What an incredible talent these men have.The drummer in the back, who is drumming with one hand, and playing the shuffle with the other just amazing praise God for all his glory.
Written in 1225, the words of All Creatures of Our God and King still ring true with believers around the world who share Brother Francis' heart. All Creatures of Our God and King All creatures of our God and King Lift up your voice and with us sing, Alleluia! Alleluia! Thou burning sun with golden beam, Thou silver moon with softer gleam! Refrain: O praise Him! O praise Him! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Thou rushing wind that art so strong Ye clouds that sail in Heaven along, O praise Him! Alleluia! Thou rising moon, in praise rejoice, Ye lights of evening, find a voice! Refrain Thou flowing water, pure and clear, Make music for thy Lord to hear, O praise Him! Alleluia! Thou fire so masterful and bright, That givest man both warmth and light. Refrain Dear mother earth, who day by day Unfoldest blessings on our way, O praise Him! Alleluia! The flowers and fruits that in thee grow, Let them His glory also show. Refrain And all ye men of tender heart,| Forgiving others, take your part, O sing ye! Alleluia! Ye who long pain and sorrow bear, Praise God and on Him cast your care! Refrain And thou most kind and gentle Death, Waiting to hush our latest breath, O praise Him! Alleluia! Thou leadest home the child of God, And Christ our Lord the way hath trod. Refrain Let all things their Creator bless, And worship Him in humbleness, O praise Him! Alleluia! Praise, praise the Father, praise the Son, And praise the Spirit, Three in One!
My pastor played this song with just his guitar at my wedding. I thought I could I could keep my composure. I thought wrong. I lost it when I first heard the lyrics.
For more than two years I've listened to this song. Not once did I realize how eccentric and peculiar David actually looked physically. I have a long way to go in being overly-judgemental. Thank you, Jesus, for showing me the way, the truth and the light once again.
took the time to create everthing beautifully, excellently, creatively, and harmoniously. Most Christians see art as a tool for evangelism, where really it's meant to be a reflection of God by being "sub-creators" in his image, making our own beautiful, excellent, and unique creations.
Scott Wesley Brown put this hymn on one of his albums...a looong time ago...probably in the 70s or early 80s...great song! David Crowder Band does a great job bringing it back!
Because the effect could be so much more. Most of the success of his ministry comes from his helping kids and college students, running camps and the like. He could add to that tremendously with better music. But really, the purpose of art is not to be useful, but to display a beautiful, excellent new way of looking at reality. If one is creating art, he should focus beauty, excellence, and creativity, not how useful his work might be. The universe wasn't necessary, but God still...
This song and David for that matter are a glimpse of the man behind the music, St. Francis of Assisi (the one who wrote the lyrics). I love all of it, they are a picture of simple poverty and childlike wonder at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
People in Virginia...lots of them. And yet, isn't our God a God of excellence and beauty? Yes, He doesn't care what we sound like when we are just worshiping Him in church or as a congregation of prayer group, but the area of art is a whole different matter. Artists are in pursuit of excellence. What if God hadn't worried about being excellent and beautiful when creating the earth? Creation is complex AND beautiful. That is what I find amazing about God. That He can be so creative and..
Here's one for you: What fraction of performers should be allowed on stage? The top 1% maybe? Who should judge? Who will explain to the audience that someone they like (like Browder) won't be allowed to entertain them because the jugdes didn't like his vocal technique?
Yes, God gives each of us unique voices, so there's no way we could ever all sound the same! And I'm SO glad there are so many different styles of singing (music would be SO boring if there weren't). But, the point is, each one can be done WELL. He has a certain genre, and he's not doing it well. Have you ever read The Abolition of Man by C.S. Lewis? I think he makes an awesome point about how some things merit our respect and veneration more than others do. If there's no standard for...
