The bank crisis isn't over yet, and experienced individuals know credit crises don't end quickly. Some find it amusing that some think it's resolved, but in reality, we're headed for a major economic downturn due to this ongoing bank crisis.
First SVB, then signature bank and now first republic bank, these are all the signs of yet another 2008 market crash 2.0 ,The SVB situation is a reminder that Fed hikes are having an effect, even if the economy has held up so far
There are quite frankly a number of ways to make high yields amidst volatile times, but such trades are best done under the supervision of a portfolio-coach
Thats true, I've been getting assisted by a FA for almost a year now, I started out with less than $200K and I'm just $19,000 short of half a million in profit.
Colleen Rose Mccaffery is the coach that guides, you probably might've come across her before I found her through a Newsweek report, she's quite known in her field, look-her up.
@@trane85 thanks for sharing this, I googled the lady you mentioned and after going through her resume, I can tell she's a pro. I wrote her and I'm waiting on her reply
This is scary. Rich people pay politicians to make sure they get access to taxpayer funds first when banks shutter or they're in jeopardy of losing all their money. I feel bad for the lowest paid workers that may be affected, but not CEO's. A lot of them have created this abusive corporate pay structure where they are paid 300 to 400 percent the salary of entry level workers. Most add very little value. They posture and perform with speeches, meetings, and excessive travel to provide the appearance of working hard. It's a con.
It is unlikely that the market will experience big gains anytime soon in light of the latest developments involving SVB, therefore it is prudent to set reasonable expectations and get ready for a potentially protracted recovery period. It is advised to postpone making big investment decisions until the economic climate in areas of concern has stabilized. It is best to take precautions and stay out of the current disturbance.
The regional bank ETF (KRE), which has fallen more than 20%, has clearly felt the effects of the SVB and SI problems. The market as a whole has fallen as a result of this cascading effect. Yet, as history has demonstrated, a localized and limited epidemic like this offers a perfect chance to invest in reliable and fiscally sound businesses who have sizable cash reserves on hand.
A continuous commitment to renowned businesses necessitates either maintaining momentum through market downturns or stepping up investments. This approach is predicated on the fundamental idea that successfully managed businesses would eventually regain their previous strength. On the other hand, investors looking to make long-term gains through stock appreciation should consult an FA for advice on how to choose the best times to enter and exit the market. Working with an investing advisor can be beneficial, as demonstrated by my own experience during the pandemic, which led to a size-able gain of $730k in just 8 months.
@@EllenAbrex Christine Jane Mclean’’ a well-known person in her field, is my advisor. I advise doing more study on her credentials. She is a great resource for anyone looking to understand the financial market because of her extensive experience.
@@DavidRiggs-dc7jk I must admit, Christine seems to be pretty knowledgeable, so thank you for the suggestion. I completely read through her resume, educational history, and qualifications after finding her online, and I must admit, they were extremely remarkable. and it's a bit of a challenge.
My greatest concern is how to recover from all these economic and global troubles and stay afloat especially with the political power tussle going on in US.
Stocks are pretty unstable at the moment, but if you do the right math, you should be just fine. Bloomberg and other finance media have been recording cases of folks gaining over 250k just in a matter of weeks/couple months, so I think there are a lot of wealth transfer in this downtime if you know where to look.
Having a counselor is essential for portfolio diversification. My advisor is "Jackson Sten Marsh. who is easily searchable and has extensive knowledge of the financial markets.
Even in the best of times start ups are highly risky, so a bank that deals primarily with start ups and venture capital was fundamentally a risky model from the get go. If you then compound that by putting all your eggs in only one sector (Tech) and then aggravate the problem by focusing your consumer banking business on employees of that same tech sector, you wind up with an undiversified portfolio focused on the riskiest part of the market. Come on, you might as well just call yourself a casino.
