Who did the most damage today? Body x2 Who has done the most damage in January? Body: 4 Zwag: 2 Heiz: 1 Professor Akali: 1 Ioki: 0 Guests: KittyCatOnFire (Zwag's "Real Life" Girlfriend): 0
New idea, go all flat armor pen reducing champs: go things like nasus , kayle, karthus, kog maw, sion, mordekaiser and items such as abyssal, serpents fang, evenshroud, cleaver. That way in team fights you destroy them with almost true damage.
Nah percent armor pen is waaaaay more valuble. Flat is realy onle usefull after you have %armor. The game calcualtes your %armor then flat armor so if somone has even 50 armor you will still remove 15 armor just from sereldas but since durability update even squishys have about 100 by level 16.
@@experimentalmenace You are right, althought I think if every one applys flat pen it would add up, I mean the items I posted were examples, the builds should include more pen. You also have to take into account that lethality and percentage pen only apply to your own attacks
Only thing is that ChatGPT is based on information older than 6 months. Thus, the most recent updates in League actually make it less correct. Still, quite funny and impressive.
Hi FFS! Can you play the "Jump Inside You" comp? The champions would be Kayn with R, Zed with R, Rek'Sai with R, and Master Yi with Q. Options for the fifth champ could be Viego since he gets to jump inside bodies after they died or Tahm Kench who can eat the enemy everyone else jumped in! It would be really funny to see everyone just jump inside one enemy champion and disappear!
@@Rakaszta I thought about Yuumi at first too! Someone commented before that she wouldn't work too well with this comp though because when everyone else ults inside a target, she'd pop off and be left alone to die lol
3:54 -- Heiz as Graves misses ult when he ganks bot lane. MUCH laughter ensues. Ioki: "I just didn't even know you could miss that ability." (Sorry, Heiz, that was so entertaining I had to timestamp it.) 5:25 -- Ioki to Heiz: "You were bullying an AFK player." Heiz: "I was outplaying him." 6:39 -- Discussion of possible enemy FF at 15 minutes, and then... 11:30 -- Zwag: "Run, run, run." ... "Now we go back in." ... "Now we go back out." -- Then Hokey Pokey. 13:53 -- Heiz/Graves hits his ult. Heiz: "I landed one!" (See 3:54 for why he says that.) 16:23 -- After they collapse on enemy Jhin and kill him. Zwag: "Jhin support seems pretty darn good." 19:02 -- Zwag gets chased by Riven and Udyr. The 2 kills, 7 deaths Riven kills Zwag. Zwag: "Who fed Riven?" 19:49 -- Ioki and P.Akali get a kill in enemy jungle but then get chased and use both of their ults but still get chased. Will P.Akali get to the lantern in time to save himself? 20:10 -- P.Akali to Ioki: "Supports don't matter. Its okay." Ioki: "I just saved your life, you b*stard!" 21:41 -- Ioki: "Ask the AI if we should Baron." [AI = Artificial Intelligence computer program] 22:37 -- Body: "The AI told me to die in that team fight so we could win." P.Akali: "That makes sense." 25:54 -- Heiz: "Thank you AI for the free win." Zwag: "TWO free wins."
ChatGPT actually knows alot about League, you can even ask it to create new champions and it will give you an overview of the abilities it makes for them. It's pretty cool.
Day 153: Bonk comp Yorick, Nasus, Jax, Lillia, Illaoi, Mord, Garen, Poppy, Wukong, etc. Each have a “bonk” ability and every time you use the bonk ability, you have to say “bonk” :D Someone also commented that heartsteel could be good because of the audio of the aa 👀
Don't know why no one is talking about this. Chat GPT doesn't have updated information about the world. This is what it responds when you asks "What is the current patch of League of Legends": "As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the current patch of League of Legends is Patch 11.11. The patch notes are updated regularly by Riot Games, the developers of League of Legends, and include changes to champions, items, and gameplay. It's important to check for the latest patch information on the League of Legends website or by other official channels, since the patch information will be updated regularly and my knowledge is limited to September 2021." So it doesn't make sense to ask it what champions to play or what builds to try. Patch 11.11 still had Hunter's Machete btw.
as a maokai main seeing that solo kill top pleases me. Also no one expects the maokai damage, especially when paired with his passive that heals you as well!!