I would be more than happy to see them! Also, it's not just a personal opinion. Great Christian artists like Steve Turner, Franky Schaeffer, Barbara Nicolosi, Thom Parham, etc. agree with me. They write many books about the decline of Christian art. They all agree that Christian art has declined because nowadays Christian artists are more concerned with evangelizing through art than creating it beautifully. I was shocked when I first read that, but then it started to make a whole lot of..
And also, it is about being an artist. God set standards of beauty, order, excellence, and creativity when he created the earth. Every area of life has standards, including art, unlike many postmodernists (and it seems Christians too!:( ) believe. If we are made in the image of God and called to "be like Christ", we should be so in every area of life, including art. We should stive for beauty, excellence, and creativity in art - singing in this case.
I'm curious: Let's say that he is actually performing at the best level he can achieve. What do you think he should do then? Should he refuse an opportunity to perform? What? Keep in mind that the overwhelming majority of all performers of all types are, by the very definition of the word, average and not excellent. What should they do? Should they all quit? What do you suggest?
Who are you talking to? The circles I run in find his ministry inspiring. As a music major myself, I can appreciate what you've said about his vocal quality, but in the end I don't agree. There's a place for a classical trained sound, a broadway/showtunes sound, a pop sound, and there's a place for Crowder's unique earthy sound. One of the reasons our God is so awesome is that creation is infinitely complex. To try to put God (or a voice) in a box is to not recognize the depth of creation.
wish to work to constantly improve, then I'm perfectly fine with them not being excellent now. Of course most won't be, because it takes years or work and training to be so. I don't suggest quitting, but pushing forward to improve. I think David Crawdor has so much more potential with his voice and song-writing. It just mostly makes me sad that his songs and ministry could be so much more effective if he trained and became good at those skills.
sense. They all make the point that art is meant to show, prod, and suggest things, not lay them out clearly and systematically like in a sermon. There is nothing wrong with either preaching or art, but they are such opposite mediums, that it just doesn't work when you try to put them together. Preaching is for calling non-Christians to Christ, and art is for showing that there is beauty and excellence in the universe and celebrating those aspects God has given us...which can still be...
God cares only about the sincerity of the heart... and whether or not we, His kids, take Him seriously when Jesus said: • Matthew 6:33 “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” • Luke 17:21 "nor will people say, 'Here it is,' or 'There it is,' because the kingdom of God is within you." • John 7:38 - "Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him."
excellent and beautiful in what they do to show that, "yes, we have an awesome God, who cares about quality, excellence, and beauty." My problem is not with his style (I like the wavering around the pitch too!:)), but that he is not performing that style excellently.
...beautiful. Yes, there are many genres of music, but there are also standards for each genre. Art isn't all creativity. It is creativity within a form or design. David Crawdor is just basically talking on pitch. I'm not saying he needs to become an opera singer or anything, but he should learn how to sing in more of the rock. He could keep the the rough, earthy texture in his voice that is so cool, and sing excellently. That would display the uniqueness of his voice so much better...
Wow. Calm down. Sorry, I guess I come across pretty hard. I never said they shouldn't be allowed on stage, but that they should be pushing to constantly improve themselves. If something is worth doing, it's worth doing well. A really good book to read about this is Imagine: A Vision for Christians in the Arts by Steve Turner, if you're interested. He explains it a lot better that I do. :)
No actually, I LOVE the rock-style voices - the rough, earthy ones. He has SUCH a good voice for it, but he's throwing away his gift by not training it to sound beautiful. Yes, beautiful does not mean opera or broadway - it means (in the realm of art) being as excellent as you can in a certain genre. His is the more rock kind of genre (so cool! my brother has his kind of voice too :)), and I'm just saying if he really is an artist, he should strive and train to be the best he possibly can...
Then I think it would be pretty clear he should focus on what he's really gifted in - running ministries for kids and colleges like he's doing along with his music. He could do recreational type singing and music because it's fun, but not as a career. This would give him much more time to do what he is much more gifted and effective in. Because most of them don't train hard enough. I suggest to them to keep training to get better. As long as they're not content to stay only average and...
