Beautiful Macedonian music, beautiful culture, nice storytelling in this song. Full of family love and warmth. 👍 ❤ Would the pathetic sods making political statements here find the appropriate political sites to express your inferiority complexes and stroke each other’s egos by reassuring each other that you are better than the rest of the world. Let open-minded people appreciate music of the world without having to put up with your tantrums. If you can't appreciate other cultures and music, keep away from music videos or stick to your own.
World War II in Yugoslav Macedonia Final operations for the liberation of Macedonia Under the leadership of the new Bulgarian pro-Soviet government, four Bulgarian armies, 455,000 strong in total, were mobilized and reorganized. By the end of September, the Red Army 3rd Ukrainian Front troops were concentrated at the Bulgarian-Yugoslav border. In the early October 1944 three Bulgarian armies, consisting of around 340,000-man,[55] together with the Red Army reentered occupied Yugoslavia and moved from Sofia to Niš, Skopje and Pristina to blocking the German forces withdrawing from Greece.[56][57] In Macedonia the Bulgarians operated in conjunction with the fighters of the MNLA, but this cooperation did not proceed without difficulties.[58] From 8 October to 19 November, the Stracin - Kumanovo operation was held and Kratovo, Kriva Palanka, Kumanovo and Skopje[59] were taken. At the same time the Bregalnica - Strumica operation was led, and the Wehrmacht was driven from the villages of Delchevo, Kočani, Stip, Strumica and Veles.[60] Southern and Eastern Serbia, Kosovo and Vardar Macedonia were liberated by the end of November.[61][62] The 3rd Ukrainian Front in collaboration with the People's Liberation Army of Yugoslavia and Bulgarian People's Army carried out the Belgrade Offensive. The 130,000-strong Bulgarian First Army continued to Hungary, driving off the Germans, while the rest moved back to Bulgaria. On a series of maps from Army Group E, showing its withdrawal through Macedonia and Southern Serbia, as well as in the memoirs of its chief of staff, there is almost no indication of Yugoslav Partisan units, but only Bulgarian divisions. Despite these facts, the contribution of Bulgarian troops is still much debated in the Republic of Macedonia for political reasons.[63][64] War and revolution in Yugoslavia, 1941-1945: occupation and collaboration, Jozo Tomasevich, Stanford University Press, 2001, ISBN 0-8047-3615-4, pp. 751-752. Svetozar Vukmanović - Tempo Macedonia November 13, 1944 (Monday) The Bulgarian 1st Army captured Skopje.[15] The Japanese destroyers Akebono, Akishimo, Hatsuharu and Kiso were all bombed and sunk by U.S. Navy aircraft in and around the Cavite Naval Yard in Manila, while destroyer Okinami was sunk 8 nautical miles west of the city. Japanese submarine I-12 was hedgehogged and sunk east of Hawaii by American warships. Civil air service returned to London for the first time since September 1939.[5] Stone & Stone Books War Diary November 13, 1944 (Monday) Russian Front Finnish forces capture Inari in northern Finland Arctic Front, June 1941 - May 1945 German forces withdraw from Skopje as Bulgarian 1st Army advances Southern flank of the Russian Front, 1944-1945 Bulgarian 1st Army captures Skopje Southern flank of the Russian Front, 1944-1945 Books on this subject War Diary entries for this subject Narrower subjects Main subjects Balkan campaigns, the Aegean, and the Adriatic, 1942-1945 Russo-German War, 1941-1945 Axworthy, Mark, Cornel Scafes, and Christian Craciunoiu. Third Axis Fourth Ally: Romanian Armed Forces in the European War, 1941-1945. London: Arms and Armour, 1995 Bantea, Eugen, Constantin Nicolae, and Gheorghe Zaharia. Romania in the War against Hitler's Germany, August 1944-May 1945. Bucharest: Meridiane Publishing House, 1970 Buchner, Alex. Ostfront 1944: The German Defensive Battles on the Russian Front, 1944. West Chester, PA: Schiffer Military History, 1991 Clark, Alan. Barbarossa: The Russian-German Conflict, 1941-45. New York: William Morrow and Company, 1965 Cornish, Nik. Armageddon Ost: The German Defeat on the Eastern Front 1944-45. Hersham, UK: Ian Allan Publishing, 2006 Dick, C. J. From Defeat to Victory: The Eastern Front, Summer 1944. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 2016 Erickson, John. The Road to Berlin. New York: Harper and Row, 1983 Erickson, John (editor). Main Front: Soviet Leaders Look Back on World War II. London: Brassey's, 1987 Frieser, Karl-Heinz, Klaus Schmider, Klaus Schonherr, et al. Das Deutsche Reich in der Defensive: Die Ostfront 1943/44, Der Krieg im Osten und an den Nebenfronten. Munchen: Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH, 2007 Glantz, D. M. and Jonathan House. When Titans Clashed: How the Red Army Stopped Hitler. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 1996 Gosztony, Peter. Der Kampf um Budapest, 1944-1945. Munich: Schnell und Steiner, 1964 Grechko, Andrei (ed). The Liberation Mission of the Soviet Armed Force in the Second World War. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1975 Guillemot, Philippe. Hungary 1944-1945: The Panzers' Last Stand. Paris: Histoire & Collections, 2011 Higgins, David R. Jagdpanther vs SU-100: Eastern Front 1945. Botley, UK: Osprey Publishing, 2014 Hinze, Rolf. East Front Drama 1944. Winnipeg: J.J. Fedorowicz, 1996 Hinze, Rolf. To the Bitter End: The Final Battles of Army Groups North Ukraine, A, Centre, Eastern Front 1944-45. Solihull, UK: Helion & Company, 2005 Hinze, Rolf. With the Courage of Desperation: Germany's Defence of the Southern Sector of the Eastern Front, 1944-45. Solihull, UK: Helion & Company, 2013 Hlihor, Constantin and Ioan Scurtu. The Red Army in Romania. Iasi: Center for Romanian Studies, 2000 Hnilicke. Das Ende aud dem Balkan, 1944/45. Berlin: Musterschmidt-Verlag Isaev, A. and M. Kolomiets. Tomb of the Panzerwaffe: The Defeat of the Sixth SS Panzer Army in Hungary. Solihull, UK: Helion & Company, 2014 Jakl, Tomas. May 1945 in the Czech Lands: Ground Operations of the Axis and Allied Forces. Prague: MBI Publishing - Czech, 2004 Kern, Erich. Die Letze Schlacht Ungarn 1944-45. Preussisch-Oldendorf: 1960 Kissel. Die Katastrophe In Rumanien 1944. 1964 Konev, I. Year of Victory. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1969 Maier, Georg. Drama between Budapest and Vienna: The Final Battles of the 6. Panzer-Armee in the East, 1945. Winnipeg: J. J. Fedorowicz Publishing Inc, 2004 Matev, Kaloyan. Red Wind over the Balkans: The Soviet offensive south of the Danube, September-October 1944. Solihull, UK: Helion & Company - Forthcoming, date unknown McTaggart, Patrick. Siege! Six Epic Eastern Front Assaults of World War II. Winnipeg: J. J. Fedorowicz Publishing Inc, 2005 Melnyk, Michael James. To Battle: The Formation and History of the 14th Galician Waffen-SS Division. Solihull, UK: Helion & Company, 2002 Minasyan, M. M. (ed). Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1974 Mitcham Jr, Samuel W. Crumbling Empire: The German Defeat in the East, 1944. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press and Praeger Publishers, 2001 Moore, Perry. Panzerschlacht: Armoured Operations on the Hungarian Plains, September-November 1944. Solihull, UK: Helion & Company, 2008 Nevenkin, Kamen. Take Budapest: The Struggle for Hungary, Autumn 1944. Stroud, UK: Spellmount / The History Press, 2012 Pencz, Rudolf. For the Homeland! The History of the 31st Waffen-SS Volunteer Grenadier Division. Solihull, UK: Helion & Company, 2002 Pierik, Perry. Hungary 1944-1945: The Forgotten Tragedy. Nieuwegein: Aspekt, 1997 Ranki, Gyorgy. 1944 Marcius 19: Magyarorszag Megszallasa. Budapest: Kossuth Konyvkiado, 1979 Schmidt-Richberg. Das Ende auf Dem Balkan. Heidelberg: Scharnhorst Buchkameradschaft, 1955 Seaton, Albert. The Russo-German War, 1941-45. London: Arthur Barker, 1971 Sharpe, Michael and Brian L. Davis. Leibstandarte: Hitler's Elite Bodyguard. Hersham, UK: Ian Allan Publishing, 2002 Shtemenko, S. M. The Last Six Months: Russia's Final Battles with Hitler's Armies in World War II. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1977 Staff of S&T. War in the East: The Russo-German Conflict, 1944-45. New York: SPI, 1977 Szamveber, Norbert. Days of Battle: Armoured Operations North of the River Danube, Hungary 1944-45. Solihull, UK: Helion & Company, 2013 Szamveber, Norbert. The Sword Behind The Shield: A Combat History of the German Efforts to Relieve Budapest 1945. Solihull, UK: Helion & Company, 2016 Taylor, Brian. The Defeat of Germany, 19 November 1942 - 15 May 1945. Staplehurst, UK: Spellmount Ltd, 2004 Treptow, Kurt W. (editor). Romania and World War II. Iasi: Center for Romanian Studies, 2000 Ungvary, Krisztian. Battle for Budapest: 100 Days in World War II. London: I.B. Tauris, 2003 Ziemke, Earl F. Stalingrad to Berlin: The German Defeat in the East. Washington DC: Government Printing Office, 1966