Day 50 of giving a few ideas, vote which you prefer and give suggestions, improvements and changes: 1. A reverse comp, where everyone's roles are flipped. I.E Ioki (who plays support and is the bottom of the Tab menu) goes Top, Zwag goes Jungle (as he normally goes ADC), Heiz goes Mid, and Body goes ADC. Akali goes support you also have to play champs for that position. or you can play your mains and Zwag can play someone other than Xereth as he hasn't played him since the "Great Nurf" of Mage players, but with pre season you may be able to make it work. And with the episode ZWAG did with Xerath jungle, it worked pretty well especially being able to gank whilst hidden in jungle! 2. The noob comp. You don’t play, but you have 5 people play who aren’t great/never played before and you have to talk them through what to do. They all play your mains in your main roles (IOKI Senna sup, body Azir mid, Heiz Lee Sun jungle, ZWAG Xerath bot and professor Akali, Akali Top [no one mains top and Akali would be better for top than Azir tbh]) and you try and get them to win, maybe make it a 2 parter. One being the training and the second you go against them in a custom map, same champs vs each other) 3. do the 5 newest champs in game for your lanes, which again i think would be K'Sante, Nilah, Bel'Veth, Renata and Zeri (again might be wrong on that!) 4. Support carry. play 5 support champs and try and win the game through that. can build them however you want, full AP/AD etc (maybe even see a ZWAG Xerath and some classic scripting all chat brain melts!) 5. Thats not my ult. play 5 champs who can use ults on others, like Kayle, Soraka, Lulu, Zilian and Shen 6. ARAM rules. you cannot base or buy items unless you die/get executed. it forces you to strategically int to keep the game going and to get strong. If you fail to follow the rules you must go to lane and Int as punishment. 7. Burn baby burn. 5 burn champs with full burn builds, like Brand, Annie, Shyvanna etc with Liandry's and Demonic. you can have Teemo or Twitch with poison as an ADC as it kind of burns and you won't do damage if they just stack MR constantly. 8. Hit the mark comp. Jungle goes as Kindred and everyone helps get her marks. Top is Shen, Mid is Twisted Fate, ADC is pantheon or Quinn and support is Pantheon or Galileo. Submitted by @DerGrimmigeZwerg 9. Hide and seek. A 1 v 4 but the 1 person can TP and plays jungle, has to get rift X2, the drags, baron and first turret? Might need to play with bots or something so the lanes don’t fall super fast though or a custom game with subscribers? Submitted by @sunnyside2021 10. Sword and shield comp. Play champions that have a sword or shield and all of them have to buy doran’s shield or blade (yes even the support) and only buy items that have a sword or shield (kinda shield or tanky item). Champions would be like aatrox, riven, pantheon, Braum, samira, yone/yasuo. Items would be like infinity edge, deaths dance, jaksho (kinda shield), sunfire, evenshroud, maw of malmortius, shoulderblades or whatever other item looks like a sword or shield. Submitted by @yungsmiecht 11. Parkour comp - champs that interact with walls. Talon, zeri, Kayn, bard and K’santi - submitted by @DergrimmigeZwerg 12. The zoo comp - play animal champs. Warwick, Volibear, Azir, twitch and yummi- submitted by @DergrimmigeZwerg ----------------------- Completed 1. do the 5 oldest champs in game for your lanes, which i think would be Alistar, Annie, Fiddle, Ashe and Jax (might be wrong on that though!) - done video out 21/11/2022 2. surprise comp. 5 champs who can surprise enemies with either invis (Twitch, Evelynn Teemo, fiddle and Nocturne) or leaves traps like Caitlyn, Shaco and again Teemo. - done video out 01/01/2023
that damage recap at 17:01, it was because katerina had redbuff that she yoinked from heiz. I saw a post on reddit the other day where the redbuff got the last hit on the dragon and gave the objective to the enemy. I can't wait for that to happen in competitive, because im sure they wont fix it very quickly...
Ioki's comment that the Ash Arrow is going to the next game over made me think of a new temporary game mode. Imagine a 3x3 Grid of Rift-Maps and you play in the middle, only Champions with global ults are allowed (Ashe, Jinx, Senna, ...). The game picks 8 other past games by random and makes the ults of the other games appear in your map according to their trajectory.
