realm travel…
Didnt master oogway just send Kai to the spirit realm without killing him? Like Po did
I'd imagine the reason he didn't take puss was because he had to go handle kai
@@charlesplayzroblox9377 the spirit realm is basically the afterlife from what i understand
2 Villain themes that I loved, this was a MASTERPIECE
The 2 most powerfull Dreamworks villain teaming up, we aren't screwed at all😀
I can't put this into words this is beyond clever putting both spirits with their theme songs together
Wolf: "Fear me, for I am death!!!"
Kai: "I will not fear someone, who failed to contain me!!!"
Wolf: "You will not escape me again Kai!!!"
Kai: "The fact that I escaped you the first time proves that you are weaker then you appear!!!"
Wolf: "you got lucky, but that luck is about to run out!!!'
Kai: "Who ever said that it was all luck!?"
Wolf: "Prove it"
“The hands of death could not defeat me, the sisters of fate could not hold me, and you will not see the end of this day!”
“Oh this is gonna be fun”
Kai: I'll show you who's the boss in this gym.
Sounds like an intro for mortal kombat characters before they fight.
@@davidbernal6881 now that you mention it, Death and Kai would be awesome in Mortal Kombat
@@robot4268 Oh day isn't my time anyway , i prefer night and do you know why my cloak is white? Because i want them to see and hear, that death is near....Smhhhh!!!! I JUST LOVE THE SMELL OF FEAR!!!!!
this dude never fails to make the perfect mashups just how dreamwork never fails to get the perfect villains
Kai and Death
- both are insanely strong
- both wield dual blades as weapons
- both hail from the afterlife and came to the mortal realm to battle someone
Its like they're made for each other
Why do villains always get the best themes, they’re so good.🤯
Me wondering if Death and Kai fought
This is what would play
Love this soundtrack
Death is from which animation?
@@JAKEAVALON-rg8xm death and kai are both from dreamworks
Kai from kung fu panda 3
And death is from puss in boots 2
This gives me the vibe of Death fighting Kai for the mortal’s sin of pulling off a Shang Tsung
When an unstoppable force meets an immovable object.
Force: Death
Object: Kai
Quick dialogue scene between these 2 legends:
Kai: The mortal realm! You hear that, PO? I'm back. Kai has RETURNED!.....
(looks behind as he hears the death whistle!)......
Death(after kai turns to see death): Arrrrh, you're ruining this for me!
Kai: Do you think I'm going to leave?
I just entered the mortal realm after taking SOO MANY Chi's from all the masters.
Death: Everyone thinks they'll be the one to defeat me, but no one has escaped me yet. You already know that! don't you?
Kai: Well, I will return when I'm done with my revenge!
Death: You had an opportunity to forgive what happened, and grow. But you chose destruction and revenge!
Kai: I choose revenge, and will keep choosing until I'm satisfied. Stop me if you can.
Death: This is gonna be FUN!
Epic fight begins :)
And death wins
Though when you think about it.. Death isn't the villain, more a loney hero.
If you can't die, you will soon outlive all you care about, until you have no one and nothing.
I was there to witness all of them, each fantastic *piece*
Carameii, my man, you put two of my favourite dreamworks villains' ost together truly amazing my friend. Keep this work up
Do you accept requests for epic covers?? There’s something I’m dying to hear you make!
Not usually but go ahead lol
An Epic Mashup of “G’s Theme” from Street Fighter V (his in-game theme, or even G’s “President of the World” rap song), with the Gigachad Theme!!
@2d_213But you have gotta admit that idea would be interesting.
I think Kai’s theme and something goofy
@@crabkid3473 goofy’s theme
When the ex main villain and protagonist team up to defeat a commn bad guy:
These two would make a surprisingly terrifying duo
Kai has returned I just love the smell of fear 🫡
The essence, the orchestra, the component part of each and every second of the music is so OP that i imagine this is like the collaboration of Samuel Kim as Death and Carameii as Kai. Both working together to defeat their own arch nemesis, Puss in Boots and Po the dragon warrior,
Puss isn't Death's enemy, let alone arch nemesis.