You sound pretty out of touch really, it had more to do with them being corporate clients….something that puts banks at high risk is a majority of corporate clients….why? Because corporations unlike people tend to move their money all in one go digitally……meaning the money is gone without ever having to see people line up and get it….you combine that with over a $1B loss when selling their bonds and BOOM, you have a bank run……all in all “betting” on start ups wasn’t their down fall, having more corporate clients than retail clients was. Similar to First Republic Bank
Sell off was because of fear of recession and these companies are burning cash. People want easy money instead of investing in what actually worth something.
@@XOPOIIIO. He means the top execs sold a substantial amount of shares prior to knowledge of the collapse going public. They all knew the financial health of the company, and before the public caught wind, they also wary offloaded their bags. This is fraud/insider trading
The failure of Silicon Valley Bank has torn into global markets, with investors ripping up their forecasts for further rises in interest rates and dumping bank stocks around the world. I'm at a crossroads deciding if to liquidate my dipping 200k stocck portfoIio, what’s the best way to take advantage of this bear market?
lnvestors should be cautious about their exposure and be wary of new buys, especially during inflation. Such high yields in this recession is only possible under the supervision of a professional or trusted advisors.
@@Kim.beneteau I agree, having a brokerage advisor for investing is genius! Amidst the financial crisis in 2008, I was really having investing nightmare prior touching base with a advisor. In a nutshell, i have accrued over $450k with the help of my advisor from an initial $120k investment.
@@edward.abraham That's impressive!, I could really use the expertise of this advisors , my portfolio has been down bad....who’s the person guiding you.
@@edward.abraham I must admit, Julia seems to be pretty knowledgeable, so thank you for the suggestion. I completely read through her resume, educational history, and qualifications after finding her online, and I must admit, they were extremely remarkable. and it's a bit of a challenge.
A Justice Department investigation is ongoing now. If that is found to be true, they will be punished. Biden has already called for stiff penalties on those executives.
I don’t think this will lead to anything worse. My tip is always do your banking with a credit union. They’re more personable and friendly to the little guy.
SVB executives didn't make any mistakes at all. They intended to make friends, family, politicians and themselves RICHER while letting tax payers pick up the tab and that's exactly what they did.
Seems like SVBs issue was with holding bonds that are typically considered a safe asset. Seems like going through a lot of hoops to try and downplay the issue of holding bonds while interest rates are rising.
According to my governor it was the one hour de&i class the employees had to do. Something about esg and something about a celebration in June and flags.
When banks can take out more than $10 dollars on every one dollar they take in from deposits is one of the problems. When you no longer have gold to back up the paper money and only credit
Not prepared for higher interest rate ? Ask that fellow FED Chief Powell and Yellen. This is human doing. Don't tell me he don't know the consequence of increasing interest rate ...🎉
It's called Fractional Reserve Banking. Banking and credit has worked like this since the middle ages. No one ever cares, until things go bad of course. Money is created when you borrow to buy your house or you 65-inch TV. Without it, you would have to save first and buy when you actually have the money. I'm guessing that would not be popular either?
No, SVB is no different than any other bank - they did what they could with ZERO rates for over a decade. But bailing out depositors will start hyperinflation crisis.
I don't get @1:58 . You don't "pull cash" to shore up you books. You might raise cash which would be either a bank loan, equities or bonds. So maybe this is a case of just bad/risky loans in a concentrated customer segment? On the bank asset side - yes that makes sense in terms of SVB's bond portfolio.
The stock market has been a really tough one this past year, but I watched an interview on CNBC where the anchor kept mentioning "KATRINA VANRENSUM ". This prompted me to get in touch with her, and from August 2022 till now we have been working together, and I can now boast of $540,000 in my trading portfolio.
Large investors allowing a market with few controls where they lose a lot of money with bankrupcies. They are first affected. While ceos of bank getting rich and workers are poorer. Yes yo the free market but more regulated.
Wish we could see the thumbs down on the video. The Fed will cover this and buy all the treasury bonds for any bank that needs liquidity. The Fed created this problem with zero to low interest rates for over 10 years. Now we see the financial system cannot even handle low rates which are actually in real terms negative when adjusting for inflation. Get ready for more inflation at the expense of everyone rather than these few depositors that should have lost their currency.
