It still would be not enough, as games are composed off interconnected systems, and ever cutting the tumor out may have consequences on adjacent systems.
idiesies That was my idea back when DLC was starting to become a thing, I was fine with DLC being in it's own little menu, so I never even had to look at it if I didn't want to. More and more though, they started putting it right there next to the other stuff teasing you to buy it. Like in Need for Speed Hot Pursuit, were the cars you had to pay extra for were in the same garage as the normal ones that came with the game. With microtransactions though, IDK if it is the same thing. Paid loot boxes need to just die in a fire, I don't care what the ESRB says, with all those flashy lights and animations, the only thing separating them from slot machines is that you can't win real money. In a way they are actually worse than traditional gambling, at least with a slot machine, there is a chance you could win your money back. Slot machines don't get placed in your living room ether.
lootcrates that are made to be a grind to get against real life time for seasonal items? yeah that sounds optional to me. they are optional if you want to miss out on content. the alternative is adjusting drop rates, or making the crates more readily avaiable. or even better, get rid of the crates all together, keep a money system and buy exactly which ones you want with ingame currency, ala R6S. The one great thing from that game was that you earned credits by playing and then could buy whatever you wanted.
1TrulyMad What does the "Cry like an anime fan on prom night" mean? (I know the video where it comes from) What is "prom night" and why are anime fans supposed to cry? Thanks and sorry for my no-knowledge xD
A "prom" in American culture is a dance held at the end of each school year, where kids are expected to ask each other along as their date. "Cry like an anime fan on prom night" is meant to suggest that anime fans are losers that can't get dates, and so rather than dancing the night away they'll be in their rooms crying of loneliness when prom night rolls around.
It still surprises me that nobody talks about the fact that EA was implicitly marketing their M rated survival horror game to children who still needed their mom's approval to get a game. Adults 18 and over don't care if their moms wouldn't like a game, that's not why we play games.
The Co-Op initially imagined for Dead Space 3 was something that I've heard would have exceptionally added to the game by playing off of Issac's insanity, and that the Co-Op player was supposed to be something called "Shadow Issac" that would, in certain situations, see different things than Issac himself saw. That would have been interesting, cool, and fresh. Instead we got Carver, grizzled warman Number: Fuck off, who just went around calling Issac crazy for half the game. Hell, some former Visceral employees, prior to the closure mind you, put this info out there, and told us that the only reason this version of the co-op didn't come out was because EA didn't think exploring the psychosis that Issac was going through would be a sellable gameplay feature.
ChivalrousSnake deplorable indeed.. curious how that campaign with old women was okay but not the coop mechanic which you mentioned... _my theory_ is that the ad campaign was green lighted because a lot of kids and simpletons would find it funny but implementing coop in a way that both players aren't equally powered means they can't compete for kills and other stuff and that would make coop boring (for some) also exploring psychosis like that would have turned of the same casual audience...
That component may have turned off some people, hell, I bought Dead Space 1&2 but didn't play myself because I am a massive coward and I can't handle scary atmospheric games, but I loved its story and lore. Plenty of people are like me, albiet they'd have at least tried to play the game themselves beyond like 4 levels, and when playing with a friend on Co-Op that sort of thing would have been interesting, because they mentioned some of the flashback sections would have had Issac going nuts and shooting things while the partner would have been shouting at him because he'd like be getting shot BY Issac.
Some of that was still in the game. When playing Co op there are sections where the two characters see different things, or there are parts where the other player will be freaking out and fighting enemies, but you won’t see anything.
The fact games can be referred to as “Apps” now is insane. Like I’m only 19 and I don’t think ever seen an industry change so fast in a negative way in my life
to be fair, how many industries have you seen change? I mean you weren't even mentally aware of industries changing til 2-3 years ago if you even were then or are now. If you were say 70 years old and hadn't seen an industry change so fast in a negative way then ya that would be a good point because... you would have seen many industries change, be born and die through your 70 years. But since you're only a weeb child, it don't make much sense nahmean
I'm 46, the "Golden Age" of PC gaming ended and changed forever when Modern Warfare 2 came out. Until then, PC games were made for PC's by PC players.. Then the corporate's realized how much money gaming was worth and moved in.. queue PC games being bad console focused ports, DLC, unlocking, day one patches etc etc.. now loots boxe's/gambling and unfinshed games being sold and left unfinshed...
the game industry has always been pretty vicious on the business side, you just don't remember the studios that blizzard ate pre-activision for example. the whole tech industry is a big orgy of companies eating companies and in turn getting eaten by bigger companies.
