how to create cutting & filling measurement sheet AutoCAD to excel

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 29 มิ.ย. 2024
  • Creating a cutting and filling measurement sheet from AutoCAD Civil 3D and exporting it to Excel involves several steps. Here’s a detailed guide to help you through the process:
    1. *Creating Surface Volume Calculations in Civil 3D*
    1. **Create Surfaces**:
    - Ensure you have your existing ground surface and proposed ground surface created in Civil 3D.
    - You can create surfaces from survey data, point clouds, or other data sources.
    2. **Compute Volume**:
    - Go to the “Analyze” tab on the ribbon.
    - Click on “Volumes and Materials” in the “Ground Data” panel.
    - In the “Volumes Dashboard”, click on “Create New Volume Surface”.
    - In the “Create Surface” dialog box, name your volume surface, choose “Tin Volume Surface” as the type, and select your base surface (existing ground) and comparison surface (proposed ground).
    - Click “OK” to create the volume surface. Civil 3D will calculate the cut and fill volumes.
    3. **Extract Volume Information**:
    - In the “Volumes Dashboard”, the calculated cut and fill volumes will be displayed. You can add more volume surfaces if needed.
    - Click on “Report” to generate a detailed report of the volumes.
    2. *Exporting Data to Excel*
    1. **Export Volume Report**:
    - After generating the report, you can export this data.
    - In the “Volumes Dashboard”, click on “Report” and then select “Export to File”.
    - Save the report as a text file or an XML file.
    2. **Convert Report to Excel**:
    - Open Excel and import the saved report file.
    - For a text file, use the “Text Import Wizard” in Excel. Choose “Delimited” and specify the delimiters used in the text file (usually tab or comma).
    - For an XML file, use the “Open” function in Excel and select the XML file. Excel will automatically parse the XML data into a table format.
    3. *Customizing the Excel Sheet*
    1. **Organize Data**:
    - Once the data is imported into Excel, you may need to clean it up. Remove any unnecessary rows or columns, and organize the data into a readable format.
    - Label the columns clearly (e.g., “Station”, “Cut Volume”, “Fill Volume”).
    2. **Add Formulas and Formatting**:
    - Use Excel’s functions to calculate additional metrics if needed (e.g., total cut, total fill, net volume).
    - Apply formatting to make the sheet more readable (e.g., bold headers, borders around cells, different colors for cut and fill data).
    4. *Automating the Process (Optional)*
    1. **Using Dynamo for Civil 3D**:
    - For more advanced users, consider using Dynamo scripts to automate the extraction and export process.
    - Dynamo for Civil 3D allows you to create scripts that can automate repetitive tasks, including volume calculations and data exports.
    2. **Creating Macros in Excel**:
    - Use Excel macros to automate the import and formatting process. Record a macro to perform the steps you typically do manually, and then run the macro whenever you need to update the data.
    Example of Steps in Civil 3D:
    1. **Create Volume Surface**:
    - Analyze Volumes and Materials Create New Volume Surface
    - Name: Volume Surface 1
    - Type: Tin Volume Surface
    - Base Surface: Existing Ground
    - Comparison Surface: Proposed Ground
    2. **Generate and Export Report**:
    - Volumes Dashboard Report Export to File
    - Save as: VolumeReport.txt
    Example of Steps in Excel:
    1. **Import Text File**:
    - Data Get External Data From Text
    - Select VolumeReport.txt
    - Delimited Next Delimiters: Tab Finish
    2. **Organize Data**:
    - Label columns: Station, Cut Volume, Fill Volume
    - Format headers
    - Apply calculations for total cut and fill
    By following these steps, you can effectively create a cutting and filling measurement sheet in AutoCAD Civil 3D and export it to Excel for further analysis and reporting.

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