Funny you say you saw no one, just last week I was playing it in a match against another Tone, and we had a torpedo plane duel, followed by a torpedo duel, followed by a gun duel. Truly making full use of our ships to miss with everything.
Tone is a crazy ship, but planes are not her main feature. Her main feature is getting so much in a small package. Her guns punch well, torps have good rear firing angles to hit stuff when you have to run away, and planes add a bit of a touch to make it better. Also, don’t forget hydro and heal.
The planes from the Tone were for scouting which were to relieve the Aircraft Carriers from sending out scout planes freeing them up for offensive operations.
@@the_mad_bear3683 or depth charges to provide a lil extra sub security. Sea Plane Tenders are so fascinating. Nisshin Class was the earliest ship with that role purely in mind as the washington naval treaty did not limit the amount of seaplane tenders a navy could have. So in turn the ships freed up the carriers for offense or troop transport, got around the Naval treaty so they could field the most air power possible while still obeying the treaty, and it gave them a rather versatile tool to use for recon or attacking light convoys. It was a win win win.
I like my Tone a lot. Super sneaky, punchy guns, long-ranged torpedoes, a heal!!!, and when you're out of range or searching for a sneaky destroyer, you can use your planes to spot or make a drop. Not always the easiest to make work, but I love bringing her out. Funnily enough, I think the best use for Tone's planes is for scouting and spotting. They have a long reload and don't do a lot of damage with their torpedoes, but the ability to light up a destroyer or escaping low HP cruiser/battleship on command is not something Japanese cruisers usually get to have.
I think the main reason you don't see her so often is that as far as gimmick boats go Ise and Kearsage have her beat. Ise like you said has the same planes but is st tier 6 with arguably better matchmaking, while Kearsage is a coal ship with 4x3 16 inch guns what can fall back on being a downtiered montana if the gimmick fails.
WG should be required by law to list their in-game chat as a known carcinogen. If you really want to develop genuine misanthrope, then play wows on anything but COOP. But even then, limited exposure is advised.
Tone is meh in randoms, but extremely impactful in Ranked. It can keep DDs perma-spotted and can almost act like one if needed with its 8.8km concealment. It also does Mid-short range much better than Atago, as it has a below waterline citadel with a turtleback. You can also peek from behind an island, get all guns to bear and remained undetected. Also the torpedo reload time is not bad, 6 on each side every minute or so.
As it is now the intended target needs to basically want the shotgunned torpedoes to hit them or be stuck doing something else, or you get like 1 hit in a salvo. Ironically the Torpedo perk for cruisers actually does buff the Torpedo planes, but it's shining a turd. But if they were at least accurate instead of a shotgun, like Russian CV accuracy... maybe they could work. Give the planes a heal consumable to guarantee a few high-priority drops. Maybe give them a better engine boost. But knowing WG they will ignore the Tone's weakness or maybe reduce the cooldown of the planes a little without addressing the actual problem.
I liked Tone at first then i started to hate her the more i play. The gun has short range with stupidly long reload for just 8 guns, the rudder shift time for some reason is worst than most IJN cruiser so you cant dodge incoming shells as effective which you gonna need it since the ship is absolute paper thin and is getting citadel from all angle, now the worst part about it being a hybrid is that 3 fckin minutes for garbage planes !!! It makes no sense ! The Ise is fun because she is capable of launching aircraft every 2 minutes even if the torp bombers barely do any damage, but Tone at tier 8 gets longer aircraft cooldown and they die easier to high tier AA defense so you most of time never get close to any ship before they all is shot down making it almost a useless feature of the ship. Additionally she also for whatever reason got hydro of only 4 km and worse heal than Atago i belive. I dont know why they increased the reload from15 to 16, this ship is just weak for a tier 8 and i struggled everytime i play it. Imo it needs plane cooldown time as Ise, gun reload reduce to at least 15 sec, and maybe slightly better firing range otherwise there is no point in playing it over Atago or even the Mogami.
The Tone is better as part of a division or CB. People fear torpedoes, even the Tone's, and when you can communicate with your teammates in voice coms, and call out that your are going to turn a cruiser broadside for them, it becomes a lot more powerful. Also, it allows for unparalleled spotting when there is no CV present. I would not be surprised to see Tone become a staple of comps for the next season of CBs.
Isse, Tone, and Kearsarge should have had AI controlled planes... Launched at enemies like you do torps. They lunch and go attack the target under Good AI control. Would be a better system all around IMHO.