In the last week of October the Russians and Bulgarians made strong bids to take Kraljevo and Skoplje. Having the troops to spare and the railroad, Loehr could meet the challenge, if in both places none too soon. On 2 November Army Group E stopped the Russians at Kraljevo and in the next several days halted the Bulgarians east of Skoplje. The success of the withdrawal through Macedonia was then assured.31 North of Skoplje the army group would have to veer west onto poorer roads, but it would be spared the almost certain disaster of a winter march through the coastal mountains. Again Weichs' chief handicap was his own earlier indecision; he had potential reserves but no prospect of bringing them to bear in time. Army Group E's withdrawal had gone without a hitch through mid-November. Then, on the 18th, Bulgarian Second Army had opened a strong attack north of Skoplje. Again Weichs' chief handicap was his own earlier indecision; he had potential reserves but no prospect of bringing them to bear in time. Army Group E's withdrawal had gone without a hitch through mid-November. Then, on the 18th, Bulgarian Second Army had opened a strong attack north of Skoplje. The next day Balkan Air Force bombers had destroyed the Drina bridge at Visegrad, backing up truck and troop columns eighty five miles east to Kraljevo. In Albania strong partisan units hemmed XXI Mountain Corps in on all sides as it tried to join the retreat. Army Group E had to put back into its own front some of the troops it had intended to release, and the rest were stalled in central Yugoslavia 200 miles and more from where they could do any good. Multinational Operations, Alliances, and International Military Cooperation Past and Future, William W. Epley, Robert S. Rush, Government Printing Office, ISBN 0-16-079422-6, pp. 82-83. Stalingrad to Berlin: The German Defeat in the East By Earl F. Ziemke The German Defeat in the East: 1944-45 By Samuel W. Mitcham Jr. Крайовска спогодба (1944) Крайовската спогодба е подписана на 5 октомври 1944 г. в Крайова, Румъния. Спогодбата има характер на примирие и е сключена между България и комунистическата съпротива в Югославия. Спогодбата е подписана със посредничеството на СССР.[1] С подписването й между председателя на Националния комитет за освобождението на Югославия (НКОЮ) и делегацията на българското правителство на ОФ, официално се узаконява военното пребиваване на българската армия на югославска територия и военното сътрудничество с ЮНОВ. Спогодбата приема, че всички въпроси, които произтичат от междусъседските отношения и приятелското сътрудничество между България и Югославия “ще се решават в духа на братските и общи интереси на народите на Югославия и България”. (виж руския текст). Пред българската армия е поставена задачата да разгроми противниковите сили в Източна Сърбия и Вардарска Македония и да прекъсне пътя за отстъпление на германците по долините на р. Морава, Вардар и Ибар. На практика обаче, Маршал Тито не иска българската армия да воюва на югославска територия и се съгласява на българското военно участие едва след личния натиск от Сталин, но с условието, българската армия да не превзема големите градове, а да спира пред тях и да дава възможност първи като освободители да влязат югославските партизани. The Road To Berlin By John Erickson Tito, Mihailović, and the allies, 1941-1945 By Walter R. Roberts The Macedonian Partisans were not very numerous or active either. The majority of Macedonians apparently did not consider themselves ethnically Serbs but Bulgarians and, whether Communist or not, wished to be united with their brothers ... The Macedonian Question: Britain and the Southern Balkans 1939-1949 By Dimitris Livanios Страцинско-Кумановска операция Страцинско-Кумановската операция е настъпателна операция на българската армия по време на участието на България във Втората световна война срещу войски на Третия райх, отбраняващи подстъпите към долината на река Вардар. Проведена е от 8 октомври до 14 ноември 1944, провеждана успоредно с Нишката настъпателна операция и Брегалнишко-струмишката настъпателна операция. България във Втората Световна Война - 3 част
didoidol stupid idiot learn history there is only one language on the balkans and thats our serbian language you speak serbian macedonians croatians bosnians they all speak serbian language
greetings to makedonija very nice music. from Turkey
Svaka cast bravo samo napret neka ziveje makedonija pozz svima ot sefer i marija francija
Macedonian Folk Dance is freaking amazing
Красиво. Молодцы. Привет из России 🇷🇺
Браво за Македонците ова песна е прекрасна
Love from kosovo! 🇽🇰 🇲🇰
Честитки за оваа песна со оро и престава убава за сите кои сакаат да живее Македонија географски поздрав од Париз
Respect from Romania to all Balkanik countries
Lively, colorful and wonderfully happy choreography. Bravo! Show us some more good Macedonian dances and music.