Amen, Gump. I'm 27 and was born at the dawn of PC gaming. I got to experience the rise, the glorious mountain top, and the plummet to the depths we find ourselves in now. Alas, greedy shill publishers have ruined everything, not just PC gaming.
Tevya Smolka I just don't get why Electronic Arts could have just let visceral actually make their game you know for variety have multiplayer games and single player games that way they don't put their eggs in one basket but sadly Electronic Arts doesn't think that way they don't care don't shut it down just to save a penny or two.
Why try to make a diverse and healthy market WHEN YOU COULD BE RAKIN IN DAT DESTINAY CAAAAAYYYUUSHH!!!! Ready yourselves folks, this is gonna another modern millitary FPS style shitstorm.
If EA wanted to get more money from Dead Space they should've cross-branded and added the Cornflake Homunculus™ as an enemy, they get in-game advertising and the most terrifying enemy for their series yet.
"At its core, Dead Space 3 was a good game, great even..." Jim, I'm glad you had the gall to say that, because most people just shit on DS3, sight unseen. I got a ton of enjoyment out of that game. I thought the weapon crafting system was a nice touch (at the time), and I believe a buddy and I got some really fun hours of co-op in with it. Shame that EA went and exploited the crafting system as a way to ram-rocket DLC in our faces.
StonerMk2 Again, it ain't DS1 or 2, which were some of the best survival horror games of all time. I look at DS3 like I look at RE5: really fun, but a fairly aggressive departure from the games that came before it.
Did you honestly try out multiple types of guns though? Most of them were utter shit and you would just default to the set ups that provided what you needed, high damage and crowd control. The only two guns I ever crafted were an assault rifle with a shotgun attachment for the fast and heavy damage and a force gun for crowd control. Every other recipe were just so much worse why would you ever bother to use them?
Brady Smith Hey, people used to say RE 5 is trash before 6 set the bar for cop outs, but I still had a fucking time and a half with it! I probably lost entire literal weeks to Mercenaries! But as far as DS3? Had a great premise, awesome story, and co op could honestly be brilliant at times, particularly when one character would start succumbing to their respective madness. Said player would be seeing and fighting crazy, impossible shit, even for necromorphs, while the other could only watch as their partner flailed around violently
Avelier Plays the thing came out in 1986 and was based on a film from the fiftys called the thing from another world. Sorry not trying to be a dick but thought I'd share.
+TheTimeSlider If you want even more trivia, “The Thing From Another World” was partially inspired by a novella titled “Who Goes There”. I heard that the filmmakers like Howard Hawks originally wanted to make a “Who Goes There” movie, but they could not adequately portray a telepathic shape-shifting Lovecraftian abomination with the current technology, so they were forced to make it into an original sci-fi/horror film that merely draws some inspiration from “Who Goes There” (basically “The Thing From Another World” is to “Who Goes There” what the silent film called “Nosferatu” is to Bram Stoker’s “Dracula” novel). Later on, John Carpenter was hired to direct an 80’s remake of “The Thing From Another World”. Because John Carpenter adored the original and did not want to imitate it too much, he got the idea to look at what inspired the Howard Hawks movie, to see how he can make his version distinctly different. When he read “Who Goes There” and realized that he now had the technology to portray the shapeshifting monster, he decided to shift gears and have the movie just be an adaptation of the book, instead, rather than a remake of “The Thing From Another World”. However, Carpenter was supposedly required to still have the title be “The Thing”, since the studio still wanted to market it as a remake of the 50’s monster movie.
I have long disliked the use and overuse of the term "packs" for digital videogame add-ons. There is no box for them to have been "packed" in, you don't open any sort of "package" containing multiple items and the worst offenders are single item "packs" that defy the definition of what a "pack" is. I remember the first time I heard of some of these packs and when the item list within the "pack" stopped at ONE, I was convinced there was an omission somewhere -- a typo. Then I saw more of them and I realized that someone lost their grip on how language works. Again.
language evolves. digital package is a perfectly reasonable term for describing a collection of items that can be purchased in one group. the use of packs for single items is egregious I will give you that though.
