Usually Disney princes would have the different songs and different pitches if they perform the princesses' songs. He's more suitable for princesses, cuz he's counter tenor.
I'd wager a guess it IS pretty easy for him, since he sings it all in falsetto (nothing wrong with that). Even in the chorus, the highest note is just an E-flat, easy for him. The highest note in the "woah-ah woah-ah" part at the end is an F, I think, still not too high for him. He can go way higher. He can sing in a very relaxed way since he sings in falsetto. Brendon in his version belts most of it so he has to push more and put in some more effort.
Everyone always sounds like they're straining themselves to get the "unknown" go, and here comes Nick, soft and effortless, gorgeous sound. Gotta love it.
I know! People keep saying hes to breathy but it adds this softness to the song that I actually like. The thing is if anyone else sang the song like this it wouldn't work nearly as well
This is a gorgeous rendition! Always look forward to your covers. Great job. I love your falsetto and how smooth it is. I also loved the clear "ah" at the end. Beautiful tall and open vowel. Thank you for that.
No hate, but I think this song would have sounded way better by you if it would have been in your lower register! It would have added the umph that makes this song awesome!
Such a gorgeous cover again as always. Nothing is too much of a challenge for this handsome young man. Nick Pitera I am in complete of awe of you and your harmonious and angelic voice ❤❤
While I love nick and his unique voice, I feel like the parts of the song that usually hit me straight in the heart didn't reach their potential. I dont know if its a falsetto or head voice hes using for his higher notes but it seems to be lacking in power for songs like this :/ just missing a little "oomf" on this one
People are complaining about how the falsetto is making it breathy and stuff. Nick has his own style and I love it with this song because it gives a twist that makes it more unique compared to covers that are just exact copies. Also the slightly more breathy sound makes it feel a little...idk special. The original is magical. But theres a special feeling this version gives me that I can't really put words to
I’m sitting on my porch listening to Panic’s version, thinking, wait a second I bet Nick is gonna cover this, and low and behold, here I am crying 5 min later
I love Nick pitera big massive fan of him I love his voice I'm a singer wish I could sing as good as him keep the good work up Nick loving the into the unknown your amazing xxx
I knew you were going to do this song! I knew was just a matter of when. I have literally been waiting for you to sing the song ever since I went to see the movie. and you did an absolutely amazing job
👀 *comes out of covid hiding to listen to all of Nick's covers* *hears this* *INTO THE UNKNOOOOWWWOWOWOWOWOWN* *goes back into hiding* *sticks head out of hiding spot* "LOVED IT and thanks for posting this! Can we get Lost in the Woods with you next since we just went Into the Unknown?"
I had a call from a friend, and this notification came on the screen...I am sorry that i was happy to end that callXD i think i've got a problem, but I just love your voice😂😂😂 and again, an amazing Video and Performance
It sounds like you’ve integrated the girl voice trick into this and it’s dope. I remember 12 years ago me and a bunc hv of likeminded goons and drug dealers watched A Whole New World by you. Everyone we knew was hating. But when we sat in the studio and played that video we all knew you’d make it. It’s crazy to see it actually happened. Props man, a good example of working hard at your craft. There’s like 7 of use from that group left, we all loved this bro 🔥
Nick is just a real life Disney prince
And princess 😁
Usually Disney princes would have the different songs and different pitches if they perform the princesses' songs. He's more suitable for princesses, cuz he's counter tenor.
Harold Shatter no
Luckily that's not true
He *is* a Disney prince
Nick Pitera: Disney's Siren ❤
When I first heard this song i thought i can't wait for Nick's cover and when i saw this pop up in my notifications I was so happy
Wish to see you sing 'Show yourself' too
I agree that would be amazing to hear him to sing that song.
If he could nail Let It Go and Into The Unknown, he'd definitely nail Show Yourself
God his voice is so much like a siren I'm so enchanted rn
Jade Johnson a lot like the siren voice from the movie!
@@Disneyfreak_8 yess exactly omg!!
What the actual.That voice was totally unexpected. Incredible
My favorite thing about you is your genuineness and sincerity.
Don’t ever think you need a “TH-cam-Personality.”