Need to bail out the accounts but not the bank , im sure all the managers and CEO’s were taken care of. Need to make sure those persons in charge no longer work in banks, and investigations need to happen
In 1970 I really, REALLY wanted to be a tool and die maker. My High School guidance councilor steered me into electronics. I never became a master-craftsman because the quantum-speed of development in Information Technology guaranteed that my juniors would always be a step ahead of me.
If you held long treasuries why wouldn't you short the box to hedge when inflation started? Treasuries are just a safe hedge so that you can take on risk. It doesn't make sense
Great news report. This banking report was captivating. I don't think that the banks are the ones not to be trusted and am also not saying you should trust the banks. What we all need to do is to ask the right question. The thing is that, someone broke the trust or contract which caused the banks to also default on their obligations. That someone is the BORROWER. This borrower was the cause of the bank failure. Assuming we all fulfill our debt obligations as stated, which bank will ever collapsed. Yes! I get the greed aspect of all things but it all starts from the BORROWER. The borrower can be INDIVIDUALS, CORPORATIONS & GOVERNMENTS. FROM the : ultimate borrower's failure -> bank failure -> depositors account drainage. There is other causes as well, like risk bank investments and bad corporate decisions.
The failure of Silicon Valley Bank has torn into global markets, with investors ripping up their forecasts for further rises in interest rates and dumping bank stocks around the world. I'm at a crossroads deciding if to liquidate my dipping 200k stocck portfolio, what’s the best way to take advantage of this bear market?
The SVB situation is a reminder that Fed hikes are having an effect, even if the economy has held up so far,” It’s precisely at times like these that investors need to be on guard against the next certainty. You don’t have to act on every forecast, hence i will suggest you get yourself a financial-advisor.
@@glenbert1396 I agree, having a brokerage advisor for inveesting is genius! Amidst the financial crisis in 2008, I was really having inveesting nightmare prior touching base with a advisor. In a nutshell, i've accrued over $850k with the help of my advisor from an initial $120k investment
@@anthonyrussell5718 I’ve actually been looking into advisors lately, the news I’ve been seeing in the market hasn’t been so encouraging. who’s the person guiding you?
@@roseroland1998 The advisor that guides me is "Lisa Ellen Shaw", most likely the internet is where to find her basic info, just search her name. She's established.
@@glenbert1396 Thanks for this tip. It was easy to find your advisor. I did my due diligence on her before leaving her a message. She seems competent given her resume.
2023 The most important thing that should be on everyone's mind today should be to invest in different sources of income that are not dependent on the government. Especially with the current economic crisis around the world. This is still a great time to invest in various gold, silver, and digital currency stocks.
The story is normal journalism and I'm fine with that, but I'm a little hard of hearing and having a narrator who is at a totally different volume than the pre-recorded, re-used, and clipped content is a little annoying. Not what I expect of a professional channel
Cause Sam was the CEO of the company while this guy just hired for doing banking. Pretty much he isn’t having any knowledge of what happened before since the other guy already ran away
Why not pay higher taxes and lobby the govt. for higher insurance? Better yet just split your money between different banks just like any other diversification.
@@dmattox7536 I did that before and my bank accounts were empty in few years from endless fees even though the money just stayed there earning O interests. The banks are scammers and you need to keep an eye on it continuously everyday.
I didn’t even know normal people had that kind of money in an account just sitting there. 😂 wild! I figured most ppl were broke and living check to check
Just do something that will earn you money while you sleep, no matter how little. The pandemic is the perfect way to open your eyes to really see what life could be like without your usual income stream and everyone had to stay at home. Well I never felt it because I invested in a trading company where I earn 4 digits per week. The best thing you can do for yourself is invest more and spend less.
