Albertans feel they don’t have a future in Canada: Former Encana CEO

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024

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  • @RandomGuy-dg7si
    @RandomGuy-dg7si 5 ปีที่แล้ว +339

    Finally a host that lets the guest talk and explain what is really going on.

    • @seacucumberable
      @seacucumberable 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Yeah, pretty friendly interview. No hard questions.

    • @adamsmith2719
      @adamsmith2719 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hopefully she will stay longer in her job lol

    • @KurtChenuz
      @KurtChenuz 5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      @@btfrost You obviously don't get how upset most of Western Canada actually is as a result of the liberal "money for all" management approach. We already have a CNN (liberal CBC), why not a FOX. A lot of his thoughts, especially about Quebec and the separatists are well founded. That province just put a large number of lobbyists in our parliment and it seems few people get it. As well, the bolstering up of the lack of investment in Canada by going into more debt. Anyway, the rest of Canada better get away from the pig trough and realize what needs to be done in this country.

    • @KyleTremblayTitularKtrey
      @KyleTremblayTitularKtrey 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@btfrost so journalists should be critical? Isn't that the job of the listener? Or do you really think we should have media telling us how to feel about something?
      I for one miss the days that the media at least pretended to be unbiased and it wasn't such a shitshow sorting out what actually occured beneath all the partisan bullcrap.
      But I mean if you like big brother and having power tell you how to feel about ideas than this world is clearly your utopia.

    • @KyleTremblayTitularKtrey
      @KyleTremblayTitularKtrey 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@btfrost that is a pisspoor argument in this current era. Are you from the 1800s? Media lies wholesale to control the population fabricating stories left right and centre. The only thing you know to be true in this world is that the story did not happen the way the media said it did. Any listener that trust the media to shape the argument for anything is retarded. Full stop. This sort of attitude is why western civilization is so horribly misguided.
      It is much better to only have to account for the biases of the people interviewed, literally halves the consumers workload. Which in this case you clearly did, congratulations.
      I'm still awestruck that you would rather a government run media tell you how to think than attempt to work it out yourself. I do think its rich that your essential argument is, "if the people aren't told what to think about stories they'll think all the wrong stuff!!!"

  • @TheSaskachewan1
    @TheSaskachewan1 5 ปีที่แล้ว +184

    Don't want our oil? Then shut off the natural gas, the east depends on gas from western Canada

    • @tomatop6754
      @tomatop6754 5 ปีที่แล้ว +28

      Americans wouldnt mind Alberta and Saskatchewan becoming states. The more oil in the republic the less we have to get involved in foreign conflicts for the resource. Im sure Trump would build as many pipelines as you want. Also our cultures arnt very far apart. Anyway whatever decision you guys make god bless you and youll be in my prayers.

    • @tanyadebeer4836
      @tanyadebeer4836 5 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      Stop everything. Payments to the east, federal taxes...everything

    • @audiosreality
      @audiosreality 5 ปีที่แล้ว +17

      @@GenghisKhan-Shaman Not everyone feels that way. If eastern canada continues to try and screw us and the americans offer us an olive branch most of us would rather join that cesspit then stay in this cesspit.

    • @Jaws10214
      @Jaws10214 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@tomatop6754 America will never get their greasy fucking hands on AB and SK.
      ffs, I have to explain this so fucking much, it's really getting tedious.
      America's Debt to GDP ratio is 107%, ours, right now, is 87%.
      they already spend more money than they make.
      their national debt is $20-some odd trillion, if America gets Alberta, they will suck it dry of its resources, and leave it destitute like they did Nevada after they nuked the shit out of it.
      Alberta, SK, MB, BC and the Territories have FAR MORE to benefit from by going independent.
      Why would any self respecting Albertan, sell our province off to the Americans when THEY are 90% of the fucking problem with getting our oil to international markets?
      American oil and gas corporations are partly to blame for funding all this anti-AB oil bullshit.
      They know the world is leaning away from depending on oil and gas, and they don't want Alberta's oil competing against theirs, until the price of oil drops below profitability.
      use your fucking head.

    • @Jaws10214
      @Jaws10214 5 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      @@audiosreality Alberta does not need an 'olive branch' from any foreign nation. we are more than capable, and more than wealthy enough to be our own independent nation.
      any less, and we'll just be getting another Trudeau.

  • @svarogb9743
    @svarogb9743 5 ปีที่แล้ว +250

    I used to feel like this guy, I thought I was a “proud Canadian” but recently I’ve realized I’m not, I have nothing in common with Eastern Canadians, I’m a proud albertan. We need to leave.

    • @howlerbike
      @howlerbike 5 ปีที่แล้ว +16

      Me too! I used to vacillate between Canadian pride and irritation with the contempt for the west I'd hear from the east, but everything I liked about it is what they want to change, or already have. So, it's kind of like an old car.I liked it and made some good memories in it but it's crap now and costs too much to maintain. When they re-elect a guy who says Canada has no national identity, what is there to be loyal too? Pretty clear it's not the stupid idea sock boy parrots."Our strength is our diversity'', because that's obviously our biggest weakness.

    • @moewilson4605
      @moewilson4605 5 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      I live in Ontario and have always supported a pipeline. I have always hated how Quebec gets special treatment. However, is separation the answer? Alberta is land locked. You would have to negotiate all goods going in and out of your borders with Canada and the USA, you would have to give up your passport and the Canadian dollar, create your own police and military and health services, and negotiate with native groups etc.... I was always supportive of a tough stance if Quebec separated and would want the same with any other province that opts to separate. If Trudeau is smart (and I don’t think he is) he will get that pipeline built now. Please Albertans, nobody wants to see you go. We have a great country and have to work together to take it back from the lefty Trudeau.

    • @howlerbike
      @howlerbike 5 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      @@moewilson4605 You list a non existent problem [health services] which are here and don't come from Ottawa, a few small obstacles [ passports, CAD, native groups, police/military all addressed by the Wexit Party platform ] and the big one, that we are landlocked. But how much more land locked can we be than we are in a country with 4 parties that actively want to shut down Ft. McMurray, fight pipelines and are getting more radical about it every year? The Montana judge who blocked Keystone XL pipeline has just been overturned by the 9th circuit and TCP's appeal was joined/backed by the Trump Administration. So the US isn't trying screw us like Ottawa is. There's a lot more opposition to this than strait independence, but I'd vote tomorrow to become state #51. I don't speak for anybody but me but I'm tired of being ROC's doormat and involuntary wallet.

    • @svarogb9743
      @svarogb9743 5 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Moe Wilson I think it would be Alberta and Saskatchewan leaving if it ever happened, best case scenario northern B.C. as well but I don’t think that’s realistic. Even if Trudeau ever gets our pipeline built it will be too little too late, the west is the backbone of the country but we don’t matter electorally and are always overlooked by Ottawa, this is far past being just about a pipeline. Yes we would have to negotiate trade deals with the rest of Canada but we would be in a great position to do that, unless Canada wants us to screw over BC they would have to give us some concessions. As Trudeau has said, Canada is a “post national country with no core identity” so there is no point being loyal Canadian, there is absolutely nothing to be loyal to.

    • @rvanzo925
      @rvanzo925 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      International law requires right of passage and access to the sea. That’s why there are many successful land locked countries such as Austria, Switzerland and to some extent Germany.

  • @donaldtrump9398
    @donaldtrump9398 5 ปีที่แล้ว +222

    "If you beat people down enough... THEY RISE UP!"

    • @griz063
      @griz063 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @Donald Trump While superficially true it conveniently over-looks that in all but a few cases, such "uprisings" end up in a social and political landscape that is far worse than what was torn down, for a very long time. Just look at the unrest in the Middle East and in many African nations.
      Yes, sometimes and very rarely, something good happens. But almost never with the kinds of emotions and lack of organization present in the "tear it all down" mentality of the ideologically infected Left right now.

    • @macalister8881
      @macalister8881 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      No they just move , there will be no seperation , the good jobs are gone , the industry is gone , we consume but manufacture less then 1 % of what we use .... poor government , poor decisions , poor people ... whos fault is it we produce very little ,, ours thats who its our own fault as the game is rigged , staged and planned to be as it is ... waaaaa waaaa waaaaa

    • @nji7772
      @nji7772 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Sad that people put up with so much before "they rise up". I am not a young person and back in the day, so much less BS was tolerated before that "rise".

    • @LJ-zr2vp
      @LJ-zr2vp 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@macalister8881 the jobs can comeback if the government regulations go and we can have a pipeline to sell to foreign markets

    • @jays5926
      @jays5926 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Is that a penis joke

  • @nasharts4401
    @nasharts4401 5 ปีที่แล้ว +28

    BC should join Alberta and Saskatchewan. And with the Northwest Territories the rest of Canada would be up shit creek with us!!
    We have all we need, right here!!!!

    • @proskilztimez2785
      @proskilztimez2785 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      The vast majority of people from those province would vote not to leave

    • @beardedlonewolf7695
      @beardedlonewolf7695 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      BC are tattooed NDP and Northwest Territories are tattooed liberal, good luck with that.

  • @brianmcdonald9502
    @brianmcdonald9502 5 ปีที่แล้ว +126

    Wexit now nobody wants to listen to Gropers lies anymore!

    • @lonewanderer1900
      @lonewanderer1900 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Newfies, city dwellers and some Northerners don't seem to be tired of the Groper

    • @brianmcdonald9502
      @brianmcdonald9502 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@lonewanderer1900 Yup, especially with his paid off media and voter's!

    • @yaimavol
      @yaimavol 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Apply to be a US territory and you get access to US markets, the dollar, and trade deals and keep your autonomy.

    • @x1v160
      @x1v160 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      I would be OK with Alberta seperating as long as all trade with Canada is cut off. Equalization payments will be recalculated obviously, have not provinces will still get equalization, just less of it. Canada might be better able to persue real change on climate change if we can just get rid of Alberta. They are landlocked so their pipelines won't be reaching the coast. Their oil will always be some of most energy intensive in the world, and their coal electricity makes it all the worse. How can we abide that forever. We'&have to be hypocrites and talk the talk but not walk the walk
      Climate change is important enough that its worth getting rid of a province like Alberta that just isn't willing to wean off oil, isn't willing to wean off coal. The climate is worth it. Force Alberta out and cut off trade and pipelines!

    • @mikemastrella
      @mikemastrella 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@GenghisKhan-Shaman pollution is not a hoax. Would you rather be trapped in a room with a small coal-powered plant, a small safe-nuclear plant, or a small renewable energy plant? Personally, I'd rather the room with least pollution if I'm going to be there a while.
      Pollution aside, and perhaps most importantly, it's an opportunity to innovate, create something new, and to lead on technologies that will be important to humanity going forward. If we are to ever become space faring, we will need something better than oil and coal to power us. If we are going to support a growing population with growing energy needs for 1000+ years, we need to innovate on how we produce and transport energy. It's really as simple as that.