Got her because like he said it's a ship with a strong historic background and i like the Tone class. Tone feels like a concept from 2018s WoWs that they just got around to finalizing yet. A stealthy scout cruiser to support DDs. The planes also are pretty decent against most same-tier destroyers. Suddenly the low damage isn't as big of a deal anymore. But nowadays with CVs, subs and the abundance of long-range radar, it's in a bad spot. For Tier 7, it would be a good ship. But T8 with its contant uptiering hurts the Tone immensly. To the point where i feel bad for my team when i bring it to the battle.
I remember getting the Ise out of Santa crate and after taking it into randoms gave it a meh rating. But in Operations it's pretty fun. Unfortunately the Tone doesn't have that option. Fighting the Tone was always easy since people would just zone out with the planes while sailing straight and end up getting blapped.
U play around islands with tone u get ur front guns out the side of the island then back up use ur planes when there off cool down and if someone rushes u u turn and given the torps on ur ship
maybe it would be wise to downgrade the Tone to Tier VII or buff the planes and add something similar to float-adapted torp-planes from Shokaku. And, WG, please reduce the reload time of Tone to 2 minutes...
WG can't really change stuff on premium ships unless it's a buff due to the fact people have spent money on them. Obviously there's nothing stopping them but it will lose them repeat customers every time they change a premiums stats which is why we end up with ships like musashi that need major nerfs but never get them because of their premium status.
Planes on Tone are really more for spotting. They can make life hard for DDs. And if they smoke up, you can comb the smoke with 8 torps. But there is bigger issue .. no ASW. Planes can spot the sub, but good luck landing torps on her ..
The comparison between her and Atago is not really accurate, the Takaos are quite a bit older and were designed to just be Heavy Cruisers, albeit under the Washington Treaty Terms, whereas by the time the Tones were being built, the IJN was trying to use its Cruisers alongside Carriers. That's how they ended up with the strange design of all the turrets being forward and the reconnaissance aircraft deck aft, instead of being separated along the hull (which arguably would have been much safer to use, as you have less concentrated weight, you're not bunching up magazines next to one another and more importantly, if one of the turrets is hit and blows up, it's not taking out the rest of them along with it). With the Ise, although a comparison can be made in-game, we're talking about a BB that was a BB for most of its life, so when it had its flight-deck added, the IJN didn't redesign it to slap the missing turrets somewhere else, so it's protection remained pretty much the same as it was before.
Tone would be a more _fitting_ ship if she did the Lazo thing and just had ridiculously good spotting or fighter aircraft but featured a gunnery style afforded by her unique layout for a cruiser. And she could have heralded a return to the days of yore as part of a larger Japanese cruiser rebalance toward being the premier flamethrowers and counters to the battleship sniper meta.
The odd thing would be that the Tone's catapult and recon aircraft were delayed in their launch and led to the ill timed decision to change CV armement.
A ship like the Tone would make more sense if a player didn't have the instant knowledge of own and enemy ships (for a time from their sighting) Think the distances in the Pacific where a Tone with its group of sea planes can provide a fair amount of intel to a group admiral - Where is the enemy ? GIVE ME THEIR POSITION !!
For me it feels like : if you use the Tone as a gun cruiser - you have already partly failed. Provide spotting to 9 nine heavy guns and aircrafts and destroyers a beating.
I've really enjoyed playing Ise and Kearsarge but I've held back from buying Tone mainly because I'm not a good cruiser player and I'm not in need for a T8
I have played Tone quite a bit and can say that it performs better as a second line support scout/DD hunter. If you get into gunfight with other cruisers you will lose. If a battleship can hit you, it will obliterate you. So your best bet is to make the most of that god-tier concealment, use the torpedoes for kiting and the planes for harassing targets of opportunity. They might not do a lot of damage but each one has the chance to start a flood and DDs are at big risk given their low HP and torpedo damage reduction. It is a fun ship with a lot of tactical potential, not a damage dealer. If you think that's bad design, that's fair, but what it brings to the table is unique gameplay.
I actually know for a fact that Tone was listed in the World of Warships Wiki a lot longer and had been in the works a lot longer than Ise because I did see some old vids of her... Not really counting as a hybrid until now. Though why she is counted as a Hybrid Cruiser now is beyond me. But anyways, this ship had been in the works a lot longer than one would think.