"It's an obvious bailout, no matter how it's spun. Lying to the public is irresponsible. Taxpayers are once again bailing out irresponsible and incompetent bank management that should be held accountable and sent to jail. Regulators are ignoring illegal insider trading just like in 2008. This resembles communism, and we need to make the responsible parties accountable to resolve this issue. The $25 billion taxpayer money is insufficient to bail out even one regional bank. The unrealized losses total ~$600 billion, which could be much higher. The largest banks have multiple times more toxic assets to deal with."
The title lol. No they didn’t the problem is with regulation and the whole banking sector. We’ve already been through this and should’ve learned our lesson. It’s the lobbyists and governments fault along with banks pushing for deregulation.
The bank crisis isn't over yet, and experienced individuals know credit crises don't end quickly. Some find it amusing that some think it's resolved, but in reality, we're headed for a major economic downturn due to this ongoing bank crisis.
With high inflation, I want to invest my idle cash. Thanks for sharing her impressive resume that I found online!
She seems quite knowledgeable and well-educated. I just Googled her name and found her webpage. Thanks for sharing!
First SVB, then signature bank and now first republic bank, these are all the signs of yet another 2008 market crash 2.0 ,The SVB situation is a reminder that Fed hikes are having an effect, even if the economy has held up so far
There are quite frankly a number of ways to make high yields amidst volatile times, but such trades are best done under the supervision of a portfolio-coach
Thats true, I've been getting assisted by a FA for almost a year now, I started out with less than $200K and I'm just $19,000 short of half a million in profit.
@@trane85 Can you kindly provide me with the information of your investment advisor as I am currently in desperate need of one?
Colleen Rose Mccaffery is the coach that guides, you probably might've come across her before I found her through a Newsweek report, she's quite known in her field, look-her up.
@@trane85 thanks for sharing this, I googled the lady you mentioned and after going through her resume, I can tell she's a pro. I wrote her and I'm waiting on her reply
This is scary. Rich people pay politicians to make sure they get access to taxpayer funds first when banks shutter or they're in jeopardy of losing all their money. I feel bad for the lowest paid workers that may be affected, but not CEO's. A lot of them have created this abusive corporate pay structure where they are paid 300 to 400 percent the salary of entry level workers. Most add very little value. They posture and perform with speeches, meetings, and excessive travel to provide the appearance of working hard. It's a con.
all replies above this one are bots
Enjoy your votes 🤖 this was on porpouse...😅. A leader that broke his own small and middle banks to help the Big banks...for the people of course...🤡
It is unlikely that the market will experience big gains anytime soon in light of the latest developments involving SVB, therefore it is prudent to set reasonable expectations and get ready for a potentially protracted recovery period. It is advised to postpone making big investment decisions until the economic climate in areas of concern has stabilized. It is best to take precautions and stay out of the current disturbance.
The regional bank ETF (KRE), which has fallen more than 20%, has clearly felt the effects of the SVB and SI problems. The market as a whole has fallen as a result of this cascading effect. Yet, as history has demonstrated, a localized and limited epidemic like this offers a perfect chance to invest in reliable and fiscally sound businesses who have sizable cash reserves on hand.
A continuous commitment to renowned businesses necessitates either maintaining momentum through market downturns or stepping up investments. This approach is predicated on the fundamental idea that successfully managed businesses would eventually regain their previous strength. On the other hand, investors looking to make long-term gains through stock appreciation should consult an FA for advice on how to choose the best times to enter and exit the market. Working with an investing advisor can be beneficial, as demonstrated by my own experience during the pandemic, which led to a size-able gain of $730k in just 8 months.
@@DavidRiggs-dc7jk Could you kindly leave your investment advisor's contact information here? I absolutely must have one.
@@EllenAbrex Christine Jane Mclean’’ a well-known person in her field, is my advisor. I advise doing more study on her credentials. She is a great resource for anyone looking to understand the financial market because of her extensive experience.
@@DavidRiggs-dc7jk I must admit, Christine seems to be pretty knowledgeable, so thank you for the suggestion. I completely read through her resume, educational history, and qualifications after finding her online, and I must admit, they were extremely remarkable. and it's a bit of a challenge.