That's awesome
This be the theme I pick for when I’m angry
When you accidentally trigger two bossfights:
POV: **puss in boots enters the boss room while death is chasing him**
**kai is summoned**
death: i have come for your last life, puss in boots
kai: I will take your chi!
puss in boots: ah shit, here we go again
when you are in bedrock edition and you accidently summon a wither in an ancient city
( *Hears whistle from behind* )
Just imagining perhaps one of the most epic fights within the realm of the dead, Lobo doesn't let the dead walk away easily.
I am actually writing a battle between them currently and, well, Kai gets his ass whooped 🤣.
Does Lobo toy with Kai first? We all saw that he enjoys messing with his victims.@@Trosvvo
I just picture a scene where Death creates some red ghostly jade version of Oogway just to fuck with Kai but once he defeats the Oogway ghost Death fights him himself
AHHH! That gave me an amazing idea to add to the battle I am writing between these 2! Since Death has the ability to give people hallucinations. I will elaborate on it once I have developed the idea fully.
1:40 would be awesome to introduce Death after he's done playing around.
thanks, i now have another one aside from the shen theme u created. YOU ARE A MASTER I SWEAR ITS THAT GOOD
Kai was standing on a white plain. The snow-white ground stretched on as far as his eyes could see, and the sky emitted a blinding white light from all angles, making this a shadow-less realm. The last thing Kai could remember, he was battling a panda with chi that rivaled even Oogway's. And he had obtained it, all of it, and it felt _so_ good. But then all he could see was a blinding light, and he was here. Kai was furious. He was _this_ close to having limitless power, and now he had nothing. He let out a rageful bellow. The roar reverberated across the plain, and Kai suddenly noticed that he could hear no sound except that of which was caused by his own volition.
He was alone.
Kai spent decades retaining his anger towards Oogway and the panda that had defeated him. But as time went on, without any contact of life and nothing to do but fiddle with his blades, he eventually had to think about his own decisions, no matter how good he was at putting that off. And when that time came, he realized how pointless it was to sought the power of chi only for himself. Why hadn't he been satisfied with what he had? Why did he want more? Kai wrestled with these questions for months, and when he found no answer, he felt enraged with himself. With how many years he could have lived along side Oogway, the memories they could have made, the experiences they could have shared. But instead, he chose power, and where had that gotten him? Alone _and_ powerless.
Kai lay on the stone, gazing up at the white sky, thinking of his arrogant self. A lone melody, quick and quiet, echoed across the void. Kai immediately jumped; it had been so, so long since he had heard a sound that wasn't his own. But once he recognized it, he calmed. Some would find it haunting, others chilling. But Kai, after decades of longing for it, found it soothing; he could finally leave, finally rest.
He rolled on his stomach, and spotted a hooded figure, draped in a black cloak. It was jarring, seeing something other than himself, his accessories, or a blank sheet of white. His eyes sharpened on the figure, and before it had a chance to remove it's hood, Kai spoke, so eager to engage in conversation after going so long without it.
"Salvation," Kai said, his voice filled with joy and his face a wide smile as the figure took off it's hood, revealing a tall, thin wolf with crimson red eyes and a pointed snout. "You remember me? I am flattered, viejo enemigo," the wolf said, his face forming a grin.
"One does not easily forget death," Kai chuckled, feeling his muscles relax and his anger subside for the first time in centuries.
Death: So amigo...I see you have changed?
@@zacharyspencer6839kai:"seems like it I've had a few good decades long to think about all the things the maker of widows has done and what he could have done better"
@@detective3424Death: So what answers did you find?
Those were dreamwork’s most menacing villains.
Dos grandes leyendas que les quedo muy pequeña la historia en donde los pusieron el mejor villano y el mejor antagonista perfección joder esto si es cine fino señores
One steals your life force while the other steals your life. Quite ironic
When the so called coward is the last man that can do something in a crisis and smiles.
The team up we never knew we needed
Just 30 seconds in,
Already feel the heat🔥🔥🔥
I am Spirit Warrior, Straight Up.
When 2 of the best fighters in the fight gym spar each other ☠
These two mashed surprisingly well! Very talented
*When the top two people on the leader board fight* we not making it out of this one 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯
How you feel after you took the villain path in a game
The mashup that we all wanted and we dreamed about, and my god! It even surpassed my expectations!