The M6A2 Seiran was not actually a real plane. The M6A1 Seiran is real, but the M6A2 was only made as a prototype and was never made as a Seiran variant. If you have more info, please keep me updated tho. I love Japanese WWII Aircraft and Ships as well as German ones.
I like my Tone. It is a niche ship to be sure, and if you hug islands and snipe around them, and use the planes as more of distraction, then it's not that bad. You had the right idea in one of your videos. You fire the ship torpedoes at a ship or group of ships and let them head off. Then send up your torp planes. Put those torps in the water, and most of the time they'll turn in to avoid them, leaving them ripe for your ship torps to tear into them. I also use the torp planes when baiting people to chase me behind islands. I head by the island and launch the planes behind me, and when the ship comes around the island, they don't have many options to avoid the planes. Then drop, and switch to ship torps. They usually can't avoid them all. haha
the Ise torps are 1827 hp Tone 1677.....Tone plane speed is 135 vs Ise 122.......Tone deck armor is 25 i believe vs Atago 41.....the armor makes a big difference....Ise planes are higher hp and flies in weaker AA bubbles....just a few things that make them different
Hmmm, well it would seem the main issue is her aircraft gimmick. Given shes 2 tiers higher then the ISE the planes really SHOULD be better. Cut the Plane reload down to 2 mins or even 1.30 mins, BUFF the HP to what it SHOULD BE at tier 8 and maybe buff the torp damage a little bit.
I love this ship. It is actually my most played ship overall with 300 battles and counting and currently holding a 53% wr in her. Just barely beats out my massa. It is a very fun ship with really good torps but it is pretty situational. The ship launched torps are by far its best weapon with the short reload timer on it. I use the plane dropped torps to corral ships following me into my ship torps for the big numbers. It is still a challenge to play when uptiered but can be quite a bit of fun. The fire chance on the guns are pretty reliable too.
Yeah these weak plane torps are better for making the reds go where you want them. I got ise free and generally use the planes to either get someone to go broadside or for dds since the spread is so wide you can usually get one or two on target.
@@treeherder42 I found they're also good in setting up a cross drop with you're ship mounted torps. Good if you can land them on DDs too, and some cruisers. I prefer the butt torps to Atagos since you can launch bigger salvos if positioned correctly. With Atago you need to pretty much give full broadside to fire both sets to torps. Also the better concealment makes torping easier. Overall she's not as good as Atago, but she's decent. The plane regen could be faster though. Or give her a scout plane option to control like on the map or something. Love Ibuki too.
@@Joshua-fi4ji yeah the advantage tone has over atago is all torps launch to the rear, you don't need to turn to get the front set off. Also the torps reload a bit faster on the Tone... I think with my current build it is in the 76 second range.
I run the tone sometimes. I usually just like to spot for others when noones in my distance. Its the only time i use the planes. The concealment is 8k so that's a huuuge plus lol I abuse the heal and torps too being a cruiser.
Got her recently because she was my first choice in one of those events so somewhat cheap and I only had the Yuubari as a Japanese premium. Totally agree with your assesment so far. I will most likely ignore the planes except for some opportune spotting and focus on the guns and torpedoes. I really regret that I didn't grind the ARP Atago or even ARP Myoukou. Oh well.
It is actually great in t8 ranked. At least when played sparingly. It is stealthy enough to support dds to cap. While being a heavy cruiser if anything goes wrong.
In previous mixed ranked of t8-9 I had a pleasure to face: Tone, Kearsarge and Lexington. There is no need to continue ... you can imagine how well it went
Many, many mistakes and omissions in this video: - Tone planes do NOT have the same hitpoints as Ise. Tone = 1670 HP, Ise = 1820 HP - Tone torpedo arming distance = 423 m, Ise arming distance = 376m. This means the torps require more lead, and thus harder to land consistent hits. - Eight Tone torpedo plane hits = 2767*8 = 22136, vs. Shiratsuyu upgraded torp = 17233. Blatantly false. - Torpedoes have a default damage of 17233 (same as Shiratsuyu). they can be buffed to 19818 with the 3pt commander skill. Why would you take that skill when there are plenty of other more viable skill choices? - It is true that Tone gets 4 heals (default) vs. Atago's 3 heals (default), however Tone's repair party repairs 10% citadel damage, Atago's repairs 33%. Even Maya (tier 7) gets a 33% citadel repair on its heals. - Most importantly, Tone's hydro has a 4 km ship detection range which is the lowest of any tier 8 cruiser. - Tone does not have ASW capability at all. No depth charge, no airstrike, nothing. Please fact check and proofread your videos before publishing.
