In my part of Canada, a huge inflow of interesting Dutch people since the Big flood in '53. They ALWAYS have the best cookies ... But few have become victims of the obesity epidemic. Now I know why. And, from now on, when visiting, I will only take one cookie. Your lessons are hilarious & useful. Sorry I waited so long to begin learning the language of what might, right now, be the most clever people on Earth. And, please keep coming!. All 18 million are most welcome here.
Thanks for this instructive video! 🙂 Also I showed this to my Dutch friend, and after watching 6:10, he agreed that it was "just plain rude" and that you always say "gefeliciteerd" to the family and friends.
Deze video was heel erg leuk en grappig! Ik heb eindelijk geleerd wat een tikkie betekent haha! 😁 Heel erg bedankt voor jullie fantastische werk Easy Dutch team. Greetings from Lithuania
I’m from UK, when I lived in Netherlands I never noticed the 1 biscuit rule, it was always suggested to take as much as I wanted! The not showing up without appointment, I’m not sure because I would always make appointments but quite often my Dutch friends would show up at my house unexpected, but always welcome! The tikie is definitely true 😂 and so is the planning everything. I found it odd that they would personally congratulate me for the birthdays of relatives, instead of asking to pass the congratulations on them!
Lekker video, guys! It's a great idea to show the real situations as well as local traditions. You did amazing! I like this format and also interviews on the streets, so I could see how people communicate in real life. Much success to you!
For this first one, you should be aware that this only applies when someone offers you one from a closed container as shown. If they just have a platter sitting in the open you can take what you like (within reason). Coming over without an appointment is something you can get away with if you are particularly close. but people certainly prefer a heads up. If you walk on the cycle path you are a bad person. On the being late one you can get away with being late if you send a message ahead letting people know you will be late. As long as they have actual confirmation you will be showing up people will wait for you.
Walking on the cycle path is a no go. However, it appears that cycling on the pavement and almust riding over me is totally fine. Not to mention that there still are lots of places where a pavement lacks while there should be one. Just great.
There is actually a difference in splitting or going dutch. going dutch is everyone pays exactly the things they've had and splitting is just dividing the whole bill by the amount of poeple you went out with.
@@pepsicolla123 I think you're entitled. Why would a man have to pay. Either the person who brings the other to the restaurant pays because he / she asked, or you split it.
Bedankt voor de video. Maar als je in Noord-Brabant woont dan kun je toch gewoon langskomen? Zonder afspraak bedoel ik. Maar dan kom je wel door de achterdeur, de zogenaamde 'zoete inval'? Groetjes uit Duitsland.
je mag in nederland wel op een fietspad lopen als er geen andere mogelijkheid is. je mag zelfs op een auto weg lopen als er geen andere mogelijkheid is geldt ook voor fietsers. maar zo als in dit filmpje is het normaal om op een voetpad te lopen want die ligt er.
Cyclists are supposed to share the cycling path if there's no sidewalk, aren't they? Love planning even if it's a few minutes in advance it may be all we need to clean up a couple of things and get dressed, maybe freshen up before someone comes, so that's a great Dutch costume. One cookie (or slice of cake or whatever) is something funny and unusual for many of us coming from other places. I found that out at a birthday party, they asked which cake I wanted (there was a LOT of cake) and I thought it was for the first slice, so I'd have a second of the other one (you know, because we use to have at least a piece of most things in a party where I come from so it doesn't look like we didn't like something, even if we only get a sample to say we tried it). Nope, cake went away after I made my choice LOL. Glad I didn't have the opportunity to make a mistake and get a second piece while annoying everybody nearby with my faux pas 😂
Yes! You can share the cycling path if there's not sidewalk. It's often good practice to walk on the left side so that cyclists from behind don't have to go out of their way to dodge you. But if you are nearing a curve in the road that makes it impossible for people to notice you, it's better to walk on the far end so that you're more visible! Note that the opinions of Dutch people are a bit divided on this topic (after all we are a right side driving country) but i personally think this is the safest way to walk on a road or cycling path.
It is when you are poor, but you DO want to invite people. You do only have money for one piece each person. When they put it away, it is for people who come to visite later. And they do not have to say that there is no foid left because it is alll eten by the people who cane first. And also: it is more important to be with each other amd have a good time and gezelligheid, than eating, eating, eating.
@@demooisteNAAM It's all good. It's just funny because it's different. They don't need an excuse to have food for later, they can even keep it for themselves and it's more than fair 😇. Where I come from people might feel bad if you don't try most of the items offered because it seems you didn't like the food the host served you for any reason (specially if the host is poor and the food isn't fancy). You don't have to eat a lot but at least try a piece of most things you find, if it's a small enough gathering for people to be able to notice. When it's a close friend or you have a medical reason you're fine, of course.
Als een belg weer wat bijgeleerd over onze noorderburen. Van het koekje had ik nog nooit gehoord, evenals van het feliciteren. In belgie is het gewoonte om een assortiment koekjes op tafel te zetten op een schaal/bord. (of tegenwoordig komt de koekjesdoos bij sommigen gewoon op tafel; de meesten volgen nog wel de ongesproken regel dat het laatste koekje altijd blijft liggen of je vraagt expliciet aan alle aanwezigen of je dat laatste mag hebben).