When your friends on on the other team and you did something bad to them
I imagine this playing during the most climatic battle sequence in Movie History. For example, that one Avengers Endgame battle scene is a great example. Or even during the end credit scene of the final episode of amazing trilogy, franchise (e.g. Spiderverse or even Kung Fu Panda) Please never stop making music like this, you have amazing talent.
As the two most powerful dreamworld villains of all time, it only makes sense this would happen
Kai literally has the best bgm for a villain. I just love that music. For character it's Death. Dude always gives chills.
When you and your best friend are on the same team for competitions:
THIS IS PERFECT!!! I honestly thought this would be a better theme for the Grim Reaper!!! Carameii YOU HAVE ANSWERED GRANTED A WISH OF MINE!!!
Death has characteristic traits of (All kung fu panda villains, Tai Lung, Shen & Kai)
Dang Kung fu panda has one of best villains!
Death: "You broke the rules of existance, Kai."
Kai: "Sue me."
Death: "Ohhhhh I'll do more than that..." *pulls out the sickles.* "Far... far more."
Are you trying to give me an immense rush of energy when I’m about to sleep?
Because you did, thanks a lot.
An immortal spirit warrior and the embodiment of death, put them together and it’s an inescapable chase
Put them against each other and it’s a clash of beasts
I haven't seen Kung Fu Panda 3 since it's release I forgot how much Kai's theme song slaps. Puss in Boots 2 was a delightful surprise the wolf definitely sold the show. Great Mashup👏👏
Po: *kills the unkillable Kai
Death: "thank you boy, that was a hard one"
When the teacher forms a group and the two smartest student is in the same group
*When Mom and Dad Saw you make trouble at the House*
When villain and hero team up temporarily
when some epic intro comes in
This should be in a movie! 🎥🎞🎬🍿🤩
Ive been wanting to hear a full action theme of kai's theme and this is better
One strikes fear onto its enemy. Another one is an unstoppable villain from the spirit realm
This is so good I can feel death and Kai coming inside of me
same tbh
broooooo this is sick!!!!!!!!
kai: i will go back to the land of the living, try and stop me!!!
Death: this will be fun. whistles*
When the 2 smartest kids in the class gets paired in a team project💀
I’d love to see these two fight to a mashup of their themes
Bro i can just imagine that kai and death just teaming up, and the movements are just mua🤌
Teaming up?
Definitely not.
@@Trosvvo Death doesn't fight though. He only went after Puss because he didn't put value on his lives. Since Kai certainly doesn't have that problem, Death would have absolutely no reason to go after him and to top it off, Kai, like Oogwei can live a very long time
@@Saiko0001 But I think Death would go after Kai since Kai escaped him. Like Death would find the idea of cheating him and getting a new life absurd and infuriating, so he would go after Kai
@@Trosvvo Nope. Kai didn't die, neither did Oogwei. It's outright stated in the movies and series that Oogwei was hundreds (maybe even thousands) of years old and Kai was there for the majority of his time before getting banished yo the spirit realm. There can be a case if you mean after the Po fight but in terms of the DW lore, Kai, Oogwei and Tai Lung didn't die
@@Saiko0001 Except that when characters go into the spirit realm, that is when they die in the KFP universe. They die and get sent the spirit realm, hence the, ya know, 'spirit'.
When the white kid reaches into his backpack after being roasted
"It's not fair. It's not FAIR! You gave Oogway a thousand years! The Dragon Warrior doesn't have to die until he wishes! But you lock me up, for centuries upon centuries?"
"Life isn't fair, warlord. I'm not the one who counts the grains. I cut the threads. I trim the frayed edges. I deal with loose ends. That's my job."
"I'm not going back! I can't! I WON'T! I'll take the chi of all the masters, even the Dragon Warrior! Then YOU will have to obey ME!"
'chuckles softly' "Oh, Kai. The arrogant ones are always the most fun. I'm going to enjoy watching your petulance be replaced with fear."
This is in the top 3 best music I have heard of if not the first music.