I think if most people knew the disgraceful history of the Tone and her barbaric treatment of Allied POWs and captured seamen I doubt many Westerners would want to buy or play it. Go look it up, don't take my word for it. A pity this Ytuber didn't mention this, but then I wouldn't expect much in the way of "history" or "realism" form this arcade shoot em up.
Idk I like my Tone it’s basically just a myoko at 1 tier higher with less guns but with torpedo bombers . It’s an ok ship all things considered , if anything buff the planes reload or torpedo damage on the planes. As for the ISE I absolutely love it. Same with kearsarge I highly recommend everyone get kearsarge for coal
I really enjoy these followup videos and holding WG somewhat accountable. Insightful vid. Another huge design mistake by WG is...THE LACK OF ASW ON HYBRID SHIPS, like wtf. Autoloss pretty much if you're 1v1ing a sub which are getting more popular by the day. Come on WG there is balansing and their is smart balancing. This is a video game, please ask "will it be fun for the captain?" to lead you in your design decisions.
I only used Tone's planes late in matches, where everyone is weakened and enemy survivors are too far away from me. Otherwise I play her like a French cruiser.
Is it only me or this ship tend to detonate a lot? I met 7 in the last 2 weeks, I detonated 3 out 7, 2 of them from main battery, 1 from to secondaries.
That just sounds like potatoes not using a detonation flag. Unless you are referring to Dev Strikes, which would be plausible because they have a huge citadel.
Why don't they have a patrol plan. Squadron is piloted out and for its attack Run it finishes its flight time in a spotting Circle allowing the ship to fire its guns or the cv to launch an attack Squadron. 🤔
I agree that cruisers are the best ships but being restricted to 203mm guns ruins it. Almost all ships can handle being hit with a salvo of 203mm shells even if they are smashed with 90% of the salvo. At medium range most cruisers barely do significant damage and certainly find it hard to citidel a battleship. The need to pump cruiser guns to 280.. or 310mm
this is a collectors ship, not much emphasis is placed on in game enjoyment unlike the ise ... WOW made the bucks on ise and just added this on the side as a collectors edition
I would love if they bring Mogami in her final refit as an aviation cruiser I like the concept of These ships and i love playing the Tone So maybe Mogami '44 as a t7 Premium since it would be a Tone with 1 less turret
With this latest update we got royally screwed ! !!! Thanks WG !! Asses. I had a few hundred camouflages saved up the free ones that you can use anytime for free that you earn, i started the game today and there gone !!!! Turned into camouflages that cost 75000 to 90000 each use !!! I don't care how they try to spin this we got F'ed !!! Probably going to delete this freaking game now I'm so pissed that was the last straw.
Funny you say you saw no one, just last week I was playing it in a match against another Tone, and we had a torpedo plane duel, followed by a torpedo duel, followed by a gun duel. Truly making full use of our ships to miss with everything.
That ending caught me off-guard, thanks man :))))
Ok, that was pretty funny!
Tone is a crazy ship, but planes are not her main feature. Her main feature is getting so much in a small package. Her guns punch well, torps have good rear firing angles to hit stuff when you have to run away, and planes add a bit of a touch to make it better. Also, don’t forget hydro and heal.
The planes from the Tone were for scouting which were to relieve the Aircraft Carriers from sending out scout planes freeing them up for offensive operations.
they also carried smallerbombs and were used in combat to bomb ships in the indian ocean raids
@@the_mad_bear3683 or depth charges to provide a lil extra sub security. Sea Plane Tenders are so fascinating. Nisshin Class was the earliest ship with that role purely in mind as the washington naval treaty did not limit the amount of seaplane tenders a navy could have. So in turn the ships freed up the carriers for offense or troop transport, got around the Naval treaty so they could field the most air power possible while still obeying the treaty, and it gave them a rather versatile tool to use for recon or attacking light convoys. It was a win win win.
I like my Tone a lot. Super sneaky, punchy guns, long-ranged torpedoes, a heal!!!, and when you're out of range or searching for a sneaky destroyer, you can use your planes to spot or make a drop. Not always the easiest to make work, but I love bringing her out.
Funnily enough, I think the best use for Tone's planes is for scouting and spotting. They have a long reload and don't do a lot of damage with their torpedoes, but the ability to light up a destroyer or escaping low HP cruiser/battleship on command is not something Japanese cruisers usually get to have.