Oh, yeah. I GET it. I just don't have to LIKE it. Actually, I do like the inventive names some of these collections have gotten over the years, and I'll concede that I may have overstated how and why the term bothers me. It's just that I'd like to imagine some sort of compressed code unfurling (unpacking itself) reverse origami-style to become a puzzle piece that fits perfectly into the main game's code. THAT would justify calling a single item a pack.
wonder how many other people are, like me, buying Dead Space 1 and 2 in response to visceral's shutdown. i also wonder, if there are plenty more people doing the same, will EA see this as a sign that people are still interested in single player experiences akin to what Dead Space offers, or will the point soar completely over their head? perhaps they'll see it as an example that when they shut down a company they receive boosted sales or something lol, who knows
Considering how they didn't care when Skate 3 suddenly shot up massively in sales to the point they had to reprint it cause retailers didn't have enough copies 4 years after the game came out, I doubt they'll be reasonable and understand people still enjoy the genre. All they hear is what their "focus groups" tell them, and all focus groups tell you is what games they already like, not what new game experiences they would like, because even they don't know.
Dead Space 3 wasn't bad, a lot of fun tightly scripted sequences in it, and the microtransactions were horrible, yet the weapon crafting itself rather inventive and fun to tinker with. You can still today enjoy it if you just "acquire" those resources and weapon parts by other means if you know what I mean...
Dennis Fluttershy You're right. We have plenty of games to choose from that don't rely on micro-transactions. They should be rewarded and the shitty and greedy publishers need to be boycotted until they get their head out of their ass.
Yes. And games were super short and hard as fuck to compensate. We had kind of a golden age in the PS - PS2 era, that is, if you knew how to choose, because for every 1 good game, there were 20 shitty cash grabs. We didn't have the internet to such extent to keep us informed. That's how they made their buck back then. It has always been a shitshow, but now it's objectively worse since it got mainstream audience and cash.
Video games for years have been fighting the following stigmas: Games are playthings meant for children. Gamers are immature. Games are murder simulators. Games are only gratuitous graphic content and therefore not "true art". Games are only targeted towards immature 14 year old boys and not for any other age group or gender. Though slowly but surely, the game community had managed to chip away at these stereotypes to help gaming be recognised as a respectable pastime. Then EA's, "Dead Space 2 Will Offend Your Mom" campaign came out and set the debate back 10 years. Bravo EA. Fuckin' bravo.
Some of those stigmas are not really as misguided as we would like to think they are. Considering the amount of gratuitous violence in them it does raise concern that we are limiting the ways in which games are expressing themselves as an art medium. And the perception of games being for young teenage boys still holds some truth as ever since Nintendo helped restore the console market in the US games have been marketed and designed towards young boys and men. This is why the term "Gamer" has been associated with young, white, straight males. And this also ties into another issue in how games portray other people groups outside this typical demographic as well as how some of its fans treat those people.
Nah man me and my Dad thought that commercial were hilarious (yeah we knew it was cheesy). Bought the game and loved it! I don't get why people are so butthurt about it
Scarecrow is pretty spooky, but at least he isn't the Jimsaw Killer. That guy was terrifying. Thank God that the Jimsaw Killer died from walking over crushed-up Doritos, and will never come back to haunt us in some extremely contrived manner. Yes, the Jimsaw Killer is definitely dead. Also, he never existed. Long live the Jimsaw Killer.
"We totally learned our lesson, you guys! We're committed to not earning any more of these awards. Really! Scout's honor! ...Oops! Had our fingers crossed! =D"
Speaking of crysis, I believe it also needs an episode of its own. The delay and radical changes between Crysis 1 and 2 definitely deserves a closer look.
Yep. The Crysis games were always meant as tech demos for CryEngine. I love 'em, and used to play them all the time. Come on, who hasn't cleared a map in Crysis, then run back through it collecting all the trucks in one place, then lobbing a grenade into their midst just to watch their video cards shit themselves?
i actually finished dead space 3 and i really liked the ending with the world crashing down around you, that was pretty dope, tho i am curious as to what was in that dlc
I never bought the "true ending DLC" for Dead Space 3. I thought the ending as it is existed in the base game, was perfect. Isaac dies. His coop buddy dies. They won despite dying. Then, they release DLC where the ending is that the "Brethren Moons" area killing all of humanity everywhere in the galaxy and nobody can stop it... and then Isaac and his buddy die in orbit around earth to the Moon Necromorphs. First ending was better. You cannot do a "hopeless end, humanity is completely wiped out" ending to a book, movie, game, TV Show, etcetera... Unless YOU'VE FUCKING EARNED IT. Dead Space 3 didn't earn it.