Always remember there are exceptions, I'm Dutch and if you don't take away the cookie box from me I won't stop eating them😂 and ofc I won't mind if you do the same when you're visiting my place😂💕
Congratulating others on a birthday is really circumstantial, depending on how good you know the parents or really good friends. It's not a rule per se. On the other hand, being on time, not come uninvited and not walking on cycle paths (when there is a pavement) are.
Ik heb inderdaad één familielid die de koektrommel weghaalt na een koekje gegeven te hebben, maar dat is op een grote familie de enige die dit doet. Bij mij mag je alles opeten, ik vergeet dat ik koekjes heb en zou het zonde vinden om ze weg te gooien, dus je krijgt ze zelfs mee bij het weggaan.
Bij een feestje altijd eerst vragen en niet zomaar op een stoel zitten, het is zeker al het plekje van iemand anders en die laat je het ook meteen weten wanneer die terug komt. "hej mag ik weer op mijn stoel zitten?" of op z'n Brabants "Gadegij ins oew eiguh stoel ins pakken?"
I think the one cookie rule is a bit outdated. That was the case 20 or 30 years ago, but not nowadays. With my friends I rather feel that they want to make sure you leave with a very full stomach.
One time I was arriving at the supermarket and a woman said: “niet op de stop fietsen!” I went home and I asked my partner what was a stoep then I never forgot 😅. Anyways, I see many people biking in the sidewalk of the supermarkets because they are about to place their bike in the biking stand (which was my case too) but apart from this, I think we can add it to the list right? 😉
I'll never understand the appointment thing, especially if it's to family members. It's understandable if you are working a very busy job, but if you're just at home and someone thought of you as they were in the area and wanted to greet you, I don't think it's such a big deal to just talk with them or invite them in for a little while. But this is applied for everything! It makes sense since Dutch culture is not hospitable I guess. I make plans with friends for future meetings since we are all busy in our lives but if one decided to drop by randomly I wouldn't treat them so coldly. The birthday thing is also funny, I laughed at that.
You might think it's rude not to let someone in when they show up unannounced, in NL it's considered rude not to be respectful of someone's time or imposing yourself. Just a cultural difference. But I doubt many people will be so cold to just tell you "no, go away".
@@only1pirate of course , it depends on the person. I know many that even like it if friends come unanounced and will say no only if they really have to leave or something .
Most people will not send you away, they will generally allow you in. I would at the very least, but I would be very annoyed as this unexpected guest would stop me from doing whatever I had planned to do. Maybe I was cooking, or cleaning or about to leave. But now I have to play hosts.
@@yt-nx1qm it's normal to drop in. I can't recall that I ever was not welcome at a friends house. Or that I ever said to somebody that they are not welcome.
A few comments on these tips (as a true Dutchman): 1. Although we don't appreciate people being late, we will definitely still wait for a few minutes; Certainly in social situations as portrayed in this skit. For any delay longer than 5-10 minutes, the skit is very accurate. 2. I find that when you show up for an unannounced visit, they most likely won't just kick you to the curb. They are likely to let you into their home, but there is a strong possibility there will be an awkward atmosphere dominated by feelings of "when are you leaving?". 3. The tip to congratulate others besides the birthday boy is accurate. Although, not nearly everyone does this (actually for me personally it has been quite a while since I've seen this happen), and it certainly wouldn't be perceived as rude when you do not congratulate others besides the birthday boy.
I like the addition of the "congratulating other guests on a birthday". It happens quite a lot. As a Dutch person i hate this custom because i think it's kind of ingenuine, so i purposefully don't do it. I know it will be seen as kind of rude but my "koppigheid" 😛 is stronger than my wish to be seen as polite. Everytime a friend of my congratules me when I tell them my sister has her birthday in the weekend, i cringe inside.
I just read an article about a 14 year old boy who was killed by a truck. So I fully understand it when people congratulate parents and relatives that the a person is still alive. Being still alive, is something to be very gratefull about, since people of any age can suddenly die by accidents and illnesses like e g. cancer. That is the reason why people congratulate the whole family and also the best friends because these are the same people you would gove your condoleances to at a funeral
Heel interessant. Nie geweet dat 'n afspraak nodig is om jou vriende tuis te besoek, of dat jy ook die gaste by die verjaarsdag partytjie gelukwensing moet gee. Vir ons, wie moet betaal hang gewoonlik op die aard / natuur van die sociale ontmoeting: as ek vir jou sê (sê = seggen) :"Kom ons gaan eet by die restaurant - my uitnodiging", dan betaal ek vir jou. Maar as ek sê: "Kom ons ontmoet by die koffie plek", dan betaal elke persoon self vir sy eie bestelling - ons kyk gewoonlik na die bill, en bepaal hoeveel geld elkeen moet gee, en ons gee ons geld direk na die serveester, ter plaatse. Vir ons, is dit 'n teken van hoflikheid om vir die ander te betaal, en dit (het) is (bent) nie (niet) vreemd om dit af en toe te doen, maar die is nie altyd so.