The main point of them is to cause flooding after you made an enemy bb use up its damage con, not do alpha damage.
Sadly u cant shoot ur main guns while spotting DDs.
I think the main reason you don't see her so often is that as far as gimmick boats go Ise and Kearsage have her beat. Ise like you said has the same planes but is st tier 6 with arguably better matchmaking, while Kearsage is a coal ship with 4x3 16 inch guns what can fall back on being a downtiered montana if the gimmick fails.
Was thinking of kearsarge or iwami .
Now thinking of T10 Grosser kurfurst. Any thought? Thank you for all and any advice
@@Rocky0021 Kearsage if you want a good overall boat, GK if you like melee boats. Iwami is just... not great.
@@Rocky0021 You will never regert on your decision for the kearsage.
@@Rocky0021 honestly, preussen and GK are not different enough to justify an investment in GK. Use your coal for something else.
@@ewenoushka1944 thanks for info
WG should be required by law to list their in-game chat as a known carcinogen. If you really want to develop genuine misanthrope, then play wows on anything but COOP. But even then, limited exposure is advised.
I get so tired of the hate mongering over a bunch of PC pixels.
Tone is meh in randoms, but extremely impactful in Ranked. It can keep DDs perma-spotted and can almost act like one if needed with its 8.8km concealment. It also does Mid-short range much better than Atago, as it has a below waterline citadel with a turtleback. You can also peek from behind an island, get all guns to bear and remained undetected. Also the torpedo reload time is not bad, 6 on each side every minute or so.
As it is now the intended target needs to basically want the shotgunned torpedoes to hit them or be stuck doing something else, or you get like 1 hit in a salvo. Ironically the Torpedo perk for cruisers actually does buff the Torpedo planes, but it's shining a turd. But if they were at least accurate instead of a shotgun, like Russian CV accuracy... maybe they could work. Give the planes a heal consumable to guarantee a few high-priority drops. Maybe give them a better engine boost.
But knowing WG they will ignore the Tone's weakness or maybe reduce the cooldown of the planes a little without addressing the actual problem.
"shining a turd". Excellence.
I liked Tone at first then i started to hate her the more i play. The gun has short range with stupidly long reload for just 8 guns, the rudder shift time for some reason is worst than most IJN cruiser so you cant dodge incoming shells as effective which you gonna need it since the ship is absolute paper thin and is getting citadel from all angle, now the worst part about it being a hybrid is that 3 fckin minutes for garbage planes !!! It makes no sense ! The Ise is fun because she is capable of launching aircraft every 2 minutes even if the torp bombers barely do any damage, but Tone at tier 8 gets longer aircraft cooldown and they die easier to high tier AA defense so you most of time never get close to any ship before they all is shot down making it almost a useless feature of the ship. Additionally she also for whatever reason got hydro of only 4 km and worse heal than Atago i belive.
I dont know why they increased the reload from15 to 16, this ship is just weak for a tier 8 and i struggled everytime i play it. Imo it needs plane cooldown time as Ise, gun reload reduce to at least 15 sec, and maybe slightly better firing range otherwise there is no point in playing it over Atago or even the Mogami.
The Tone is better as part of a division or CB. People fear torpedoes, even the Tone's, and when you can communicate with your teammates in voice coms, and call out that your are going to turn a cruiser broadside for them, it becomes a lot more powerful. Also, it allows for unparalleled spotting when there is no CV present.
I would not be surprised to see Tone become a staple of comps for the next season of CBs.
Isse, Tone, and Kearsarge should have had AI controlled planes... Launched at enemies like you do torps. They lunch and go attack the target under Good AI control. Would be a better system all around IMHO.
i to be honost enjoy the Tone. it might not be the best cruiser, but i like it a lot when i play it
Got her because like he said it's a ship with a strong historic background and i like the Tone class. Tone feels like a concept from 2018s WoWs that they just got around to finalizing yet. A stealthy scout cruiser to support DDs. The planes also are pretty decent against most same-tier destroyers. Suddenly the low damage isn't as big of a deal anymore. But nowadays with CVs, subs and the abundance of long-range radar, it's in a bad spot. For Tier 7, it would be a good ship. But T8 with its contant uptiering hurts the Tone immensly. To the point where i feel bad for my team when i bring it to the battle.
I remember getting the Ise out of Santa crate and after taking it into randoms gave it a meh rating. But in Operations it's pretty fun. Unfortunately the Tone doesn't have that option. Fighting the Tone was always easy since people would just zone out with the planes while sailing straight and end up getting blapped.