My greatest concern is how to recover from all these economic and global troubles and stay afloat especially with the political power tussle going on in US.
Stocks are pretty unstable at the moment, but if you do the right math, you should be just fine. Bloomberg and other finance media have been recording cases of folks gaining over 250k just in a matter of weeks/couple months, so I think there are a lot of wealth transfer in this downtime if you know where to look.
Having a counselor is essential for portfolio diversification. My advisor is "Jackson Sten Marsh. who is easily searchable and has extensive knowledge of the financial markets.
Found him, I wrote him an email and scheduled a call, hopefully he responds, I plan to start 2023 on a woodnote financially..
Don’t put all your eggs in the same basket no matter how strong the basket seems
Even in the best of times start ups are highly risky, so a bank that deals primarily with start ups and venture capital was fundamentally a risky model from the get go. If you then compound that by putting all your eggs in only one sector (Tech) and then aggravate the problem by focusing your consumer banking business on employees of that same tech sector, you wind up with an undiversified portfolio focused on the riskiest part of the market.
Come on, you might as well just call yourself a casino.
I think what killed that bank is the run.
It’s organized order out of chaos
You sound pretty out of touch really, it had more to do with them being corporate clients….something that puts banks at high risk is a majority of corporate clients….why? Because corporations unlike people tend to move their money all in one go digitally……meaning the money is gone without ever having to see people line up and get it….you combine that with over a $1B loss when selling their bonds and BOOM, you have a bank run……all in all “betting” on start ups wasn’t their down fall, having more corporate clients than retail clients was. Similar to First Republic Bank
@@justinjones2973 I hope you got a good Ight rest and just waking up!
Really well put, Paul. Best take I’ve read on all this craziness so far
Nobody mentioned the sale of stocks prior to the collapse, well designed plan.
The bank may have failed, but the execs succeeded 😂
Sell off was because of fear of recession and these companies are burning cash. People want easy money instead of investing in what actually worth something.
@@XOPOIIIO. He means the top execs sold a substantial amount of shares prior to knowledge of the collapse going public. They all knew the financial health of the company, and before the public caught wind, they also wary offloaded their bags. This is fraud/insider trading
SVB executives all need to be jail and their assets crawled back by the government.
The failure of Silicon Valley Bank has torn into global markets, with investors ripping up their forecasts for further rises in interest rates and dumping bank stocks around the world. I'm at a crossroads deciding if to liquidate my dipping 200k stocck portfoIio, what’s the best way to take advantage of this bear market?
lnvestors should be cautious about their exposure and be wary of new buys, especially during inflation. Such high yields in this recession is only possible under the supervision of a professional or trusted advisors.
@@Kim.beneteau I agree, having a brokerage advisor for investing is genius! Amidst the financial crisis in 2008, I was really having investing nightmare prior touching base with a advisor. In a nutshell, i have accrued over $450k with the help of my advisor from an initial $120k investment.
@@edward.abraham That's impressive!, I could really use the expertise of this advisors , my portfolio has been down bad....who’s the person guiding you.
@@hunter-bourke21 Credits Julia Ann Finnicum" to one of the best portfolio manager’s out there. She’s well known, you should look her up.
@@edward.abraham I must admit, Julia seems to be pretty knowledgeable, so thank you for the suggestion. I completely read through her resume, educational history, and qualifications after finding her online, and I must admit, they were extremely remarkable. and it's a bit of a challenge.
So yall not going to talk about how the CEO AND OTHER members of the board sold of stock before hand 🙄
Not only that the SVB gave out huge bonuses to all management positions prior to collapse.
A Justice Department investigation is ongoing now. If that is found to be true, they will be punished. Biden has already called for stiff penalties on those executives.
Thats just coincidence
Capitalism virtue signal
Donated $75m to BLM and other left wing foundations. 🤔
When you are so low risk you become high risk.
I don’t think this will lead to anything worse.