In 't Nederlands kun je ook gewoon "dit is niet vreemd" zeggen. Meestal als een Nederlander Afrikaans in ze hoofd uitleest kan hij het wel begrijpen tenzij de woorden heel erg verschillen met het Nederlands.
If you want to chat with us on Discord, you can become a member of Easy Diutch! Starting from 5€, you already have access to it and to other extras to improve your Dutch! :) For more information, please visit:
This. Idea is brilliant! So so funny you guys! I’m about to spend a weekend with more than a dozen Dutch in laws of my daughter celebrating Sinterklaas and I’m an American so this video will help so much. I surely won’t take more than one cookie! How about number of beers or wine? So am I already being rude because I only know a few words in Dutch? There are no Dutch people at home to practice with so I forget most of what I may learn. Well, make more funny ones you guys are really funny!
Don’t worry, I’m sure no one will have to complain if you want to grab a second cookie… or a third one! 😄 And I don’t think you’ll have to limit your beer or wine consumption with Dutch people… 😅 Enjoy your holidays in the Netherlands and thank you! :) - Mario
In The Netherlands the gouvernement let us know that scientists found out that more than one alcoholische consumpition causes already brain damage. It used to be two consumpties for males and one for females. By far not everybody follows this advice. But I would strongly advice you to drink alcohol as little as possible, it ruins your health! Have a nice Sinterklaas! Did you write poemes and/ or made "surprises"?
De punt "Nederlanders komen op tijd" is niet juist!!!😂 Ik werk op dit moment in Nederland en ik ben er altijd op tijd (meestal te vroeg) en mijn collega’s zijn bijna altijd te laat 😅 Ik kom uit Duitsland btw 😂
I spent 2 days in Germany. I got to my hostel 1 minute late as they were locking the gate. They wouldn’t let me in and I spent the night freezing in a park. I got out of there and took the train to Greece the next day. I had meant to stay for a while and perfect my German and learn the culture. I guess I learned a valuable lesson.
@@lotsofstuff3860 okay but this sounds exceptional ….1) most hostels are open 24/7 and 2) Germans normally would’ve still let you in😅 I’m sorry for your experience…but the minority of us would treat you like that :)
Hengeloooo weer van de partij in dit filmpje 😀 dat van iedereen feliciteren heb ik als Nederlander ook nooit begrepen en bij mij mag je, en te laat te komen en hoef je geen afspraak te maken. Ohh, en als je twee koekjes wilt dan neem je die maar. Kortom niet iedere Nederlander is gelukkig hetzelfde.😊
If I'll go for Dutch freind birthday i do really have congrats to everyone?😅 it's strange but good to know 👍 I gonna start learn Dutch, so good i funded your channel 👌
Not everyone maybe, but I would congratulate family and close friends! :D But hey, it could also be that your friends doesn’t do this at all, not everyone does the same things. :D Anyway have fun! ;)
I give each of the lessons a champion word. This one is: weersomstandigheden. just beautiful. Here a few more questions, where do the skis come from in Tim's entrance? I thought Nederlander schaatens graag? also the gloves look more like work gloves then winter gloves? at the end I see a few uniforms on a coat rack, are those from the military or firefighters? (I am not trying to find out military secrets). bij voorbaat dank.
Unless you want to go to a coffeeshop. I once "saved" a Canedian couple who were looking for a coffeeshop with two small childeren. I asked if they were looking for coffee or marihuana. Just the look on there faces...
@@MediaFreezI don't think the person was asking a grammatical question. They were confused by the ridiculous prospect of congratulating other people for someone else's birthday.
Being on time doesn't apply at the doctor. You can be on time but they don't. Be prepared to wait a long time for them. Of course if you are late they can complain that you don't follow the rules which they don't follow....... Remember, the rule is for you, not for them.......
toch wat anders in België op bezoek afspraak hoeft niet en 1 koekje dacht het niet en is het super gezellig blijven ze gewoon eten ( toch met mijn vrienden )
Wachten totdat het stoplicht naar groen switcht zonder het apparaat te drukken. Ik had voor twee minuten gewacht totdat een Nederlander, die voor een minuut met mij had gewacht, opmerkte dat ik het niet had gedrukt. Ik had een geïrriteerde blik ontvangen, ik dacht "ah ja, een ander cultureel verschil"
About the biscuits you can reach for them as many times as you would like, just make sure to close the lid afterwards. About the coming around without a heads up it is just annoying. It is about respecting peoples time they might be bussy with something else and not really have time to entertain you. Walking on the bike lane be my guest you will find out soon enough why that is a bad idea.😂 about the weather I always carry an unfoldable umbrella with me in my bag 365 days a year and even on warm days I take a light jacket with me just incase it suddenly gets colder due to wind or something.