Pranvera.valla .scremoje.zemreime.tushme.💋👄👄💘❤
Лжжл членки лжжл лжжл лжжл лжжл милиони јујјум
Е, да видиш шта је - Македонија. Јединствена на Планети. Поздрав из Шумадије.
Bravo za komentarite gospodine
Честитам, браћо! Референдум није успео.
Pozdrav brte Sumadinac
г 😇😉😇😉🙂😍😍😉🙂😉😣😉😇😉😎😉😊😶😉😏😉🤗😉😚🤗😉🤗😉😣🤗😉🙂☺😉😍😁🤗😊☺☺😊😚😀🤗😉😣😉🤗😉🤗
поклон Наско вечна песен
moonlit mystery emote
Знам на 90%! Сега ходи се беси! :D
Beautiful Macedonian music, beautiful culture, nice storytelling in this song. Full of family love and warmth. 👍 ❤
Would the pathetic sods making political statements here find the appropriate political sites to express your inferiority complexes and stroke each other’s egos by reassuring each other that you are better than the rest of the world. Let open-minded people appreciate music of the world without having to put up with your tantrums. If you can't appreciate other cultures and music, keep away from music videos or stick to your own.
Aj na našem
Наряды очень схожи с Россией❤
baba jadi piperka dedo sviri na supelka dedo mili zaltni babino bombonce taa e najlepsa pesma opa nina naj
как се казва хорото на което изпълняват тази песен?
Нали не ми разбираше езика бе?
2god i nieden dislike
anyone from fortnite?
Now featured in the video game Fortnite.
Ова е Македонија.
aj be nekoj tekst kazite ili vo reply dajte link....
Шо има врска "историческата книга" со песната бе тркалак!?
Haha edna od zabavnite bulgarski pesni :D
kerazof 0. 0die package xx
My a TX
zemeni cekori od zetvarka
Еми така е като от малки ви учат на западнобългарски диалект... Ела в София да се научиш на книжовен език!
kerazof море мрсул да не дошле македонците во Софија ќе зборевте татарски. Види стари карти да видиш кај пишва Софија Македонски град.
Бугариве ако знааш што се пее и во 20% од песната јас одма се бесам
Верувам дека веќе си се обесил. Поздрав од Бугарија😁
@@dukov_music не, чекам прво ти да фрлеш копитата
Svadba na Trajče Ačeksandra 27082017 god
World War II in Yugoslav Macedonia
Final operations for the liberation of Macedonia
Under the leadership of the new Bulgarian pro-Soviet government, four Bulgarian armies, 455,000 strong in total, were mobilized and reorganized. By the end of September, the Red Army 3rd Ukrainian Front troops were concentrated at the Bulgarian-Yugoslav border. In the early October 1944 three Bulgarian armies, consisting of around 340,000-man,[55] together with the Red Army reentered occupied Yugoslavia and moved from Sofia to Niš, Skopje and Pristina to blocking the German forces withdrawing from Greece.[56][57] In Macedonia the Bulgarians operated in conjunction with the fighters of the MNLA, but this cooperation did not proceed without difficulties.[58] From 8 October to 19 November, the Stracin - Kumanovo operation was held and Kratovo, Kriva Palanka, Kumanovo and Skopje[59] were taken.