My tip is always do your banking with a credit union.
They’re more personable and friendly to the little guy.
Lol aww ain’t that sweet. Friendliness gon bounce away thee bad men
Yes. Stay away from the major corporate giants.
SVB executives didn't make any mistakes at all. They intended to make friends, family, politicians and themselves RICHER while letting tax payers pick up the tab and that's exactly what they did.
Media tells you to chill, while in reality a next big crash is going to happen.
If you don't chill, it will. It's a negative feedback loop.
Seems like SVBs issue was with holding bonds that are typically considered a safe asset. Seems like going through a lot of hoops to try and downplay the issue of holding bonds while interest rates are rising.
Bro this music is too loud
Hubris and greed do it again
It's funny how the media is still not finished covering what happened with SVB, and we have 4 more bank failures 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Dodd Franks rules were supposed to prevent banking crises after 2008 GFC??
So basically we are all much better off if the federal reserve just stays out of the economy!
According to my governor it was the one hour de&i class the employees had to do. Something about esg and something about a celebration in June and flags.
Too late
Low rates to high rates..what could go wrong?..
When banks can take out more than $10 dollars on every one dollar they take in from deposits is one of the problems. When you no longer have gold to back up the paper money and only credit
Not prepared for higher interest rate ?
Ask that fellow FED Chief Powell and Yellen. This is human doing. Don't tell me he don't know the consequence of increasing interest
rate ...🎉
They can print money, no problem. Yet raise interest rates on this "unlimited" money whenever they like...
It's called Fractional Reserve Banking. Banking and credit has worked like this since the middle ages. No one ever cares, until things go bad of course. Money is created when you borrow to buy your house or you 65-inch TV. Without it, you would have to save first and buy when you actually have the money. I'm guessing that would not be popular either?
@Jonteponte71 you are better off just saving the money yourself without using any bank. No interest No issue's! Cash is king!
Hindeberg is sleeping now I don't what's going on
Next do how the govenerment will bail them out.
Such a complex situation
We wont pay in taxes. We will pay in increased banking fees and such ti pay back the FDIC fund
Turn up the background music I can barely hear it
You have to understand...Tecks startup mean Zombies Company
Stay tuned for the American Greed story in a few years…
Its going to be awesome to watch😮
Why didn’t they tell the guy at 1:40 that the wind blew his toupee up?
No, SVB is no different than any other bank - they did what they could with ZERO rates for over a decade. But bailing out depositors will start hyperinflation crisis.
I don't get @1:58 . You don't "pull cash" to shore up you books. You might raise cash which would be either a bank loan, equities or bonds. So maybe this is a case of just bad/risky loans in a concentrated customer segment? On the bank asset side - yes that makes sense in terms of SVB's bond portfolio.
The stock market has been a really tough one this past year, but I watched an interview on CNBC where the anchor kept mentioning "KATRINA VANRENSUM ". This prompted me to get in touch with her, and from August 2022 till now we have been working together, and I can now boast of $540,000 in my trading portfolio.
That's right, getting in touch with a consultant during the pandemic was how I was able to scale through the crazy stock downtrend.
That's massive. Can you please connect me with your personal broker, I would love to work with her
Like I said earlier , her name is KATRINA VANRENSUM
Just run a search on her name, and you would see all you need.
Thanks for the info . Found her website and it really impressive
Now you stick your homeless in that empty building!
Music is too loud on this one
So glad that I was able to pull out my 3 million before they collapsed. Glad I got the heads up. I guess you can say that money talks and BS walks.
Ok badas
We witnessed the first digital bank run
Yep 💯
Large investors allowing a market with few controls where they lose a lot of money with bankrupcies. They are first affected. While ceos of bank getting rich and workers are poorer.
Yes yo the free market but more regulated.
I think the real question is why did the federal government jack up the interest rates?!? If anyone is to blame, blame those mofos.
