[1DAY 1KOREA: K-PEOPLE] Ep.29 Composer CHIN Unsuk

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.พ. 2025
  • Ep.29 [K-PEOPLE] Composer CHIN Unsuk
    CHIN Unsuk is a Korean-born, Germany-based composer who won the Grawemeyer Award, an honor often described as the Nobel Prize of classical music, for her first Violin Concerto in 2004. Her constant efforts to expand the possibilities of contemporary classical music have earned her international recognitions, including the 2005 Arnold Schönberg Prize, the 2010 Music Composition Prize of the Prince Pierre Foundation, the 2017 Wihuri Sibelius Prize, the 2018 Marie-Josée Kravis Prize for New Music, the 2019 Bach Prize of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, and the 2021 Léonie Sonning Music Prize. She joins us to share her musical vision and inspirations.
    Ep.29 [K-PEOPLE] 작곡가 진은숙
    그녀의 첫 번째 바이올린 협주곡으로 2004년 음악계의 노벨상이라고 불리는 그라베마이어상을 수상한 진은숙 작곡가.
    이후 그녀는 아르놀트 쇤베르크상, 모나코 피에르 대공 작곡상, 시벨리우스 음악상, 크라비스 음악상, 바흐 음악상, 레오니 소닝 음악상을 수상하며 현대 클래식 음악의 지평을 넓히고 있다.
    그녀가 선물한 음악의 향연을 음미한다.
    #ChinUnsuk #composer #ArnoldSchönbergPrize #worldclass #MusicCompositionPrizeofthePrincePierreFoundation #WihuriSibeliusPrize #MarieJoséeKravisPrizeforNewMusic #BachPrizeoftheFreeandHanseaticCityofHamburg #LéonieSonningMusicPrize #FestivalPresences #ViolinConcerto #AliceinWonderland #AkrostichonWortspiel #Gougalon #ScherbenderStille #ShardsofSilence #Su #timf #Kclassic #Kart #Kculture #Kpeople #1day1korea #arirangtv #진은숙 #작곡가 #월클 #그라베마이어상 #쇤베르크상 #모나코피에르대공작곡상 #시벨리우스음악상 #크라비스음악상 #바흐음악상 #레오니소닝음악상 #프레장스페스티벌 #말의유희 #앨리스인원더랜드 #통영국제음악제 #예술감독 #K피플 #아리랑tv
  • บันเทิง

ความคิดเห็น • 4

  • @bluegood8041
    @bluegood8041 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    작곡이라는 분야에 대해 예술가로서 희열을 느끼며 하신다는 말이 멋지네요.

  • @kangcontents6301
    @kangcontents6301 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @pierredutilleux9550
    @pierredutilleux9550 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Why do they play Ligeti's piano concerto at the end of the video and not her own?

    • @yssimon9058
      @yssimon9058 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      She is the director of Tongyeong Music Festival, and Ligeti's concerto was performed at the festival this year. Not a good choice for the end, but at least not meaningless.