B"H 0:00:00 Introduction (TeShuvahMusicBH) 0:02:38 BO: How Much Are You Willing to Suffer? 0:07:51 Why is Moshe Rabbeinu Referred to as a "Trap" by Pharaoh's Servants? (R. Hirsch to Ex. 10 v. 7) 0:17:06 A Life-Saving Commitment to Wearing a Mitpachat Over a Wig with Rabbi Freund's Blessing 0:24:19 A Secular Jew’s Journey to Faith and Marriage Through Baba Sali’s Blessing on Condition of Shabbat and Tefillin 0:36:04 Satan, the Yetzer Hara, and the Angel of Death are All One (Bava Basra 16a) 0:42:39 True Salvation Comes from Following a Tzadik’s Guidance Without Conditions 0:44:02 The Reward for a Mitzvah is Another Mitzvah, and the Punishment for a Sin is Another Sin (Avos 4:2) 0:44:29 "If You Bring Forth an Honorable Person from a Glutton, Then You Will Be Like My Own Mouth" (Jer. 15 v. 19) 0:47:25 Better to Die Than for a Woman to Enter the Army (Chazon Ish) 0:50:33 Conclusion Questions: 0:53:27 Kiruv Box (Please Donate) 0:56:16 What Books? 0:56:30 Why is Wasting Seed Forbidden for Noahides? 0:57:14 When Are Non-Jews Considered Married? 0:59:39 Jewish Status of an Adopted and Converted Child Who Becomes Non-Observant or Intermarries 1:01:47 Unexplained Health Issues as a Sign to Strengthen Teshuva 1:02:34 The Drive to Do Good Does Not Come from the Yetzer Hara 1:02:48 The Blood on the Doorposts: A Test of Faith and Loyalty to Hashem 1:04:58 A Beard Is Not an Indication of Righteousness 1:05:53 No Need to Engage with Fakers-Focus on Learning Torah Instead 1:06:14 Focusing on Overcoming One Yetzer Hara at a Time? 1:06:32 The Greatness of Torah Scholars and the Depth of Their Knowledge, and the Role of Machloket 1:18:05 Can One Convert to Judaism in Brazil? 1:18:30 Tzadikim of Our Time 1:19:24 Obligatory Mitzvot vs. Elective Mitzvot 1:21:04 Bad Experiences Should Never Lead to Abandoning Hashem 1:26:53 Dealing with Perfectionism by Learning Humility 1:27:35 A Convert Feeling Lost: Keep Seeking the Right Community and Strengthen Your Connection to Hashem 1:29:42 Rumors May Have Some Level of Truth to Them (Moed Katan 18b) 1:30:49 Cannot Say Mussaf at Maariv on Rosh Chodesh 1:31:04 Is the Rabbi Israeli? 1:31:52 Big Mitzvot vs. Small Mitzvot 1:36:51 Keeping Torah Values at Home Regardless of Government Policies 1:37:52 Having a Feminine or Masculine Soul Does Not Change Torah Obligations 1:40:37 No Need to Respond to Those Who Speak Against Rabbanim 1:41:00 Dealing with a Jew Who Believes in Christianity: Keep Your Distance and Share Torah Lectures 1:41:39 Do Jews Believe in Exorcism? 1:44:50 Moshiach is Referenced in the Torah 1:45:48 The Torah’s Unchanging Truth vs. the Constant Revisions of the New Testament 1:52:32 The Word "Goy" Means Nation 1:52:49 G-d is One 1:53:08 Pork is Not Kosher 1:53:25 Artscroll's Stone Edition Chumash 1:54:21 How Many Versions of the Quran? 1:56:25 Tzadik, Chacham, or Both 1:57:40 Kiruv Without Money: Helping with Tikkun 2:06:19 Can a Noahide Say Jewish Prayers? 2:07:21 Eve Was Taken from a Piece of Adam 2:09:10 AI Rabbi by Be'Ezrat HaShem
חזק וברוך Pharo was a real chutzpan: when Moshe Rabeinu asked, when I shall ask Hashem to take the frogs away, pharo answered 'tomorrow'...😮 So he wanted to sleep one more night with the frogs! Unbelievable!
Yaron hates people who watch his lectures but don't donate....or don't donate enough. Don't establish a para-social relationship with him unless you have $$$.
Thank you Rabbi
❤B'H Blessed Be The GREAT-NAME ❤
Please donate to Rabbi Yaron Reuven!
May Hashem Bless You Rabbi! Thank you for all you do.
Thank you, Rabbi, for the great lecture. Loved the story about the woman's wig and her health.
