O o.onon n oonon onono o nono n nononnnnon 9. . . onoonono onon onnoonnnonooonoo. No. Nooonnonono oono onnonoo. Oonnno9o o nnn.9nnoonnooonno nono n non.nnnnnn ok.n. o.no oonnononono on9 o o.nono . o n. Onnnon. On non o. Onononon onnonono oo oo o. Nnn onok. Ono. O non no o o.9o onnonononn on ono onno o oonn. Onnonno n o o o nonono on ok onoonooono ono on ono oo. Ononooono ooooonn no ono ooononon9nonoononnon o on o o.no n oo n .onnonno on. Oonnn nno. Ooo.nnn9on n on on.noononnnn.no onononono onn o.o o no no nonoonono. Onononnnoonono n o . .. . . ... . . 99o nnonnonn.n. oooo.o n ono n o. Nnononoo nonono. Nnnn ooo.onnn.on o no. No o n no ooo n nnon.n o nno no ooo ononoo.n on onoono oo ononnono oo nnnono.onnn9.nn onono. . . 99non nnonoonnon. O. Nno.nnnno ooo no n onnoo onion nnon on9nnonnoo. O o.n.no.n oo 9oooonono oonooo oo oonno o oono o n onnnoo n o no ono Nnn nono nvm koo n o. Ooo o. poloniuM On n oono ononnoon o. O. N.nnon. onon9.onono non9 ooooononoono.n9nonon.nnoon
it's not in the furnace its behind it there is a window in back protecting it. the window is made from the same glass that is used in space. lol i watch these videos way too much😁😁
Nicole is correct! You can learn more about the camera behind the furnace in this blog post: blog.cmog.org/2016/12/12/the-view-from-inside-the-furnace/.
I mean it's great work and all, but why does TH-cam keep thinking I always want to watch this? Never once looked up glass blowing but autoplay leads me here every time.
Words can't describe this, awesome
Thanks for watching!
that is gorgeous!!!!
The commentary was outstanding and glass demonstration was very educational. Kudos!
Thanks for watching!
This may be one of my favorite ones !
Darin is a legend!
Is this narrated by Tig Nataro? It’s uncanny. Excellent video.
I kinda really dig the presenter's deadpan matter-of-fact humor.
That was amazing.
In the UK we use Pounds and pence as money
Why has Corning chosen Reichenback color over Kugler?
wish I couild see whtas the presenter was talikng about in front
Crazy shit. Never knew there was presentations like this. Cool though
Love it..
Thanks for watching!
Got a friend called cat. She meows and purrs a lot
O o.onon n oonon onono o nono n nononnnnon 9. . . onoonono onon onnoonnnonooonoo. No. Nooonnonono oono onnonoo. Oonnno9o o nnn.9nnoonnooonno nono n non.nnnnnn ok.n. o.no oonnononono on9 o o.nono . o n. Onnnon. On non o. Onononon onnonono oo oo o. Nnn onok. Ono. O non no o o.9o onnonononn on ono onno o oonn. Onnonno n o o o nonono on ok onoonooono ono on ono oo. Ononooono ooooonn no ono ooononon9nonoononnon o on o o.no n oo n .onnonno on. Oonnn nno. Ooo.nnn9on n on on.noononnnn.no onononono onn o.o o no no nonoonono. Onononnnoonono n o . .. . . ... . . 99o nnonnonn.n. oooo.o n ono n o. Nnononoo nonono. Nnnn ooo.onnn.on o no. No o n no ooo n nnon.n o nno no ooo ononoo.n on onoono oo ononnono oo nnnono.onnn9.nn onono. . . 99non nnonoonnon. O. Nno.nnnno ooo no n onnoo onion nnon on9nnonnoo. O o.n.no.n oo 9oooonono oonooo oo oonno o oono o n onnnoo n o no ono Nnn nono nvm koo n o. Ooo o. poloniuM On n oono ononnoon o. O. N.nnon. onon9.onono non9 ooooononoono.n9nonon.nnoon
how is the camera not melting in the furnace lol
it's not in the furnace its behind it there is a window in back protecting it. the window is made from the same glass that is used in space. lol i watch these videos way too much😁😁
Nicole is correct! You can learn more about the camera behind the furnace in this blog post: blog.cmog.org/2016/12/12/the-view-from-inside-the-furnace/.
The picture of the piece looks more like a swan to me even though the white part looks like the belly of a penguine
The n
I mean it's great work and all, but why does TH-cam keep thinking I always want to watch this? Never once looked up glass blowing but autoplay leads me here every time.
Hey fellow BGSU alumni!
Kat looking like a badass mad max raider with her blue hair and two torches ready to go to work.
I think that looks more like a devine Swan than it does a penguin
At 141 it looked like a penguin and then not anymore. Jot a bad bird.
Amazing! Beautiful. But it is a penguin. Good grief what is wrong with just saying it is a penguin?
Had to watch this one on mute. Couldn't handle the horrible narration.
Cringe fest .
So greatful taste differ cause the narator was brilliant as always.
Couldn’t agree more