  • @Danny-bc3xr
    @Danny-bc3xr 5 ปีที่แล้ว +388

    As an Albertan, I fully agree with his take.

    • @redrose-wb4bw
      @redrose-wb4bw 5 ปีที่แล้ว +40

      I think that most Albertans are done and have no hope for this government, leader or country. I have hoped for so long that now I'm the fool to think it will work, it won't. If they get a referendum going in the next year, it might be close, but I think we'll want to leave the federation. I support whichever choice the Albertans make. A new country sounds like a huge undertaking but the spirit of Alberta and her people are up for it.

    • @geraldbrideau1745
      @geraldbrideau1745 5 ปีที่แล้ว +21

      Sharticus I’m a New Brunswicker and I’m with you :It’s about time

    • @kentpengelly9896
      @kentpengelly9896 5 ปีที่แล้ว +25

      I would have to agree that he seems to be in tune with Alberta and what's driving the separatist movement. The important thing that he is saying is it has gone way beyond a pipeline and the oil and gas sector. The cow is not producing enough milk but they are still trying to milk it.

    • @Torontogal1973
      @Torontogal1973 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @Sharticus Everyone has the same access to Social programs in Canada [Healthcare/scholarships..ect], I don't care what bloody Province you live in. The idea that someone in Alberta or BC or Quebec is paying for my Healthcare is Ontario is a joke. Everyone pays taxes and everyone has access, FYI. Ontario generates more GDP for Canada than Quebec and Alberta combined, and it should; almost 15Million people live in Ontario. So this Ontario is stealing Alberta's money is bullshit. Every time Liberals get into power, we hear the moans of Alberta wanting to leave Canada. Where were the Albertans crying for Ontarians, when Harper was cannibalizing Ontario Healthcare and Education. Closing Hospitals to give tax break to Oil Companies in Alberta. This is all about money of coarse, and the new Carbon tax has got big business and interest abroad pissing and moaning because the hit to Alberta Oil will be substantial. Ontario is a huge polluter also and will receive a big hit on the Chin also. We aren't pissing and moaning and threating to leave Canada in Ontario. Not even 11years of Harper's axe could put thoughts of abandoning Canada in our minds. Harper was in office for 11years, so to say Conservatives are never given a fare shake is 100% Bullshit!! This guys big Oil, big time. He's states "Trudeau needs to change his tune" [get rid of carbon tax] to OH!! We don't trust him anymore. [Unbelievable] This guy would rather piss on the Canadian Flag, then pay a carbon tax. [Man this use to remind me of kids who use to say "Play my way or I'm taking my ball and going home". I use to take the ball and throw it on a roof, "Now you can go home".

    • @theronash7269
      @theronash7269 5 ปีที่แล้ว +27

      @@Torontogal1973 You are exactly why the west wants to leave. You left out the part that we are conservative and the east votes for the left. Trudeau is a complete horror. Worst PM hands down we've ever had, and gets re-elected. Shattered.
      Enjoy your carbon tax and whatever else the left feeds you. Sharia law is next.
      The suicide rate has tripled in Alberta, if that's what you call moaning.

  • @dougridgway7570
    @dougridgway7570 5 ปีที่แล้ว +150

    I agree it’s beyond pipelines. It’s time to draw a line in the sand. As a Westerner we leave.

    • @hiddenauthor6207
      @hiddenauthor6207 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      As an outside (American) observer, I note that Albertan secession must either take BC along for the ride or else depend entirely on (as in, even its newfound independence takes second place to the good graces of) America (because that would be the only way to evade the curse of being landlocked).

    • @JB-sc3fr
      @JB-sc3fr 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Sask, ab, BC.
      Let's do it

    • @digismoke
      @digismoke 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You are right, this is beyond pipelines. Meaning.. pipelines wont do anything to improve the situation. Global economics and geography is the problem, not trudeau, not lack of pipelines, not carbon pricing, not environmentalists, not eastern Canada. The problem is supply and demand and the fact that the world has oil coming out its asshole, supply glut, even if alberta did have a pipeline the consequential expansion of oil production would flood an already flooded global market, dropping the price of oil well below breakeven prices, essentially putting Alberta permanently out of business. Its called boom & bust, not boom boom or boom half hearted boom.

    • @danielmogilny1188
      @danielmogilny1188 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ​@@hiddenauthor6207 There's a third option. If AB + Sask gets Manitoba on board they have sea access

    • @Cleffa168
      @Cleffa168 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@hiddenauthor6207 Maybe Northern BC, but Greater Vancouver and Victoria area are quite liberal, NDP, green dominant.
      Btw what does it take to start the process of something like a wexit? Is it going to be like a referendum among the Albertans just like Brexit and the scottish independence referendum?

  • @nathanpole391
    @nathanpole391 5 ปีที่แล้ว +380

    I’m in Alberta. Separatists aren’t the minority anymore here

    • @seannootherway
      @seannootherway 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @Kiri Orihara go after Harper

    • @KyleTremblayTitularKtrey
      @KyleTremblayTitularKtrey 5 ปีที่แล้ว +16

      Yeah boi that what I want to hear. Western renaissance incoming.

    • @JS-es5ep
      @JS-es5ep 5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      @Kiri Orihara I hate Trudeau too, and fully believe in free speech, even when it is ugly. BUT free speech should never be allowed when it is a call to violence (can't yell "fire" in a crowded room). Doesn't matter if that comes from the right or the left, it is one of the very few times I would limit free speech.

    • @JS-es5ep
      @JS-es5ep 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @Kiri Orihara I am a massive supporter of FREE SPEECH. MASSIVE. However, inciting violence was NEVER intended to be a part of free speech. I cannot dox you and tell people they should go to your house and hurt you and your family. Yes, my words would be "speech". But I am not free to say that at all. And, I don't want to be able to say things like that.
      What you stated about the PM and his wife could get you a visit at your door by the authorities. Maybe you were exaggerating (in fact I would believe you probably were). But you went over a line. Free speech does have limits. In today's world they are applying those limits WAY too easily. But I'll say it again, inciting violence, even in the early inception days of the Free Speech Movement, never intended to allow calls to violence.
      I hate left wing speech. Sometimes the stuff I hear makes me cringe. I do get offended. BUT I defend their right to say things that I do not like to hear.
      I ask that you give this a little thought.

    • @jpalmer891
      @jpalmer891 5 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      It’s building in British Columbia as well, at least everyone who doesn’t live in the bubbles we call Vancouver, Victoria, and a split in the Okanagan. The central interior and the north are industry based and worried about their futures under these UN driven shills.

  • @79tazman
    @79tazman 5 ปีที่แล้ว +48

    I'm from Ontario and feel the same way it feels Canadians don't have a place in Canada anymore it's so pathetic here in the Trudeau years. If the west goes on their own I fully support it

    • @taxicamel
      @taxicamel 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      "Albertans are proud of what they do ...". What exactly do they do? They take the dirtiest source of fossil fuels ....TAR SANDS ....expend massive amounts of energy (the first source of pollution) to get it out of the ground, .....then expend more massive amounts of energy to get unrefined "OIL" out of the TAR SAND (the second source of pollution), .......then expend more massive amounts of energy to "refine" this filthy oil (the third source of pollution) ......all for the one purpose of getting this fossil fuel product to consumers to use and add to a very obvious global climate problem.
      So these ALBERTANS are "proud" of what they do? I very much doubt that. It is more likely ALBERTANS couldn't give a diddly-squat sh*t about what they do. They're just interested in making lots of money. The Alberta politicians aren't interested in anything about any climate issue. They're only interested in getting elected and making lots of money too.
      You can sit and talk hours, days, weeks, months, .....but the fact of the matter is, ALBERTA TAR SANDS is the worst, dirtiest supply of fossil fuel on the planet .....and my in fact COST MORE TO EXTRACT than the actual product in the barrel ......but absolutely NO ONE in Canada is interested in this possibility because of the DAILY DOLLARS involved.
      This GWYN MORGAN has absolutely no problem telling lie after lie after lie, in "explaining" anything about this issue ....and that's why he gets big bucks. I just have to laugh every time someone uses the term "oil sands". Just another "talker" ....seemingly supported by the interviewing host .....using what is called "double-talk", ....or some call it "double-speak", ....generating WORDS and throwing them together ....formulating sentences, but actually saying very little, ...or nothing.
      My comment is entered 23JUL22 this video posted 25OCT19. Nothing has changed other than incredible extreme weather conditions have increased dramatically globally. All across Canada, extremes are being experienced, but all throughout Europe, they are experiencing record temperatures to the point that rooves are actually melting, and forest fires all over. Anyone not believing this can easily do a search to see how temperature records are being broken all over the world this year. IRONICALLY, the highest localized temperatures throughout the world were actually in 2019 ...the year of this video. But apparently ....this is all a conspiracy theory we really don't need to worry about anything.

    • @HondoTrailside
      @HondoTrailside 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Won't happen. The west has a long history of stupid rump activity that never gets anywhere, but like Reform leads to years out of power. The 19% of the vote libs, want to triple immigration, though why people would come here is hard to see. People that don't feel they have a place in Canada won't have a voice soon enough.
      Canada was a WEF experiment before the WEF, because we are run constantly by a Quebec based leadership that actually wants to destroy the country. They may not see it that way, but he way they do see it adds up to the same thing. A Canada with Quebec, Ontario, and Alberta in it, can't work. Q. Screws politics up. And Ontario and Alberta screw each other through having different needs in the currency.

    • @zlatkajupe
      @zlatkajupe 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      And now look where we are.

    • @ddhqj2023
      @ddhqj2023 ปีที่แล้ว

      'The West' includes BC and living there most of my life, I NEVER heard the constant complaining and bitching about the federal government like we've heard from Alberta and Saskatchewan forever. We pay higher taxes, have a lower average income than Alberta, and people here just get on with it! Don't lump BC in with 'the West' or Albertans. We're Canadians. Canadians that work together and take care of even the have not provinces because they're Canadians too. Albertan's and Saskatchewan seem to. forget that and seem pissed off always that they gotta share.

  • @nightshift3635
    @nightshift3635 5 ปีที่แล้ว +84

    we dont care if we go through a bit more pain on our own Canada has caused us more pain than that and ow we will stop oil/gas revenue to canada and you will feel some of the pain we have

    • @stevenguild2707
      @stevenguild2707 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      N Silva US economy is soaring. Canada...not so much.

    • @nightshift3635
      @nightshift3635 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@stevenguild2707 our ecoomy is fake ,low wage and lots of labor illegals keeping wage down ,,just like democrats ad libcons like cheap u educated labor serfs/slaves

    • @tanyadebeer4836
      @tanyadebeer4836 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @N Silva Many of us have been separatists for decades. You are truly ignorant if you think this is about one election.

    • @cinquine1
      @cinquine1 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@stevenguild2707 Actually the Canadian economy is pretty fine, it's just Alberta. Turns out there are issues with being a banana province. When the oil price was high you should have done the smart thing and diversified your economy (or at least not run a deficit), and yet here we are.
      It's not over though, you still have the ability to turn this around. But uhh... turning yourself into a landlocked northern banana republic isn't the way. You think getting the oil out is hard now...

