Masih up terus ya anak2 FT di cora Destination. Salut GGWP salam RebornFighter :) . Sorry gabisa bantu support lagi , lagi fokus pendidikan di luar negeri hehe .
kan tergantung rf PS, kalo di RF ini ele donasi ada efek tambahan akurasi, jadi ya kalo main ele hind kurang berasa. tapi kalo ele donasinya gaada efek tambahan akurasi ya susah nembus hind, terkecuali yg nyerang lu mode full akur dan ele opsi akur. kalo ranger x mercen Ele deff = tebel (deff base armor WR) Ele hind = hind berasa (buff evasion, counter attack)
There is one consideration to make RT, since both race (acc+bells) attack cora, I need to select the correct target for coras which means i cant attack/RT kind of tank. Second, I do will aim tank, if mages/hitter all dead. Slow? U need to see how many coras and how many acc + bells, losing in quantity means i cant make wrong move at all, if i did i will make my race lose in second (cant push back even in portal). I think slow/fast its doesnt determine the quality, as u can see with only 1 party cora we can push back two race from cora portal. What makes u great leader is, never leave ur ppl behind, lead them and create an easy target to kill, finally good team work will resulted. Ultimately, if u think ure better race leader than me, just show by ur video.
Zaman keemasan para "donasi" nih kyknya ya kalau gk salah inget. KAlau donasi itemnya bener2 beda bgt sama yg non-donasi.
rf dimana cuma donasi yg bisa war...demage nya g ngotak gitu
Masih up terus ya anak2 FT di cora Destination. Salut GGWP salam RebornFighter :) .
Sorry gabisa bantu support lagi , lagi fokus pendidikan di luar negeri hehe .
Amos Girsang haha skrg jg udah jarang on udah pada sibuk real rata rata, sip salam balik ya
Hahaha sante, pendidikan kemana? Sukses terus
kapan ya duet lagi vallenia ama kagura :D kwkkw - dimaz
wkwkwk ya sini ke champion dah
wew gue gak ke liput nih hahahaha ex: Capounk
Ahmad Khoirudin hahaha waktu itu Capounk blm njabat kan ya
FT Gaming hahaha iya blom jabat om hahahaha
Are you Zealot or Shielder?
what rf is this??
Andrew Rodeles Destination Reborn dude
sumpah dh kalo dirf indo ini job dianggep sampis(sampah abis)
Hafiz Putra hahaha bukan sampah, tp build item buat job kaya gini itu dobel, yg pasti perlu 2 senjata dan pastinya keluar duit banyak
bagusnya kl ranger x mercen bajunya wr ato ranger , ele hind atau deff
WR, ele tergantung ... deff bisa hind bisa, sesuai selera aja
+ - nya setiap ele apa ya? kl situ pake apa gan elenya
kan tergantung rf PS, kalo di RF ini ele donasi ada efek tambahan akurasi, jadi ya kalo main ele hind kurang berasa. tapi kalo ele donasinya gaada efek tambahan akurasi ya susah nembus hind, terkecuali yg nyerang lu mode full akur dan ele opsi akur.
kalo ranger x mercen
Ele deff = tebel (deff base armor WR)
Ele hind = hind berasa (buff evasion, counter attack)
kl ga rl demage geli ya
Nabil harhara ga jg kok, cek aja video sblmnya, ada ranger x wr sblm jadi RL
wew Russel gw masuk yutub
wew kucel
dimaz pradana wew Vallenia wkwk
Zeifer di skip mulu nih wkwkw
buset ke dewan ranger 1 balance ini
Rf apaan nih bro
Riko anggara destination reborn mas
Masih up mas? Kebetulan ane suka maen xjob ranger x bk jg
Gak keliput, Legend Move rf karena demeg udah over #ClaudeDuval
rf apa ini bang?
tiap ketemu RL ACC kok mundur kak :v
salam 1T
jepriko simbolon RL acc ketemu saya jg mundur kak :v haha
aneh komen simbolon nya :v
RF Over Damage ahahaha
1 hit lahat
I'm not from this server but all I can say is you're too slow haha! take too long to make RT.
sometimes you don't even make RT.
There is one consideration to make RT, since both race (acc+bells) attack cora, I need to select the correct target for coras which means i cant attack/RT kind of tank. Second, I do will aim tank, if mages/hitter all dead. Slow? U need to see how many coras and how many acc + bells, losing in quantity means i cant make wrong move at all, if i did i will make my race lose in second (cant push back even in portal). I think slow/fast its doesnt determine the quality, as u can see with only 1 party cora we can push back two race from cora portal. What makes u great leader is, never leave ur ppl behind, lead them and create an easy target to kill, finally good team work will resulted. Ultimately, if u think ure better race leader than me, just show by ur video.
abis brp duit tuh car ?
wkwkw berapa ya lupa dah
senjatanya + brp? shiny bow ya?
1990idris plus 7 kang hahhaa
wkwk ada yuro anak GL
wkwkwk mantap
FT Gaming fairytail balik lagikah??