Damn as someone who practically quit after the loss of legacy (played from 0.3's then left the game at the end of 0.60), there was a couple other things I wondered if anybody else remembered and additional context: Driveable cars underwater, they used to not acknowledge the water and so you could drive to prison island without the car dying. Spray paint, you used to be able to spray paint guns and combine them to make a camo pattern on CR and mosin etc. Burlap wrap for the mosin, you used to be able to make a "grass wrap" by combining the wrap with grass. Another removed place: Svetlojarsk cave system, doesn't exist anymore and was removed ages ago. LRPS for the mosin and tactical vest, both dont exist anymore in vanilla. There used to be a plastic compass that you could only get from eating crunchin crisps, now I think it spawns dynamically. Another funny one, the fall damage... if you fell more than 2ft you'd pretty much die or break your leg. You also used to be able to talk to dead people because the voip would still be active until youd re-spawned. There also used to be a puffer jacket called a down jacket alongside the payday masks, also I remember there being like polish soda drinks available called zoluta or something similar. There used to be a red dot scope for the crossbow, I can remember other things that I still don't think have been re-added like the chainsaw, there was an oar for a canoe, there was also that red electric cattle prod that took a battery. Myshkino tents also used to be a lot bigger and better. Theres been a couple of ammo changes too, like for instance how the derringer used to take .45ACP and now takes .357. I can't think of much else tbh. Honestly I'd give almost anything to go back and play the 0.5 patches again.
Another DayZ legend coming from mod: Mountain Dew curse. You were meant to either leave it or drink it straight away, never keep it for special occasion, otherwise you wouldn't live up to that occasion. Also I'm rather new DayZ player, buying the game in June 2020, but considering I was a little kid during the mod days and didn't want to spend money on something virtual I kept playing Minecraft gamemode of it. Still had a lot of fun.
I remember green mountain back in mod days. Their was something going on there. We referred to it as the ghost in the machine because it wasn't added by the devs. It was all just bugs that worked out to be perfect for a haunting effect. My friend ran a server and kept that build just for the haunting.
I hope we get to see the red 9 back in the game some day. I also hope to see the trumpet back, but given the derringer treatment; where they add an old, trash weapon back but chamber it in an actually useful cartridge. I'd love to see something like a .45 ACP trumpet in the game.
25.47 bro i miss the loot explosions. id go to the littler mil base just south of the nwaf and spend awhile just moving around every piece of loot i saw. and then i would log for 20 minutes. when i came back in, rooms would be filled floor to cieling with high tier loot. it was absolutely wild lol
I have been playing since the 2nd week of early access. I never knew about 2 of the things listed, the nukes, and the destructible wall on prison island. However, there were some things missed. One is the any longun/handgun being able to put in a Flaregun chamber, then put into your hot-key bar. Two, is the obvious craftable bow and arrow, but you could also find a recurve bow.
damn these guard shacks were so good. Everyone on the coast just ran up to those and grabbed an m4 and armor and the pvp began. it was simpler back then XD
You forgot 2 other guns that could been added to this iceberg which I remember very fondly, The chrome MP-133 with the pistol grip and the PM63 RAK... They could be found at police locations and in the old guard shacks and were like pretty good mid-tier guns. Want these back in the game since they're niche firearms and something you would find in a post soviet nation like Chernarus. Great vid!!!
DayZ is NOT in beta xD dayz is a full release if it was in beta the versions would be 0.xx like 0.59, 0.62 etc. its the final product because its 1.xx plus it doesnt say anything on the steam page its early access soooooooooo
I vividly remember that airfield that doesn’t exist anymore. I played the mod, got outta PC gaming, got the game on PS5 right after 1.19 im addicted now
I always watched the mod and started playing stand-alone in .57 and the guard shacks glitch was insane I tried to explain in to my friends who recently started playing and they don’t believe me haha
The apple tree glitch was literally the only dependable food in dayz for way way too long at least up till around .62 maybe past that it was just go up to any apple tree and spam F over and over I think every 12 Fs spammed equaled 1 apple
damn u didnt miss anything , i will have nightmares on my deathbed of that swimming glitch 😂. Nah i remember bein mad scared of green mountain tho 😂. Game was so small around .60 ish that we probably killed each other at some point
Hey man, don't suppose you remember the imploding gas station bug? perhaps around 2014/15. I remember the gas station berezino exploding by itself every 5 minutes or so. definitely think it should have been included.
@@TheGamingSquad ammo split sound was different, that happened because someone was actually splitting ammo on the server and you would literally just hear it every time any one did no matter where you were
Ok why do people keep saying DayZ is in beta? It's not. It's fully released. Updates keep coming kind of like Minecraft because DayZ has an all time high playet base right now.
around .50 or so, they removed the zombies totally. then, not too long after, we were told the game was going to be stable. this game blew me away and ruined early access for me at the same time. ill never buy an incomplete game again. ever.