It's incredibly rude to say someone is "one" in Turkey, lol. I mean it's just a cookie come on, I would give the whole box if someone wants to eat. Such a different culture. Interesting fact: we force our friends to eat more. It's a sign of hospitality. In terms of sharing the bill, again, we never talk about money. He pays one day, I pay one day, sometimes he never pays, and sometimes I never pay. Speaking about money is completely insincere. Stopping by without an appointment: I hate it. But no one will ever say "I'm busy bye." We'll probably let them inside, talk a bit, and say "I need to study, etc." Money is a big no and no one probably will send you tikkie but you might get ghosted if you don't pay twice :D
That one cookie part! LMAO hahahaha I kept thinking to myself, "he said ONE COOKIE, does it look like you need more than one cookie, hmmm??" hahahahaha.
As a Dutchman, it is very recognisable. The "single biscuit" rule is old-fashioned, but congratulating everyone at a birthday (or to some other feat) is standard. Unlike many other commenters I like it, as it gives a sense of belonging.
Als je in de eerste minuut beweert dat het 's nachts kouder is als het bewolkt is, dan heb je niet lang genoeg in Nederland gewoond. Of je hebt gewoon niet opgelet.
Wow that cookie thing is petty as hell. Also, being on time is obviously important, but it all depends on context and degree. Being 2 or 4 minutes late to a social, laid-back activity should not be a big deal (certainly not the same as being late for like 10 minutes or being late to a formal event or affair) and people actually not waiting for a friend who's late for like 3 minutes is quite petty and stupid.
Jeroen's expression when he has closed the cookie box: fantastic. I have laughed so much through the video.😆
In my part of Canada, a huge inflow of interesting Dutch people since the Big flood in '53. They ALWAYS have the best cookies ... But few have become victims of the obesity epidemic. Now I know why.
And, from now on, when visiting, I will only take one cookie.
Your lessons are hilarious & useful. Sorry I waited so long to begin learning the language of what might, right now, be the most clever people on Earth.
And, please keep coming!. All 18 million are most welcome here.
Thanks for this instructive video! 🙂
Also I showed this to my Dutch friend, and after watching 6:10, he agreed that it was "just plain rude" and that you always say "gefeliciteerd" to the family and friends.
Deze video was heel erg leuk en grappig! Ik heb eindelijk geleerd wat een tikkie betekent haha! 😁 Heel erg bedankt voor jullie fantastische werk Easy Dutch team. Greetings from Lithuania
I’m from UK, when I lived in Netherlands I never noticed the 1 biscuit rule, it was always suggested to take as much as I wanted! The not showing up without appointment, I’m not sure because I would always make appointments but quite often my Dutch friends would show up at my house unexpected, but always welcome! The tikie is definitely true 😂 and so is the planning everything. I found it odd that they would personally congratulate me for the birthdays of relatives, instead of asking to pass the congratulations on them!
yeah, because the one biscuit rule is bullshit. :)
Lekker video, guys!
It's a great idea to show the real situations as well as local traditions.
You did amazing!
I like this format and also interviews on the streets, so I could see how people communicate in real life.
Much success to you!
For this first one, you should be aware that this only applies when someone offers you one from a closed container as shown. If they just have a platter sitting in the open you can take what you like (within reason).
Coming over without an appointment is something you can get away with if you are particularly close. but people certainly prefer a heads up.
If you walk on the cycle path you are a bad person.
On the being late one you can get away with being late if you send a message ahead letting people know you will be late. As long as they have actual confirmation you will be showing up people will wait for you.
Damn, the cookie thing is so technical. So many pitfalls for the unsuspecting. Fortunately I don't eat cookies.
Walking on the cycle path is a no go. However, it appears that cycling on the pavement and almust riding over me is totally fine. Not to mention that there still are lots of places where a pavement lacks while there should be one. Just great.
@@eyeofhorus2827Petty. The word you're looking for is 'petty.'
Really funny video! Laughed out loud at the cookies and the appointments.
Ευχαριστούμε πολύ! Και ναι, μην αργείτε όταν συναντάτε Ολλανδούς. 😄
That one about not only congratulating the birthday boy/girl was the shocker to me lol.
I did not know that at all
Thats why I was always one of the first ones at a birthday party
@@saucycitizen 😄
If I am close to you and I know it is your moms brother or sisters birthday expect to get a text from me to congratulate you on their birthday.
Splitting the restaurant bill shouldn't come as a surprise to English speakers since we use the expression "go Dutch" for this 😂
I think a guy should pay for the dinner if there's a date (but that's just my opinion)
@@pepsicolla123 Why exactly? And what about gay couples?
There is actually a difference in splitting or going dutch. going dutch is everyone pays exactly the things they've had and splitting is just dividing the whole bill by the amount of poeple you went out with.
@@pepsicolla123 I think you're entitled. Why would a man have to pay. Either the person who brings the other to the restaurant pays because he / she asked, or you split it.
@Thomasov Sounds like you're a ....
int the holland part. 😮. there’s a big aditude difference between olland part en rest . great .
That's actually true! 😀
The ´dove devo andare pe trovare sto coffeeshop´ made it for me... ahahahahah
Jullie video's zijn grappiger en leerzamer geworden. Ik vind het erg leuk
I love this one! Amazing video, I like this style of little acting roles you had!
Het niet lopen op het fietspad is een randstad ding. In de polder heb je vaak alleen een fietspad, dus dan heb je weinig keus.