XxTaiMTxX I didn't that it was explicit that they died at the end of the DLC. They've gotten through some ridiculous situations. It seemed to be a set up for 4.
It is funny as "game as service"... actually works for... indies. Games as product is in the simplest terms: You pay, you get the box, you gtfo. Games as service may introduce free patching, free DLC etc. - anything that can sustain the community and connection between dev and player. You can see for example like either Darkest Dungeon release their stuff (Shieldbreaker PogChamp), or Don't Starve. Games as service isn't the cancerous part of the equation. AAA's are.
The biggest gripe I had with DS2 was Isaac having a voice. I liked my lumbering glowy cyclops man where the only voice acting was a man screaming inside a bucket
Louis Bowels I like the silent protagonist because I like to feel that I am the character because I have taken control some people want a voice because they have no imagination I can imagine Isaac having a voice instead of the game giving me a voice.
Louis Bowels Looking back on the game, I forgot that Isaac was a silent protagonist in the first game. I actually like him as a voiced character better. I think it suits the game better since you are already playing as a character anyway. He should just be a quiet protagonist in my opinion.
i find the "youre mom hates dead space" commercial funny bc while my mom would've definitely gotten freaked out, my grandma would've been saying "all right!" and getting all excited. she loved violent things like that
I remember when I played Splatterhouse at my nan's house. When I finished that quick-time event that pulled a colon out of a monster's ass, she said "This is the happiest I've ever been!"
Rewatching this episode, I remembered my mom's reaction to Dead Space 2. Of all the times she could have come in and looked over my shoulder, she did so during that one scene in the school section where a necromorph infant crawls up to a traumatized woman who thinks it's her child, climbs into her embrace, and then explodes, coating the window you're watching in blood and gore! Given that I was 21 when DS2 came out, it's not like she was going to demand I stop playing violent games, but she certainly did *not* like that!
Yeah but the problem is that they would have never shown your grandma's reaction in their ad, because it goes against the ad campaign's goal - to show that all middle aged women are "scared of videogames" That's why this ad campaign is total bullshit.
Boycott EA, Ubisoft, and WB Games. Multiplayer focused, giant boring open worlds, and crammed to the teeth with microtransactions/loot boxes or dlc. Rest in Peace Dead Space...
I kinda like ubisoft i know they done some shitty things in the like downgrading games but they listen to the fans and they are trying something better
I think we need a ray of hope in all this doom and gloom. All these companies that have been eaten by large publishers were bought because they tried and failed to exist on their own. The couldn't support themselves with game development costs rising. This is no longer true. Game development has matured to such a point that 1 person is responsible for all the graphics in Hellblade. 1 person made the entire game world where just a few years earlier it would have required a large team of artists. So the future is brighter than ever. Now a small team of a dozen or so people can create a game that resembles in many ways a full on AAA game and they can knock them out in 2 years. The development tools are so good now and for those just starting out, they're all free. Get yourself Unity, Blender and some support software and you too can make good games without any big investment in a game development platform. So the future is bright because now smaller teams can make money without big publishers and that also means they can make games they want to make, not games that will reach a mass audience to make a billion. So we can expect some really focused games that please certain audiences. Think Dead space with its focus on horror. Platfomers, adventure games, old school isometric RPG's. Theyre all emerging right now inbetween the giant hundred million dollar games and they're making money. Some are breaking through to become even bigger hits. Publishers days are numbered as you just can't compete with small agile indie companies that serve a community rather than big fat bloated companies with layers and layers of management following only what market studies have shown will reap the most return on investment.
Well said. Might wanna rephrase "knock them out in 2 years" though. People might misinterpret it as an asset-flippey kinda vibe. Also I highly doubt those developers feel like they "knocked a game out" - it takes time, dedication, talent and in many ways, sacrifice. Hard work, but total creative freedom is the payoff.
