Sold out so fast didn’t even have a chance and I must say I really hope like the p2s you will release more until the market is satisfied because it’s honestly the most frustrating. These tiny releases
The Sky Riders sold out within 30 minutes back in October. So hopefully they actually make enough for actual players and not these low life scalpers that jack the prices up!
I'm with you there. I'd like to be able to join a que system or something so i'm not beaten out by bots/scalpers like every other hecking product i've tried to get. R.I.P attempts at getting a ps5 and a gpu.
They want that, it creates more hype about the disc and drives up demand. Same thing with lat64 fuse. They have stacks in warehouses but they trickle them out as sellers on eBay gouge us for that golden disc you need so bad
I think the tilt is a covert teaching tool because it'll teach you the importance of angle and release on over stable discs way to fit a teaching tool in Simon love it by the way
I am so excited to throw this disc!! I have 1 reserved from my local shop!! Simon it is so great seeing you back out there! Keep up all the good work! That plastic looks sick!!
I’m pumped for the new Discmania now that you have more control of your production. With the team you have, the only way is straight up! Now I’ve just gotta get some of that new plastic in my hands!
A White with red discmania stamp?that is a Neo tilt and there is only 60 made. They were sent out to ppl in europe, discmania sold more exo tilts than they had in stock so some ppl got neo tilts instead. :)
I heard Simon has got quite a physiological id going on in his head, and seeing as the falcon on the Tilt disc is depicted as in a 'Stoop' a better name for it would be the 'Stoop-id' What you think?
I get the feeling latitude 64 just bought a new factory floor and bought new machines so they can make disc mania disc all in one place. Meaning they need more room because more people are buying from them and they couldnt keep up. I net if you could look at the deed to who owns all this it still resides under latitude. Just like when innova made discmania
our local dealer said he was only allowed to get 20 of them, its charlotte nc the biggest disc city in the country, and our biggest store dealer was only allowed 20 lol, shoulda been 200
Well since I didn't see it in flight, all I can say is that it looks like an Innova Monarch, but people are saying it's over stable. Video didn't help much imo. Still love Simon.
I think having something super over stable is nice to have in anyone's bag. You may not be able to flip it (I'm not sure that anyone can), but that's not the point. Throw it on a high hyzer line and let it come straight down on the basket. I wish this review had more of the practical scenarios in which this disc would be used in real life. I see it as one of those discs you don't use every round, but every few rounds it gets you out of a really rough situation and would help people like me who don't throw great thumbers but love hyzer bombs for certain shots.
Picked up one of these in the first run plastic at Clash at the Canyons 3 weeks ago. Be sure that one is on grass because the plastic is VERY soft and susceptible to damage.
@@nautilusshell940 The very first run is sorta like Prime for DD. As in one of Simons videos about making the disc, the trick was getting a good plastic that didn't warp
Excited to try out the Tilt! as a Disc Golf lover based in China (albeit British), what happens about your international shipping and your current relationship with Yikun? Will a disc such as this also be available through your international manufacturers/distributors???
"Let's do a new disc" "I have a better idea let's make a new disc and produce only a handful of them so scalpers and bots will make a fortune, just like with ps5 and graphics cards"
Simon's video the other day where they spin the wheel to pick which disc they throw made me not want to buy this disc. With how much crap he talked about the disc I thought "there is no way this is the disc Simon picked for his creator series."
Hmm i had to rewatch it and he literally didn't talk any crap about it😂 it wasn't optimal and is not designed to be optimal for every, or even every other hole so maybe he wished for fd over the tilt on some holes but i didn't hear any crap about the disc, at all🤔
We and Simon want to thank you all for the love and support ❤️ This disc is very special
The eBay trolls thank you also
Sold out so fast didn’t even have a chance and I must say I really hope like the p2s you will release more until the market is satisfied because it’s honestly the most frustrating. These tiny releases
"very special" is right LOL
Any plans on a comeback with these?
Calling this disc overstable is an understatement.
He actually did not call it overstable. He managed to present the Tilt without saying overstable lol.
Got mine and I'm super excited to add it to my bag! It's going to be ridiculous!
Really wish they would allow a preorder. So tired of disc finally becoming available just to have them snatched up by the eBay trolls.
Exactly, the flippers and hoarders ruin everything
Discmania doesn't care about the true fans. It should be obvious by now but somehow, they still have a cult following.
And just like that, eBay is flooded with Tilts for a ridiculous price. Sorry I had to work and couldn’t purchase one just to whore them off to eBay.
I’m literally over Discmania new releases. This bs is just getting absolutely ridiculous. I’m not paying $100 for a disc!
@@blameitoncartman agreed, I simply want to see the sport grow, but it appears there’s more effort being put into making every disc a collectible.
3 minute video about a new disc but no footage of how the disc flies. Still love Simon tho.
Well it doesn't fly, so guess it's fair
They said that Simon is going to release a video about the disc on his channel today.
It cannot stay in the air long enough for them to film it😂😂😂.
Its all BS people
So glad I was able to get me one. These are so interesting to throw. Can't wait to see it's full potential 😍
Will there be enough for everyone or will they be sold out quickly?