Well, with the new Operations mode rework out it seems Tone may have a new lease of life, perhaps.
U play around islands with tone u get ur front guns out the side of the island then back up use ur planes when there off cool down and if someone rushes u u turn and given the torps on ur ship
maybe it would be wise to downgrade the Tone to Tier VII or buff the planes and add something similar to float-adapted torp-planes from Shokaku. And, WG, please reduce the reload time of Tone to 2 minutes...
WG can't really change stuff on premium ships unless it's a buff due to the fact people have spent money on them. Obviously there's nothing stopping them but it will lose them repeat customers every time they change a premiums stats which is why we end up with ships like musashi that need major nerfs but never get them because of their premium status.
Planes on Tone are really more for spotting. They can make life hard for DDs. And if they smoke up, you can comb the smoke with 8 torps. But there is bigger issue .. no ASW. Planes can spot the sub, but good luck landing torps on her ..
The comparison between her and Atago is not really accurate, the Takaos are quite a bit older and were designed to just be Heavy Cruisers, albeit under the Washington Treaty Terms, whereas by the time the Tones were being built, the IJN was trying to use its Cruisers alongside Carriers. That's how they ended up with the strange design of all the turrets being forward and the reconnaissance aircraft deck aft, instead of being separated along the hull (which arguably would have been much safer to use, as you have less concentrated weight, you're not bunching up magazines next to one another and more importantly, if one of the turrets is hit and blows up, it's not taking out the rest of them along with it).
With the Ise, although a comparison can be made in-game, we're talking about a BB that was a BB for most of its life, so when it had its flight-deck added, the IJN didn't redesign it to slap the missing turrets somewhere else, so it's protection remained pretty much the same as it was before.
Tone would be a more _fitting_ ship if she did the Lazo thing and just had ridiculously good spotting or fighter aircraft but featured a gunnery style afforded by her unique layout for a cruiser. And she could have heralded a return to the days of yore as part of a larger Japanese cruiser rebalance toward being the premier flamethrowers and counters to the battleship sniper meta.
The odd thing would be that the Tone's catapult and recon aircraft were delayed in their launch and led to the ill timed decision to change CV armement.
Atago is my favorite T8 can’t wait to use her in the next clan battles Bering held at T8
A ship like the Tone would make more sense if a player didn't have the instant knowledge of own and enemy ships (for a time from their sighting)
Think the distances in the Pacific where a Tone with its group of sea planes can provide a fair amount of intel to a group admiral - Where is the enemy ? GIVE ME THEIR POSITION !!
For me it feels like : if you use the Tone as a gun cruiser - you have already partly failed. Provide spotting to 9 nine heavy guns and aircrafts and destroyers a beating.
90% of the damage potential of the Tone is people trying to dodge the torps instead of just taking them.
The planes are usefull for stealing kills i.e. the 5% health guys trying to run away. So I've heard, I'd never use my Tone like that ofc
I'm wondering if Tone will be used on the upcoming CB season
I've really enjoyed playing Ise and Kearsarge but I've held back from buying Tone mainly because I'm not a good cruiser player and I'm not in need for a T8
I have played Tone quite a bit and can say that it performs better as a second line support scout/DD hunter. If you get into gunfight with other cruisers you will lose. If a battleship can hit you, it will obliterate you. So your best bet is to make the most of that god-tier concealment, use the torpedoes for kiting and the planes for harassing targets of opportunity. They might not do a lot of damage but each one has the chance to start a flood and DDs are at big risk given their low HP and torpedo damage reduction. It is a fun ship with a lot of tactical potential, not a damage dealer. If you think that's bad design, that's fair, but what it brings to the table is unique gameplay.
You have to remember the spotting capabilities of this ship too. Very powerful even if you don't hit the dd/sub.
I actually know for a fact that Tone was listed in the World of Warships Wiki a lot longer and had been in the works a lot longer than Ise because I did see some old vids of her... Not really counting as a hybrid until now. Though why she is counted as a Hybrid Cruiser now is beyond me. But anyways, this ship had been in the works a lot longer than one would think.
The M6A2 Seiran was not actually a real plane. The M6A1 Seiran is real, but the M6A2 was only made as a prototype and was never made as a Seiran variant. If you have more info, please keep me updated tho. I love Japanese WWII Aircraft and Ships as well as German ones.