    • @kristaylor7119
      @kristaylor7119 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Steven Guild it is weak, and Trump is going to tank it with ruthless de-regulation.

  • @conjureup6723
    @conjureup6723 5 ปีที่แล้ว +201

    Wow. Mr. Morgan has nailed it.

    • @flyingbeaver57
      @flyingbeaver57 5 ปีที่แล้ว +17

      I'd say that if there was any common sense left, every Canadian voter should hear this one interview. I've listened to quite a few over the last several weeks, but this is by far the best.

    • @conjureup6723
      @conjureup6723 5 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Flying Beaver − I′ve posted it on Twitter, and getting a good response. By the way, and what I find most striking, is that this former CEO of a ʹbig evil oil companyʹ is far more sensitive to, and in touch with, the citizens of his community than our egotistical PM. (By the way, I′d met Mr. Morgan several times in my previous career, and he really is that down‐to‐earth and kind in person.) FYI, Mr. Morgan gave the company the name Encana to mean ʹEnergy Canadaʹ, a Canadian energy company that was among the world′s best. Instead, our own Canadian companies are being driven out to the US. Senseless.

    • @alwaysatwork5913
      @alwaysatwork5913 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Please support Wexit and sign the petition

    • @johnmorelli3775
      @johnmorelli3775 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Nice to hear an intelligent man speak candidly, dispassionately about important issues. He says it like it is. Bravo.
      Now compare that to an idiot like Trudeau speaking!

    • @healingsun5654
      @healingsun5654 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@alwaysatwork5913 please provide a link to the petition. We can't sign it, if we don't know a link for it?

  • @murray7851
    @murray7851 5 ปีที่แล้ว +106

    Alberta here. The election was the last straw... we are waaaay past pipelines. We want WEXIT NOW. We are furious at Canada. No conversation or compromise we just want a divorce now

    • @JustpissoffTrudeau
      @JustpissoffTrudeau 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Yes ! It’s time too move on too the next chapter away from the Laurentian's from Quebec & Ontario . Good bye Eastern Canada you’re love of the Trudeau family will haunt you for a 100 years .

    • @chadsimmons4496
      @chadsimmons4496 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You sound like Hillary Clinton supporters. Unwilling to look at the rot within your own party.
      You're a sad bunch. A decade of Harper blew, sold and lost the Chretien investment into the tar sands.
      You're American anyway, might as well cross the border. Trump is a partisan hack too, so he won't deport you...unless you're brown.

    • @celadrial6684
      @celadrial6684 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      You'd make a good 51 state.
      Plus we have the electoral college to prevent coastal elites from bullying rural areas.

    • @ArielsSky
      @ArielsSky 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Trudeau never gave ANY CANADIAN A VOICE! But I agree leave but I want to move there before you do separate just need a heads up. I'm tired of what has happened to our Country & it's only going to get worse now with Trudeau & Singh.

    • @chadsimmons4496
      @chadsimmons4496 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@celadrial6684 that's cute...Trump was elected on his fake promises to rural America...who've been devastated by the electoral college.

  • @NorthernGuard
    @NorthernGuard 5 ปีที่แล้ว +68

    Albertans need to push Jason Kenny.
    Independence is Alberta's and Saskatchewan only hope.

    • @x1v160
      @x1v160 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I would be OK with Alberta seperating as long as all trade with Canada is cut off. Equalization payments will be recalculated obviously, have not provinces will still get equalization, just less of it. Canada might be better able to persue real change on climate change if we can just get rid of Alberta. They are landlocked so their pipelines won't be reaching the coast. Their oil will always be some of most energy intensive in the world, and their coal electricity makes it all the worse. How can we abide that forever. We'&have to be hypocrites and talk the talk but not walk the walk
      Climate change is important enough that its worth getting rid of a province like Alberta that just isn't willing to wean off oil, isn't willing to wean off coal. The climate is worth it. Force Alberta out and cut off trade and pipelines!

    • @paulevans8348
      @paulevans8348 5 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      @@x1v160 The funny thing about your post is that you yourself probably depend on natural gas and oil for your existence. Do you have a car? What are all your clothes and products made of? How do you think those things get transported to you? Another lieberal hypocrite.

    • @PxThucydides
      @PxThucydides 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Only hope for what? How does independence make it easier to get a pipeline? What would that solve? You instantly become landlocked. What then?

    • @louisxiv7529
      @louisxiv7529 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Basil McDonnell if Alberta becomes independent then so will Saskatchewan and Manitoba. A pipeline will be built to Churchill. Or joining the USA is also a viable option.

    • @louisxiv7529
      @louisxiv7529 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      x1v160 the world doesn’t need Canada for trade. All Alberta needs is the USA. Also AGCC is a hoax.

  • @pseudopetrus
    @pseudopetrus 5 ปีที่แล้ว +23

    I am siding with Alberta, I live in Ontario, I have a family and I need to work to support my family. Trudeau has neglected families in the west! To me this is wrong, all of Canada needs to prosper from good governance, not just Trudeau's favorites!

    • @judylaybourne7908
      @judylaybourne7908 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you.

    • @taxicamel
      @taxicamel 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I am not siding at all with Alberta, but you are correct about TURDEAU. He is only interested in himself. Once Canada can stops electing this clown and his entire troupe, there will a huge legacy mess to clean up.

  • @necromancer7712
    @necromancer7712 5 ปีที่แล้ว +50

    Someone with experience in pipelines I still dont get it This nasty canadian politics

  • @gneisenau77
    @gneisenau77 5 ปีที่แล้ว +77

    I saw an editorial cartoon from 1918 that made note of a cow eating in Western Canada while those in Eastern Canada were working the tests.
    I think a hundred years is long enough to be screwed over.

    • @grosvenorclub
      @grosvenorclub 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      teats ? lol

    • @redrose-wb4bw
      @redrose-wb4bw 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@grosvenorclub that's the correct spelling. I'm sure you DO know that.

    • @grosvenorclub
      @grosvenorclub 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@redrose-wb4bw I don't live there anymore , was this some kind of pre pole survey ?

    • @tanyadebeer4836
      @tanyadebeer4836 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@grosvenorclub Thank you. I was trying to figure out what it meant. Tests?

    • @TheTolepainter1
      @TheTolepainter1 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Tanya De Beer Very funny. I’m sure you’ve never made a typo and, if you have, the reader hasn’t been able to figure out what you were saying.

  • @EvilUSEmpire
    @EvilUSEmpire 5 ปีที่แล้ว +96

    People in Victoria not only don't care, they hate Albertans, they attacked me physically many times for putting, I support Canadian oil and gas sticker on my car here in Victoria BC

    • @krisxaero
      @krisxaero 5 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      SKer here, you're probably being totally obnoxious to be physically attacked by other Canadians imo.

    • @EvilUSEmpire
      @EvilUSEmpire 5 ปีที่แล้ว +20

      @@krisxaero so you are blaming the victim base on your presumption? Do you justify violence in this case?

    • @krisxaero
      @krisxaero 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@EvilUSEmpire maybe. if multiple people from BC "attacked" you, you may be the instigator.

    • @lornethompson2346
      @lornethompson2346 5 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      Best thing for BC is more injection sites to help their offspring to get into serious drugs. 2018 they lost 1500 + to OD.

    • @EvilUSEmpire
      @EvilUSEmpire 5 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      @@lornethompson2346 I don't think responsible people like me and you have to be punished by paying for injection sites of people who don't have the courage to take responsibility for their own life. I am sick and health care system in Canada doesn't give me the service I need and I have to spent $55000 outside Canada while I paid for health care in Canada already, but a useless person who doesn't work, steal from me and you to buy drugs, get free safe drugs, because CBC thinks that's a good idea and their life is more important than mine.

  • @chaisehombre7723
    @chaisehombre7723 5 ปีที่แล้ว +103

    I'd move to Alberta in a heartbeat if they were to leave lefty Canada craziness behind. Go Flames.

    • @jonathanocoin5298
      @jonathanocoin5298 5 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Go Oilers though lol

    • @melvynobrien6193
      @melvynobrien6193 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@jonathanocoin5298 There won't be any Oilers in the NHL if Alberta tries to leave.

    • @melvynobrien6193
      @melvynobrien6193 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Fix the country, don't try to destroy it. Stand up to the men in dresses and the immigrants

    • @voicije
      @voicije 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      better move...because there will be border security..

    • @Boxerlady57
      @Boxerlady57 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I'm with you Chaise. We lived in Calgary for 22 years and rue the day that we moved away. Beautiful city, fantastic people. It breaks my heart to see that we made it through the floods of 2013 (yes, we were there then) and now it's come to this. I hope and pray that Alberta can recover from this hole that Trudeau has dug for you. If y'all do separate, we'll definitely return. I cannot imagine a Canada without Alberta. That is where our hearts are.

  • @kontraxed
    @kontraxed 5 ปีที่แล้ว +64

    I'm from Texas and we understand perfectly how the Albertans feel. TEXIT!

    • @jeffwilde44
      @jeffwilde44 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      maybe we come together you have ports we can fly and rail

    • @johnmcdonald9304
      @johnmcdonald9304 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@utopia9508 Yeah. You tried that once before, in 1861 and it didn't work out for you.

    • @frankgrimes2991
      @frankgrimes2991 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Texas may have some issues with the federal government but it's nowhere near as bad as it is in Alberta with Trudeau.

    • @nobrang5146
      @nobrang5146 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      When Texas willingly wanted to join the Union, they knew there was going back, and they know it now too especially with Trump in charge. See how many Trump supporters are in this state, my grandmother and her sisters from San Antonio know this damn well. Leaving you in the minority.

    • @nobrang5146
      @nobrang5146 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @Joy Ann El-Khouri There is literally no one here in the Western US wanting a Wexit

  • @richardsharpe5878
    @richardsharpe5878 5 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    Nailed It Gwyn! Its like a marriage break up. Alberta feels disrespected, unappreciated, lied to and taken advantage of. It feels like we'd be better off on our own. Its not even an economic (read pipeline) issue any more, its about self respect. People here are much too self reliant and proud to take this any longer.

    • @HondoTrailside
      @HondoTrailside 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      So are the people of Quebec. They still haven't made it, and they have a lot more cultural cohesion than alberta with it's cowboys, commie mayors, US voting booths, and a recent commie premiere. And the rules are changing all over the western world, UK just said Scotland needed the approval of parliament to leave. We tightened the rules in Canada to get Quebec accession organized.
      You can choose a future with constant fighting over your future, and all the chaos that causes, or just behave yourselves. I would want to see whether the current premiere is doing first. I wish we had her in Ontario.

    • @elisa7881
      @elisa7881 ปีที่แล้ว

      OOOh, Alberta cowboys turning into snowflakes.