We like you exactly the way you are.
nickpiteraさんのInto the unknown
That voice is magical!
Okay so what I need now is a version in your lower octave with the backing vocals in this octave. Please. I need it XD
I wish I could meet Nick. I would love to get a singing lesson from him. He's so awesome and talented.
Is it just me or does this song sound so easy for Nick? 😂 like it sounds so effortless to hit those notes
Oh wow thanks for all the likes guys haha ❤️
Seriously tho.
I'd wager a guess it IS pretty easy for him, since he sings it all in falsetto (nothing wrong with that). Even in the chorus, the highest note is just an E-flat, easy for him. The highest note in the "woah-ah woah-ah" part at the end is an F, I think, still not too high for him. He can go way higher. He can sing in a very relaxed way since he sings in falsetto. Brendon in his version belts most of it so he has to push more and put in some more effort.
@@SongsThatEmbarrassOurFamilies that's cause with falsetto it's not hard...
Yeah but all falsettos in all high notes? Wish a bit more power in the higher range
Urie's voice has more power than this version tho... This sounds like he did falsetto in all the high notes... very pitchy
I'm such a fan he is so talented
Everyone always sounds like they're straining themselves to get the "unknown" go, and here comes Nick, soft and effortless, gorgeous sound. Gotta love it.
I know! People keep saying hes to breathy but it adds this softness to the song that I actually like. The thing is if anyone else sang the song like this it wouldn't work nearly as well
Just use head voice and you can hit even higher.
Such a beautiful voice i feel disneys magic when he sing
Unbelievable.... what a great voice!
My first thought was that I can't wait for Nick Pitera to cover this song as his voice was made for this song! Way to go!
His voice is clearer then water... I love you Nick
This is a gorgeous rendition! Always look forward to your covers. Great job. I love your falsetto and how smooth it is. I also loved the clear "ah" at the end. Beautiful tall and open vowel. Thank you for that.
No hate, but I think this song would have sounded way better by you if it would have been in your lower register! It would have added the umph that makes this song awesome!
"What's your vocal range" "Yes"
What an incredible range. It's what makes a one man opera possible.
Nick you have the PERFECT voice for this song!! I love it!
Why hasn’t Disney hired you yet?! You are amazing
everytime I hear him sing, it makes me want to go back to disney haha
Sir Disney SAME, for some reason his “Someday” rendition gave me the same feeling, which I gladly welcomed of course
Such a gorgeous cover again as always. Nothing is too much of a challenge for this handsome young man. Nick Pitera I am in complete of awe of you and your harmonious and angelic voice ❤❤
The first time I heard this song (and Show Yourself), I was waiting for Nick's cover!
Thank you for sharing your beautiful voice. Nice classy video.❤️
I am concerned......... literally the best singer ever
Your voice is unlike any I've heard before. I LOVE IT! Good job
I love this version so much! You are phenomenal Nick! This will be on repeat the next couple of days! 💚
I would love to hear this in your natural voice!! It would be AMAZING
While I love nick and his unique voice, I feel like the parts of the song that usually hit me straight in the heart didn't reach their potential. I dont know if its a falsetto or head voice hes using for his higher notes but it seems to be lacking in power for songs like this :/ just missing a little "oomf" on this one
MidRangeGaming that’s because it’s meant to be belted out in chest. Nick is a frequent falsetto user really so this song doesn’t really suit him.
Sayane Correa there’s nothing wrong with reinforced falsetto, it just doesn’t suit this song.
It’s not as rare to sing up there without falsetto as you think, well balanced vocal technique and training is what gives people that kind of range.
Well.. i agree with u tbh
Midlin93 the frozen song is just not the greatest song also
That was awesome! Your vocal range is unequalled. Simply amazing!
People are complaining about how the falsetto is making it breathy and stuff. Nick has his own style and I love it with this song because it gives a twist that makes it more unique compared to covers that are just exact copies. Also the slightly more breathy sound makes it feel a little...idk special. The original is magical. But theres a special feeling this version gives me that I can't really put words to
Dude I will say u are amazing at wat u do I love ur work u truly have a gift
I’m sitting on my porch listening to Panic’s version, thinking, wait a second I bet Nick is gonna cover this, and low and behold, here I am crying 5 min later
Such an amazing voice!