I like my Tone. It is a niche ship to be sure, and if you hug islands and snipe around them, and use the planes as more of distraction, then it's not that bad. You had the right idea in one of your videos. You fire the ship torpedoes at a ship or group of ships and let them head off. Then send up your torp planes. Put those torps in the water, and most of the time they'll turn in to avoid them, leaving them ripe for your ship torps to tear into them. I also use the torp planes when baiting people to chase me behind islands. I head by the island and launch the planes behind me, and when the ship comes around the island, they don't have many options to avoid the planes. Then drop, and switch to ship torps. They usually can't avoid them all. haha
the Ise torps are 1827 hp Tone 1677.....Tone plane speed is 135 vs Ise 122.......Tone deck armor is 25 i believe vs Atago 41.....the armor makes a big difference....Ise planes are higher hp and flies in weaker AA bubbles....just a few things that make them different
Hmmm, well it would seem the main issue is her aircraft gimmick. Given shes 2 tiers higher then the ISE the planes really SHOULD be better. Cut the Plane reload down to 2 mins or even 1.30 mins, BUFF the HP to what it SHOULD BE at tier 8 and maybe buff the torp damage a little bit.
I love this ship. It is actually my most played ship overall with 300 battles and counting and currently holding a 53% wr in her. Just barely beats out my massa.
It is a very fun ship with really good torps but it is pretty situational. The ship launched torps are by far its best weapon with the short reload timer on it. I use the plane dropped torps to corral ships following me into my ship torps for the big numbers. It is still a challenge to play when uptiered but can be quite a bit of fun. The fire chance on the guns are pretty reliable too.
Yeah these weak plane torps are better for making the reds go where you want them.
I got ise free and generally use the planes to either get someone to go broadside or for dds since the spread is so wide you can usually get one or two on target.
@@treeherder42 I found they're also good in setting up a cross drop with you're ship mounted torps. Good if you can land them on DDs too, and some cruisers.
I prefer the butt torps to Atagos since you can launch bigger salvos if positioned correctly.
With Atago you need to pretty much give full broadside to fire both sets to torps.
Also the better concealment makes torping easier.
Overall she's not as good as Atago, but she's decent. The plane regen could be faster though. Or give her a scout plane option to control like on the map or something.
Love Ibuki too.
@@Joshua-fi4ji yeah the advantage tone has over atago is all torps launch to the rear, you don't need to turn to get the front set off. Also the torps reload a bit faster on the Tone... I think with my current build it is in the 76 second range.
I run the tone sometimes. I usually just like to spot for others when noones in my distance. Its the only time i use the planes. The concealment is 8k so that's a huuuge plus lol I abuse the heal and torps too being a cruiser.
Got her recently because she was my first choice in one of those events so somewhat cheap and I only had the Yuubari as a Japanese premium.
Totally agree with your assesment so far. I will most likely ignore the planes except for some opportune spotting and focus on the guns and torpedoes.
I really regret that I didn't grind the ARP Atago or even ARP Myoukou. Oh well.
Finally, a content creator who pronounce its name correctly
The Tone is not available for sale. So how can someone get one?
Never mind I( found it.
Aircraft on battleships and cruisers were also used to direct fire on enemy ships.
It is actually great in t8 ranked. At least when played sparingly.
It is stealthy enough to support dds to cap. While being a heavy cruiser if anything goes wrong.
In previous mixed ranked of t8-9 I had a pleasure to face: Tone, Kearsarge and Lexington. There is no need to continue ... you can imagine how well it went
Many, many mistakes and omissions in this video:
- Tone planes do NOT have the same hitpoints as Ise. Tone = 1670 HP, Ise = 1820 HP
- Tone torpedo arming distance = 423 m, Ise arming distance = 376m. This means the torps require more lead, and thus harder to land consistent hits.
- Eight Tone torpedo plane hits = 2767*8 = 22136, vs. Shiratsuyu upgraded torp = 17233. Blatantly false.
- Torpedoes have a default damage of 17233 (same as Shiratsuyu). they can be buffed to 19818 with the 3pt commander skill. Why would you take that skill when there are plenty of other more viable skill choices?
- It is true that Tone gets 4 heals (default) vs. Atago's 3 heals (default), however Tone's repair party repairs 10% citadel damage, Atago's repairs 33%. Even Maya (tier 7) gets a 33% citadel repair on its heals.
- Most importantly, Tone's hydro has a 4 km ship detection range which is the lowest of any tier 8 cruiser.