    • @ahmeddoghri1576
      @ahmeddoghri1576 ปีที่แล้ว

      Alberta and Quebec can STFU, the only province that deserves to leave canada is the amazing BC. Cutting off Canada's access to the Pacific + its natural resources and bustling cities. BC should be its own country!

    • @ddhqj2023
      @ddhqj2023 ปีที่แล้ว

      I don't get it. Highest earners in Canada, lowest taxes and it's never good enough for Albertan's. The fed's buy you people a pipeline, when Fort McMurray burns, Calgary floods there's money from the federal government, and CANADA is paying $1.7 billion to clean up Alberta's abandoned oil wells and none of it is good enough .....

    • @ddhqj2023
      @ddhqj2023 ปีที่แล้ว

      The current premier in Alberta is doing everything she can to inspire that sense of separateness and division and distrust. We have a global health crisis and she calls everyone who doesn't agree with extremist right wingers, Hitler-lovers, and she insults a good portion of Canada's Ukrainian ex-pats by siding with Russia, and openly admires a book banning/burning?, trans-hating, climate change denier of a governor in Florida, and then shuts down investment in clean energy for an extended period to give her and the extremists in her government time to figure out how to get around and ignore, the desperate need to slow the boat on climate change! And you admire that? It's feels like half of North America is determined to bring humanities existence to its knees thanks to people like her!@@HondoTrailside

  • @susanauger3758
    @susanauger3758 5 ปีที่แล้ว +109

    My son drives tanker in the bush in Alberta. They want OUT!!!

    • @x1v160
      @x1v160 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      I would be OK with Alberta seperating as long as all trade with Canada is cut off. Equalization payments will be recalculated obviously, have not provinces will still get equalization, just less of it. Canada might be better able to persue real change on climate change if we can just get rid of Alberta. They are landlocked so their pipelines won't be reaching the coast. Their oil will always be some of most energy intensive in the world, and their coal electricity makes it all the worse. How can we abide that forever. We'&have to be hypocrites and talk the talk but not walk the walk
      Climate change is important enough that its worth getting rid of a province like Alberta that just isn't willing to wean off oil, isn't willing to wean off coal. The climate is worth it. Force Alberta out and cut off trade and pipelines!

    • @susanauger3758
      @susanauger3758 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@x1v160 Quebec gets ZERO

    • @bradb7342
      @bradb7342 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      I can't see how that would solve much - still going to have difficulty getting the crude to tide water. And then what about 100 years from now when the world's need for crude has dropped off significantly, that'd certainly be a kick in the teeth for the new country

    • @audiosreality
      @audiosreality 5 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      @@x1v160 Boy you don't know much do you. Most of quebecs home heating (natural gas) comes from western canada. The prairies is canada's only region that exports more than it imports internationally. If you think Cutting trade with eastern canada will hurt us more then you you are highly mistaken. Your chinese goods are going to double in transport price for you. We sit beside the largest infrastructure network in the world and because of UN accord the americans will easily snatch up our trade. This will allow them to control majorities of world potash, uranium, wheat, and oil. Eastern canada will face a trade deficit of over $100 billion. (if you don't think that's bad look at greece) The americans simply handling western canadian trade will expand their economy, while the eastern canadian economy shrinks and vancouver (if they stay with eastern canada) collapses. As over $240 billion in shipments gets re routed south.

    • @PxThucydides
      @PxThucydides 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Whining, entitled crybabies. Sad because your $250,000 a year floor-sweeping jobs might be harder to get? Cry me a river.

  • @MichaelALoberg
    @MichaelALoberg 5 ปีที่แล้ว +49

    I support the immediate separation of Alberta from this defective confederation.

  • @ryanm7263
    @ryanm7263 5 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    From the beginning, we said that Trudeau's "sunny ways" would be the division and destruction of Canada. Only Trudeau could manage to foment separatist sentiment in both Alberta and Quebec at the same time. That's a real feat.

    • @klarissaclairiton9010
      @klarissaclairiton9010 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      You don't know how to assert yourselves anymore in English Canada - that is why we in Quebec have succeeded in getting our hands on the lion's share of federal funds.

    • @marlainerose3340
      @marlainerose3340 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@klarissaclairiton9010 Probably cause Justin is from Quebec. I remember him shouting I am a Quebecer first during some fight with another politician from Quebec. And how entitled do you feel having that power?

  • @joeraybak3649
    @joeraybak3649 5 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    I'm from south west Ontario and I agree with Alberta. Its high time this Prime Minister stop the silly politicing with their future. They contribute a lot and deserve much better. Seems to be the only sensible province left in Canada.

  • @susanauger3758
    @susanauger3758 5 ปีที่แล้ว +76

    The globalists just want Canadas natural resources for themselves for later, when were all destitute

    • @stevenguild2707
      @stevenguild2707 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      N Silva US economy is soaring. Canada is just stumbling along. It’s the US that even keeps you guys afloat.
      BTW, are you dressing up in blackface this Halloween by following in the footsteps of your leftist hero?

    • @TheOvermaster
      @TheOvermaster 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@stevenguild2707 Correction: GDP of US is soaring - all other indicators of a positive economy are terrible.

    • @theronash7269
      @theronash7269 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @N Silva The American rights lead has their economy booming. Ours under our left is languishing and disappearing.
      Don't let facts get in the way of who you personally favour.

    • @stevenguild2707
      @stevenguild2707 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      TheOvermaster “All other indicators are terrible”? WTF are you talking about? Unemployment is at a 50 year low. Median incomes are rising at the fastest pace in decades. 😛😛😛

    • @chadsimmons4496
      @chadsimmons4496 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@stevenguild2707 Trump's deficit is more than double of Trudeau's. Canadian right wingers are so lost (or trolls)

  • @Vickytoriahirt1234
    @Vickytoriahirt1234 5 ปีที่แล้ว +77

    Alberta needs to separate ASAP

    • @frankihatch
      @frankihatch 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      not gonna happen

    • @jakeu844
      @jakeu844 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      and Saskatchewan

    • @melvynobrien6193
      @melvynobrien6193 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      It's about time that someone speaks out and tells you fools that YOU CANNOT SEPARATE.

    • @ZombieCorp999
      @ZombieCorp999 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@melvynobrien6193 A referendum on secession is their right under constitutional law, so technically they could if the vote shows a "clear majority ".

    • @matthewbrian6360
      @matthewbrian6360 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      NEVER gonna happen.
      Do you really think Canada will let you take all our oil away? No... If they have to invade and impose martial law they will.
      You're NOT taking the oil.

  • @shawnconnell2184
    @shawnconnell2184 5 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Nice to hear a Vancouver Island politician speak with understanding about Albertans and Saskatchewan'rs dilemma.

    • @taxicamel
      @taxicamel 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Don't make it sound like this guy is from Vancouver Island ...because he is not. He was born and raised in Alberta. As a CEO, he made his bundle of money and vamoosed to B.C. He's NOT a politician. He's just a guy who likes talking a lot.
      "Albertans are proud of what they do ...". What exactly do they do? They take the dirtiest source of fossil fuels ....TAR SANDS ....expend massive amounts of energy (the first source of pollution) to get it out of the ground, .....then expend more massive amounts of energy to get unrefined "OIL" out of the TAR SAND (the second source of pollution), .......then expend more massive amounts of energy to "refine" this filthy oil (the third source of pollution) ......all for the one purpose of getting this fossil fuel product to consumers to use and add to a very obvious global climate problem.
      So these ALBERTANS are "proud" of what they do? I very much doubt that. It is more likely ALBERTANS couldn't give a diddly-squat sh*t about what they do. They're just interested in making lots of money. The Alberta politicians aren't interested in anything about any climate issue. They're only interested in getting elected and making lots of money too.
      You can sit and talk hours, days, weeks, months, .....but the fact of the matter is, ALBERTA TAR SANDS is the worst, dirtiest supply of fossil fuel on the planet .....and my in fact COST MORE TO EXTRACT than the actual product in the barrel ......but absolutely NO ONE in Canada is interested in this possibility because of the DAILY DOLLARS involved.
      This GWYN MORGAN has absolutely no problem telling lie after lie after lie, in "explaining" anything about this issue ....and that's why he gets big bucks. I just have to laugh every time someone uses the term "oil sands". Just another "talker" ....seemingly supported by the interviewing host .....using what is called "double-talk", ....or some call it "double-speak", ....generating WORDS and throwing them together ....formulating sentences, but actually saying very little, ...or nothing.
      My comment is entered 23JUL22 this video posted 25OCT19. Nothing has changed other than incredible extreme weather conditions have increased dramatically globally. All across Canada, extremes are being experienced, but all throughout Europe, they are experiencing record temperatures to the point that rooves are actually melting, and forest fires all over. Anyone not believing this can easily do a search to see how temperature records are being broken all over the world this year. IRONICALLY, the highest localized temperatures throughout the world were actually in 2019 ...the year of this video. But apparently ....this is all a conspiracy theory we really don't need to worry about anything.

  • @bettysheppard274
    @bettysheppard274 5 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Alberta has had enough! We are done with Canada & will replace Jason Kenney if he doesn't go along. He is either an Albertan or a federalist; he can't be both!!!

    • @klarissaclairiton9010
      @klarissaclairiton9010 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      You don't know how to assert yourselves anymore in English Canada - that is why we in Quebec have succeeded in getting our hands on the lion's share of federal funds.

    • @bettysheppard274
      @bettysheppard274 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@klarissaclairiton9010 you mean Alberta funds. I don't think it has anything to do with asserting ourselves but more to the fact that 1. the electoral system itself is biased to Ontario & Quebec's benefit as these two provinces literally decide who runs the country and 2. because of the first point, greedy & corrupt Quebec lawyers or sons of communists keep getting elected in parliament. Scary as it sounds a lot of people in Toronto, for instance, has no idea where the hell Alberta is on the Canada map!!! Something is very wrong in Canada right now & maybe Alberta should just say enough to the rest of Canada & get the hell out! We are just really really really sick & tired of all the shit & abuse we've been given over the year. It's time to cut the cord!

  • @Astrobot67
    @Astrobot67 5 ปีที่แล้ว +36

    As a person from BC I fully agree with his take on this issue.

    • @jerrytheracecardriver1100
      @jerrytheracecardriver1100 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      If they hold a referendum in BC, each riding should hold a separate referendum, that way the ones that vote to join western Canada will join, and the NDP of Vancouver won't force the rest of BC to stay.

    • @MrZadokthePriest
      @MrZadokthePriest 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      As a person from Nova Scotia I fully agree as well. Clown world is alive and well in this country.

    • @michealrawlins928
      @michealrawlins928 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Our problem in B.C., is that the people from the lower mainland seem to think that B.C.ends at Hope... They do not realize that 75% of the wealth of this province is generated away from Vancouver... but 75% of the revenue is spent there.. I am fully on board for a Western separation from Canada... and hopefully we can somehow include B.C. maybe there will be some common sense drop in on my province

    • @squelchotron8259
      @squelchotron8259 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@michealrawlins928 To most BC politicians BC ends on coastal cities. Small towns can rot for all they care. Fuck 'em from Creston.