Yep case in point Larian studios. They just released their second crowdfunded game Divinity Original Sin 2 which a pretty good game (not as good as it could have been but its still at least as good as BL made by Bioware which is why its the top rated game on Metacritic for pc in 2017)
natty_the_great no games are ever as good as they could be. But divinity original sin 2 was the single best rpg game to come out in 2017. Just a shame it's so niche
I don't think it's illegal to be a corporate machine. There may be illegal practices involved but stifling creativity in the interest of money isn't illegal in and of itself.
The legality of EA buying up studios that could be perceived as competition and then shutting them down would be illegal - I don't really think EA are doing that, but they are strangling the life out of every company they come in contact with with their ugly business practices. I'd say EA and Activision are just as bad as each other.
I didnt mention activision because im not sure you can call shitivision a legal company or even that they make games anymore. Do they? Mostly just seems to be stupid gambling machines. EA would still be worse however. Activision just tends to screw itself up. EA screws EVERYBODY up. And just for good kicks ubisoft are just ubidumbasses.
kawrght It's completely legal. They buy studios, drive them into the ground by pushing things they think will work, and then shutdown the studio they own when it doesn't. Nothing illegal about. They just suck at business and it hurts those of that are fans of the franchises and studios they kill.
Dead Space still continues to be my favorite game of all time. It was a perfect match between horror and action. Story and pacing. Fear and imagination taking over. I still will never understand why these huge publishers can't give a game a realistic budget and realistic goals to keep these games alive and profitable. Horror in generally isn't a genre that makes it to the big stage, and if it does, it never really does it on repeat. It hurts that there will never be another dead space.
See the thing about any business industry is that you see a shift towards services when the market has matured and there isn't much variation between products among competitors. It's a way to breathe new revenue into companies that are struggling but there's a few problems between the model and what we're seeing these days. First, while one can argue that any AAA game coming out today does cost a pretty penny to develop, you can counter this by saying that there are enough pricing strategies to more than compensate for this with the initial $60 dollar price tag alone. Not to mention that things like season passes, collector's editions, and microtransactions are basically just ways to keep syphoning the consumer's wallet up front for either little return or the promise of "something good" later. Secondly, this is the VIDEO GAME industry where the sky's the limit and the only limitation in terms of what can be created is the imagination of the people designing the game. EA on the other hand and all the other big names in gaming have deemed a first/third person shooter as the thing that must be developed because market research shows it's what the consumer wants. Services are supposed to come about when you can't differentiate your products, not when you have self imposed restrictions on what a blockbuster game can be. There are plenty who still use the basic formula and still manage to tell engaging and creative stories, so it's not just that your yearly CoD or Battlefield game is the only offering. Companies are just afraid to take risks these days; if it can't meet a bottom line then there's no point in investing in it. EA is the worst when it comes to this as they don't just forgo their own passion, but the squash the passions of others as evidenced by their meddling in Dead Space 3 and their dissolving of Visceral who was in the midst of a promising single player Star Wars game. Finally and most importantly, Fuck EA and their greedy ways. Thanks for reading.
No, but I do remember when you heard it in game. You're stuck in an elevator and it starts softly coming through your radio, implying you're either hallucinating it or someone on the station has snapped and started singing it through the radio for some reason. I normally don't find the "creepy nursery rhyme" cliche scary, but that was such a clever way of using it, I had to mentally applaud it.
No one ever talks about the dlc in the first game. The Tank suit increases your defense by 50%. That was the first time I'd ever experienced "pay to win." the First two games are still two of my all time favorites, I'd buy a remaster of them in a heartbeat.
To be honest you could already feel EA's influence in Dead Space 2. It's more action-oriented gameplay, cringey marketing and more "broadening the appeal" no-nonsense in your face type horror. Listen to the soundtrack to the end credits for Dead Space 1, then listen to Dead Space 2 credits theme. That alone represents a shift in direction. Even the trailers and stuff. Remember the "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" for the original game? Contrast that with Dead Space 2 again. I never played Dead Space 3 because I could just tell... Jim sums it up perfectly what they did with that. A damn shame. Whatever I didn't like about DS2 was NOTHING compared to what they did with the mobile game type microtransactions bullshit they did with the third game. Immersion killer indeed.