At the same time the Bregalnica - Strumica operation was led, and the Wehrmacht was driven from the villages of Delchevo, Kočani, Stip, Strumica and Veles.[60] Southern and Eastern Serbia, Kosovo and Vardar Macedonia were liberated by the end of November.[61][62] The 3rd Ukrainian Front in collaboration with the People's Liberation Army of Yugoslavia and Bulgarian People's Army carried out the Belgrade Offensive. The 130,000-strong Bulgarian First Army continued to Hungary, driving off the Germans, while the rest moved back to Bulgaria. On a series of maps from Army Group E, showing its withdrawal through Macedonia and Southern Serbia, as well as in the memoirs of its chief of staff, there is almost no indication of Yugoslav Partisan units, but only Bulgarian divisions. Despite these facts, the contribution of Bulgarian troops is still much debated in the Republic of Macedonia for political reasons.[63][64]
War and revolution in Yugoslavia, 1941-1945: occupation and collaboration, Jozo Tomasevich, Stanford University Press, 2001, ISBN 0-8047-3615-4, pp. 751-752.
Svetozar Vukmanović - Tempo Macedonia
November 13, 1944 (Monday)
The Bulgarian 1st Army captured Skopje.[15]
The Japanese destroyers Akebono, Akishimo, Hatsuharu and Kiso were all bombed and sunk by U.S. Navy aircraft in and around the Cavite Naval Yard in Manila, while destroyer Okinami was sunk 8 nautical miles west of the city.
Japanese submarine I-12 was hedgehogged and sunk east of Hawaii by American warships.
Civil air service returned to London for the first time since September 1939.[5]
Stone & Stone Books
War Diary
November 13, 1944 (Monday)
Russian Front
Finnish forces capture Inari in northern Finland
Arctic Front, June 1941 - May 1945
German forces withdraw from Skopje as Bulgarian 1st Army advances
Southern flank of the Russian Front, 1944-1945
Bulgarian 1st Army captures Skopje
Southern flank of the Russian Front, 1944-1945
Books on this subject
War Diary entries for this subject Narrower subjects
Main subjects
Balkan campaigns, the Aegean, and the Adriatic, 1942-1945
Russo-German War, 1941-1945
Axworthy, Mark, Cornel Scafes, and Christian Craciunoiu. Third Axis Fourth Ally: Romanian Armed Forces in the European War, 1941-1945. London: Arms and Armour, 1995
Bantea, Eugen, Constantin Nicolae, and Gheorghe Zaharia. Romania in the War against Hitler's Germany, August 1944-May 1945. Bucharest: Meridiane Publishing House, 1970
Buchner, Alex. Ostfront 1944: The German Defensive Battles on the Russian Front, 1944. West Chester, PA: Schiffer Military History, 1991
Clark, Alan. Barbarossa: The Russian-German Conflict, 1941-45. New York: William Morrow and Company, 1965
Cornish, Nik. Armageddon Ost: The German Defeat on the Eastern Front 1944-45. Hersham, UK: Ian Allan Publishing, 2006
Dick, C. J. From Defeat to Victory: The Eastern Front, Summer 1944. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 2016
Erickson, John. The Road to Berlin. New York: Harper and Row, 1983
Erickson, John (editor). Main Front: Soviet Leaders Look Back on World War II. London: Brassey's, 1987
Frieser, Karl-Heinz, Klaus Schmider, Klaus Schonherr, et al. Das Deutsche Reich in der Defensive: Die Ostfront 1943/44, Der Krieg im Osten und an den Nebenfronten. Munchen: Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH, 2007
Glantz, D. M. and Jonathan House. When Titans Clashed: How the Red Army Stopped Hitler. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 1996
Gosztony, Peter. Der Kampf um Budapest, 1944-1945. Munich: Schnell und Steiner, 1964
Grechko, Andrei (ed). The Liberation Mission of the Soviet Armed Force in the Second World War. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1975
Guillemot, Philippe. Hungary 1944-1945: The Panzers' Last Stand. Paris: Histoire & Collections, 2011
Higgins, David R. Jagdpanther vs SU-100: Eastern Front 1945. Botley, UK: Osprey Publishing, 2014
Hinze, Rolf. East Front Drama 1944. Winnipeg: J.J. Fedorowicz, 1996
Hinze, Rolf. To the Bitter End: The Final Battles of Army Groups North Ukraine, A, Centre, Eastern Front 1944-45. Solihull, UK: Helion & Company, 2005