Yeah man beta has completely destroyed this game. The movement in the game is no where near real at all and the gunplay is basically point and click. And that’s not even to talk about more abstract things like the visuals which has been basically destroyed entirely from the cool aesthetic of the alpha. Dayz is not in a good place right now. Probably the lowest form it’s ever been. There’s a reason all those OG dayz TH-cam’s don’t play the game anymore because it’s simply too childish now and doesn’t have the same experience of maturity and meaning
@@h8z958 and why does player count equate to the game being in the “best” shape it’s ever been? Are you sure these new found heights of player counts isn’t because the game has been debased, degraded and arcadfied so that more casual, low effort gamers, will find it attractive to play?
@@WhoIsJohnGaltt I've played it since 2014 and I can confidently say it's a LOT better than it was in alpha, not even comparable I recently realized how bad the alpha really was after playing on older alpha versions As for the game becoming more casual? I don't really see that happening. If anything, the game has become more challenging, you can't just farm infinite apples and never worry about food/never get sick/etc
Damn as someone who practically quit after the loss of legacy (played from 0.3's then left the game at the end of 0.60), there was a couple other things I wondered if anybody else remembered and additional context:
Driveable cars underwater, they used to not acknowledge the water and so you could drive to prison island without the car dying. Spray paint, you used to be able to spray paint guns and combine them to make a camo pattern on CR and mosin etc. Burlap wrap for the mosin, you used to be able to make a "grass wrap" by combining the wrap with grass. Another removed place: Svetlojarsk cave system, doesn't exist anymore and was removed ages ago. LRPS for the mosin and tactical vest, both dont exist anymore in vanilla. There used to be a plastic compass that you could only get from eating crunchin crisps, now I think it spawns dynamically. Another funny one, the fall damage... if you fell more than 2ft you'd pretty much die or break your leg. You also used to be able to talk to dead people because the voip would still be active until youd re-spawned. There also used to be a puffer jacket called a down jacket alongside the payday masks, also I remember there being like polish soda drinks available called zoluta or something similar. There used to be a red dot scope for the crossbow, I can remember other things that I still don't think have been re-added like the chainsaw, there was an oar for a canoe, there was also that red electric cattle prod that took a battery. Myshkino tents also used to be a lot bigger and better. Theres been a couple of ammo changes too, like for instance how the derringer used to take .45ACP and now takes .357. I can't think of much else tbh. Honestly I'd give almost anything to go back and play the 0.5 patches again.
I remember this to
I want to see foxes again!
I miss seeing them and hearing them Chirp, Bark and scream.
They are back, but we still are missing red 9 and pm73 rak and alot of other stuff
Another DayZ legend coming from mod: Mountain Dew curse. You were meant to either leave it or drink it straight away, never keep it for special occasion, otherwise you wouldn't live up to that occasion.
Also I'm rather new DayZ player, buying the game in June 2020, but considering I was a little kid during the mod days and didn't want to spend money on something virtual I kept playing Minecraft gamemode of it. Still had a lot of fun.
Definitely forgot about the old mountain dews, random item for it to be the rarest thing in the game
The Red 9 is in the beta files, so who knows, might get added.
Prob will now that lad is apart of the team
This video was very good and deserves more views. Especially after the 10 year anniversary
Good video especially for a first one, just the audio is very very low..
keep up the good work bro
Blair Which is at 2550/7575 they rework'd the Region of the Map.
I remember green mountain back in mod days. Their was something going on there. We referred to it as the ghost in the machine because it wasn't added by the devs. It was all just bugs that worked out to be perfect for a haunting effect. My friend ran a server and kept that build just for the haunting.
green mountain was the scariest place at night back in mod times
I hope we get to see the red 9 back in the game some day.
I also hope to see the trumpet back, but given the derringer treatment; where they add an old, trash weapon back but chamber it in an actually useful cartridge. I'd love to see something like a .45 ACP trumpet in the game.
There was also that one part of the map that had a Weird pyramid thing...that was cool
25.47 bro i miss the loot explosions. id go to the littler mil base just south of the nwaf and spend awhile just moving around every piece of loot i saw. and then i would log for 20 minutes. when i came back in, rooms would be filled floor to cieling with high tier loot. it was absolutely wild lol
Pretty cool video to learn about where this game came from.
I have been playing since the 2nd week of early access.
I never knew about 2 of the things listed, the nukes, and the destructible wall on prison island.
However, there were some things missed.
One is the any longun/handgun being able to put in a Flaregun chamber, then put into your hot-key bar.
Two, is the obvious craftable bow and arrow, but you could also find a recurve bow.
damn these guard shacks were so good. Everyone on the coast just ran up to those and grabbed an m4 and armor and the pvp began. it was simpler back then XD
I appreciate you playing the old DayZ mod ambience. Thats real OG shit right there. Sad they didnt port that over to DayZ SA.
You forgot 2 other guns that could been added to this iceberg which I remember very fondly, The chrome MP-133 with the pistol grip and the PM63 RAK... They could be found at police locations and in the old guard shacks and were like pretty good mid-tier guns. Want these back in the game since they're niche firearms and something you would find in a post soviet nation like Chernarus.