Wish we could see the thumbs down on the video. The Fed will cover this and buy all the treasury bonds for any bank that needs liquidity. The Fed created this problem with zero to low interest rates for over 10 years. Now we see the financial system cannot even handle low rates which are actually in real terms negative when adjusting for inflation. Get ready for more inflation at the expense of everyone rather than these few depositors that should have lost their currency.
How big do you want your reading glasses?
Cathie Woods:
Need to bail out the accounts but not the bank , im sure all the managers and CEO’s were taken care of. Need to make sure those persons in charge no longer work in banks, and investigations need to happen
There should be criminal charges against all of the officers of this bank.
😂😂😂😂 when will you zero's wake up
Remember the bank lines back in 2008?
Where are those angel investors gone to already
Silicon is basically sand. Isn't that ironic?
Information Technology began as an enabler to fundamental enterprises.
In 1970 I really, REALLY wanted to be a tool and die maker. My High School guidance councilor steered me into electronics. I never became a master-craftsman because the quantum-speed of development in Information Technology guaranteed that my juniors would always be a step ahead of me.
Many cultural norms and mores were sacrificed in that environment.
Nothing to do with the interest rate, just greed
This is why I use a credit union
NCUA covers you 250k in deposits
I got 800 bucks in my bank 😮💨
If you held long treasuries why wouldn't you short the box to hedge when inflation started? Treasuries are just a safe hedge so that you can take on risk. It doesn't make sense
Nice stock Education
The logo looks like a traffic signal to turn RIGHT!!
Arrest these bank crooks.
Clickbait picture: no masked employee leaving the bank in this video
That’s why $SCLP IS THE WAY TO GO. Your future bank account managed by yourself
Where is hindenburg ..they are hiding.
Look up the Penn Square Bank incident from 1982.
Great news report. This banking report was captivating. I don't think that the banks are the ones not to be trusted and am also not saying you should trust the banks. What we all need to do is to ask the right question. The thing is that, someone broke the trust or contract which caused the banks to also default on their obligations. That someone is the BORROWER. This borrower was the cause of the bank failure. Assuming we all fulfill our debt obligations as stated, which bank will ever collapsed. Yes! I get the greed aspect of all things but it all starts from the BORROWER. The borrower can be INDIVIDUALS, CORPORATIONS & GOVERNMENTS. FROM the : ultimate borrower's failure -> bank failure -> depositors account drainage. There is other causes as well, like risk bank investments and bad corporate decisions.
The failure of Silicon Valley Bank has torn into global markets, with investors ripping up their forecasts for further rises in interest rates and dumping bank stocks around the world. I'm at a crossroads deciding if to liquidate my dipping 200k stocck portfolio, what’s the best way to take advantage of this bear market?
The SVB situation is a reminder that Fed hikes are having an effect, even if the economy has held up so far,” It’s precisely at times like these that investors need to be on guard against the next certainty. You don’t have to act on every forecast, hence i will suggest you get yourself a financial-advisor.
@@glenbert1396 I agree, having a brokerage advisor for inveesting is genius! Amidst the financial crisis in 2008, I was really having inveesting nightmare prior touching base with a advisor. In a nutshell, i've accrued over $850k with the help of my advisor from an initial $120k investment
@@anthonyrussell5718 I’ve actually been looking into advisors lately, the news I’ve been seeing in the market hasn’t been so encouraging. who’s the person guiding you?
@@roseroland1998 The advisor that guides me is "Lisa Ellen Shaw", most likely the internet is where to find her basic info, just search her name. She's established.
@@glenbert1396 Thanks for this tip. It was easy to find your advisor. I did my due diligence on her before leaving her a message. She seems competent given her resume.
Gold Price 🚀🚀🚀
mmm....COVID 19 quarantine and non essential worker not working for over three years....
Hahahaha those short term government loans.. where is the money coming from?
It's a bailout!
It comes from a fund collected from the banks. It's explained in the video. No government bailouts. This time at least.
Taxpayers won’t pay for this bail out.
Correct, dollar holders will.