@care1281 Heh, for a while I just assumed Crowder was the dude with the headphones on the cover of the "Can You Hear Us?" CD. I was a bit surprised the first time I glimpsed the "gnome hair". But I think it's sad that we seem to expect all of our worship leaders to be clean-shaven metrosexuals.
Yeah, it's because I study singing and am majoring in it in college. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the song, but I just wish he (and most Christian singers) took the time to actually learn how to sing and be real artists in their performances. It makes me sad mostly that they don't care about beauty and excellence. :(
in any public forum. To say most Christian singers don't care about being excellent is #1 a personal opinion, #2 false in the sense that I can almost guarantee you haven't spoken to a "majority" of them to be an expert on their psyches, and #3 it can possibly lead non-believers to believe you and to not listen to their music and therefore have a possible conversion experience. God will bring people to himself if He wants, but is your best testimony standing in His way? Just be careful. :)
Instead, this style calls for a raw and earthy sound, which calls for a bit of roughness around the edges. I would hate it if he changed his voice quality. Basically, you are saying you don't prefer this style... which is fine. That's the beauty of God creating many musical styles and performers. However, I'd prefer if you'd refrain from saying Crowder doesn't care about beauty and excellence (unless of course you've met him and had this conversation with him?). I doubt he'd agree with you.
1Elbereth1, you seem to focus on the worldly aspect and not the heart. Yes you can critique style and all that "stuff". Yet, David leads worship from the inside of the way God made him. So what's the point of "training" when the effect is quite evident. You would do well not to focus on the technical and reflect on why there is such an abundance of fruit from Mr. Crowder's ministry.
Yes, artists are in pursuit of excellence. And God is a God of excellence and beauty. But what you are saying is that there is one definition of beauty. In that case, why didn't God give us all the same face? Because many combinations of eye, nose and mouth shape exist and all are beautiful. The voice is the same. There isn't even just one style of "rock". Singing in the exact center of every note is perfect for classical singing, but would sound completely out of character in this genre.
Or maybe he should accept the fact that God gives everyone different gifts and talents, and go develop the ones he truly has. Or, maybe he should try to sing to the best of his ability - he can easily learn how to sing correctly. He has great pitch, he just needs to learn to project, get proper placement, and all that jazz. Then, maybe more people would take him seriously - if one is really serious about pursuing an art form, they try to do it excellently.
Like I said before, my problem is he's not doing that style excellently. Singers like David Cook, Pink, Bon Jovi, and Steven Curtis Chapman are good examples of that genre done well. Actions speak louder than words. If most Christian artists cared about excellence and beauty more in their art, wouldn't it be excellent and beautiful? I would love to talk to him to see what he says. So far, I have found nowhere where he took vocal training. If you could find me some good sources...
You have a lot of good things to say. However, it seems you're wavering around the issue. You say you like the earthy style, wavering around the pitch, etc... so what exactly is your problem with Crowder's voice? And again I ask, have you spoken to Crowder to learn that he doesn't value excellence? ...to find out what he does to train his voice? You seem to be highly critical of this performance, but I challenge you as one Christian to another to be careful with your words...
A "wider audience" of Christians? By that you mean a small sub-culture of 21st century white American middle class evangelical-protestant hipsters. If people want religious music they deseve the best (Bach, Mozart, Gregorian Chant, Byzantine Chant, classic hymns etc), if people want secular music they can find much better than this arrangment. Faith is not a fad, when you try to make it such, it is amazing how quickly it looks dated.
beauty, why train to sing (or act, dance, write, ect.)? That would be pointless. Also, nobody could be truly gifted at anything, because everything would be beautiful. There are standards for everything in the universe (housing construction, cars, criminals etc), so why wouldn't there be for different genres of singing? Our culture has lost our respect for beauty because of the rise of postmodernism, and the church should really be the one in the forefront being the most...
