We're Going On an Adventure! Our Ardacon Lists! (Podcast)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 19 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 16

  • @frederikschulze8218
    @frederikschulze8218 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Listening to this episode while packing my stuff. If I end up playing against any of you there'll be some German chocolate

    • @Rainierlee4
      @Rainierlee4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Please play against me! I will give you 12vps for some German chocolate hahaha

  • @sneakybeak4032
    @sneakybeak4032 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Good luck at Ardacon guys :) Would be interested to see a post-Ardacon vid where you cover any changes you made to your lists after the FAQ.

  • @princev8283
    @princev8283 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    When this video was made obviously the nerfs were not yet introduced? Dragon emp rose even further with those nerfs on the other legions, anyway looking forward to seeing you guys 👍🏽❤

  • @lowlandswargaming1302
    @lowlandswargaming1302 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Ooh I'll have to take a look! Looking forward to seeing you again this year.

    • @Rainierlee4
      @Rainierlee4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hey, I watched your channel and realized you are Dutch. Where are you located? (If I have not yet asked). I just moved to Hilversum and want to find some Dutch players.

  • @pqale5039
    @pqale5039 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hey guys, greetings from Germany, big fan of your podcast here.
    I wanted to see what you guys think about my list that I want to take to a tournament later this year. It's gonna be my first tournament, usually just play a lot with friends.
    It will be 900 points and this is roughly what I have in mind for it:
    2x Bat Swarm
    2x Orc, Spear/Shield
    1x Orc, Spear
    WitchKing 3/14/3, Crown, FellBeast
    8x Black Numenoreans
    8x Morannons, Spear/Shield
    2x Orc Tracker
    3x BNums
    4x Morannons, Spear/Shield
    3x Orc Tracker
    Suladan, Armored Horse, LEADER
    3x Harad Warriors, Bow
    3x Serpent Rider
    2x Watcher of Karna (Blades)
    It is 45 Models.
    Thought I want to go with something consistent and throw in some spicy bats.
    Idea is to have the WK+Bat Assassin Combo, backed by a bannered up Blacknum+Morannon core.
    Trackers for cheap numbers and two resilient 3 Might Heroes that can smack basic troops.
    Bats could also be handy vs. big centerpiece armies at that points level (Sauron, Balrog?)
    I think the numbers might be a little low but at this high of a points level I feel things will get clunky and numbers become hard to use effectively, thoughts?
    For numbers, what would you cut?
    I am a little afraid of F5 Troops (Easterlings).
    The scenarios will most likely be (5rounds):
    Pool 2
    Pool 6
    Lords of Battle
    Divide and Conquer (My warbands might need work)
    Excited to see what you think!
    Keep up the good work, I always enjoy listening to your content!

  • @judgejudyandexecutioner.5223
    @judgejudyandexecutioner.5223 ปีที่แล้ว

    A good trick for 'standard list size' between 400-800pts is divide by 10 and half it.
    So a medium sized list at 650 is (650/10)/2 = 32 or 33.
    Gondor list is nice, functional, safe, wont let ya down and has a couple of great value heroes (which is good at these medium sized games). But stale, everyone's played against it a trillion times. I can see it going nicely in the hands of a good player, but wont be troubling the top 5.
    The riders of theoden list is another all the vets have played against. Gamling and Dernhelm combo is interesting. I find at smaller points means less turns, means less might is needed. I might have gone for Theoden/Deorwine/elfhelm or Eomer personally. You'd get a higher average quality of character, 12 might (including calling death) plus heroic combats for days from Deorwine. Again, a really nice and safe list, this one with a higher ceiling for skill input I think, but also more likely to draw a bad matchup in a bad mission here or there and get punished. If he's comfortable with cav kiting he'll go well I think.
    The dragon emperor has that powahhh. An undercosted model as we know, plus all the free stuff basically makes him a 700pt army competing at 650. 8 might is very nice with a 3+ MOB on Rutabae. This is the evil version of the above gondor list hahaha. Less shooting but the drum makes it go fast. Nice list, maximizing the emperor and his benefits is going to be important.
    I love helm hammerhand, I think he's brilliant for casual/competitive games. I have played against foot helmsguard a LOT. Very reactive, slow with poor shooting and if helm is outclassed (Beorn, Aragon, Dain, Elendil, any elf lord) the list is in trouble. Monsters are a problem too because they force helm to engage on the monster players terms (or it'll hurl your army to death) The missions interactions with your throwing weapons will define your games imo. Very cool list, but I'd be aiming for a top third finish or top 25% finish with a list like that. Going for a fun, casual competitive time not a top tables time.
    The Serpent hoard army scares me. I peed myself a little. A nice bit of f4 cav, 17 bows, 20 throwing weapons. Damn. Sallydan is great value, you can play a defensive offence where you draw the enemy in and then pick them apart in a series of favorable micro engagements (which is how I love to play). This list is in the same category as the rohan list for me. If well piloted the sky is the limit.

  • @SonsOfGondor1
    @SonsOfGondor1 ปีที่แล้ว

    We have a 1000pt event coming up - could you guys review this list? I call it an "absurd soup list":
    Balin the Dwarf, King of Moria
    6 Dwarf Warriors with shields
    6 Dwarf Warriors with Dwarf bows
    6 Dwarf Rangers with throwing axes
    Floi Stonehand
    6 Dwarf Warriors with shields
    6 Dwarf Rangers with bows
    King's Champion
    2 Heralds
    8 Dwarf Warriors with shields
    1 Dwarf Warrior with Dwarf bow
    1 Dwarf Ranger with bow
    IMPOSSIBLE ALLY: Thorin Oakenshield with Orcrist and the Oakenshield [Army Leader]
    Bombur the Dwarf
    IMPOSSIBLE ALLY: Radagast the Brown with Sebastian
    1000 points, 48 models, 7 Dwarf bows hitting on a 4+ AND 7 bows hitting on a 3+ AND 6 throwing axes hitting on a 3+, 33 D6+ models, no fast units but 3 Might for Heroic March, 14 Might points
    Floi and Radagast can get extra Will from Bombur, Thorin gives us a more resilient army leader, we get Terror Dwarves/healing/Immobilize from Radagast, and two banners from the champ. To break us, we need to lose both Thorin and Bombur OR Radagast OR 23 Moria Dwarves OR 25 models . . . I'm feeling okay about that. Tell me what you think!

  • @lukesenyshyn4886
    @lukesenyshyn4886 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey guys having some trouble with my Dunland LL list
    1x crebian
    1x horseman
    3x bows
    4x wildman
    1x crebain
    4x shields
    2x bows
    4x wildman
    2x huscarls
    4x shield
    2x bows
    4x wildman
    2x huscarls
    1x banner no shield
    4x shield
    5x wildman
    49 models, 11 might, 8 bows, and 2 crebains
    Was also thinking to drop the huscarls and get 2 more crebains and if I do that you think I could swap the captain for the oathmaker?

  • @laser7613
    @laser7613 ปีที่แล้ว

    I want to try a list but i am not sure if it is worth a try, its 3 Cavedrakes and 2 Bat Swarms. Do you think it is possible to make this list work?

  • @MrMintyfreshsmell
    @MrMintyfreshsmell ปีที่แล้ว

    So glad any other competitive list outside of dragon emp got nerfed. I was just saying the other day that we needed a single army with an insane win rate that was brain dead to play