What a good video... Makes it easier for me to learn dutch 😊 Dank je wel
Nou, onaangekondigd op bezoek komen kan bij heel veel wel. Komt dit misschien vooral bij de jongeren voor?
Subscribed. Was born in South Africa, not living in UK. Always wanted to learn "proper" Dutch.
I can confirm all of these. 😄 I'm Dutch, but born and raised in America, and I still have to abide by these rules with my family.
That was absolutely hilarious! 😅
About to make an appointment: that is not always so. In our family and friends that’s not necessary
I am from south africa and Dutch & Afrikaans are sister languages I understand Dutch 50% because most words that's in Dutch is in afrikaans aswell
Bedankt voor de video. Maar als je in Noord-Brabant woont dan kun je toch gewoon langskomen? Zonder afspraak bedoel ik. Maar dan kom je wel door de achterdeur, de zogenaamde 'zoete inval'? Groetjes uit Duitsland.
I like this kinda videos 🤣🙏🏼 more of that
je mag in nederland wel op een fietspad lopen als er geen andere mogelijkheid is. je mag zelfs op een auto weg lopen als er geen andere mogelijkheid is geldt ook voor fietsers. maar zo als in dit filmpje is het normaal om op een voetpad te lopen want die ligt er.
passing by unexpectedly is usually not really a big problem, but that of course depends on whether the person you want to visit is busy or not.
Cyclists are supposed to share the cycling path if there's no sidewalk, aren't they? Love planning even if it's a few minutes in advance it may be all we need to clean up a couple of things and get dressed, maybe freshen up before someone comes, so that's a great Dutch costume. One cookie (or slice of cake or whatever) is something funny and unusual for many of us coming from other places. I found that out at a birthday party, they asked which cake I wanted (there was a LOT of cake) and I thought it was for the first slice, so I'd have a second of the other one (you know, because we use to have at least a piece of most things in a party where I come from so it doesn't look like we didn't like something, even if we only get a sample to say we tried it). Nope, cake went away after I made my choice LOL. Glad I didn't have the opportunity to make a mistake and get a second piece while annoying everybody nearby with my faux pas 😂
Yes! You can share the cycling path if there's not sidewalk. It's often good practice to walk on the left side so that cyclists from behind don't have to go out of their way to dodge you. But if you are nearing a curve in the road that makes it impossible for people to notice you, it's better to walk on the far end so that you're more visible!
Note that the opinions of Dutch people are a bit divided on this topic (after all we are a right side driving country) but i personally think this is the safest way to walk on a road or cycling path.
@@yowo6105 Makes total sense!
It is when you are poor, but you DO want to invite people. You do only have money for one piece each person. When they put it away, it is for people who come to visite later. And they do not have to say that there is no foid left because it is alll eten by the people who cane first.
And also: it is more important to be with each other amd have a good time and gezelligheid, than eating, eating, eating.
@@demooisteNAAM It's all good. It's just funny because it's different. They don't need an excuse to have food for later, they can even keep it for themselves and it's more than fair 😇.
Where I come from people might feel bad if you don't try most of the items offered because it seems you didn't like the food the host served you for any reason (specially if the host is poor and the food isn't fancy). You don't have to eat a lot but at least try a piece of most things you find, if it's a small enough gathering for people to be able to notice. When it's a close friend or you have a medical reason you're fine, of course.
Superleuke video!
Als een belg weer wat bijgeleerd over onze noorderburen. Van het koekje had ik nog nooit gehoord, evenals van het feliciteren.
In belgie is het gewoonte om een assortiment koekjes op tafel te zetten op een schaal/bord. (of tegenwoordig komt de koekjesdoos bij sommigen gewoon op tafel; de meesten volgen nog wel de ongesproken regel dat het laatste koekje altijd blijft liggen of je vraagt expliciet aan alle aanwezigen of je dat laatste mag hebben).
Da's ook ongeveer hoe het in Nederland gaat. Dat over 1 koekje is werkelijk enorme onzin
Maravilloso video, muchas gracias 😊👌
Always remember there are exceptions, I'm Dutch and if you don't take away the cookie box from me I won't stop eating them😂 and ofc I won't mind if you do the same when you're visiting my place😂💕
Very nice video, keep it going 🎉🥳
Congratulating others on a birthday is really circumstantial, depending on how good you know the parents or really good friends. It's not a rule per se. On the other hand, being on time, not come uninvited and not walking on cycle paths (when there is a pavement) are.
Ik heb inderdaad één familielid die de koektrommel weghaalt na een koekje gegeven te hebben, maar dat is op een grote familie de enige die dit doet. Bij mij mag je alles opeten, ik vergeet dat ik koekjes heb en zou het zonde vinden om ze weg te gooien, dus je krijgt ze zelfs mee bij het weggaan.
Ik kom graag eens langs!
Hier zet ik de doos gewoon op tafel , en ze bekijken het maar 🙂
En zit er nen echte fretzak tussen , dan zet ik niks meer bij !!!!