Who had the most assist? Game 1: I0ki with 9 Game 2: ioki with 18 Year total: I0ki: 7 Heiz: 1 Zwäg: 0 Body: 0 Prof. Akali: 0 Guest KittyCat: 0 Best karaoke: professor Akali for 1
Idea #1: One of a Kind Can yall do a 5 episode comp where in game 1 you all play top laners, game 2 all play junglers, game 3 all mid laners, etc. You have to actually play champs that are meant for that role, not anything like neeko top or Morgana jungle lol
Skarner + Syndra was a great combo. Stun is long enough for Skarner to get in. Make a comp called the "target 🎯 acquired" comp. Can also pair with speed ups (Zilean, Yuumi with Shurelya's) for Skarner to run in and grab them. Body can play Azir as an extra setup to push people towards Skarner.
do the random item comp, everyone using random itens including the mythic. it would be fun to see you guys using support, tank, adc itens in the same build
If you used chatgpt, it only has data up to 2021. So it wouldn't have data from the last two seasons. However, seeing as how it used about 10 years of data, I imagine it would still give a pretty strong comp~
Get TheBausFFS as a guest and do his comp: Sion Gragas Karthus Quinn Rammus Kled or Voli could also take one of those spots. Then you have to get as many GOOD DEATHS as possible. The whole squad with a Baus style score of 2/12/4 or something.
Actually, yoy could do it as a 2 guests game, you get Tilterella to play Sion Sup. Make it the most unpleasant experience possible for the enemy. Also, a big 10 people custom game, you 5 vs past guests would be really cool. You can mixt that up as much as you want.
Day 45: comp 1: ,,Full attackspeed comp" kayle top, belveth jungle (if she's banned then yi or kindred), jinx/varus mid/bot and a lulu support comp 2: ,,Ap marksmen comp": adcs with ap build, like varus, miss fortune, twitch, ezreal, kog'maw comp 3: your favourite off-meta picks
this comp is clearly the best except zwag trolled his build it is obvious that the ai was expecting you to build iceborn gauntlet with glacial augment, otherwise your team will lack PERMASLOW in the late game manamune *almost* acceptable because it's blue
Speak no evil: (Silence based composition) Garen or Chogath top Fiddlesticks jungle Malzahar mid Soraka adc Blitzcrank support Building different items based on the enemy team but silence is absolutely the most broken status effect in league as you can't even flash or use items. Try it out. It's busted.
when chinese new year rolls around you guys should play two games with the full Chinese zodiac Comp. Game 1: Nidalee/Rengar (tiger), Cassiopeia (Snake), Alistar (Ox), Wu Kong (Monkey), Twitch (rat). Game 2: Hecarim (Horse), Shyvana/Aurelion (Dragon), Warwick (dog), Anivia/Galio (Chicken), Ornn (Goat) Or maybe Teemo with the easter bunny costume.
Day 50!!! The soccer, or goal comp, play champions that kick people far(a good amount) or atleast knock them back. Ex. Lee, k’Santa, Sandra, Poppy and Azir(I guess that is the actual goal). Also you must say GOAAAAAAL if you kill them with a kick. Also special one for ioki say, SUIIIII instead. And MEGA challenge, get Zwag to do it in his boring voice 😂😂😂😂😂😂. Edit: body would probably sound the best saying it lol
Next time play draft pick and ask ChatGPT in real time what to pick! "What champions would you ban in the current meta?" "Ok, so our opponents banned x y z, we have first pick, what champion should we pick?" "Our opponents picked a and b, with the bans in mind, what 2 champions would synergize nicely with our first pick?" etc ... and then mid game you ask it what to buy with each champ lol and after that you connect it to your mouse and keyboard and just watch it and after that you open the door for the groceries it ordered and after that you check your bank account balance and check how much it made trading stock with your money
important to note that the statistics it pulled were all from before 2022, and a lot in league has changed since then. still overall, its reasoning is still applicable to the game
The passive comp play champ with the highest range for the first 15 or 20 minute of the game you can not kill the enemy champ but you can damage them, at 15 or 20 minute the killing start
Are you up for a challenge? Try the no hard CC comp, only slows are allowed. Bonus points if your champ doesn't even have a slow (example Ezreal, Master Yi, Katarina, Nidalee, Sivir, Corki)
Day 67 of asking for “The Hate comp”. You all play the champ you hate to play as the most. I’m cool with some variation to make it more fun (most hated champs in all of league)
It's not a bad comp. Tons of CC, lots of utility, good AD and AP damage, and a tank. Only thing it's lacking is sustain outside of the top laner. Makes sense it has a 200% win rate!