Mitäpä lottoat menee todennäkösesti alle minuutissa
We have a good amount but you never know when it’s the first Simon release of the year 🤷♂️😅
As the old saying goes, you snooze you lose. Good luck
The Sky Riders sold out within 30 minutes back in October. So hopefully they actually make enough for actual players and not these low life scalpers that jack the prices up!
will it sell out in 10 seconds or did you guys make enough
Just got one from DGPT release. Can't wait to try it.
I know I’m tired of that bs!
I'm with you there. I'd like to be able to join a que system or something so i'm not beaten out by bots/scalpers like every other hecking product i've tried to get. R.I.P attempts at getting a ps5 and a gpu.
@@danlewis1885 they’ll sell out on other retailers faster than you can type them into your search bar
@@danlewis1885 dealers (no matter their size) were only allowed to get 20.
They want that, it creates more hype about the disc and drives up demand. Same thing with lat64 fuse. They have stacks in warehouses but they trickle them out as sellers on eBay gouge us for that golden disc you need so bad
I think the tilt is a covert teaching tool because it'll teach you the importance of angle and release on over stable discs way to fit a teaching tool in Simon love it by the way
I am so excited to throw this disc!! I have 1 reserved from my local shop!! Simon it is so great seeing you back out there! Keep up all the good work! That plastic looks sick!!
That course is amazing!
Hope there is a course review with the tilt starting in it
What time will they be launching?
I’m pumped for the new Discmania now that you have more control of your production. With the team you have, the only way is straight up! Now I’ve just gotta get some of that new plastic in my hands!
Thanks Timmy! We will do our best to get that new plastic out this year!
When is the Mutant release?
We will give a production update in early August to everyone.
So what is the difference between creater series tilt and regular tilt? Besides that it will just make discmania a shit ton of money
When will there be more
Getting mine for sure!!
What time does the tilts drop?
Click on the link in the description. There's a countdown timer.
Got my order confirmed!
Well how does it fly?
Simply answer: IT DOESNT!
For me it flips up nicely from a hyzer and goes straight
i think its the most overstable disc on the market
Like a brick
Like shit
Got mine today!
I've seen a white tilt on the Euro site, is that a European only release or will there be some on the US site as well? Thanks!
A White with red discmania stamp?that is a Neo tilt and there is only 60 made. They were sent out to ppl in europe, discmania sold more exo tilts than they had in stock so some ppl got neo tilts instead. :)
@@AnteBuhr Nope it's one of the disc images on the Euro site, white disc purple stamp
@@agentp4554 saw it now, damnit... i wanted one of every color, will be expensive it there is 4 colors :o
I heard Simon has got quite a physiological id going on in his head, and seeing as the falcon on the Tilt disc is depicted as in a 'Stoop' a better name for it would be the 'Stoop-id' What you think?
Are the creator series discs limited run, or will they be a part of regular/semi-regular production?
Stu-Tang Creator Series discs are limited run.
Yay i got one today! Tried to get one for my brother too but they were all sold out in 2 minutes
Simon I meet you at Glide disc golf in Madison Wisconsin I was very happy to meet you
Discmania’s first creator series disc, a disc you’ll never have to use, ever!
I saw a noodle arm using a Tilt as his primary driver. He looked like he was having a pretty bad time lmao
What’s the speed and price is it? Is it as crazy as you have said before
9 1 1 6 $30
I love how Simon doesn't even bag this anymore in favor of the splice.
Can’t wait to disappointed because you didn’t produce enough
a dozen produced is to many
I get the feeling latitude 64 just bought a new factory floor and bought new machines so they can make disc mania disc all in one place. Meaning they need more room because more people are buying from them and they couldnt keep up. I net if you could look at the deed to who owns all this it still resides under latitude. Just like when innova made discmania
Hopefully the plastic is better this time so it doesn’t deform after one throw
It appears to be a similar blend as the lucid-x chameleon and if that's the case, these will be way more durable.
9 1 1? 6....don't understand the 1 for the 'turn' rating. should be 0 or a negative # ??
There is no ”turn” on this one 😅. It wants to tilt immediately…
but I still don't agree w 1 as th rating for turn. I think it should be zer0. but im just a pool player
@@StumpCatcher I mean, the disc literally refuses to fly straight for more than a millisecond, so it's pretty much hyzering for the entire flight.
starting to register! ty
Shout out to mountainside great course great community
Got one! But I’m not going to screw someone over on eBay. Going straight in the bag!
Same 👍
Yes I got one for myself!
our local dealer said he was only allowed to get 20 of them, its charlotte nc the biggest disc city in the country, and our biggest store dealer was only allowed 20 lol, shoulda been 200
Scored one today!
So I might be able to find it at my local shop rather than buy it online? I can dig that!
We are saying that ”there is a chance” 😀
@@DiscmaniaGolfDiscs 🥰
Legacy disc fighter is similar to the tilt
Streamline flare very similar mold
No it's not. You really should try the Tilt before commenting on it's flight
@@syv2un1 I have a flare and it flies similar to flights I've seen with the tilt. I didn't say it was the same. It's a comparable choice.