PS: Ik zen n'n Belg , en kom geregeld in NL , familie bezoeken 🙂
Ik pak altijd maar 1 koekje !!!!
Kom je bij mij op bezoek, dan mag je alle koekjes opeten en je hoeft geen afspraak te maken en aan tikkies doe ik niet.
@@ylvafreijters2535 ook niet als je met een groep wat gaat drinken? Mensen doen echt paranoide over tikkie, lmao.
in the opening on this video, two of you are very cute^^ I love this channel~! but dutch is still difficult to study by myself
Bij een feestje altijd eerst vragen en niet zomaar op een stoel zitten, het is zeker al het plekje van iemand anders en die laat je het ook meteen weten wanneer die terug komt. "hej mag ik weer op mijn stoel zitten?" of op z'n Brabants "Gadegij ins oew eiguh stoel ins pakken?"
I think the one cookie rule is a bit outdated. That was the case 20 or 30 years ago, but not nowadays. With my friends I rather feel that they want to make sure you leave with a very full stomach.
It's so stuoid and petty.
thank you for the information!
I love Dutch culture!
Nummer 2 hangt van de regio af in het oosten en noorden is het wel gebruikelijk
What is the song at 3:05?
One time I was arriving at the supermarket and a woman said: “niet op de stop fietsen!” I went home and I asked my partner what was a stoep then I never forgot 😅. Anyways, I see many people biking in the sidewalk of the supermarkets because they are about to place their bike in the biking stand (which was my case too) but apart from this, I think we can add it to the list right? 😉
Cycling on the sidewalk is officially forbidden. I've seen people get fined for it!
Haha leuke video!
I'll never understand the appointment thing, especially if it's to family members. It's understandable if you are working a very busy job, but if you're just at home and someone thought of you as they were in the area and wanted to greet you, I don't think it's such a big deal to just talk with them or invite them in for a little while. But this is applied for everything! It makes sense since Dutch culture is not hospitable I guess. I make plans with friends for future meetings since we are all busy in our lives but if one decided to drop by randomly I wouldn't treat them so coldly. The birthday thing is also funny, I laughed at that.
That's just not how it works here.
We Dutch respect the privacy of others, so we make appointments when we visit..
You might think it's rude not to let someone in when they show up unannounced, in NL it's considered rude not to be respectful of someone's time or imposing yourself. Just a cultural difference. But I doubt many people will be so cold to just tell you "no, go away".
@@only1pirate of course , it depends on the person. I know many that even like it if friends come unanounced and will say no only if they really have to leave or something .
Most people will not send you away, they will generally allow you in. I would at the very least, but I would be very annoyed as this unexpected guest would stop me from doing whatever I had planned to do. Maybe I was cooking, or cleaning or about to leave. But now I have to play hosts.
@@yt-nx1qm it's normal to drop in. I can't recall that I ever was not welcome at a friends house. Or that I ever said to somebody that they are not welcome.
Over lopen op het fietspad. Dat mag wel als het niet anders kan
i love that, thanks !
A few comments on these tips (as a true Dutchman): 1. Although we don't appreciate people being late, we will definitely still wait for a few minutes; Certainly in social situations as portrayed in this skit. For any delay longer than 5-10 minutes, the skit is very accurate. 2. I find that when you show up for an unannounced visit, they most likely won't just kick you to the curb. They are likely to let you into their home, but there is a strong possibility there will be an awkward atmosphere dominated by feelings of "when are you leaving?". 3. The tip to congratulate others besides the birthday boy is accurate. Although, not nearly everyone does this (actually for me personally it has been quite a while since I've seen this happen), and it certainly wouldn't be perceived as rude when you do not congratulate others besides the birthday boy.
hahahah lekker video!!!
Prachtig en goed om te weten!
I like the addition of the "congratulating other guests on a birthday". It happens quite a lot. As a Dutch person i hate this custom because i think it's kind of ingenuine, so i purposefully don't do it.
I know it will be seen as kind of rude but my "koppigheid" 😛 is stronger than my wish to be seen as polite. Everytime a friend of my congratules me when I tell them my sister has her birthday in the weekend, i cringe inside.
I just read an article about a 14 year old boy who was killed by a truck. So I fully understand it when people congratulate parents and relatives that the a person is still alive. Being still alive, is something to be very gratefull about, since people of any age can suddenly die by accidents and illnesses like e g. cancer. That is the reason why people congratulate the whole family and also the best friends because these are the same people you would gove your condoleances to at a funeral
Afrikaners do the same in South Africa.
@@demooisteNAAMnow it makes much more sense to me.
totally true... all
Fantastisch filmpje. Nederlanders houden er niet van als je tijdens het eten komt.