evangelistic in and of itself, just in a different way. Non-Christians already look down on Christian art enough, I don't think my criticism of it would make that much of a difference. True, some may be turned away from listening to it, but some may be refreshed that there are some Christians left that understand Christian art is really not that great, and don't just praise it because it happens to be about God. It can work both ways. I'm not criticizing all Christian art,just poorly done art
This is why Christian art is in such terrible shape. People who don't accomplish anything for the Kingdom write pages of commentary criticizing the people who are trying to get something done. Yes, music is in a decline. Secular music is awful, and Christian music is a bad imitation of that. But, it won't get any better as long as kids are more concerned with being rock stars than being good musicians. The CCM INDUSTRY forces the crap it owns onto a public that wishes it had better...too bad.
Blessed, blessed, blessed musician. Perhaps my favorite of all time! This hymn is amazing. Praise Jesus for who He is!!!!
I walked down the aisle to this song :) What a way to start our marriage
What an incredible talent these men have.The drummer in the back, who is drumming with one hand, and playing the shuffle with the other just amazing praise God for all his glory.
Written in 1225, the words of All Creatures of Our God and King still ring true with believers around the world who share Brother Francis' heart.
All Creatures of Our God and King
All creatures of our God and King
Lift up your voice and with us sing,
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Thou burning sun with golden beam,
Thou silver moon with softer gleam!
O praise Him! O praise Him!
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Thou rushing wind that art so strong
Ye clouds that sail in Heaven along,
O praise Him! Alleluia!
Thou rising moon, in praise rejoice,
Ye lights of evening, find a voice!
Thou flowing water, pure and clear,
Make music for thy Lord to hear,
O praise Him! Alleluia!
Thou fire so masterful and bright,
That givest man both warmth and light.
Dear mother earth, who day by day
Unfoldest blessings on our way,
O praise Him! Alleluia!
The flowers and fruits that in thee grow,
Let them His glory also show.
And all ye men of tender heart,|
Forgiving others, take your part,
O sing ye! Alleluia!
Ye who long pain and sorrow bear,
Praise God and on Him cast your care!
And thou most kind and gentle Death,
Waiting to hush our latest breath,
O praise Him! Alleluia!
Thou leadest home the child of God,
And Christ our Lord the way hath trod.
Let all things their Creator bless,
And worship Him in humbleness,
O praise Him! Alleluia!
Praise, praise the Father, praise the Son,
And praise the Spirit, Three in One!
I heart David Crowder! When I first his voice...I did not picture him looking like this at all! lol...he is awesome!
My pastor played this song with just his guitar at my wedding. I thought I could I could keep my composure. I thought wrong. I lost it when I first heard the lyrics.
What an amazing version of All Creatures, even St. Francis would be impressed.
This is one of my favorite songs ever.
For more than two years I've listened to this song. Not once did I realize how eccentric and peculiar David actually looked physically. I have a long way to go in being overly-judgemental. Thank you, Jesus, for showing me the way, the truth and the light once again.
took the time to create everthing beautifully, excellently, creatively, and harmoniously. Most Christians see art as a tool for evangelism, where really it's meant to be a reflection of God by being "sub-creators" in his image, making our own beautiful, excellent, and unique creations.
and be in pursuit of beauty and excellence, like our God is, the Great Artist.
i love this song and his version of it isn't bad!! thanks for the upload!!!
Awesome version of this great hym I listened too every Sunday.
Scott Wesley Brown put this hymn on one of his albums...a looong time ago...probably in the 70s or early 80s...great song! David Crowder Band does a great job bringing it back!
Because the effect could be so much more. Most of the success of his ministry comes from his helping kids and college students, running camps and the like. He could add to that tremendously with better music.
But really, the purpose of art is not to be useful, but to display a beautiful, excellent new way of looking at reality. If one is creating art, he should focus beauty, excellence, and creativity, not how useful his work might be. The universe wasn't necessary, but God still...
This song and David for that matter are a glimpse of the man behind the music, St. Francis of Assisi (the one who wrote the lyrics). I love all of it, they are a picture of simple poverty and childlike wonder at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
People in Virginia...lots of them.