I’m not a programmer or coder or anything but I’m pretty sure AI and computer analytics only produce what you provide them, and I doubt the AI used was provided and programmed to analyze the much more intricate relationships that make up a “comp” beyond just champion stats and basic parameters
You should hold a tournament with other streamers like the 2v5s that you did with professor akali like a year ago but with ffs all on one team you can call on pink word maybe
Best (3 to 10) comps, worst comps (1 to 3, try to win, challenge), best builds on the champions, strategies (where to start, where to gank, dragon, herald or none, best tactics, loosing strategies (try to win with them), best supporting apps, tips and tricks, how to improve, specifics to human and player psyche to support your team spirit and destroy the enemy's, what are fun things you can do in league except winning (do top 10 of them in 1 video/game, want to see you all dance ally and enemy team while you support your minions in fight for the nexus, do duels while others watch, dance and support the fighters, destroy enemy nexus only to give them the win via surrendering,...), ask what are the best games (free to play/all) to play at the moment (from each genre), what is the meaning of life, how to best make use of yours and how to enjoy it to its fullest and most importantly what is the meta for soloQ 😃😁
Aight boys: Day 6 of asking for ''The SRO comp'' (aka The b a l d comp) Sion, Lee Sin, Ryze, Nosferatu Vladimir (Or Braum) and Pyke Btw 3:56 is just THE BEST segment of the year by far XD
Blue Team : you have to pick everything blue, champion skin and items and ofc start on blue side. So when the voice will say "Blue Team" it will actually be the blue team. 💙
I hope my Thresh play made our AI overlord pleased 🤖
Just drop Senna, you play Thresh better 🤣.
your thresh is cleannnnnnnn
@ iOki bro your thresh was clean man. 👌
I’m sure It did. brother
Ask the AI to give you the WORST possible team comp and see if you can win with it!
This is an incredible idea
this is da wae
Yes!!! That would be great.
Man league seems so much fun when you have actual friends playing with you
feels bad man 😞
Just find a discord server there is a lot of friends there
@@Happyerf64 randoms n friends are different
@@zerotakora8486 make friends
Who did the most damage today?
Body x2
Who has done the most damage in January?
Body: 4
Zwag: 2
Heiz: 1
Professor Akali: 1
Ioki: 0
KittyCatOnFire (Zwag's "Real Life" Girlfriend): 0
pretty upset akali's "MY CABBAGES" didn't get the love it deserves
Can't have shit in omashu
New idea, go all flat armor pen reducing champs: go things like nasus , kayle, karthus, kog maw, sion, mordekaiser and items such as abyssal, serpents fang, evenshroud, cleaver. That way in team fights you destroy them with almost true damage.
Nah percent armor pen is waaaaay more valuble. Flat is realy onle usefull after you have %armor. The game calcualtes your %armor then flat armor so if somone has even 50 armor you will still remove 15 armor just from sereldas but since durability update even squishys have about 100 by level 16.
Wukong and Darius
*Enemy Rammus laughs*
Mord has percent magic pen
@@experimentalmenace You are right, althought I think if every one applys flat pen it would add up, I mean the items I posted were examples, the builds should include more pen. You also have to take into account that lethality and percentage pen only apply to your own attacks
Somehow, the reasoning behind this comp is the single most impressive thing I've seen out of ChatGPT.
Only thing is that ChatGPT is based on information older than 6 months. Thus, the most recent updates in League actually make it less correct. Still, quite funny and impressive.
you can send it an entire wall of code and tell it what you are trying to achieve and it will point out where an issue is
You must have seen only braindeads using this app then.
That's actually such a small feat compared to all the other things it already accomplished
Hi FFS! Can you play the "Jump Inside You" comp? The champions would be Kayn with R, Zed with R, Rek'Sai with R, and Master Yi with Q. Options for the fifth champ could be Viego since he gets to jump inside bodies after they died or Tahm Kench who can eat the enemy everyone else jumped in! It would be really funny to see everyone just jump inside one enemy champion and disappear!
I absolutely love this idea
and yummi
@@Rakaszta I thought about Yuumi at first too! Someone commented before that she wouldn't work too well with this comp though because when everyone else ults inside a target, she'd pop off and be left alone to die lol
@@tyrsin2442 she wouldn't be left
3:54 -- Heiz as Graves misses ult when he ganks bot lane. MUCH laughter ensues. Ioki: "I just didn't even know you could miss that ability." (Sorry, Heiz, that was so entertaining I had to timestamp it.)