I wonder what a 150g-155g Tilt would fly like. I bet it would be amazing. Any plans on releasing a light version?
Tilts will be coming heavy!
Did that say 9 1 1 6 ???
I have a feeling only resellers are going to touch these.
July 27 is my birthday😊
Congrats 🎉
@@DiscmaniaGolfDiscs Thanks discmania Thats why you are brand number 1 in disc golf
Awesome stuff Simon
Well since I didn't see it in flight, all I can say is that it looks like an Innova Monarch, but people are saying it's over stable. Video didn't help much imo. Still love Simon.
😊 Simon is going to release his ”flight test” today on his channel - stay tuned.
@@DiscmaniaGolfDiscs Thanks for the heads up
A video of tilt without showing how it really flies? Bad mistake.
Flips up Nicely and glides to about 450
😊 Simon is going to release a video about the flight tomorrow
Why so many shots of Simon throwing with no shots of the actual flight of the tilt? smh 😂
What flight?
Cant wait to sit online so i can order one. Hopefully ill be able to get one
The rim looks like a distance driver version of the Truth
So excited to ignore this release! Lol why do you guys even make videos for discs that are going to sell out in 0.1 seconds?
I really want this disc but I don't know if I want to spend 30€ on it
But do you Really want it 🤔 It will be worth it we promise
why do you want it lol
@@adamc2837 so I can flex on my friends with it lol
@@DiscmaniaGolfDiscs I thought about it and I think I'll buy it :)
@@laurikorhonencubes ridiculous! stop putting money into having every single signature disc and put it into the pro tour so we get better coverage
looks like a Zone inside of a XXX and why is nobody talking about that
But I already have drivers that go off the fairway!
Anything on mystery boxes…. Anyone???
As a new player I know I probably can’t throw it probably yet but I kinda want one just to hang on the wall 🤔
I think having something super over stable is nice to have in anyone's bag. You may not be able to flip it (I'm not sure that anyone can), but that's not the point. Throw it on a high hyzer line and let it come straight down on the basket.
I wish this review had more of the practical scenarios in which this disc would be used in real life. I see it as one of those discs you don't use every round, but every few rounds it gets you out of a really rough situation and would help people like me who don't throw great thumbers but love hyzer bombs for certain shots.
@@danielrosborne I’m still gonna try and get one regardless. If I throw it or not
I would buy any mold in Tha tplastic. Gaaaah dayyyum
Member if you can’t throw it, turn it upside down and throw a normal flex shot, such a unique disk
Picked up one of these in the first run plastic at Clash at the Canyons 3 weeks ago. Be sure that one is on grass because the plastic is VERY soft and susceptible to damage.
The meta plastic is soft?
@@nautilusshell940 no, it’s durable.
@@nautilusshell940 The very first run is sorta like Prime for DD. As in one of Simons videos about making the disc, the trick was getting a good plastic that didn't warp
Need one of these, but really want a new MD5. I lost mine, that disc was money.
I got a not so swirly MD5 I can send your way. Was going to put it on the auction block on Monday
@@ZachTheDiscmaniac what would the price be?
Because of the time it releases, I am going to stay up the whole night to get it.
Excited to try out the Tilt!
as a Disc Golf lover based in China (albeit British), what happens about your international shipping and your current relationship with Yikun? Will a disc such as this also be available through your international manufacturers/distributors???
Wouldn't let me check out then sold out in 2 minutes 😭
"Let's do a new disc"
"I have a better idea let's make a new disc and produce only a handful of them so scalpers and bots will make a fortune, just like with ps5 and graphics cards"
ITS NOT SPECIAL PEOPLE!! Get over buying everything and put money towards growing the sport not ridiculous discs in your bag.
Amen brother! Most of the people obsessing over this "gimmick" disc don't have the arm to throw it. What's the point?
Sold out in a few hours some bs
I love how they don’t even show him throw the disc. lol
You know you'd make more money if you produced enough of these to actually sell them for more that 2 minutes.
Simon's video the other day where they spin the wheel to pick which disc they throw made me not want to buy this disc. With how much crap he talked about the disc I thought "there is no way this is the disc Simon picked for his creator series."
Hmm i had to rewatch it and he literally didn't talk any crap about it😂 it wasn't optimal and is not designed to be optimal for every, or even every other hole so maybe he wished for fd over the tilt on some holes but i didn't hear any crap about the disc, at all🤔
I won't throw it but I will sell it so some dumb fanboi for 5x price.
Woohoo. A review on a disc that 99.9% of people who want one won’t be able to get.
There will be tens of thousands who will get the Tilt! 🎉
@@DiscmaniaGolfDiscs Thats good to know. Any idea how fast they’ll go? Still carrying some salt from the last Tilt release
@@DiscmaniaGolfDiscs It was still near impossible to get one for me. I hope your new factory will help you with your supply challenges.
No other complaints but the art is a stone cold rip off of Zephyr Falcon.
(look it up)