And yet, isn't our God a God of excellence and beauty? Yes, He doesn't care what we sound like when we are just worshiping Him in church or as a congregation of prayer group, but the area of art is a whole different matter. Artists are in pursuit of excellence. What if God hadn't worried about being excellent and beautiful when creating the earth? Creation is complex AND beautiful. That is what I find amazing about God. That He can be so creative and..
I love, love, love it...
eternal worship this only a glimpse
0:44 those eyebrows!! Love this DC!!
Love it!!
go dc!!!! forever and ever...... and ever
praise Him, Hallelujah!!!!!
Here's one for you: What fraction of performers should be allowed on stage? The top 1% maybe? Who should judge? Who will explain to the audience that someone they like (like Browder) won't be allowed to entertain them because the jugdes didn't like his vocal technique?
Yes, God gives each of us unique voices, so there's no way we could ever all sound the same! And I'm SO glad there are so many different styles of singing (music would be SO boring if there weren't). But, the point is, each one can be done WELL. He has a certain genre, and he's not doing it well. Have you ever read The Abolition of Man by C.S. Lewis? I think he makes an awesome point about how some things merit our respect and veneration more than others do. If there's no standard for...
David Crowder is a musical genius, which explains why he looks like a crazy guy.
I wonder what Jesus looked like and how many of us would've "judged" Him and completely missed the boat...
I would be more than happy to see them!
Also, it's not just a personal opinion. Great Christian artists like Steve Turner, Franky Schaeffer, Barbara Nicolosi, Thom Parham, etc. agree with me. They write many books about the decline of Christian art.
They all agree that Christian art has declined because nowadays Christian artists are more concerned with evangelizing through art than creating it beautifully. I was shocked when I first read that, but then it started to make a whole lot of..
And also, it is about being an artist. God set standards of beauty, order, excellence, and creativity when he created the earth. Every area of life has standards, including art, unlike many postmodernists (and it seems Christians too!:( ) believe. If we are made in the image of God and called to "be like Christ", we should be so in every area of life, including art. We should stive for beauty, excellence, and creativity in art - singing in this case.
saw him a week ago :D
@yesmanyesman1 This song is NOT composed by David Crawder. It is an old hymn passed down from generations.
I'm curious: Let's say that he is actually performing at the best level he can achieve. What do you think he should do then? Should he refuse an opportunity to perform? What? Keep in mind that the overwhelming majority of all performers of all types are, by the very definition of the word, average and not excellent. What should they do? Should they all quit? What do you suggest?
They're also called thunder sticks.
Or also called Hot Rods
@yesmanyesman1 Err I don't know about that. I just don't want you to give all credits to David Crowder. He changes a few lyrics though.
Who are you talking to? The circles I run in find his ministry inspiring. As a music major myself, I can appreciate what you've said about his vocal quality, but in the end I don't agree. There's a place for a classical trained sound, a broadway/showtunes sound, a pop sound, and there's a place for Crowder's unique earthy sound. One of the reasons our God is so awesome is that creation is infinitely complex. To try to put God (or a voice) in a box is to not recognize the depth of creation.
@yesmanyesman1 LOL. My mate, the Lord uses all kind of folks for His glory. He's Awesome like that. Ya. Praise You Lord!
wish to work to constantly improve, then I'm perfectly fine with them not being excellent now. Of course most won't be, because it takes years or work and training to be so. I don't suggest quitting, but pushing forward to improve.
I think David Crawdor has so much more potential with his voice and song-writing. It just mostly makes me sad that his songs and ministry could be so much more effective if he trained and became good at those skills.
@jimmy2027209 Oh I see. were the guitar solos, bass riffs, and drum lines passed down from generations as well? hahahhaha
wow, was für ne stimme und botschaft
sense. They all make the point that art is meant to show, prod, and suggest things, not lay them out clearly and systematically like in a sermon. There is nothing wrong with either preaching or art, but they are such opposite mediums, that it just doesn't work when you try to put them together. Preaching is for calling non-Christians to Christ, and art is for showing that there is beauty and excellence in the universe and celebrating those aspects God has given us...which can still be...