Hinze, Rolf. With the Courage of Desperation: Germany's Defence of the Southern Sector of the Eastern Front, 1944-45. Solihull, UK: Helion & Company, 2013
Hlihor, Constantin and Ioan Scurtu. The Red Army in Romania. Iasi: Center for Romanian Studies, 2000
Hnilicke. Das Ende aud dem Balkan, 1944/45. Berlin: Musterschmidt-Verlag
Isaev, A. and M. Kolomiets. Tomb of the Panzerwaffe: The Defeat of the Sixth SS Panzer Army in Hungary. Solihull, UK: Helion & Company, 2014
Jakl, Tomas. May 1945 in the Czech Lands: Ground Operations of the Axis and Allied Forces. Prague: MBI Publishing - Czech, 2004
Kern, Erich. Die Letze Schlacht Ungarn 1944-45. Preussisch-Oldendorf: 1960
Kissel. Die Katastrophe In Rumanien 1944. 1964
Konev, I. Year of Victory. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1969
Maier, Georg. Drama between Budapest and Vienna: The Final Battles of the 6. Panzer-Armee in the East, 1945. Winnipeg: J. J. Fedorowicz Publishing Inc, 2004
Matev, Kaloyan. Red Wind over the Balkans: The Soviet offensive south of the Danube, September-October 1944. Solihull, UK: Helion & Company - Forthcoming, date unknown
McTaggart, Patrick. Siege! Six Epic Eastern Front Assaults of World War II. Winnipeg: J. J. Fedorowicz Publishing Inc, 2005
Melnyk, Michael James. To Battle: The Formation and History of the 14th Galician Waffen-SS Division. Solihull, UK: Helion & Company, 2002
Minasyan, M. M. (ed). Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1974
Mitcham Jr, Samuel W. Crumbling Empire: The German Defeat in the East, 1944. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press and Praeger Publishers, 2001
Moore, Perry. Panzerschlacht: Armoured Operations on the Hungarian Plains, September-November 1944. Solihull, UK: Helion & Company, 2008
Nevenkin, Kamen. Take Budapest: The Struggle for Hungary, Autumn 1944. Stroud, UK: Spellmount / The History Press, 2012
Pencz, Rudolf. For the Homeland! The History of the 31st Waffen-SS Volunteer Grenadier Division. Solihull, UK: Helion & Company, 2002
Pierik, Perry. Hungary 1944-1945: The Forgotten Tragedy. Nieuwegein: Aspekt, 1997
Ranki, Gyorgy. 1944 Marcius 19: Magyarorszag Megszallasa. Budapest: Kossuth Konyvkiado, 1979
Schmidt-Richberg. Das Ende auf Dem Balkan. Heidelberg: Scharnhorst Buchkameradschaft, 1955
Seaton, Albert. The Russo-German War, 1941-45. London: Arthur Barker, 1971
Sharpe, Michael and Brian L. Davis. Leibstandarte: Hitler's Elite Bodyguard. Hersham, UK: Ian Allan Publishing, 2002
Shtemenko, S. M. The Last Six Months: Russia's Final Battles with Hitler's Armies in World War II. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1977
Staff of S&T. War in the East: The Russo-German Conflict, 1944-45. New York: SPI, 1977
Szamveber, Norbert. Days of Battle: Armoured Operations North of the River Danube, Hungary 1944-45. Solihull, UK: Helion & Company, 2013
Szamveber, Norbert. The Sword Behind The Shield: A Combat History of the German Efforts to Relieve Budapest 1945. Solihull, UK: Helion & Company, 2016
Taylor, Brian. The Defeat of Germany, 19 November 1942 - 15 May 1945. Staplehurst, UK: Spellmount Ltd, 2004
Treptow, Kurt W. (editor). Romania and World War II. Iasi: Center for Romanian Studies, 2000
Ungvary, Krisztian. Battle for Budapest: 100 Days in World War II. London: I.B. Tauris, 2003
Ziemke, Earl F. Stalingrad to Berlin: The German Defeat in the East. Washington DC: Government Printing Office, 1966
In the last week of October the Russians and Bulgarians made strong bids to take Kraljevo and Skoplje. Having the troops to spare and the railroad, Loehr could meet the challenge, if in both places none too soon. On 2 November Army Group E stopped the Russians at Kraljevo and in the next several days halted the Bulgarians east of Skoplje. The success of the withdrawal through Macedonia was then assured.31 North of Skoplje the army group would have to veer west onto poorer roads, but it would be spared the almost certain disaster of a winter march through the coastal mountains.