  • @gayannppc9554
    @gayannppc9554 5 ปีที่แล้ว +37

    As a Nation, we need to heal from this letdown. Oh, Canada what have 'Some' peoplekind done?

    • @gayannppc9554
      @gayannppc9554 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @Edgar Foerster Agree, very sad of Canada another win for NWO/UN

    • @rodneyminchin6447
      @rodneyminchin6447 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @Edgar Foerster Yes, indeed. They have set fire to the prairies, and now they will find out how fast a prairie fire spreads.

    • @gayannppc9554
      @gayannppc9554 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @Edgar Foerster I agree it is better for Alberta. Not fair to Southern Ontarian that did not Consent ever and did not agree to be saturated by the imported Liberals.

    • @JustpissoffTrudeau
      @JustpissoffTrudeau 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Well said , excellent perspective .✅😎

    • @Sasquatch-ff1pj
      @Sasquatch-ff1pj 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      I think we are past healing. Need a divorce from easterners. We seem to be too different.

  • @jerseypoodle2341
    @jerseypoodle2341 5 ปีที่แล้ว +170

    Forget the proud canadian schtick. Lets just leave.

    • @rodneyminchin6447
      @rodneyminchin6447 5 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      A proud Canadian in Alberta is a low information voter. A proud Canadian in Toronto is a MORON.

    • @Jaws10214
      @Jaws10214 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      ​@Gary Thompson Jagmeet Singh was banned from India because India is currently killing/persecuting/unjustly jailing all of the Sikh people who live in India right now. Jagmeet spoke out against India for persecuting their minorities, (that's it, he spoke out against India) and they banned him from entering India because of this.
      the Sikh people are not 'terrorizing' India, but show any support for the Sikh's, and you will be labelled a terrorist and banned too.
      that is EVERYTHING the right wing supposedly stand up against. yet our right wing is condemning Jagmeet for doing what I'd expect ANY of them to do if our Government was persecuting fellow Canadians.
      I shake my fucking head at you.

    • @griz063
      @griz063 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @Jersy Poodle It's less "proud Canadian schtick" as the honoring of commitment and not taking your ball and going home the moment the game is not to your liking. Let's not forget a lot of people outside of the Easter urban centres also didn't vote for the Liberals, yet here they are in power yet again.
      Rather than ducking and running, why not organize with the many other regions that feel the same way? Sure, it's not as emotionally appealing in the short-term as "the divorce mindset".
      But just what is the future of an oil-rich region that cannot seem to stop spending it's profits as fast as they make them? Let's remember all of the Federal dollars that flowed into Alberta during the oil crisis. If you're going to cut-and-run, just don't forget to pay off your share of the National accrued debt!

    • @Jaws10214
      @Jaws10214 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@nji7772 no, jagmeet was what, 6 years old then?
      If you were Sikh inside a nation trying to extinguish your people and beliefs, would you let them? Or fight back?

    • @Jaws10214
      @Jaws10214 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@nji7772 and if you have to go all the way back to 84 to find 'terrorism', than might I suggest you start attacking far right wing extremists with the same vigor.
      Right wing extremists have killed way more north american people than the Sikh rebellion ever has.
      And they're still advocating for it!

  • @Hazen87
    @Hazen87 5 ปีที่แล้ว +31

    Even if we get a pipeline. So what? That's the infrastructure we needed 10 years ago. What about now and in the next 10-20 years?

    • @martinp6919
      @martinp6919 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Yes Hazen... good point, we seem to be always under the East hold.... Great to get a pipeline? Ottawa said it will go... heard it... been there.... done that... got this really nice T-Shirt... Kill C-69 so the oil can go somewhere?

    • @sonicsoftly
      @sonicsoftly 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      oil price is dropping too. Canada needs more mining now.

    • @theartofwanderlust
      @theartofwanderlust 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Seb A for how long do you have any idea how many products are made from petroleum, there is only so much of it and it will only be worth more in the future. You can’t heat your home on warm fuzzy feelings

    • @sonicsoftly
      @sonicsoftly 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@theartofwanderlust I'll let the leftist know.

    • @nolan4338
      @nolan4338 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@theartofwanderlust What about new technologies that would make your lives way better and affordable which are currently being supressed by the oil industry? Just remember, as long as they have most people convinced that oil is the only answer, humanity will never evolve. Not saying it can be done overnight, but it would be nice to get the ball rolling.

  • @truepatriotlove5724
    @truepatriotlove5724 5 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    We here in Alberta are finished. We can't afford to stay part of Canada. Thanks Trudeau....

  • @CarefreeRambler
    @CarefreeRambler 5 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    The real interview starts at 12:11 and it's about the decaying state of the Canadian economy. Kudos to the two participants for having the guts to talk about how unsustainable and childish our economical policy is.

    • @ddhqj2023
      @ddhqj2023 ปีที่แล้ว

      The world seems to have a decaying situation, economy and environment so we're not special in that regard. The question is, do we have the focus and guts to deal with the reality of the situation in a cohesive and effective way and it seems that we don't. People have forgotten how to pull together in the difficulty and are more intent on the 'me, me, me' ONLY now.

  • @augiedoggie8814
    @augiedoggie8814 5 ปีที่แล้ว +42

    That's because Alberta has no future in Canada.

    • @metalneck9825
      @metalneck9825 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2


    • @augiedoggie8814
      @augiedoggie8814 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @Sapphire Sky On the bright side,Trudeau will probably stay away from the Calgary Stampede.

    • @patrod2327
      @patrod2327 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      so easy to say

  • @jasonchoboter1613
    @jasonchoboter1613 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    My family and my friends worked very very hard in Alberta and Saskatchewan making an honest living here in the oilfields my parents are both 65 years old and they can't retire I lost my house sold my belongings went through a divorce just all a chain reaction the last 4 years just mentally ,emotionally drained thank God I have no kids I couldn't afford them...I Love Alberta and Saskatchewan and we are tuff as hell we may sit down for a little while but watch the .... out when we stand up!!

  • @Peter-qc6ve
    @Peter-qc6ve 5 ปีที่แล้ว +23

    We Albertans should calmly work towards independence! Independence is the only way Alberta can build a future for itself.
    An independent Alberta can increase services, lower taxes, balance the budget and invest in the Heritage Fund by not wasting money subsidizing Quebec. We’d have more leverage for pipelines because we could embargo BC without court interference.

    • @kristaylor7119
      @kristaylor7119 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Screw BC, truly shows how Un canadian you are.

    • @theartofwanderlust
      @theartofwanderlust 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Kris Taylor B.C. wants nothing to do with a pipeline until Alberta was going to turn the taps off, a province run by leftist loonies on the west coast, see how the rest of B.C. feels

    • @josephfisher3682
      @josephfisher3682 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Lets blackmail BC to make Alberta great. Alberta and Trump go hand in hand

    • @rush92287
      @rush92287 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @margaretjenkins9729
      @margaretjenkins9729 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      A very measured and excellent post. In my opinion.

  • @hardworkingcanadiancitizen252
    @hardworkingcanadiancitizen252 5 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    As a Manitoban I say keep your transfer payments , your suffering there.

    • @jeffwilde44
      @jeffwilde44 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      join us we need diversification about vertical farming defence productitity cyber and robotics training and rand d...and less oil ..but oil will always be here.... climate change was........ 2 yrs of 300 wells burning in iraq ...... not my truck

    • @hardworkingcanadiancitizen252
      @hardworkingcanadiancitizen252 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Jeff Wilde climate change is people incl scientists believing in computer generated models from inflated data being punched in , that the globe is warming is a lie , ice melts happen but people see it more now , it’s been receding all my life , also more polar bears now than ever , it’s all a lie.

  • @bcstud3641
    @bcstud3641 5 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I worked mostly underground from 1968-2010 and drilling and blasting on heavy construction - Canada is so vast in the North - No Railways and few roads . You have to develop the country first and then bring the people . From Edmonton you fly 90 minutes north to Yellowknife and see lots of empty lakes and lands . Whitehorse - you get closer to the forests but the same cold climate .
    Instead you have a Liberal Government following the UN Agenda but did you know they would also like to get the worlds population down to 500 million with the people micro chipped and made slaves of the Elite . This is why they keep on bringing more people to the cities - make it so unafforable you have to depend on the government for a hand out. Our military - instead of getting a good pension of $3,000 a month or more for your 20 years of service - a one time payment of $200,000 . No money for seniors , students , schools and a huge homeless population sleeping outside this winter .
    MASS IMMIGRATION - the Liberals have spent more than $70 billion in the last 4 years while neglecting the people of Canada . Oil is needed for everything - plastics , paints , rubber tires and so on . The Pipe Line should have been built along time ago . When there was no work across Canada - Alberta paid 1/2 the bills with the transfer payments .
    THE GOOD NEWS = Justin was involved with Hillary Clinton and George Soros - so we will have to wait and see what President Trump and the US Military have in store for these 3 Amigos ? US Military Intelligence have all the communications so in 2020 will the US Marines be knocking on doors in Canada with charges and arrests ?

    • @nji7772
      @nji7772 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      As a child, I lived in Ft. St. James for a time.

  • @edbouchard1720
    @edbouchard1720 5 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    Ontario has the largest deficit of provinces in the world, or it could be the city, stand to be corrected, just what are the facts?

    • @gayannppc9554
      @gayannppc9554 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      All of Ontario.

    • @x1v160
      @x1v160 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Per capita debt is higher in Newfoundland, and most of the usa if you I include federal in the comparison. Thats not to say it's wise or good, it's undeniably costly in interest payments to have that much debt.

    • @cathyknott9062
      @cathyknott9062 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      That is because all these immigrants who are crossing our borders with Trudeau's blessing are ending up in Toronto on welfare. They live better than Canadians including our vets. We have our own living on streets while these people are given free cars, more money than our seniors.

  • @bobschillemore321
    @bobschillemore321 5 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    It is much much more than pipelines (although they MUST be built) It is more about western Canada's place in confederation...We seem to get taken to the cleaners by the east every time something comes up. I'm sure we have the people and resources to get on with separation. And no it doesn't mean we have to hate the east. When we separate we could trade fairly, like most of the world we trade with now. I might even be willing to have a 3-tier pricing system for our for the west one for Canada and a 3rd price for world export

  • @nightshift3635
    @nightshift3635 5 ปีที่แล้ว +54

    you guys can talk all you want on how you think what will help ,,we do not care and know you have a open agenda destroy alberta for UN

    • @xxxmikeyjock
      @xxxmikeyjock 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      if the price is too low leave the oil in the ground.

    • @nightshift3635
      @nightshift3635 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@xxxmikeyjock yes and no just stop supplying rest of Canada cause that s what they want and sell only to america while we renegotiate the constitutio, ROC will get to see what life is like without b our energy,than maybe they will wake up,,if not what ca you do the die is cast

    • @alwaysatwork5913
      @alwaysatwork5913 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Let’s go support Wexit

    • @Trumpsterfire101
      @Trumpsterfire101 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      night shift The oil is Canada’s not people in Alberta’s. So sorry. Foil hat needs tightening.

