We had planned to do several trails in Bumble Bee, however we encountered some issues reaching some of the trails due to heavy rainfall and high water levels so we had to figure out what trails to do next.
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Looks like a badass trail with some badass rigs!!!
We have had a very wet winter here. I have made some sketchy water crossings the last few months.
Cool video what inner fender liners are thoughs in the front.
Bumble Bee has some of the best trails if you know how to get to them
3/مخخممممممممممننننننمممنممممممممننممممممممممممممممممؤؤؤؤؤؤنننىىىلببجضجيطك. ةة. ة. يبييييببثثي3قثث3ثثثلىى. ز. وززز. زوزو وززز. ض. ولي فى رد ال سي سي ل لان إلى 6٦6اااإإإااإااااااااأ6إ إلى إن الى
Badass jeeps
America 🇺🇸 💪🏼