Като чужденец съм станал един от вас 🇳🇱❤️🇧🇬

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 17 ก.พ. 2020
  • Foreigner speaking Bulgarian. Sharing reflections on living in Bulgaria.

ความคิดเห็น • 28

  • @plamenpetrov3060
    @plamenpetrov3060 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Леон, жив и здрав бъди! България е особена страна, пожелавам ти, да навлезеш в дълбините на българската душа. И да си намериш спътница в живота!

  • @user-lm6ug4do3g
    @user-lm6ug4do3g ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Ти си истински човек Лео!
    В един от твоите клипове гледах как раздаваш храна на възрастни хора.
    Поздравявам те за това.!
    Не напускай България никога.
    България има нужда от хора като теб.

  • @vanyasotirova2523
    @vanyasotirova2523 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Браво за прекрасните думи за България. Възхищавам се за милите думи, които звучат наистина с любов към страната ни. Поздравления за перфектния български език, говориш с лекота. Невероятно!

    • @LeondeLeeuw
      @LeondeLeeuw  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Благодаря много!

  • @lubomirdimitrov9011
    @lubomirdimitrov9011 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2


  • @dashcamrecorder6847
    @dashcamrecorder6847 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Leon rocks!!!

  • @anidimitrova2538
    @anidimitrova2538 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Поздравления за добрия български ! Възхитена , възхитена съм от теб! Още повече , че си го научил сам !Браво! Успех и щастие ти пожелавам от все сърце!

  • @cami0076
    @cami0076 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Направо зчучиш като българин наистина, браво! Много си готин

  • @pavlinivanovbalabanov4788
    @pavlinivanovbalabanov4788 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Поздравления ! Адмирации

  • @user-ys9eq8up1e
    @user-ys9eq8up1e 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Поздравления, да си жив и здрав и много късмет в България.
    Ами вземи си и българска жена . Не е страшно. Шега.

  • @deyvidpavlov2151
    @deyvidpavlov2151 3 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Говориш много добре български! Поздрави за всичко, което си постигнал в България и ти пожелавам успех и за напред!

  • @ki5739
    @ki5739 4 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    Поздравления за добрия български - словоред, граматика, произношение. Усеща се, че не ти е майчин, но рядко съм чувал чужденци, които така добре да са го научили. Браво!

    • @LeondeLeeuw
      @LeondeLeeuw  4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Благодаря ти много! Наистина се радвам да го чуя! Хубава вечер

    • @I-am-Rose
      @I-am-Rose 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Съгласна! Едвам се долавя акцента. Наскоро бях на черноморието и бях в един ресторант. Дочух един чужденец, който като него се мъчеше да се изкаже на български, но акцента му беше досущ като на местен, което ме изненада. 😁

  • @rosendedinski7235
    @rosendedinski7235 3 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Поздравления , Леон ! И огромно уважение за това , че си научил българския език толкова добре , и за всичко , което правиш за страната ! Само здраве , успехи и щастие ти пожелавам !

  • @rumenchavdarov3069
    @rumenchavdarov3069 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Това е смелост от друго измерение .Благодарности!☘️👏💓

  • @ljubenam.glaser1070
    @ljubenam.glaser1070 4 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Чудесен си Леон, добре дошъл у Дома си!

  • @faeton77
    @faeton77 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    so sweet: "вашият холандец в българия". :)

  • @MimiPet
    @MimiPet 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Браво, вече говориш много добре Български, даже малко с шопски акцент!
    България е магия!

  • @k0pera
    @k0pera 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Радвам се, че знаеш толкова добре езикА. Предполагам, че е имало кой да ти помага да го учиш и да те поправя.

  • @Huyedelomalo
    @Huyedelomalo 4 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Преди 800-900 години оттук са минали и останали мнозина от вашия край на Европа (май повече от Фландрия и Франция).
    От тогава до днес обаче - никой :) Аз много се учудвам как има толкова много холандци и белгийци в Бизнес парка, защото на нас постоянно ни втълпяват как България е най-голямата черна дупка във вселената.
    Има едно село до Радомир, Кондофрей, което дори днес още носи френско име (comte de frYYY).