5:25 -- Ioki to Heiz: "You were bullying an AFK player." Heiz: "I was outplaying him."
6:39 -- Discussion of possible enemy FF at 15 minutes, and then...
11:30 -- Zwag: "Run, run, run." ... "Now we go back in." ... "Now we go back out." -- Then Hokey Pokey.
13:53 -- Heiz/Graves hits his ult. Heiz: "I landed one!" (See 3:54 for why he says that.)
16:23 -- After they collapse on enemy Jhin and kill him. Zwag: "Jhin support seems pretty darn good."
19:02 -- Zwag gets chased by Riven and Udyr. The 2 kills, 7 deaths Riven kills Zwag. Zwag: "Who fed Riven?"
19:49 -- Ioki and P.Akali get a kill in enemy jungle but then get chased and use both of their ults but still get chased. Will P.Akali get to the lantern in time to save himself?
20:10 -- P.Akali to Ioki: "Supports don't matter. Its okay." Ioki: "I just saved your life, you b*stard!"
21:41 -- Ioki: "Ask the AI if we should Baron." [AI = Artificial Intelligence computer program]
22:37 -- Body: "The AI told me to die in that team fight so we could win." P.Akali: "That makes sense."
25:54 -- Heiz: "Thank you AI for the free win." Zwag: "TWO free wins."
Was the AI controlling Ioki's hooks these games? They were insane.
"right here on professor akali's forehead" XDDDDD pure gold
3:53 god damn that was funny man, Ioki's reaction and than zwags laugh made it just perfect
ChatGPT actually knows alot about League, you can even ask it to create new champions and it will give you an overview of the abilities it makes for them. It's pretty cool.
Prof akali with the "my cabbages" 🤣heard that mid hit and it broke me. Too perfect
The whole team is back🎉 guys let's see a challenge to win a game with only killing your opponents 10 times! Manage your kills well!
Day 153: Bonk comp
Yorick, Nasus, Jax, Lillia, Illaoi, Mord, Garen, Poppy, Wukong, etc.
Each have a “bonk” ability and every time you use the bonk ability, you have to say “bonk” :D
Someone also commented that heartsteel could be good because of the audio of the aa 👀
Idea #2: Bee Comp
Play all the champs that have BEE skins and make Bee puns all game to the enemy team when you get a kill or die
1:32 My theory is Rammus plays full zoomed in with his mini map on the second monitor
Don't know why no one is talking about this.
Chat GPT doesn't have updated information about the world. This is what it responds when you asks "What is the current patch of League of Legends":
"As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the current patch of League of Legends is Patch 11.11. The patch notes are updated regularly by Riot Games, the developers of League of Legends, and include changes to champions, items, and gameplay. It's important to check for the latest patch information on the League of Legends website or by other official channels, since the patch information will be updated regularly and my knowledge is limited to September 2021."
So it doesn't make sense to ask it what champions to play or what builds to try. Patch 11.11 still had Hunter's Machete btw.
17:46 Akali watches Avatar heck yea
😂ioki saving prof alkali was the funniest part of the video
Zwag and Ioki are the dysfunctional married couple that just works together in an odd way.
as a maokai main seeing that solo kill top pleases me. Also no one expects the maokai damage, especially when paired with his passive that heals you as well!!
Day 50 of giving a few ideas, vote which you prefer and give suggestions, improvements and changes:
1. A reverse comp, where everyone's roles are flipped. I.E Ioki (who plays support and is the bottom of the Tab menu) goes Top, Zwag goes Jungle (as he normally goes ADC), Heiz goes Mid, and Body goes ADC. Akali goes support you also have to play champs for that position. or you can play your mains and Zwag can play someone other than Xereth as he hasn't played him since the "Great Nurf" of Mage players, but with pre season you may be able to make it work. And with the episode ZWAG did with Xerath jungle, it worked pretty well especially being able to gank whilst hidden in jungle!
2. The noob comp. You don’t play, but you have 5 people play who aren’t great/never played before and you have to talk them through what to do. They all play your mains in your main roles (IOKI Senna sup, body Azir mid, Heiz Lee Sun jungle, ZWAG Xerath bot and professor Akali, Akali Top [no one mains top and Akali would be better for top than Azir tbh]) and you try and get them to win, maybe make it a 2 parter. One being the training and the second you go against them in a custom map, same champs vs each other)
3. do the 5 newest champs in game for your lanes, which again i think would be K'Sante, Nilah, Bel'Veth, Renata and Zeri (again might be wrong on that!)