- Tone does not have ASW capability at all. No depth charge, no airstrike, nothing.
Please fact check and proofread your videos before publishing.
If you think that makes no sense. I just got out of a match that had a CV with 3 Kearsarges in one div. Because having 4 CV on one team is balans.
Are you going to do a full review about the new British tech tree line? If so, do you have an idea when that's coming?
3:50 ah yes the Japanese hybrid cruiser the Tony?
Casual kraken at the end there. Well done
I think if most people knew the disgraceful history of the Tone and her barbaric treatment of Allied POWs and captured seamen I doubt many Westerners would want to buy or play it. Go look it up, don't take my word for it. A pity this Ytuber didn't mention this, but then I wouldn't expect much in the way of "history" or "realism" form this arcade shoot em up.
I wish this ship had better reload AND the planes had more hp and speed on it cuz I love this ship!
Tone's planes at tier 8 are way to weak as Ise's planes are to weak even at tier 6 and they are the same planes/torps
Idk I like my Tone it’s basically just a myoko at 1 tier higher with less guns but with torpedo bombers . It’s an ok ship all things considered , if anything buff the planes reload or torpedo damage on the planes.
As for the ISE I absolutely love it. Same with kearsarge I highly recommend everyone get kearsarge for coal
I really enjoy these followup videos and holding WG somewhat accountable. Insightful vid. Another huge design mistake by WG is...THE LACK OF ASW ON HYBRID SHIPS, like wtf. Autoloss pretty much if you're 1v1ing a sub which are getting more popular by the day. Come on WG there is balansing and their is smart balancing. This is a video game, please ask "will it be fun for the captain?" to lead you in your design decisions.
I only used Tone's planes late in matches, where everyone is weakened and enemy survivors are too far away from me. Otherwise I play her like a French cruiser.
Is it only me or this ship tend to detonate a lot?
I met 7 in the last 2 weeks, I detonated 3 out 7, 2 of them from main battery, 1 from to secondaries.
That just sounds like potatoes not using a detonation flag. Unless you are referring to Dev Strikes, which would be plausible because they have a huge citadel.
Tone is great, its a Ise with Torpedoes and you need to have a open mind and flexibility when you use it.
Why don't they have a patrol plan.
Squadron is piloted out and for its attack
Run it finishes its flight time in a spotting
Circle allowing the ship to fire its guns or the cv to launch an attack Squadron. 🤔
Plane not plan lol . Although plan still makes sense
Just a novelty collectors bote
You are spot on about the planes but it's fun. Ain't that the point? Oh yeah. WoW players.
I agree that cruisers are the best ships but being restricted to 203mm guns ruins it. Almost all ships can handle being hit with a salvo of 203mm shells even if they are smashed with 90% of the salvo. At medium range most cruisers barely do significant damage and certainly find it hard to citidel a battleship. The need to pump cruiser guns to 280.. or 310mm
I think the reason why Tone have such a poor deck is because she is an evolution after Mogami Class.
This ship is so much fun!
Thumbs up for history knowledge
Tone is in a better place than the whole Dutch line, it has planes guns and torps...and can take on subs
this is a collectors ship, not much emphasis is placed on in game enjoyment unlike the ise ... WOW made the bucks on ise and just added this on the side as a collectors edition
"This ship makes no sense". *See Russian Super Carriers*
You see no carriers in t8 clan battles but people can run 6 tones
Check out the chat box at 8:45 to 8:55. Typical WG chats. LOL
just got this thing out of a free Santa big gift
IGN ltcomderscott last time I saw one was when it first came out. Haven't seen one since.
I would love if they bring Mogami in her final refit as an aviation cruiser
I like the concept of These ships and i love playing the Tone
So maybe Mogami '44 as a t7 Premium since it would be a Tone with 1 less turret
not a fan of japanese cruisers , but would take atago over tone any day
I'm sorry, but I like Tone such harder than Atago and Azumo especially in Ranked
With this latest update we got royally screwed ! !!! Thanks WG !! Asses. I had a few hundred camouflages saved up the free ones that you can use anytime for free that you earn, i started the game today and there gone !!!! Turned into camouflages that cost 75000 to 90000 each use !!! I don't care how they try to spin this we got F'ed !!! Probably going to delete this freaking game now I'm so pissed that was the last straw.
They should still be in your inventory, if not, send in a ticket to WG
A worse Atago
The game itself doesnt make sense.
2th turret is 360° plus I really like this ship