3:37 listen to that radiator fan Whining! Needs louvers in the deck lid to promote flow, or get really crazy and split the radiator into 2 smaller ones that are parallel w/ the frame.nothing says it has to be perpendicular, not like you travel fast enough in the section to get any air through the thing, and behind that tank it's getting hardly any air at all, + w/ the radiator out of the way you might have room to go back to a carbyup side mountd/inline radiator/s that's the next step for ossa
xcellent quality video,this has to be the most advanced & best looking trials bike around 2day,this is gonna win a lot of trials.............
Iiiiiiiihhhhh bagus banget, kapan aku bisa punya ossa
this is a beauty
So how was it?
made in catalonia
Sweet as sugar ..... yesir...
3:37 listen to that radiator fan Whining! Needs louvers in the deck lid to promote flow, or get really crazy and split the radiator into 2 smaller ones that are parallel w/ the frame.nothing says it has to be perpendicular, not like you travel fast enough in the section to get any air through the thing, and behind that tank it's getting hardly any air at all, + w/ the radiator out of the way you might have room to go back to a carbyup side mountd/inline radiator/s that's the next step for ossa