4. Support carry. play 5 support champs and try and win the game through that. can build them however you want, full AP/AD etc (maybe even see a ZWAG Xerath and some classic scripting all chat brain melts!)
5. Thats not my ult. play 5 champs who can use ults on others, like Kayle, Soraka, Lulu, Zilian and Shen
6. ARAM rules. you cannot base or buy items unless you die/get executed. it forces you to strategically int to keep the game going and to get strong. If you fail to follow the rules you must go to lane and Int as punishment.
7. Burn baby burn. 5 burn champs with full burn builds, like Brand, Annie, Shyvanna etc with Liandry's and Demonic. you can have Teemo or Twitch with poison as an ADC as it kind of burns and you won't do damage if they just stack MR constantly.
8. Hit the mark comp. Jungle goes as Kindred and everyone helps get her marks. Top is Shen, Mid is Twisted Fate, ADC is pantheon or Quinn and support is Pantheon or Galileo. Submitted by @DerGrimmigeZwerg
9. Hide and seek. A 1 v 4 but the 1 person can TP and plays jungle, has to get rift X2, the drags, baron and first turret? Might need to play with bots or something so the lanes don’t fall super fast though or a custom game with subscribers? Submitted by @sunnyside2021
10. Sword and shield comp. Play champions that have a sword or shield and all of them have to buy doran’s shield or blade (yes even the support) and only buy items that have a sword or shield (kinda shield or tanky item). Champions would be like aatrox, riven, pantheon, Braum, samira, yone/yasuo. Items would be like infinity edge, deaths dance, jaksho (kinda shield), sunfire, evenshroud, maw of malmortius, shoulderblades or whatever other item looks like a sword or shield. Submitted by @yungsmiecht
11. Parkour comp - champs that interact with walls. Talon, zeri, Kayn, bard and K’santi - submitted by @DergrimmigeZwerg
12. The zoo comp - play animal champs. Warwick, Volibear, Azir, twitch and yummi- submitted by @DergrimmigeZwerg
1. do the 5 oldest champs in game for your lanes, which i think would be Alistar, Annie, Fiddle, Ashe and Jax (might be wrong on that though!) - done video out 21/11/2022
2. surprise comp. 5 champs who can surprise enemies with either invis (Twitch, Evelynn Teemo, fiddle and Nocturne) or leaves traps like Caitlyn, Shaco and again Teemo. - done video out 01/01/2023
Whenever Ioki and Zwag there is more ego in one bot lane than the rest of the game combined. Love both of you guys tho
video edited really well, especially with those splits!
Not sure if this will work but it’s called the feast or famine comp. You all play feast or famine champions then have a kill competition.
"I just save your life, you bastard" 🤣🤣
I'm going in, now I going out !
Comedy : 100
Ioki and professor akali in a botlane day 22
i experimented with the openai chatbot and i found out that the chatbot is outdated from 2021 it says its knowledge was cut off in 2021
that damage recap at 17:01, it was because katerina had redbuff that she yoinked from heiz. I saw a post on reddit the other day where the redbuff got the last hit on the dragon and gave the objective to the enemy. I can't wait for that to happen in competitive, because im sure they wont fix it very quickly...
Ioki's comment that the Ash Arrow is going to the next game over made me think of a new temporary game mode.
Imagine a 3x3 Grid of Rift-Maps and you play in the middle, only Champions with global ults are allowed (Ashe, Jinx, Senna, ...). The game picks 8 other past games by random and makes the ults of the other games appear in your map according to their trajectory.
Who had the most assist?
Game 1: I0ki with 9
Game 2: ioki with 18
Year total:
I0ki: 7
Heiz: 1
Zwäg: 0
Body: 0
Prof. Akali: 0
KittyCat: 0
Best karaoke: professor Akali for 1
What about an AI that detects what the best possible pick is given the picks the enemy team picks? Like a reactive team comp
Idea #1: One of a Kind
Can yall do a 5 episode comp where in game 1 you all play top laners, game 2 all play junglers, game 3 all mid laners, etc. You have to actually play champs that are meant for that role, not anything like neeko top or Morgana jungle lol
ChatGPT takes data from 2019 I believe so this comp was probably the highest Winrate champs from 2019 in average elo
I love how u guys were so chill in this vid xdd, just some chill games with friends
Skarner + Syndra was a great combo. Stun is long enough for Skarner to get in. Make a comp called the "target 🎯 acquired" comp.