2nd time to listen this shiur 🙌🏼
Thank you Rabbi Reuven for this lecture, Baruch Hashem. 🙏🏽
Thanks for the shiur. Love the stories about the wig n keeping Shabbat n the miracles that will come from these mitzvot
0:00:00 Introduction (TeShuvahMusicBH)
0:02:38 BO: How Much Are You Willing to Suffer?
0:07:51 Why is Moshe Rabbeinu Referred to as a "Trap" by Pharaoh's Servants? (R. Hirsch to Ex. 10 v. 7)
0:17:06 A Life-Saving Commitment to Wearing a Mitpachat Over a Wig with Rabbi Freund's Blessing
0:24:19 A Secular Jew’s Journey to Faith and Marriage Through Baba Sali’s Blessing on Condition of Shabbat and Tefillin
0:36:04 Satan, the Yetzer Hara, and the Angel of Death are All One (Bava Basra 16a)
0:42:39 True Salvation Comes from Following a Tzadik’s Guidance Without Conditions
0:44:02 The Reward for a Mitzvah is Another Mitzvah, and the Punishment for a Sin is Another Sin (Avos 4:2)
0:44:29 "If You Bring Forth an Honorable Person from a Glutton, Then You Will Be Like My Own Mouth" (Jer. 15 v. 19)
0:47:25 Better to Die Than for a Woman to Enter the Army (Chazon Ish)
0:50:33 Conclusion
0:53:27 Kiruv Box (Please Donate)
0:56:16 What Books?
0:56:30 Why is Wasting Seed Forbidden for Noahides?
0:57:14 When Are Non-Jews Considered Married?
0:59:39 Jewish Status of an Adopted and Converted Child Who Becomes Non-Observant or Intermarries
1:01:47 Unexplained Health Issues as a Sign to Strengthen Teshuva
1:02:34 The Drive to Do Good Does Not Come from the Yetzer Hara
1:02:48 The Blood on the Doorposts: A Test of Faith and Loyalty to Hashem
1:04:58 A Beard Is Not an Indication of Righteousness
1:05:53 No Need to Engage with Fakers-Focus on Learning Torah Instead
1:06:14 Focusing on Overcoming One Yetzer Hara at a Time?
1:06:32 The Greatness of Torah Scholars and the Depth of Their Knowledge, and the Role of Machloket
1:18:05 Can One Convert to Judaism in Brazil?
1:18:30 Tzadikim of Our Time
1:19:24 Obligatory Mitzvot vs. Elective Mitzvot
1:21:04 Bad Experiences Should Never Lead to Abandoning Hashem
1:26:53 Dealing with Perfectionism by Learning Humility
1:27:35 A Convert Feeling Lost: Keep Seeking the Right Community and Strengthen Your Connection to Hashem
1:29:42 Rumors May Have Some Level of Truth to Them (Moed Katan 18b)
1:30:49 Cannot Say Mussaf at Maariv on Rosh Chodesh
1:31:04 Is the Rabbi Israeli?
1:31:52 Big Mitzvot vs. Small Mitzvot
1:36:51 Keeping Torah Values at Home Regardless of Government Policies
1:37:52 Having a Feminine or Masculine Soul Does Not Change Torah Obligations
1:40:37 No Need to Respond to Those Who Speak Against Rabbanim
1:41:00 Dealing with a Jew Who Believes in Christianity: Keep Your Distance and Share Torah Lectures
1:41:39 Do Jews Believe in Exorcism?
1:44:50 Moshiach is Referenced in the Torah
1:45:48 The Torah’s Unchanging Truth vs. the Constant Revisions of the New Testament
1:52:32 The Word "Goy" Means Nation
1:52:49 G-d is One
1:53:08 Pork is Not Kosher
1:53:25 Artscroll's Stone Edition Chumash
1:54:21 How Many Versions of the Quran?
1:56:25 Tzadik, Chacham, or Both
1:57:40 Kiruv Without Money: Helping with Tikkun
2:06:19 Can a Noahide Say Jewish Prayers?
2:07:21 Eve Was Taken from a Piece of Adam
2:09:10 AI Rabbi by Be'Ezrat HaShem
I didn't know that about the Army. Thank you for warning me.
Thank you Kavod HaRav
Baruch HaShem
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Thank you Rabbi ♥️ very informative shiur. I love your AI Rabbi App and all the sources you give. Everyone please hit the thumbs 👍 up 🟣💥🟣💥🟣💥🟣💥🟣
חזק וברוך
Pharo was a real chutzpan: when Moshe Rabeinu asked, when I shall ask Hashem to take the frogs away, pharo answered 'tomorrow'...😮 So he wanted to sleep one more night with the frogs! Unbelievable!
Yaron hates people who watch his lectures but don't donate....or don't donate enough. Don't establish a para-social relationship with him unless you have $$$.
Thank you Rabbi