Our government borrowed the money from Suisse Bank. So every taxpayers on the hook
I make $37k and am homeless, let it all crash and end social security, no more healthcare, we need a reset
And they say Crypto is bubble
2023 The most important thing that should be on everyone's mind today should be to invest in different sources of income that are not dependent on the government. Especially with the current economic crisis around the world. This is still a great time to invest in various gold, silver, and digital currency stocks.
Hey maybe you can talk to me, after all I had good returns in the financial markets for two years in 2021 and 2022
Glass Steagall Act
No, am pretty sure their non existent Risk Manager did that all by her lonesome.
At least the executives will get their payouts. Phew!
The story is normal journalism and I'm fine with that, but I'm a little hard of hearing and having a narrator who is at a totally different volume than the pre-recorded, re-used, and clipped content is a little annoying. Not what I expect of a professional channel
I find it funny how they blast Sam Bankman on every news out but what about SVB's CEO? I barely see anything about him..
Cause Sam was the CEO of the company while this guy just hired for doing banking. Pretty much he isn’t having any knowledge of what happened before since the other guy already ran away
Pretty obvious this video was rushed. The music is super distracting
How does anyone see the words "silicon valley" and think it's a good idea?
Unrealized losses, capital assets 📉 Blackrock defaults, Run 🏃♀️ on Banks, Bankers Salaries, bonuses, stocks and bonds, payouts, bankruptcy.
It's real easy to make money. Buy Tesla stock when it's down. Sell it ALL when it goes up. Repeat that a few times a month.
this is one reason bitcoin is born. born from the banking crisis in 2008, now you see how bitcoin rallied.
Bitcoin is pure as the driven snow! Thats why the government hates it!
Only to be insured up to 250k. What type of highway robbery is this?
Why not pay higher taxes and lobby the govt. for higher insurance? Better yet just split your money between different banks just like any other diversification.
@@dmattox7536 I did that before and my bank accounts were empty in few years from endless fees even though the money just stayed there earning O interests. The banks are scammers and you need to keep an eye on it continuously everyday.
I didn’t even know normal people had that kind of money in an account just sitting there. 😂 wild!
I figured most ppl were broke and living check to check
Does that clown Jim Cramer still recommend them?!
Just do something that will earn you money while you sleep, no matter how little. The pandemic is the perfect way to open your eyes to really see what life could be like without your usual income stream and everyone had to stay at home. Well I never felt it because I invested in a trading company where I earn 4 digits per week. The best thing you can do for yourself is invest more and spend less.
She’s safe and Reliable
Her investing strategy and risk management is well structured. She also offer copytrading
Okay, how do I contact her for advice on investment recommendation?-
Lot went wrong
When Trump's NFTs are a better investment, you know it's bad.
#America should #place #conditions.... to #sVB ....#keep #peace.... no more #escalations
Hey SVB, how did that 70 million dollar donation to BLM work out
What’s this annoying background music that just kept playing?!!! 😡😡
"It's an obvious bailout, no matter how it's spun. Lying to the public is irresponsible. Taxpayers are once again bailing out irresponsible and incompetent bank management that should be held accountable and sent to jail. Regulators are ignoring illegal insider trading just like in 2008. This resembles communism, and we need to make the responsible parties accountable to resolve this issue. The $25 billion taxpayer money is insufficient to bail out even one regional bank. The unrealized losses total ~$600 billion, which could be much higher. The largest banks have multiple times more toxic assets to deal with."
Cathy wood 👀
let it burn!
The title lol. No they didn’t the problem is with regulation and the whole banking sector. We’ve already been through this and should’ve learned our lesson. It’s the lobbyists and governments fault along with banks pushing for deregulation.
If you need to borrow a lot of money to keep growing are you really growing?
Lol a fundamental different place. Nnnnooo waayyy no duuhhh
So main reason was they bet on crypto then failed.
Withdrawal your cash, they can print more. There's only 4% of cash in the US the rest is digital. National digital currency it the end of freedom 🚨🚨