    • @sled9263
      @sled9263 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@Trumpsterfire101 Alberta's oil is Canada's? Does that mean Quebec's maple syrup is Canada's maple syrup? That BC"s timber is Canada's timber? That Newfoundland"s cod is Canada's cod? That Ontario's automobile industry is Canada's automobile industry? Oh wait...... does Ontario (have not province)even have an automobile industry anymore? It's about revenue generated per province! Use your brain. Stop being an indoctrinated sheeple.

  • @Mrpaulgs
    @Mrpaulgs 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I moved from Ontario to Alberta and was surprised to see there are no Maple Trees west of the Manitoba Ontario boarder! The Maple Leaf is not representative of all of Canada only Eastern Canada and yet it is on our Flag.

    • @garystrout1679
      @garystrout1679 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Very true.

    • @joansolomon1194
      @joansolomon1194 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      When that commie spy decided to install that rag, we All knew that it didn't apply west of the lakehead.

  • @thanhdong4195
    @thanhdong4195 5 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Made Canada strong , Oil in the Pipes~ Grain on the trains .....................

  • @deadeye4520
    @deadeye4520 5 ปีที่แล้ว +40

    Let them freeze in the dark.

  • @susanauger3758
    @susanauger3758 5 ปีที่แล้ว +41

    Turdhole is KILLING CANADA

    • @mingjack383
      @mingjack383 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I mean why does Canadian not going to the street to hold a riot rally like hongkonger just smash the government out?

    • @Jaws10214
      @Jaws10214 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@mingjack383 lol, love your enthusiasm bud, but if we were to do that here, our Government would have the opportunity to simply call us 'terrorists' and jail us rather than having to argue against our demands.
      I love and support the Hong Kong people in their method of getting a much more corrupt and violent Government to hear your demands, but we cannot go that route here.

    • @mingjack383
      @mingjack383 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@Jaws10214 so thats mean canadian government is like dictatorship like north korea hahaha

    • @griz063
      @griz063 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @Susan Auger Blaming just one person is not intellectual. It's not like this would stop just because a particular leader was gone. The problem is the ideological infection on the Left that Trudeau is just the current "golden boy" of. If one is going to crab and carp, at least make sure it's against an effective target and not just the equivalent of a cardboard cut-out.

    • @seannootherway
      @seannootherway 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      You're dumb.. Harper destroyed Alberta's economy

  • @bobbremner3395
    @bobbremner3395 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    As long as the right people
    Say the right things often
    Enough no progress will
    Be required.

  • @ryans413
    @ryans413 5 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    I live in Alberta I’m so on board with this

  • @jgenert
    @jgenert 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    As a thirty-year-old "Canadian" I am disgusted with the priorities of my generation and their unparalleled ignorance of finances, debt, and responsibility. Mark my words, as an educated professional making a good salary, I probably won't stay to help pay the absurd deficits my cohort seems to support. Canada will be left, with the left, and they can form a social justice state and pay each other in potatoes.

  • @JS-es5ep
    @JS-es5ep 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Gwyn, I too was a very patriotic senior Canadian. My father landed on Juno Beach on D-day. I am sincerely distressed about my country. I have zero trust in our government. I'm from Ontario, but agree with the Western provinces. Trudeau and his cabinet will finish off what is left of Canada.

  • @rafabetico17che
    @rafabetico17che 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I'm from Europe but recently lived in Calgary or 10 months and I was so surprised by the state of the city I couldn't stay there any longer. It seemed to be on its knees economically, absolutely frozen job market and the street level drug abuse is absolutely appalling. After hearing about the golden years under the Oil Boom I was disgusting to see how neglected it had become and how the government had basically abandoned its own resource in favour of Saudi Oil. Deplorable actions at a government level are failing a once great nation. Good luck Canada.

    • @alyule5398
      @alyule5398 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hang in there buddy. I miss the Canada that I grew up in. There are many have had enough. I believe TRUDEAU gave our natural resources to china

  • @rulz2663
    @rulz2663 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Whelp this is what happens when Trudeau is re-elected. I'll have my plane ticket ready when Alberta separates. See you soon!

  • @FreeWillOutdoors
    @FreeWillOutdoors 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Today, Encana announced their move to USA and changing name to Ovintiv Inc.

  • @FrancesShear
    @FrancesShear 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    When someone tells me straight to my face while I am still working with him in 25 below weather Centigrade during the worst winter in this century so far in 2015 that I will have a better chance of finding full time work in the United States after being born here in Canada it really strikes at the heart.

    • @nji7772
      @nji7772 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank God my Son-in-law is dual. They are moving to the States.

    • @emmauelbenoit459
      @emmauelbenoit459 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@nji7772 What state?

  • @bobthibodeau3178
    @bobthibodeau3178 5 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    No threatening let’s just get the hell out . Montana Washington and North Dakota are birder state we can do this

    • @sonicsoftly
      @sonicsoftly 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Washington is a liberal controlled swampy mess. If you want something to not get done, send it to Olympia, WA

    • @sonicsoftly
      @sonicsoftly 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It's just so crazy, it just might work.

  • @lynnybee888
    @lynnybee888 5 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    Localized economies just like in the 1950’s when everyone had a job. It was all local.

    • @krisxaero
      @krisxaero 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      It's not the 1950's anymore though. Get in with the times, boomer.

    • @robocoe
      @robocoe 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@krisxaero Back to your mommas basement and play Nintendo!

  • @VinegarMoneyGrows
    @VinegarMoneyGrows 5 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Basically Alberta is the man in a relationship. No rights whatsoever, only responsibilities.

    • @gregorydouglas5393
      @gregorydouglas5393 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      lol What?

    • @ivymargretgreen7501
      @ivymargretgreen7501 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Ah you poor old patriarchs.......nobody listens to you anymore, and if you resort to fisticuffs, you can be charged. Cry me a contaminated river.

  • @larencegagland506
    @larencegagland506 5 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Justin said More Diversity and Higher Carbon taxes will cure this problem?

    • @hitube1272
      @hitube1272 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Lets face it Justin's so disconnected from reality that he doesnt know what problems he is solving

    • @roberttucker4196
      @roberttucker4196 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@hitube1272 He isn't solving any problems he is just creating them!

  • @donroussy5472
    @donroussy5472 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Alberta has had boom times for decades while the rest of canada had its recession times on and off. No complaining heard. Every economy has it's good times and bad. This has never been new to the country. Alberta is seeing a down time for the first time in decades and it isn't being taken well. Corporations do NOT care about it's employees in any industry and will bail the second their profit margins are threatened by one penny. No other province has threatened to separate due to economic down times except quebec, and their reason isn't an economic one. They are dealing with their economy as well as they can, as are the rest of us. I'm having trouble understanding the hatred that is coming from a province that has had such wonderful economic boons over the decades. I worked out there and was terribly jealous of how cheap and easy it was to live out there while i had to eventually return to my home province where the economy and jobs was horrible. Still no separation talk from anyone at home. We just went back out time and again. Alberta relied on the eastern workforce. Now that they are experiencing tough times, they cave in and scream terribly. Join the rest of the country. Instead of screaming about you you you. join with the rest of canada to fix the governmental system that has been failing us all. Remember, the provincial governments play a huge roll in provincial outcomes. Division never works. Ever. Now you have voted in a conservative government hell bent on cutting the country into small pieces for profit. cuts cuts cuts. For who? you? good luck with that. I feel your discomfort. I truly do. I have lived through it many many times. But hatred never solved a damn thing. We either stand together or fall separately. Come on Canada! we are better and more mature than this US republican mantallity.

    • @ariel-th6fj
      @ariel-th6fj 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      It's not just about tough times.. it's about the fact that Alberta cannot export oil to the world market because of the lack of pipelines.. so alberta is getting 15 dollars a barrel for oil from US when the oil price on the world market is 70 dollars per barrel... it's not about tough times its about policies that are crippling the industry intentionally.

    • @Boxerlady57
      @Boxerlady57 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      This is more than a recession... this is a deliberate sabotage by the Liberal government of Trudeau. He hates Alberta but he's not thinking clearly. Do you not get it??? Alberta supports the rest of Canada!!! And still, with over 100,000 jobs lost due to the ineptness of Trudeau, we are STILL expected to meet those transfer payment amounts!! Alberta is VERY generous and gladly helps ANYONE in need BUT.... when the dog (Trudeau) bites the handler (Alberta) that feeds him, the food is going to be taken away and the dog is going to go off to the pound. We've had enough. Have you ever LOOKED at the stats?? Since 2008 (I believe it is), Alberta has received $93 million in transfer payments. Quebec has received $228 BILLION from Alberta, Ontario is not far behind Quebec, and so on and so on..... NOW, Alberta is a have not province and Calgary has the highest unemployment rate in the country and yet it's still expected to meet it's "obligations". This has been brought on by Trudeau. When they are able to ship oil down the St.Lawrence seaway (like that's not an environmental disaster waiting to happen) that comes from Saudi Arabia, instead of bringing it by pipeline from within our own country then that smacks of personal interest by Trudeau and his connection with Irving Oil in the east. You do realize that Trudeau's fortune comes from oil and that he has a vested interest in Irving Oil?

  • @susanauger3758
    @susanauger3758 5 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    He wants Canada decimated

  • @bowriver1
    @bowriver1 5 ปีที่แล้ว +22

    Wexit...the only option.

  • @trevormarr8379
    @trevormarr8379 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    We need this conversation to build momentum!

    • @trevormarr8379
      @trevormarr8379 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @SMG oh yes... it will be a conversation that exposes the Left's treason and incompetence.

  • @john7320
    @john7320 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    To paraphrase the late Janis Joplin, "Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose". The pipeline isn't built til the first barrel is loaded on the tanker

  • @Firebird400
    @Firebird400 5 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    This guy is spot on. Canada doesn’t give a shit about Alberta.... I think Alberta really needs to leave Canada and join the u.s mabey .

    • @theronash7269
      @theronash7269 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      They love the oil revenues!

    • @kristaylor7119
      @kristaylor7119 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Maybe Alberta needs to get back in its lane.

  • @cameronmackay2072
    @cameronmackay2072 5 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    Its not a matter of "feelings" its a matter of logic ... we are not prepared to abide by your global warming religion ... when every common sense person knows we need oil and gas.

    • @nji7772
      @nji7772 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      And global warming is the biggest religion, money maker HOAX since never mind. Besides if one believes in that, it is NOT Canada that is a major contributor to the "global warming problem". So there is nothing that Canada can do about it. China is so polutted you can't even see down the street as one example. No forest fire smoke, just smog.

    • @markdekleva6922
      @markdekleva6922 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yes my friend. Only problem there is no common sense in Ottawa

  • @cc-ft8gq
    @cc-ft8gq 5 ปีที่แล้ว +22

    I know lots of ppl voted Liberal in NB. Our aging population out numbers us. I worked for over a year to change the older pols views. I did manage to change many minds, but not enough. I've voted liberal for 24 years. I voted CP as did everyone I know this year.