Again Weichs' chief handicap was his own earlier indecision; he had potential reserves but no prospect of bringing them to bear in time. Army Group E's withdrawal had gone without a hitch through mid-November. Then, on the 18th, Bulgarian Second Army had opened a strong attack north of Skoplje.
Again Weichs' chief handicap was his own earlier indecision; he had potential reserves but no prospect of bringing them to bear in time. Army Group E's withdrawal had gone without a hitch through mid-November. Then, on the 18th, Bulgarian Second Army had opened a strong attack north of Skoplje. The next day Balkan Air Force bombers had destroyed the Drina bridge at Visegrad, backing up truck and troop columns eighty five miles east to Kraljevo. In Albania strong partisan units hemmed XXI Mountain Corps in on all sides as it tried to join the retreat. Army Group E had to put back into its own front some of the troops it had intended to release, and the rest were stalled in central Yugoslavia 200 miles and more from where they could do any good.
Multinational Operations, Alliances, and International Military Cooperation Past and Future, William W. Epley, Robert S. Rush, Government Printing Office, ISBN 0-16-079422-6, pp. 82-83.
Stalingrad to Berlin: The German Defeat in the East
By Earl F. Ziemke
The German Defeat in the East: 1944-45
By Samuel W. Mitcham Jr.
Крайовска спогодба (1944)
Крайовската спогодба е подписана на 5 октомври 1944 г. в Крайова, Румъния. Спогодбата има характер на примирие и е сключена между България и комунистическата съпротива в Югославия. Спогодбата е подписана със посредничеството на СССР.[1]
С подписването й между председателя на Националния комитет за освобождението на Югославия (НКОЮ) и делегацията на българското правителство на ОФ, официално се узаконява военното пребиваване на българската армия на югославска територия и военното сътрудничество с ЮНОВ. Спогодбата приема, че всички въпроси, които произтичат от междусъседските отношения и приятелското сътрудничество между България и Югославия “ще се решават в духа на братските и общи интереси на народите на Югославия и България”. (виж руския текст). Пред българската армия е поставена задачата да разгроми противниковите сили в Източна Сърбия и Вардарска Македония и да прекъсне пътя за отстъпление на германците по долините на р. Морава, Вардар и Ибар. На практика обаче, Маршал Тито не иска българската армия да воюва на югославска територия и се съгласява на българското военно участие едва след личния натиск от Сталин, но с условието, българската армия да не превзема големите градове, а да спира пред тях и да дава възможност първи като освободители да влязат югославските партизани.
The Road To Berlin
By John Erickson
Tito, Mihailović, and the allies, 1941-1945 By Walter R. Roberts
The Macedonian Partisans were not very numerous or active either. The majority of Macedonians apparently did not consider themselves ethnically Serbs but Bulgarians and, whether Communist or not, wished to be united with their brothers ...
The Macedonian Question: Britain and the Southern Balkans 1939-1949
By Dimitris Livanios
Страцинско-Кумановска операция
Страцинско-Кумановската операция е настъпателна операция на българската армия по време на участието на България във Втората световна война срещу войски на Третия райх, отбраняващи подстъпите към долината на река Вардар. Проведена е от 8 октомври до 14 ноември 1944, провеждана успоредно с Нишката настъпателна операция и Брегалнишко-струмишката настъпателна операция.
България във Втората Световна Война - 3 част
Стара Србија за навек
Macedonia is creece
Fyrom skopia
Nice Bulgarian song. Macedonia is not a country. We own you like an object. You must pay to us for speaking our language.
didoidol stupid idiot learn history there is only one language on the balkans and thats our serbian language you speak serbian macedonians croatians bosnians they all speak serbian language
Macedonia is the best contry in the moment
Македонци нису пуцали на нас - ни метак. Никада! То су права наша браћа.
Shut the fuck up. Macedonians are Macedonians! The language has been spoken for centuries BY MACEDONIANS!
didoidol - Bahahaha! Delusional didiot.