Can also pair with speed ups (Zilean, Yuumi with Shurelya's) for Skarner to run in and grab them.
Body can play Azir as an extra setup to push people towards Skarner.
"My cabbages" killed me
Bruh hanging with y’all always makes me feel better. Awesome video 👌
It's 2021 comp tbh, but at least it's not Akali, Lee sin, Azir etc.
I like how e very one was dying and prof akali was just singin the Hokey Pokey
do the random item comp, everyone using random itens including the mythic. it would be fun to see you guys using support, tank, adc itens in the same build
"He's got a 0 stack Mejai's"
16:50 ioki: Omg I was shopping!
The cutting in your videos is amazing
If you used chatgpt, it only has data up to 2021. So it wouldn't have data from the last two seasons. However, seeing as how it used about 10 years of data, I imagine it would still give a pretty strong comp~
20:05 that lantern op lol
I used to be addicted to the hockey pockey, but then i turned myself around.
Idea: Zac attack
4 of the other players have ghost and tp, & when zac “dies” everyone tps to the blobs. Day 1
Ah yes. The Syndra into Katarina matchup. I'm so sorry Body
19:50 Best love story I’ve ever seen.
Now you gotta do the ai worst possible team comp and I'm very confident bard will be picked
" yeah I'm beating her. beating her to death." 😂
Pov zwag : now we go back in,now we go back out
I just finished Ross' video on this and found this lol. nice job great video
Get TheBausFFS as a guest and do his comp:
Kled or Voli could also take one of those spots.
Then you have to get as many GOOD DEATHS as possible. The whole squad with a Baus style score of 2/12/4 or something.
Actually, yoy could do it as a 2 guests game, you get Tilterella to play Sion Sup. Make it the most unpleasant experience possible for the enemy.
Also, a big 10 people custom game, you 5 vs past guests would be really cool. You can mixt that up as much as you want.
Day 14
FREEZE COMP: 5 GLACIAL runes, all frosted/christmas/winterblessed skins, all iceborn gauntlet, rylais, seryldas etc.
Day 45:
comp 1: ,,Full attackspeed comp" kayle top, belveth jungle (if she's banned then yi or kindred), jinx/varus mid/bot and a lulu support
comp 2: ,,Ap marksmen comp": adcs with ap build, like varus, miss fortune, twitch, ezreal, kog'maw
comp 3: your favourite off-meta picks
this comp is clearly the best except zwag trolled his build
it is obvious that the ai was expecting you to build iceborn gauntlet with glacial augment, otherwise your team will lack PERMASLOW in the late game
manamune *almost* acceptable because it's blue
It makes me feel so good to watch a high elo player whiff so many Ashe R's.
Speak no evil:
(Silence based composition)
Garen or Chogath top
Fiddlesticks jungle
Malzahar mid
Soraka adc
Blitzcrank support
Building different items based on the enemy team but silence is absolutely the most broken status effect in league as you can't even flash or use items. Try it out. It's busted.
when chinese new year rolls around you guys should play two games with the full Chinese zodiac Comp. Game 1: Nidalee/Rengar (tiger), Cassiopeia (Snake), Alistar (Ox), Wu Kong (Monkey), Twitch (rat). Game 2: Hecarim (Horse), Shyvana/Aurelion (Dragon), Warwick (dog), Anivia/Galio (Chicken), Ornn (Goat) Or maybe Teemo with the easter bunny costume.
Day 50!!! The soccer, or goal comp, play champions that kick people far(a good amount) or atleast knock them back.
Ex. Lee, k’Santa, Sandra, Poppy and Azir(I guess that is the actual goal). Also you must say GOAAAAAAL if you kill them with a kick. Also special one for ioki say, SUIIIII instead. And MEGA challenge, get Zwag to do it in his boring voice 😂😂😂😂😂😂.
Edit: body would probably sound the best saying it lol
I love how quickly zwag left the damage charts when he realized he was 4th 🤣
Next time play draft pick and ask ChatGPT in real time what to pick!
"What champions would you ban in the current meta?"
"Ok, so our opponents banned x y z, we have first pick, what champion should we pick?"