God cares only about the sincerity of the heart... and whether or not we, His kids, take Him seriously when Jesus said: • Matthew 6:33 “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” • Luke 17:21 "nor will people say, 'Here it is,' or 'There it is,' because the kingdom of God is within you." • John 7:38 - "Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him."
Awesome!! But I still like O Sifuni Mungu better same words same praise but with the added Swahili sounds so amazing!!!! :D Prause the Lord!!! :D
I have liked David Crowder band's music. but I didn't know the vocal was so.. hairy..:0 The song is really beautiful though!
+Sophia Park old video
What does it matter how much hair he has? His voice is amazing!
@JesusGaveMeNewSoul Yes, and of course, your actions reflect this sincerity :) If your actions are sinful, you are not reflecting sincerity.
excellent and beautiful in what they do to show that, "yes, we have an awesome God, who cares about quality, excellence, and beauty."
My problem is not with his style (I like the wavering around the pitch too!:)), but that he is not performing that style excellently.
what about this video makes David Crowder a musical genius? It sounds like he took an awesome and quite complex hymn and put it to four chords.
Samuel Nelson that's not hard to do at all.
We don't worship Crowder, lol.
Yes, there are many genres of music, but there are also standards for each genre. Art isn't all creativity. It is creativity within a form or design. David Crawdor is just basically talking on pitch. I'm not saying he needs to become an opera singer or anything, but he should learn how to sing in more of the rock. He could keep the the rough, earthy texture in his voice that is so cool, and sing excellently. That would display the uniqueness of his voice so much better...
He tunes the low E string down to a D, just so you know
Wow. Calm down. Sorry, I guess I come across pretty hard.
I never said they shouldn't be allowed on stage, but that they should be pushing to constantly improve themselves. If something is worth doing, it's worth doing well. A really good book to read about this is Imagine: A Vision for Christians in the Arts by Steve Turner, if you're interested. He explains it a lot better that I do. :)
No actually, I LOVE the rock-style voices - the rough, earthy ones. He has SUCH a good voice for it, but he's throwing away his gift by not training it to sound beautiful. Yes, beautiful does not mean opera or broadway - it means (in the realm of art) being as excellent as you can in a certain genre. His is the more rock kind of genre (so cool! my brother has his kind of voice too :)), and I'm just saying if he really is an artist, he should strive and train to be the best he possibly can...
Then I think it would be pretty clear he should focus on what he's really gifted in - running ministries for kids and colleges like he's doing along with his music. He could do recreational type singing and music because it's fun, but not as a career. This would give him much more time to do what he is much more gifted and effective in.
Because most of them don't train hard enough. I suggest to them to keep training to get better. As long as they're not content to stay only average and...
@care1281 Heh, for a while I just assumed Crowder was the dude with the headphones on the cover of the "Can You Hear Us?" CD. I was a bit surprised the first time I glimpsed the "gnome hair".
But I think it's sad that we seem to expect all of our worship leaders to be clean-shaven metrosexuals.
Yeah, it's because I study singing and am majoring in it in college.
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the song, but I just wish he (and most Christian singers) took the time to actually learn how to sing and be real artists in their performances. It makes me sad mostly that they don't care about beauty and excellence. :(
in any public forum. To say most Christian singers don't care about being excellent is #1 a personal opinion, #2 false in the sense that I can almost guarantee you haven't spoken to a "majority" of them to be an expert on their psyches, and #3 it can possibly lead non-believers to believe you and to not listen to their music and therefore have a possible conversion experience. God will bring people to himself if He wants, but is your best testimony standing in His way? Just be careful. :)
Instead, this style calls for a raw and earthy sound, which calls for a bit of roughness around the edges. I would hate it if he changed his voice quality. Basically, you are saying you don't prefer this style... which is fine. That's the beauty of God creating many musical styles and performers. However, I'd prefer if you'd refrain from saying Crowder doesn't care about beauty and excellence (unless of course you've met him and had this conversation with him?). I doubt he'd agree with you.