Als Zuid Afrikaanse weet it dat "nu gaan wij eten" betekent dat je moet oprotten. It's not an invitation for you to join 😂
Subscribed en ik ben en lid van easy Dutch ❤❤
Superleuk, @solobeast! Dankjewel! 😀
Heel interessant. Nie geweet dat 'n afspraak nodig is om jou vriende tuis te besoek, of dat jy ook die gaste by die verjaarsdag partytjie gelukwensing moet gee. Vir ons, wie moet betaal hang gewoonlik op die aard / natuur van die sociale ontmoeting: as ek vir jou sê (sê = seggen) :"Kom ons gaan eet by die restaurant - my uitnodiging", dan betaal ek vir jou. Maar as ek sê: "Kom ons ontmoet by die koffie plek", dan betaal elke persoon self vir sy eie bestelling - ons kyk gewoonlik na die bill, en bepaal hoeveel geld elkeen moet gee, en ons gee ons geld direk na die serveester, ter plaatse. Vir ons, is dit 'n teken van hoflikheid om vir die ander te betaal, en dit (het) is (bent) nie (niet) vreemd om dit af en toe te doen, maar die is nie altyd so.
In 't Nederlands kun je ook gewoon "dit is niet vreemd" zeggen. Meestal als een Nederlander Afrikaans in ze hoofd uitleest kan hij het wel begrijpen tenzij de woorden heel erg verschillen met het Nederlands.
echt leuke video
Ik ken er nog een, Je geluid aanzetten in de trein. Daar kan ik echt niet tegen.
echt leuk
In Oldenburg mut je ook niet over de fietspad lopen. Mischien ons Oldenburgers zij Nederlenders. ...oder so.
Ja heel erg leuk!
Heel erg leuk. 😂
Forgetting speculaas you are expected to take 2 .
Als iemand die de "Nederlandse ervaring" had, geen parodie is, leuke video😉
Where can i see discord?
If you want to chat with us on Discord, you can become a member of Easy Diutch! Starting from 5€, you already have access to it and to other extras to improve your Dutch! :) For more information, please visit:
Beautiful 😄
This. Idea is brilliant! So so funny you guys! I’m about to spend a weekend with more than a dozen Dutch in laws of my daughter celebrating Sinterklaas and I’m an American so this video will help so much. I surely won’t take more than one cookie! How about number of beers or wine? So am I already being rude because I only know a few words in Dutch?
There are no Dutch people at home to practice with so I forget most of what I may learn. Well, make more funny ones you guys are really funny!
Don’t worry, I’m sure no one will have to complain if you want to grab a second cookie… or a third one! 😄 And I don’t think you’ll have to limit your beer or wine consumption with Dutch people… 😅 Enjoy your holidays in the Netherlands and thank you! :)
- Mario
In The Netherlands the gouvernement let us know that scientists found out that more than one alcoholische consumpition causes already brain damage. It used to be two consumpties for males and one for females. By far not everybody follows this advice. But I would strongly advice you to drink alcohol as little as possible, it ruins your health! Have a nice Sinterklaas! Did you write poemes and/ or made "surprises"?
De punt "Nederlanders komen op tijd" is niet juist!!!😂
Ik werk op dit moment in Nederland en ik ben er altijd op tijd (meestal te vroeg) en mijn collega’s zijn bijna altijd te laat 😅
Ik kom uit Duitsland btw 😂
Dan zijn Duitsers “Nederlandser” dan Nederlanders! 😂
- Mario
I spent 2 days in Germany. I got to my hostel 1 minute late as they were locking the gate. They wouldn’t let me in and I spent the night freezing in a park. I got out of there and took the train to Greece the next day. I had meant to stay for a while and perfect my German and learn the culture. I guess I learned a valuable lesson.
@@lotsofstuff3860 okay but this sounds exceptional ….1) most hostels are open 24/7
and 2) Germans normally would’ve still let you in😅
I’m sorry for your experience…but the minority of us would treat you like that :)
Haha, und ich bemerkte nichts von der Deutsche Pünktlichkeit! Maar misschien is Ostfriesland anders!? 😁
I like Germans, but wouldn’t want to live that way. The mean-spirited “honesty” is also a bit jarring.
Hengeloooo weer van de partij in dit filmpje 😀 dat van iedereen feliciteren heb ik als Nederlander ook nooit begrepen en bij mij mag je, en te laat te komen en hoef je geen afspraak te maken. Ohh, en als je twee koekjes wilt dan neem je die maar. Kortom niet iedere Nederlander is gelukkig hetzelfde.😊
Offering everyone who visits coffee, and every business having a coffee bar.
Echt waar over de felicitaties? vrij interessant, dat wist ik niet
Ja, klopt wel. Een verschrikkelijk achterlijk gebruik, als je het mij vraagt. Met 3 zoenen op de wang🤦🏻♂️
Wel voor de familie maar voor anderen.. vrienden is mij vreemd???
Deze video was heel grappig 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂.
If I'll go for Dutch freind birthday i do really have congrats to everyone?😅 it's strange but good to know 👍 I gonna start learn Dutch, so good i funded your channel 👌
Not everyone maybe, but I would congratulate family and close friends! :D But hey, it could also be that your friends doesn’t do this at all, not everyone does the same things. :D Anyway have fun! ;)
Goede morgen
Hoe gaat het
I give each of the lessons a champion word.
This one is: weersomstandigheden.
just beautiful.
Here a few more questions, where do the skis come from in Tim's entrance? I thought Nederlander schaatens graag?
also the gloves look more like work gloves then winter gloves?
at the end I see a few uniforms on a coat rack, are those from the military or firefighters? (I am not trying to find out military secrets).
bij voorbaat dank.
