I have this tripod. It has been useful for all sorts of things. For greater height/length, I screw an Insta360 extending selfie stick onto it. Then, I've got an Ulanzi ball head on that. The camera is usually the Insta360 One R. Right now, this tripod is holding up my webcam.
They do advertise it as being able to do so and I have done it, but probably won't do it often because my camera feels too heavy. If you are shooting with a lighter setup you'll probably be fine.
@@driaan_louw Thanks for your reply! I also saw that promotion video but wasn't sure how stiff the joint is. I'm gonna get the A6400 (hoping it gets cheaper with the A6700 coming tomorrow I think) with no big setup planned.
@@lachesis12 Rad! Honestly, if you are wanting to do the "latch onto anything" gorillapod stuff I would look into getting a clamp like this: www.amazon.com/SMALLRIG-Ballhead-Multi-Function-Adapter-Ronin-M/dp/B00DJ5XH4O/ref=sr_1_5?keywords=smallrig+clamp&qid=1690787262&sr=8-5 I don't own one but have been considering getting one so I can make overhead rigs
I have this tripod. It has been useful for all sorts of things. For greater height/length, I screw an Insta360 extending selfie stick onto it. Then, I've got an Ulanzi ball head on that. The camera is usually the Insta360 One R. Right now, this tripod is holding up my webcam.
Great Video! Just ordered the tripod too and would also like to get the balhead which one is it? Can't seem to find it on Leofoto site.
Jan! It's the MBH-19 i think.
@@driaan_louw does it pan? if so, how smooth is it? it looks like you'd have to move the device itself to pan without a panning handle.
@ the ballhead I put on can loosen on the pan axis but I would not call it a smooth head at all. It's way too small for that.
can you use the extended legs as a hook? (like the mantispod?)
They do advertise it as being able to do so and I have done it, but probably won't do it often because my camera feels too heavy. If you are shooting with a lighter setup you'll probably be fine.
@@driaan_louw Thanks for your reply! I also saw that promotion video but wasn't sure how stiff the joint is. I'm gonna get the A6400 (hoping it gets cheaper with the A6700 coming tomorrow I think) with no big setup planned.
@@lachesis12 Rad! Honestly, if you are wanting to do the "latch onto anything" gorillapod stuff I would look into getting a clamp like this: www.amazon.com/SMALLRIG-Ballhead-Multi-Function-Adapter-Ronin-M/dp/B00DJ5XH4O/ref=sr_1_5?keywords=smallrig+clamp&qid=1690787262&sr=8-5
I don't own one but have been considering getting one so I can make overhead rigs
Leofoto or mantispod pro?
@@harshnarayan8164 mantispods are unfortunately not sold where I live so I don't know 🙃
Good to see your face again😄
bro! Miss yours!
Shmaaak this!