1Elbereth1, you seem to focus on the worldly aspect and not the heart. Yes you can critique style and all that "stuff". Yet, David leads worship from the inside of the way God made him. So what's the point of "training" when the effect is quite evident. You would do well not to focus on the technical and reflect on why there is such an abundance of fruit from Mr. Crowder's ministry.
Yes, artists are in pursuit of excellence. And God is a God of excellence and beauty. But what you are saying is that there is one definition of beauty. In that case, why didn't God give us all the same face? Because many combinations of eye, nose and mouth shape exist and all are beautiful. The voice is the same. There isn't even just one style of "rock". Singing in the exact center of every note is perfect for classical singing, but would sound completely out of character in this genre.
Or maybe he should accept the fact that God gives everyone different gifts and talents, and go develop the ones he truly has. Or, maybe he should try to sing to the best of his ability - he can easily learn how to sing correctly. He has great pitch, he just needs to learn to project, get proper placement, and all that jazz. Then, maybe more people would take him seriously - if one is really serious about pursuing an art form, they try to do it excellently.
Like I said before, my problem is he's not doing that style excellently. Singers like David Cook, Pink, Bon Jovi, and Steven Curtis Chapman are good examples of that genre done well.
Actions speak louder than words. If most Christian artists cared about excellence and beauty more in their art, wouldn't it be excellent and beautiful? I would love to talk to him to see what he says. So far, I have found nowhere where he took vocal training. If you could find me some good sources...
No you have issues!
See how immature that sounds? But yah, by all means cut on people who don't agree with you.
You have a lot of good things to say. However, it seems you're wavering around the issue. You say you like the earthy style, wavering around the pitch, etc... so what exactly is your problem with Crowder's voice? And again I ask, have you spoken to Crowder to learn that he doesn't value excellence? ...to find out what he does to train his voice? You seem to be highly critical of this performance, but I challenge you as one Christian to another to be careful with your words...
A "wider audience" of Christians? By that you mean a small sub-culture of 21st century white American middle class evangelical-protestant hipsters. If people want religious music they deseve the best (Bach, Mozart, Gregorian Chant, Byzantine Chant, classic hymns etc), if people want secular music they can find much better than this arrangment.
Faith is not a fad, when you try to make it such, it is amazing how quickly it looks dated.
beauty, why train to sing (or act, dance, write, ect.)? That would be pointless. Also, nobody could be truly gifted at anything, because everything would be beautiful. There are standards for everything in the universe (housing construction, cars, criminals etc), so why wouldn't there be for different genres of singing? Our culture has lost our respect for beauty because of the rise of postmodernism, and the church should really be the one in the forefront being the most...
evangelistic in and of itself, just in a different way.
Non-Christians already look down on Christian art enough, I don't think my criticism of it would make that much of a difference. True, some may be turned away from listening to it, but some may be refreshed that there are some Christians left that understand Christian art is really not that great, and don't just praise it because it happens to be about God. It can work both ways. I'm not criticizing all Christian art,just poorly done art
Dave, Dave, Dave,
Get to the Gym, man.
He's reaching Christians mostly...and most I've talked to don't really like him. Not impacting the world per se, if that's what you mean.
This is why Christian art is in such terrible shape. People who don't accomplish anything for the Kingdom write pages of commentary criticizing the people who are trying to get something done.
Yes, music is in a decline. Secular music is awful, and Christian music is a bad imitation of that. But, it won't get any better as long as kids are more concerned with being rock stars than being good musicians. The CCM INDUSTRY forces the crap it owns onto a public that wishes it had better...too bad.
Another classic Catholic hymn butchered by "Christian Rock"
wow, he's really bad at singing.
He just slaughtered one of my favorite songs.
That's just embarrassing...