    • @itsadependu805
      @itsadependu805 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      The expats, some of whom barely set foot in Canada and some who were out of Canada for up to 25 years, were allowed to vote for the first time AND they were allowed to vote in ANY RIDING THEY WANTED across the country. How much direction did they get in this is the question? You were cheated out of a year of your life sir. They don't play by existing rules, they change them as they see fit.

    • @onesweetexpat
      @onesweetexpat 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      The Canadian expat s from Alberta who are currently overseas all voted CPC.

    • @john63ny
      @john63ny 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@itsadependu805 wow is that really true. The system need restructuring esp the gerrymandearing

    • @itsadependu805
      @itsadependu805 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@onesweetexpat There were over 300,000 eligible from Hong Kong alone. Most were unlikely CPC voters.

    • @itsadependu805
      @itsadependu805 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      I believe the number worldwide was 2.5 million. First time ever allowed to influence election outcome.

  • @kensmith280
    @kensmith280 5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I was born in Alberta, I am not Canadian , separation is one hundred years overdue, I will always hate the Canadian government pirates of plunder.

  • @sikpuppet2656
    @sikpuppet2656 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Im from BC and I support the West. I now dont care about Ontario and every province east of it

  • @keffinsg
    @keffinsg 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    If there is anything we in Singapore are glad about, it is that we left the Malaysian federation in 1965. When we left 54 years ago, our currencies were on par; now it is 3X. Per capita GDP is 6X that of Malaysia. Just do it Albertans, take your future in your own hands.

  • @79tazman
    @79tazman 5 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    I'm from Ontario and I'm with Alberta

  • @lomellynell2022
    @lomellynell2022 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Same goes for Saskatchewan!

  • @RobertHearn-hu2br
    @RobertHearn-hu2br 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    People hurt? Alberta, large part of BC, Saskatchewan, have been deceived. Quit putting Christmas wrapping on this discussion.

  • @oscarjetson128
    @oscarjetson128 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    As an Ontarian, I fully agree with what Mr. Morgan is saying here. It is brutal how our current government has vilified Alberta and the rest of the western provinces. The west has every right to feel alienated.

  • @eviljonbob_
    @eviljonbob_ 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I live in Quebec and I hate the idea of separatists and separation and now Alberta to this is very sad.

    • @pitafish
      @pitafish 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      You can't every understand how bad it has become here. Like we are suffering and all the rest of Canada does is kick us when we are down

    • @eviljonbob_
      @eviljonbob_ 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@pitafish I'm sure it is bad there I wouldn't know but the fact is that the world is moving away from oil more and more so Alberta needs to start diversifying its economy or they'll be shit out of luck. I do hope things there improve and wish Albertans best of luck.

  • @draganostojic6297
    @draganostojic6297 5 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    It's strange electoral system that Toronto decides who's going to be a PM of Canada

    • @xtra-xsell9025
      @xtra-xsell9025 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Dragan Ostojić agreed 10000%

    • @randyhofer2523
      @randyhofer2523 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      It's called city state,not a country at all,like troy

    • @arifshash192
      @arifshash192 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      maybe becuase we have the largest population in Canada and also produce the largest revenue among all the Canadian cities.

    • @ChristClow
      @ChristClow 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The amount of seats in Canadian France and Ontario is ridiculous. It's an unfair system, as a Nova Scotian turned Albertan. I'm fed up. I don't know if leaving Canada is even possible, but we need to figure this out, one way or another. There needs to be some form of reform and if not we need to leave than. Canada only wants our money, and there is no reason to even work with us as long as you keep Ontario and Quebec happy you can remain in power, and that is flat out wrong

  • @RobertBeriault753
    @RobertBeriault753 5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Yet, Albertans didn't elect a single PPC candidate. It was the only party that had on its platform, to force Québec to allow the pipeline. Also, Bernier wanted to take Government out of interfering with the private sector. And, also, he wanted to eliminate the deficit in two years. All things that are so important to Alberta. Go figure!

    • @tommcd8471
      @tommcd8471 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      PPC had the right idea, but it was the wrong election. Honestly with Bernier i see a pissy quebecer that didn't get his way. If he bit the bullet and stayed conservative he would still have his seat and have a really strong case for taking over the leadership. Instead like the quebecer he is he wanted it his way and now. So instead of having a conservative party with a PPC like platform that would have actually had a chance at winning we have a minor footnote in canadian election history, a little 1.6% speedbump that few will remember except some archivist. Never trust a politician from quebec

  • @IvankaB-ft6hd
    @IvankaB-ft6hd 5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Isn't a working to destroyed your own country on purpose a TREASON???

    • @theronash7269
      @theronash7269 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Not to leftists. He wants to tax the rich, (that means AB and SK) increase social programs and welfare, fund abortions, bring in immigrants that secure the vote for the left, stamp out Christianity and everything else the left despises.

  • @ronpearce3133
    @ronpearce3133 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Bottom line is, our premiers are elected by the people so they have to listen to the people. If the people demand a referendum they have to give it to us. Otherwise they are no better than the people they are fighting against.

  •  5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    the only thing that needs to be phazed out is trudeau and the whole damnlying liberal party

  • @michaelcorey9890
    @michaelcorey9890 5 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Alberta is Canada. No province has a broader cross section of Ex-pats from other provinces in Canada. Canadians that were economic migrants that moved here.
    Quebec is NOT Canada. We are Canada.

    • @EternalSelenaQuintanilla
      @EternalSelenaQuintanilla 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Michael Corey LMFAO dude 70% of the country voted for progressive parties that are against everything the conservatives stands for. Alberta and Saskatchewan doesn’t represent Canada at all not even close. And the 200k votes lead were all from these provinces. Ontario & Quebec are Canada sorry time to throw your 19th century conservatives values in the toilet if y’all wants any chance at winning future elections moving forward. Long live Justin Trudeau, Quebec and Ontario 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦

    • @timothycai6534
      @timothycai6534 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@EternalSelenaQuintanilla I am not sure if you were just being sarcastic or that is really something you have in mind. If it were the latter, I simply cannot withstand this kind of hypocrisy exhibited, just because people voted differently of you that does not mean we shall move on and ignore them. Aren't you progressives often labelled yourself champions and voices for "the minority"? maybe it is time to really look after the minorities in our country "our fellow Western Canadians" who seemed to be shut out and left out in the cold and without a job. If they were screaming and shouting right after Trudeau was first elected back in 2015, I would more or less agree with you (despite being a conservative citizen in ON, and I am not proud for receiving so much of the hard working money from others, I prefer us to live on our feet! But, it is the Liberals' 15 years of waste and mismanagement caused a big black hole in our finances...)
      But have you see how they were ignored over the past 4 years? Like the guest said, a GM plant shut down could earn PM a visit and loads of EI handouts (not saying we should leave our dear auto workers starve out there), a SNC scandal could earn PM an interference of justice to save "hundreds of jobs". Yet, thousands of lay-off and skyrocketing suicidal rates and incidents in AB and SK earned them nothing, not even any sympathetic words, but worse? is it not fair to them? I am not sure how you felt when you have everything covered with number of handouts given at the provincial level thanks to the equalization payments from the west provinces (I presume that you live in one of the "have not provinces"). You know what, they had NONE not just this past year, but years in the past!
      All they want is to have an equal treatment when it comes to economic opportunities and social security. Is that too much for them to ask? aren't they also Canadians? And don't you even pretend to have your moral high grounds just because the way you phrase that "70% of people voted of progressive parties",so what? Conservatives won the popular vote and they are not whining about change the voting system, and voting for a party does not make people automatically progressive, and definitely not necessarily in line of all the agenda "the progressive parties" tabled. Some of them just don't like cuts, some of them are concerned with the leadership of a party, and I am perfectly understanding for whatever reasons they gave. Many centrist (swaying) voters may chose to vote either Libs or Cons in elections, many will regret, many will affirm their choice.
      Ontario PC won majority in 2018, and UCP won majority in 2019, does that give them the right to "move on" and completely reserve the course and punish those who disagree with them and their platform during the elections? all they have is a mandate to change but not to impose too much. Even over 80% people voted "progressive" parties doesn't give them the right to ignore or move on and throw the 20% under the bus. We certainly don't want a tyranny of majority! We shall be concerned about how divided Canada is between West and East and between Urban and Rural!
      I am an Ontarian, my heart goes out to Alberta and Saskatchewan,
      most of all, I disagree and am disgusted by the way how you presented your views!

  • @DukeEastway
    @DukeEastway 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    That's why we in the US have the Electoral College.

    • @Boxerlady57
      @Boxerlady57 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Exactly what we need. Equal representation.

    • @DukeEastway
      @DukeEastway 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Boxerlady57 Actually it isn't equal, it is biased towards low population states. Deliberately so, in order that high density population areas cannot simply roll over low population states. The bicameral legislature with each state having the same representation in the Senate helps too.

    • @erichaynes4049
      @erichaynes4049 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      And that doesn’t really work either, does it?

  • @cc-ft8gq
    @cc-ft8gq 5 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    New Brunswick loves Alberta. This is crazy!

    • @jptrainor
      @jptrainor 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      New Brunswick is more in touch with reality than PEI or NS. That I'm convinced of, but NB still voted 6 out of 10 ridings Liberal (by my quick count). PEI all Liberal, and NS all but one Liberal. I view that result as biting the hand that feeds you. But I don't think that the people of the maritimes understand that they are putting their substantial equalization transfers in jeopardy by voting that way. I suspect, however, that they will understand that well by the next election. I hope, also, that they understand that the economy of the maritime provinces has no capacity to replace that equalization income quickly, or ever. By way of comparison, MB is also a "have not" and receives about the same amount of equalization as the maritimes, but voted all ridings conservative except one, and that one was NDP. p.s. I grew up in NS and know it well, but my entire working life has been outside of NS.

    • @conjureup6723
      @conjureup6723 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Jim − Perhaps you are jumping to conclusions on New Brunswick. They have the refinery there, so I don′ t think they have a problem with oil, and in fact, they are pushing for Energy East. (Plus, I was born there, my family moved to Alberta in 1979.) If you watch the Alberta news conferences from when the Premiers met and listen to Blaine Higgs he is very supportive of Alberta. And I think he desperately wants to make New Brunswick self‐sufficient. What surprises me though is that Newfoundland went all red. It was through offshore drilling that got them off Equalization in 2008, and 7.8% of their workforce is actually employed in Alberta. Given the demographics of the Atlantic provinces though, I speculate that cc′s other comment about the aging population voting Liberal is likely more true than not.

    • @captainvanaroo1729
      @captainvanaroo1729 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      The west separates they won’t need workers from the east any longer the money not going back east anymore.

