Thank you God for the light on earth, I praise you from love and heat for the Sun. The most warmest light, Coming from land to sky giving the heat, love and kindness. Thank you God! ! Form the brightest night to the bringtest day full fullest with love everywhere. AMEN.---- This prays is from my granddaughter katelyn Auyueng
My Lord is my Saviour is my Jesus. I will praise to my Saviour, for all day and all night,The lord is my strength, the Lord is my heart. Amen. -----This prays is from my granddaughter katelyn Auyueng
31:43 ❤天主感謝祢 33:13 ,Walk with Jesus 。 我知道我的雙膝蓋是退化,只祢給我跟隨祢,我一定的行到的。🙏🙏🙏 但是今天可能有雨點,期望祢能備佑,給我們跟隨祢。❤ 33:13 感謝天主,多謝天主的按排。🙏🙏🙏 無需要雨傘了☂️。
❤ 天主聖神,感謝祢的帶領接觸Fr.Thomas,求祢接受他,帶領他。🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
23:43 🙏🙏🙏毋忘六四,五大訴求,缺一不可。願光榮歸香港。尋回香港。 以上所求是靠我的主耶穌基督之名,求主俯聽我們的祈禱。 亞孟。🙏🙏🙏 今天是35的8964日子,請給我們毋忘六四,天滅中共,給世界人民和平。🙏🙏🙏
🙏🙏🙏 多謝天主派遣夏志誠主教來到我家中作天主的使者,給我們祝福 /恩賜平安的退休生活。感謝天主。🙏🙏🙏
🙏🙏🙏 感謝天主恩賜的一切安排,也多謝我的好太太和聰明的好女兒努力幫手尋找我失落的手機,得以尋回,多謝。🙏🙏🙏
🙏🙏🙏 祈求上主保護 47人及在囚的義士們。
❤多謝天主的提點,指引去醫療腳患, 好能與主同行的一切方法,給我跟隨主同行的機會。感謝天主。🙏🙏🙏
30:57 🙏🙏🙏 感謝天主,祢的安排今天能參與網上彌撒中的網上懺悔和聖體聖事。使我們能在什麼地方或病床上都接到祢。感謝天主。🙏🙏🙏
❤❤❤ (再見) 區成賢神父安息主懷。🙏🙏🙏
🙏🙏🙏祈求上主降福陳日君樞機及在澳洲悉尼的兄弟Drew Pavlou和釋放香港在囚異見人士。🙏🙏🙏
❤天主聖神,感謝祢的降臨,帶領我們經常預備心神,一起祈禱。🙏🙏🙏 感謝天主的恩賜。
🙏🙏🙏感謝天主的指引,帶領我們到Fr.Thomas Ritchie's Joseph Catholic ages care的住所。 探望了他。🙏🙏🙏
Thank you God for the light on earth, I praise you from love and heat for the Sun. The most warmest light, Coming from land to sky giving the heat, love and kindness. Thank you God! ! Form the brightest night to the bringtest day full fullest with love everywhere. AMEN.---- This prays is from my granddaughter katelyn Auyueng
感謝天主, 請祢給我們得到祢的停留在我們心內,使我懷着常常擁有祢,感謝天主。🙏🙏🙏
🙏🙏🙏 祈求上主恩賜羅神父(羅國輝神父)身心/身體安泰/健康。天主保佑。 🙏🙏🙏
🙏🙏🙏感謝天主澳洲悉尼的兄弟Drew Pavlou已通過祢的祝福,得到平安。🙏🙏🙏
My Lord is my Saviour is my Jesus. I will praise to my Saviour, for all day and all night,The lord is my strength, the Lord is my heart. Amen. -----This prays is from my granddaughter katelyn Auyueng
I. Cooking
I. like. drink. Coffee. and. Tea
See. You. Later
Bye. Bye
Carpenter. 上