  • @happystory465
    @happystory465 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    If you haven't already, i think you should familiarize yourself with Bulgarian history prior to 1945. Like every other society, Bulgarians view themselves and the world through the prism of history. There is a lot of cognitive dissonance that happens when what you are taught about your history clashes with the way other nations perceive you. I think this is also the cause for a lot of the despair that people feel. Unfortunately for us, the cold war completely erased Bulgaria from the map, our history is completely erased and unknown, unacknowledged and unappreciated. This causes a lot of frustration with people, including me, especially when i see people from countries with barely any significant history making fun of us for not being historically significant. Really makes my blood boil, but i can understand why people are so ignorant of our history.

    • @LeondeLeeuw
      @LeondeLeeuw  4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Well you can’t claim that any European country has insignificant history. If you’re referring to the Netherlands, you’d be sorely mistaken. It has tons of significant history that plenty of Bulgarians know squat about. Having people be unaware of your country is common, I know very little of the old Chinese or Persian empires. And although I’m interested, I just haven’t looked up the information or learned a lot about it in school.

    • @happystory465
      @happystory465 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      ​@@LeondeLeeuw I was not referring to the Netherlands. I was actually thinking of Denmark and Sweden. There are churches in BG with more history than all of the Scandinavian countries put together, yet in many online forums and communities, people from these countries are so vile, arrogant and condescending towards us it's just impossible not to get frustrated. I know a lot of them are trolling, but still, the narrative they perpetuate seems to be prevalent across Northwestern Europe.
      Of course not everybody is literate on Chinese or Persian history, but everybody knows that China has ancient and great history, and everybody respects that, wheres for us, that's not the case. I don't even wanna tell you the things i've been told by far too many English people. The most frustrating thing is that, these narratives are so powerful that they overpower facts. No amount of facts can change these narratives. I've tried, it doesn't work. When people hate or love something, they don't need facts to rationalize their feelings. Despite the overwhelming amount of facts that almost everything ascribed to ancient Greece is actually stolen from ancient Egypt, people just refuse to accept that. They love Greece and the narrative they believe about their history, and no amount of facts will change that. Same for us. They hate us, they believe we are insignificant nobodies with no history, and no amount of facts will change that. There is a saying that when an opinion is not based on facts, facts can't change it either.
      In Europe, the cold war division and mentality is still very much alive, and it will take a long time before it goes away. I've noticed that, a lot of people from northwestern Europe and Canada have an inferiority complex with the US. They feel overshadowed and they are in a constant struggle for attention and recognition. The last thing these people want is more competition for attention. Putting down the inferiors is one way of getting that sweet feeling of being superior. That's just my opinion based on my observations. I've never actually been to these countries so i can only speak on what i observe online.
      Another factor i believe is the fact that, when the narrative of your country is so positive, and your image is so positive, that positive reputation gives people so much power, that they get corrupted. The power corrupts them, and makes them behave like aggressive animals towards people with inferior image. There is a short documentary, which you can watch online, called "the brown eyed, blue eyed experiment". School teacher Jane Elliot divides the class into blue eyed and brown eyed people. The first day she tells kids that blue eyed people are superior, they are better, the brown eyed ones are inferior. She makes up all bunch of narratives and stories on how one group is better than the other. The next day, she reverses the narrative. Now the brown eyed are superior, while the blue eyed are inferior. At the end she says that, she saw how innocent kind kids literally turn into aggressive animals when made to believe they are better than others. That's pretty much how i see the Western bloc and the Eastern bloc countries in Europe.

  • @RocketJSykes
    @RocketJSykes 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Не е задължително да си българин за да наречеш държавата "свой дом".

  • @user-hj8en3ws2u
    @user-hj8en3ws2u 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Избрал си най-красивата страна.

  • @nenogenov3826
    @nenogenov3826 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Ти си българин ,менталната ти матрица вече е нашенска,намери ви цена тук и направи фамилия

  • @nasitoo1
    @nasitoo1 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    За 5г и половина(а видеото е от преди 3г.)говориш по-добре български от циганите!😂😂
    Предполагам,че вече и сам си го забелязал!