You shouldnt ask where the coffeeshop is, but instead ask for a cafe. I see that in a lot of videos.
Unless you want to go to a coffeeshop.
I once "saved" a Canedian couple who were looking for a coffeeshop with two small childeren. I asked if they were looking for coffee or marihuana. Just the look on there faces...
In Brabant is het toch wat anders. Kom maar gezellig met de kuukskes, de worstebrooikes en de camera naar Brabant.
heel gooie video maar niet waar :-)
Haha bedoel je dat het niet helemaal klopt? 😀
OK, besides the cookie-thing (I'd never be mad if my guests took more than one cookie), I may be the Dutchiest non-Dutch person one can imagine. 😂
Lucky you, Lex! Congratulations! 😄😉
What's mean mario ?
I have to know: how does one "congraulate" other people at a birthday party?
This threw me for a loop and made me laugh 🤣
Gefeliciteerd met (insert name) congratulations with (insert name)
@@MediaFreezI don't think the person was asking a grammatical question. They were confused by the ridiculous prospect of congratulating other people for someone else's birthday.
Being on time doesn't apply at the doctor. You can be on time but they don't. Be prepared to wait a long time for them. Of course if you are late they can complain that you don't follow the rules which they don't follow....... Remember, the rule is for you, not for them.......
toch wat anders in België op bezoek afspraak hoeft niet en 1 koekje dacht het niet en is het super gezellig blijven ze gewoon eten ( toch met mijn vrienden )
Wachten totdat het stoplicht naar groen switcht zonder het apparaat te drukken. Ik had voor twee minuten gewacht totdat een Nederlander, die voor een minuut met mij had gewacht, opmerkte dat ik het niet had gedrukt. Ik had een geïrriteerde blik ontvangen, ik dacht "ah ja, een ander cultureel verschil"
Raga dove devo andare per sto coffee shop
Sto ancora cercando 🙃
Hoe gaat het met jou
Good evening sar
About the biscuits you can reach for them as many times as you would like, just make sure to close the lid afterwards.
About the coming around without a heads up it is just annoying. It is about respecting peoples time they might be bussy with something else and not really have time to entertain you.
Walking on the bike lane be my guest you will find out soon enough why that is a bad idea.😂 about the weather I always carry an unfoldable umbrella with me in my bag 365 days a year and even on warm days I take a light jacket with me just incase it suddenly gets colder due to wind or something.
die laatste is volgens mij niet in heel Nederland zo.
Good morning sar
What happens if he takes two biscuits? The host gets poor ? Bankrupted ?
Just annoyed that you didn't listen to his offer correctly! :)
@@gerdaprAnnoyed that you're not as petty as he is***
The 'one cookie' thing is the biggest cap ever
The funny thing is... this video is also "7 reasons The Netherlands is great!"
It's incredibly rude to say someone is "one" in Turkey, lol. I mean it's just a cookie come on, I would give the whole box if someone wants to eat. Such a different culture. Interesting fact: we force our friends to eat more. It's a sign of hospitality.
In terms of sharing the bill, again, we never talk about money. He pays one day, I pay one day, sometimes he never pays, and sometimes I never pay. Speaking about money is completely insincere.
Stopping by without an appointment: I hate it. But no one will ever say "I'm busy bye." We'll probably let them inside, talk a bit, and say "I need to study, etc."
Money is a big no and no one probably will send you tikkie but you might get ghosted if you don't pay twice :D
I'm sure most cultures on earth would consider a person a social freak and a stingy asshole if they insisted their guest take only one cookie.
Oddio! 😂
That one cookie part! LMAO hahahaha I kept thinking to myself, "he said ONE COOKIE, does it look like you need more than one cookie, hmmm??" hahahahaha.
Pettiness is not that funny tbh
Are the Dutch really like this as depicted in the video or is this an exaggeration?
We exaggerated things a little bit in the video, but there is a kernel of truth in all of them, in my opinion. 😜
- Mario
As a Dutchman, it is very recognisable.
The "single biscuit" rule is old-fashioned, but congratulating everyone at a birthday (or to some other feat) is standard. Unlike many other commenters I like it, as it gives a sense of belonging.
ik wou dat de NS er oook zo overdacht dat we van optijd komen houden. NS kan nog heel veel leren van Japan.
Het 1 koekje principe zie je niet heel vaak meer xD
Als je in de eerste minuut beweert dat het 's nachts kouder is als het bewolkt is, dan heb je niet lang genoeg in Nederland gewoond. Of je hebt gewoon niet opgelet.
When a friend invites you to go out to dinner, who pays the bill?
Do the dutch hunt? 😳 or fish? or skidoo?
Wow that cookie thing is petty as hell. Also, being on time is obviously important, but it all depends on context and degree. Being 2 or 4 minutes late to a social, laid-back activity should not be a big deal (certainly not the same as being late for like 10 minutes or being late to a formal event or affair) and people actually not waiting for a friend who's late for like 3 minutes is quite petty and stupid.