Great vid!!!
oh and you used to be able to run and shoot haha
lol i completely forgot about the running and shooting@@torstentvhd4003
DayZ is NOT in beta xD
dayz is a full release
if it was in beta the versions would be 0.xx like 0.59, 0.62 etc.
its the final product because its 1.xx
plus it doesnt say anything on the steam page its early access soooooooooo
great vid bro, a nostalgia trip fr
I vividly remember that airfield that doesn’t exist anymore. I played the mod, got outta PC gaming, got the game on PS5 right after 1.19 im addicted now
I always watched the mod and started playing stand-alone in .57 and the guard shacks glitch was insane I tried to explain in to my friends who recently started playing and they don’t believe me haha
Survivor Games was actually the first DLC for DayZ and it was free!
Thanks for the video, though it does makes me feel old haha. Brings back many memories over the years.
i remember the no loot .55 but had no clue about the porta potty loot until this video, good times
i have a Screenshot of the loot spawned in the portapotty/outhouses 😂. backpacks, food medicine etc
Haunted green mountain coming back in an update with no one saying anything would be great.
Part 2 needed
Great ice berg, really enjoyed looking back on the old stuff
The apple tree glitch was literally the only dependable food in dayz for way way too long at least up till around .62 maybe past that it was just go up to any apple tree and spam F over and over I think every 12 Fs spammed equaled 1 apple
5:21 "used to be" funny joke
Yellow king is back
The parody thing is wild 🤣
damn u didnt miss anything , i will have nightmares on my deathbed of that swimming glitch 😂. Nah i remember bein mad scared of green mountain tho 😂. Game was so small around .60 ish that we probably killed each other at some point
Honestly, I have so many hours in alpha dayz I beg we did run into each other
Dayz gameplay: 🚶🚶🚶🚶🚶🚶🚶
Dayz lore:
Audio is super quiet.
Turn up your volume
@@Seattle_streets Yeah, I'm pretty sure I already tried that.
Good video man
Hey man, don't suppose you remember the imploding gas station bug? perhaps around 2014/15. I remember the gas station berezino exploding by itself every 5 minutes or so. definitely think it should have been included.
Honestly forgot ab that, also the ammo splitting sound every 10 seconds
@@TheGamingSquad ammo split sound was different, that happened because someone was actually splitting ammo on the server and you would literally just hear it every time any one did no matter where you were
And the sound of Pipsi cans being opened
Ok why do people keep saying DayZ is in beta? It's not. It's fully released. Updates keep coming kind of like Minecraft because DayZ has an all time high playet base right now.
Underrated video
around .50 or so, they removed the zombies totally. then, not too long after, we were told the game was going to be stable. this game blew me away and ruined early access for me at the same time. ill never buy an incomplete game again. ever.
Crazy all the vets stop playing and the game blew up 8 million and counting 😂
You forgot about the green bandage and the tactical vest that were removed
might make a part 2 cuz there was a lot left out
DayZ isnt in beta for like 5 years now..
has been since 2018
@@TheGamingSquad no, the beta ended with the full release in 2018, how do you not know that??
bro can barely hear your mic!
Turn up your mic bro
I thought the video has no audio for like 5m🥲
Crakka yakub
Wdym? you can easily hear him
And cc is disabled like WHAT
lolol hey dude been a minute
Good video but you didn’t need to explain how icebergs work but keep up the good work
Microphone is a little quieter
some criticism here, please speak a little louder and add captions cause at times your a bit hard to understand
wdym dayz is in beta, dayz is fully released since 2018
God I hated the nukes
Yeah man beta has completely destroyed this game. The movement in the game is no where near real at all and the gunplay is basically point and click. And that’s not even to talk about more abstract things like the visuals which has been basically destroyed entirely from the cool aesthetic of the alpha.
Dayz is not in a good place right now. Probably the lowest form it’s ever been. There’s a reason all those OG dayz TH-cam’s don’t play the game anymore because it’s simply too childish now and doesn’t have the same experience of maturity and meaning
I hope this is sarcasm because DayZ is literally on it's all-time high right now
@@h8z958 by what standard are you judging it to be the “best it’s ever been”?
@@WhoIsJohnGaltt obviously player count
@@h8z958 and why does player count equate to the game being in the “best” shape it’s ever been?
Are you sure these new found heights of player counts isn’t because the game has been debased, degraded and arcadfied so that more casual, low effort gamers, will find it attractive to play?
@@WhoIsJohnGaltt I've played it since 2014 and I can confidently say it's a LOT better than it was in alpha, not even comparable
I recently realized how bad the alpha really was after playing on older alpha versions
As for the game becoming more casual? I don't really see that happening. If anything, the game has become more challenging, you can't just farm infinite apples and never worry about food/never get sick/etc
Dang :(
Hmm how did you play the game ?
Any system
super quiet, just me?
Just you.
youre way too quiet
Dude you need to speak up.
get a better mic.
Get a better comment