I love everything you do Nick you have a beautiful voice as always I look forward to anything you do💕
Please do show yourself and lost in the woods?
I love Nick pitera big massive fan of him I love his voice I'm a singer wish I could sing as good as him keep the good work up Nick loving the into the unknown your amazing xxx
Yessssss I was hoping you would do this song
I need that Nøkk necklace so much
I HAVENT seen frozen 2 yet so this is going to be the standard hope the movie lives up to it
Past WOW!
Where does he get all his outfits 😂?
casillaskeeperpwnage I’m pretty sure he makes a majority of them
Literally a blessing
That voice of yours still gives me the chills! ❄️ 🐴 also, LOVE the tuxedo!!! 💙
Just wow.
I love you you so good keep going
I love you so much! This just made my whole day! You are incredible!
Amazing as always
That. Was. Incredible.
I loved it 💙
Oh my God! Shocked 😳 what a luxury vocal
Wow what a beautifull voice
First time hearing any song from this movie.
This pretty much the only good one imo. I've seen the movie and it's either this one or the Gustav one.
@@littlefrank90 Do you mean Kristoff? 😂
I think you should hear BrendonUrie's version.
You’ve heard all that you need, then.
Yes!!!! Thank you so much for putting out this video! It made my day!😊
I just wanna say "WOAUW"
Perfect 👌
Commenting before I watch the video
YES!! I really love your voice 😍 have your songs on repeat in my car
I'm so happy to hear you sing this song ♡
yay! so glad you did a cover of this too! i love singing this song :) you're like too amazing for words, nick!
Love this ❤️❤️❤️ Please do Show Yourself next
Others: Yes I finally hit those notes!
Nick: Yes I finally warmed up my throat. =)
Best. Cover. Ever!!!!!💙💙💙💙
Woow 😍😍
Wow... amazing
Been waiting for this. Worth the wait
Hey Nick :) This song is perfect for you! Sounds so good and such a cool video too.
I’ve been waiting for this!!!!!!
Amazing cover as usual!
Dude I'm so in love with your voice, awesome job as always my man
I've been waiting for this cover, omg it happened. I'm so glad for it
YES!! This I have been WAITING FOR
Amazing job as usual nick I also loved the new frozen movie
I knew you were going to do this song! I knew was just a matter of when. I have literally been waiting for you to sing the song ever since I went to see the movie. and you did an absolutely amazing job
Perfection at its finest ♡
Nick! This was once again an absolutely brilliant performance and video!
Finally Brendon's version with Idina's voice LOL, I love it.
Ive been waiting days for this!!! 😍 -My wife Lilly who is completely geeking out over this!! We are huge fans of yours and absolutely love this!!
👀 *comes out of covid hiding to listen to all of Nick's covers*
*hears this*
*goes back into hiding*
*sticks head out of hiding spot*
"LOVED IT and thanks for posting this! Can we get Lost in the Woods with you next since we just went Into the Unknown?"
Beautiful as always! Also, that blue suit is everything!! ❄❄
Dang, that range. :O
I knew it!! After heard this song for the first time, I know you will make it even more impressive 🥰
I never thought id see panic at the disco in the title of a nick pitera video iv been waiting for this!!!!!!!!!
I’ve been waiting for thisssss!!!!!💙❄️😍😍😍😍
I had a call from a friend, and this notification came on the screen...I am sorry that i was happy to end that callXD i think i've got a problem, but I just love your voice😂😂😂 and again, an amazing Video and Performance
It sounds like you’ve integrated the girl voice trick into this and it’s dope. I remember 12 years ago me and a bunc hv of likeminded goons and drug dealers watched A Whole New World by you. Everyone we knew was hating. But when we sat in the studio and played that video we all knew you’d make it. It’s crazy to see it actually happened. Props man, a good example of working hard at your craft. There’s like 7 of use from that group left, we all loved this bro 🔥
ur so amazing! ive watch every single song that uve made and I believe that ur brilliant
Love it!!!
What a masterpiece of a song. I love it so so much. Your perfect for this. Thanks for sharing this with us
*you're sorry