    • @jptrainor
      @jptrainor 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@conjureup6723 By out of touch, I mean more that the maritimers are voting for a federal government that doesn't support the western provinces when that's exactly where the equalization they so heavily depend on comes from. It's not so much about support for western oil, or not. I suspect that people simply are unaware of their equalization dependence, that politically it is no-go topic at election time, and that by and large the electorate are still swayed mostly by promises of government support so who ever promises the most wins. Hence the prospect of a Conservative government evokes caution at this time. Even though the Conservative government would best support the most important government support that exists for the maritimes, which is equalization. It is good to learn, however, that NB politicians are at least seeking to let go of the equalization dependence.
      When I visit NS I frequently see signs, bumper stickers, etc, along the lines of "Offshore Oil Not Worth It". So they are anti oil development. That's fine, and that's their right, and I can understand the desire to protect the pristine environment of NS. But I always wonder, do they realize that $2B a year flows into Nova Scotia ($2000 per capita, 20% of the provincial budget) and a significant fraction of that comes from the AB and SK oil and gas industry? I suspect not because Nova Scotian's seem to be stuck a fog on the issue, literally and figuratively, as best I can tell. NS has no prospect, currently, for replacing that $2B annually based on any organic increase in the NS tax base (GDP growth). So if equalization is lost, or there is large adjustment, the impact would be potentially devastating. I don't think that the electorate have contemplated that potential. But the spectre is real.

    • @conjureup6723
      @conjureup6723 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Jim − You make excellent points, and I understand much better your position. Thank you for taking the time : ) By the way, I downloaded the past 11 years of detailed federal + provincial financial tables. I have been laboring through them to piece out and graph several points of interest, such as CPP + EI net contributions, subsidies (to fight the ʺfossil fuel subsidiesʺ myth, which of course are not subsidies at all but tax deductions + credits), and other transfers, per capita by province. It sounds like you have a good understanding of economics and finance, so you′ll probably appreciate this...
      Did you know that from 2008-2017, Alberta contributed $ 27.9 billion, almost 4ⅹ more than Ontario′s net contribution of $ 7.4 billion over the same period. That represents over $ 6,478 per Albertan vs. under $ 517 per Ontarian, and hold your hat − *each Albertan contributed 12.5ⅹ as much as each Ontarian to CPР, net.*  Our contribution was 5.5ⅹ that of BC′s net contribution of $ 5.1 billion, working out to less than $ 1,022 per British Columbian − *each Albertan contributed 6.4ⅹ as much as each British Columbian to CPР, net.*  Put another way, of the total net CPP contribution for the period 2008−2017 of $ 38 billion, Alberta provided 73% of those funds − even though Alberta comprised only 15% of the population of Canada (less Quebec).
      Furthermore, analysis performed in April showed that, were Alberta to withdraw from the CPP and go it alone (as Quebec does), the CPP rate for the rest of Canada would need to increase from 9.9% (2018, pre‐expansion) to 10.6%, while Alberta′s rate could drop by over 40% to 5.85%, while still allowing each program to remain sustainable.  - National Post, Apr 03 2019.

  • @rstevens1836
    @rstevens1836 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The guy sounds sad. Im hurt for Canada. The world is burning down. I hope things get better for us all. Love to Canada from Alaska. (we're divided here too.)

  • @randyharris715
    @randyharris715 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I LOVE ALBERTA MORE POWER TO YOU !!! We love and need All the skills that ALBERTA has to offer

  • @adamorly2971
    @adamorly2971 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Wexit is being discussed more and more on the Prairies. GST on top of Carbon tax now. The BLOC ruined conservative chances, so they need to go.

    • @Boxerlady57
      @Boxerlady57 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Do you realize that half of Quebec City voted conservative? ALL of Toronto voted Liberal.... THAT is where we lost. Blame Toronto. They are the dumb shites that screwed us because they can't see past their friggin' Iphones.

    • @yaimavol
      @yaimavol 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Boxerlady57 Do not underestimate the votes Trudeau imported through immigration over 3 years. That was his first priority and he wanted 25,000 refugees in the country yesterday as soon as he took office.

  • @TheJules1003
    @TheJules1003 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I want to say something to Albertans, Québecois and all Canadians: we are all important to make Canada a great country. It doesn't matter what religion that you are, what language that you speak, etc. People are people. We need to unite as citizen and throw Trudy out the windows and doors and be rid of this divider. I am from English and French background and I am a 68 year old woman and I learned French in a French school started with kindergarden back in 1956 and yes I struggled like mad to succeed. I must have worn out the floors in my parents home pacing up and down to learn French. I went through a great deal of hardship in that school but I made it all the way through high school and took a French program. I was much better in French than in English. All of you folks out there from one area of Canada to the next you are all Canadians. I want Trudy out so fast that I wish that I could throw him out the windows at Parliament Hill for all to see. Trudy is wearing a bullet proof vest because he knows that Canadians are more than fed up with him and I top one of them who cannot tolerate him at all and I am fluent in both languages. Get over being let down and I learned to fight for my rights and all of us have to stand up to Trudy and demand our rights and it isn't Alberta or Québec or anywhere else to be alienated. Trudy must go one way or another and he is a complete failure and should never have been selected nor elected as PM at all. We need to unite as a people and forget that gd son of a bitch as I call Trudy and fight for our rights and throw the bum out of office. With a minority government Trudy cannot do much to put bills through and don't ever elect that no good for nothing piece of garbage ever again. I vote PPC Max Max Maxime Bernier. I am more than sick of this division.

    • @dougridgway7570
      @dougridgway7570 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Hmmm nice speech . As a Westerner we know this is all by purpose design and this wasn’t the first time we have seen this type of purpose design to crush us. We’re just saying it’s the last time.

    • @tommcd8471
      @tommcd8471 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Wake up, Max Bernier was just like every other pissy quebecer that wants to get their way. Instead of biting the bullet after losing the leadership election by such a slim margin he started his own party and even got wiped out in his own riding. 1.6% isn't shit and wont win any seats, but it will screw up battleground ridings. I like the PPC platform, the Tories should have it and we were robbed of that, Bernier would have had a strong challenge to Sheer after losing this election. Then we would have had a party with a decent platform that actually had a chance at forming a government.
      Canada is done, even if the Tories win the next election the country will be so far in debt it will be the North American version of Greece. Better to abandon this sinking ship early before that debt grows and Alberta has to eat a solid chunk of it to leave.

    • @RikterZilla
      @RikterZilla ปีที่แล้ว

      Sure, but how long do I have to be under the federal boot while quebec pays less carbon tax, get a better pension plan and controls the direction of the country in EVERY ELECTION!!! Alberta can never get a fair deal. Why do I have to pay for all the cheap gas in Quebec?

  • @lokiman2256
    @lokiman2256 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    First person I’ve seen on the media that actually understands and doesn’t just mock the west, CBC maybe take note!

    • @theronash7269
      @theronash7269 5 ปีที่แล้ว that you wasted that breath...

  • @haroldmurphy5417
    @haroldmurphy5417 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    He gets us! I support an independent Alberta because I already lost a lot and don't have much else to loose! My house is worth well below my mortgage now and life is tough. Not scared to fight for Independence because it means we will master our destiny!

  • @edwardst-pierre1020
    @edwardst-pierre1020 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Canadians should never be exporting raw materials for a fraction of the value when if we produce a finished product at many times the profit. We should be in the business of making money and not losing money.

    • @xxxmikeyjock
      @xxxmikeyjock 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      nationalize the resources. the US is stealing everything from us

  • @cmptrs4now
    @cmptrs4now 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Albertan's know that they're needed in Confederation. What Albertan's have done for Canada is obvious. The value placed on Albertan's by the Lawerentian Elite is at an all time low. That is one reason Albertan's are looking at separation. There is no valid reason that Alberta and Albertan's should be so undervalued.
    Albertan's know that the oil will run out at some point. This isn't about oil or its production. Its about being able to help when others are down and being helped when Albertan's are down. That last part is what is lacking under the current federal government.
    Another reason Albertan's are looking at separation is that Alberta has been promised many things by this current federal government and of course those promises have yet to be kept. Those are viewed as lies by the current federal government.
    There are also many other reasons that Albertan's are looking at separation.

    • @nji7772
      @nji7772 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      One problem is aluminum. Where would you get it from? Or simply use alternate material. EG condensors for radiators. Brass is very expensive but really not so much when you consider you can repair it. Longevity is there with brass. Who cares about foil or pop cans? Not necessary. Go back to glass and parchment paper is better for cooking anyway. Beer? Not a problem. Timber. Hello BC where I live. Have you ever seen a timber truck in Ontario or Quebec? Looks like match sticks stacked sideways. Had to laugh at that sight. Use your bricks to build.

  • @normbirbeck1817
    @normbirbeck1817 5 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Alberta can collect its taxes, just as Quebec does now, build the firewall.

  • @artwalsh5071
    @artwalsh5071 5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    He NEEDS to use section 9210 of constitution ,and build More pipelines

  • @rickcassidycassidy3235
    @rickcassidycassidy3235 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Not just Alberta.
    Trulie is not committed to picking his nose.

  • @ksingh361
    @ksingh361 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I'm from BC and even I can see that Alberta is getting the shaft from the government and people who think saving the environment matters more than families, people's livelihoods, and the economy. Western Canada and rural canada has always gotten the shaft from people who live in a concrete jungle.

  • @ireton8347
    @ireton8347 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    The time has come to start negotiations with Washington DC regarding Alberta’s union with the USA. Good Bye canada.

    • @scottcook4090
      @scottcook4090 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yup, I agree, American citizenship, lots of advantages to it. They would gladly have us and 3rd largest oil reserve on earth.

  • @rodneyminchin6447
    @rodneyminchin6447 5 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Is every reporter in Moronto this smart?

    • @yaktojason
      @yaktojason 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Its Bloomberg. Calm yourself

  • @tanyadebeer4836
    @tanyadebeer4836 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    When you make peaceful revolution impossible, you make violent revolution inevidable.

    • @nji7772
      @nji7772 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Not true. The Velvet Revolution overthrew communism without any violence. But it did take the entire population; no compromise. (Czechoslovakia - as it was known before Slovakia gained it's independence in the 1990's.) I consider this but as I mentioned it took ALL the people to be on the same page. ENOUGH is ENOUGH. People together have POWER that the gov't will never have.

    • @ThePremlata1
      @ThePremlata1 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@nji7772 would you consider sharing this more widely. It is an important concept.

    • @killman369547
      @killman369547 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@nji7772 Eh, i prefer a romanian style revolution, i want to see the people who wrought this misery upon us put up against a wall and shot.

  • @jimlogagianes7277
    @jimlogagianes7277 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thanks this interview proves how divisive the Trudeau Liberals have been. We need true leadership in Canada. The Liberals have chased a lot of Capital out of the country.

  • @calcrappie8507
    @calcrappie8507 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Wish we (USA) could offer help to an independent Alberta and Saskatchewan. Favorable trade, better access to crop markets/transportation hubs, oil pipeline help etc. Good luck to you folks. We support you.