"Our opponents picked a and b, with the bans in mind, what 2 champions would synergize nicely with our first pick?"
etc ...
and then mid game you ask it what to buy with each champ lol
and after that you connect it to your mouse and keyboard and just watch it
and after that you open the door for the groceries it ordered
and after that you check your bank account balance and check how much it made trading stock with your money
Play any comp but everytime zwag blames everything but himself you all take a shot
Ioki and Hiez is for the people, by the people. The people say: Jhin support
pro Thresh tip: you can actually pick up the little orbs that enemies drop when they die - it gives you a permanent buff
Throw Comp (projectiles with a lob trajectory) ex:
Syndra (balls)
Maokai (saplings)
Zilean (bombs)
Noami (bubble)
Ziggs (bombs)
Teemo (mushrooms)
Varus? (arrows)
Zac? (himself)
important to note that the statistics it pulled were all from before 2022, and a lot in league has changed since then. still overall, its reasoning is still applicable to the game
The passive comp play champ with the highest range for the first 15 or 20 minute of the game you can not kill the enemy champ but you can damage them, at 15 or 20 minute the killing start
Are you up for a challenge? Try the no hard CC comp, only slows are allowed. Bonus points if your champ doesn't even have a slow (example Ezreal, Master Yi, Katarina, Nidalee, Sivir, Corki)
wait. you took the FF movement from RossBoomsocks? does he know about this?
I wish this game was bigger and more content like this was made.
Now get someone extra to feed the AI info about how the game is going and have it tell you what the next move is.
At 18:27, Ioki you are CLEARLY stealing Professor Akali's trademark.
Day 67 of asking for “The Hate comp”. You all play the champ you hate to play as the most. I’m cool with some variation to make it more fun (most hated champs in all of league)
It's not a bad comp. Tons of CC, lots of utility, good AD and AP damage, and a tank. Only thing it's lacking is sustain outside of the top laner. Makes sense it has a 200% win rate!
I want to see a karthus ult pentakill. Just put a ton of aoe damage champs on the team with amumu to hit the teamfight stun to set them up
THE LANTERN SCENE. i'm dead. happens every time... 5:20
I’m not a programmer or coder or anything but I’m pretty sure AI and computer analytics only produce what you provide them, and I doubt the AI used was provided and programmed to analyze the much more intricate relationships that make up a “comp” beyond just champion stats and basic parameters
Five seconds in and this is already more entertaining than a Zwag clickbait title video.
Okay but can we appreciate the ioki play at 14:44
Could you try Kennen+Fiddle ult synergy?
You should hold a tournament with other streamers like the 2v5s that you did with professor akali like a year ago but with ffs all on one team you can call on pink word maybe
No wait ask the AI for the most titillating team comp
21:35 favourite part A QUIET WTF LMAO
Id like to see AI generated worst comp in the game
My teams manage just fine doing that without an AI
Really interesting idea!!
Do a video when all 5 are coaching the players
Best (3 to 10) comps, worst comps (1 to 3, try to win, challenge), best builds on the champions, strategies (where to start, where to gank, dragon, herald or none, best tactics, loosing strategies (try to win with them), best supporting apps, tips and tricks, how to improve, specifics to human and player psyche to support your team spirit and destroy the enemy's, what are fun things you can do in league except winning (do top 10 of them in 1 video/game, want to see you all dance ally and enemy team while you support your minions in fight for the nexus, do duels while others watch, dance and support the fighters, destroy enemy nexus only to give them the win via surrendering,...), ask what are the best games (free to play/all) to play at the moment (from each genre), what is the meaning of life, how to best make use of yours and how to enjoy it to its fullest and most importantly what is the meta for soloQ 😃😁
Gpt hasn't had new data in over a year so any changes since then aren't reflected
Aight boys:
Day 6 of asking for ''The SRO comp'' (aka The b a l d comp)
Sion, Lee Sin, Ryze, Nosferatu Vladimir (Or Braum) and Pyke
Btw 3:56 is just THE BEST segment of the year by far XD
Do the region-comp. For example Shadow isles with Thresh, Hecarim, Kalista and so on. Other regions are welcomed too.
Is prof Akali ok? Or was he just lonely in the top lane?
Blue Team : you have to pick everything blue, champion skin and items and ofc start on blue side. So when the voice will say "Blue Team" it will actually be the blue team. 💙