Our Old House The marketing shifted horribly. The UK box for DS had the strap line ‘THERE’S NO HELP COMING’. Simple, understated and chilling. Shot of Isaac looking out a tear in the hull. DS2 was ‘BRING THE TERROR TO SPACE’ and a lot of blurb about “dominating” enemies, plus gundude pose. Macho nonsense already supplanting subtlety and vulnerability. I think DS3 may even have been worse.
damn I just gave both songs a quick listen and damn the second one does scream sell out, the first one was legit though it sounded very much like a horror movie theme..... Dead Space 3 was free on PS+ once and gods was that game a shit show, I stopped short of finishing the tutorial level cus I didn't want the achievement, i ended up deleting it off my list cus it sucked so bad, they should have talked to Bioware a little and had one of their TPS engineers work on it cus that's where they were going with it and it felt wrong, the shooting was awkward, the weapons lacked impact and even cover mechanics were broken..... naww my take on Dead Space was first game was like vodka straight, second one was sellout piss beer and the third one was sellout piss beer with too much water and zero kick but sold in a designer label.....ugh
Don't forget they sold the real ending of Dead Space 3 as DLC. They left the game's ending as a cliff hanger and then sold extra content that completed it.
PurpleIsALetter that is horrible imagine 30 years from now people want to play Dead Space 3 will be getting the incomplete version because the servers that Supply the DLC are long gone that's why I think DLCs a short-term solution. you want a long-term game so the game can be preserved. You want the game to be the same as it was when it released 30 years from now Lake Super Mario Bros that released in 1985 or 86 it's the same game after 30 years you want Dead Space 2 the last 30 years without all those DLCs. Read it. Now you know. I honestly don't know how you can make a fourth one after that. I actually wonder if Jim played that DLC, because that may have been a dead giveaway as to the future of Visceral.
I don't care if he a wants to stay multiplayer focused. But they need to STOP buying developers that makes single player games like RPGs if they have no interest in the genre!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They bought a developer like BioWare and then force them to make terrible decisions that destroyed their name and then shut down one of their Studios for underperforming even though it's their fault!
NRB10ful you are absolutely correct if EA is not interested in RPGs or RTS or any genre that isn't multiplayer focused why are they buying them and then shutting them down it's as if they're trying to shut down competition and trying to take away franchises and hide them from existence. Because EA has Wing Commander command and conquer and a lot of other franchises I cannot name in their vaults and they're planning not to do anything with those franchises.
NRB10ful - You can go ahead and insert any developer EA has acquired over the years in that last sentence. Lassi Kinnunen - I'm not convinced they or any of the other meddling executives are looking for a long term hit. Just short term gains. Single-player experiences remain in the player's consciousness longer than multiplayer ones do. We're still buying Mario and Zelda games years after their debut. We're still talking about how Bioshock and Spec-Ops: the Line and Silent Hill and The Last of Us affected us-- and when those games get sequels (or don't), we sit up and take notice. Meanwhile, multiplayer games are only as good as the communities that spring up around them. You can't engineer interest like that, and when the next big thing comes around, the zeitgeist shifts. PUBG (aka PlUnkBat) may be the flavor of the month now, but when was the last time you heard news story after news story about Pokemon Go? Day-Z? Dota 2? CS:GO? WoW? Mech Warrior? Tribes? Gauntlet? Pong? Okay, maybe I went too far back in time, there, but you know what I mean. (...Spacewar!?) Even Overwatch fervor has died down somewhat. No, I don't think executives are thinking long-term at all -- in fact, I'll bet some of them think this videogame thing is just a forty-year long flash in the pan. It'll all just blow over and we'll all go back to hula hoops and kites.
"Microtransactions are optional and can just be ignored"? Listening to that baby screaming at the top of it's lungs at the restaurant table next to you is also optional and can just be ignored. You know what else it is? Annoying, unavoidable and totally unnecessary for the dining experience. Never forget that just because publishers CAN put constant pressure on players to spend more money doesn't mean they SHOULD. (Or that we should put up with it.)
...and the restaurant is forced to conclude that people LIKE that sort of thing, give families with screaming babies discounts (so they'll keep coming), advertise their screaming baby motif, and ultimately influence the restaurant industry to follow suit. With revenue greasing the mountainside, the slope has never been slipperier.
I hate to say it but you may be right, I was once told by a successful businessman that "you are always remembered for your last project" and this was their last project, and it was a failure, even if it wasn't exactly 'Bio-Ware' they still get the blame for it.
I love sci-fi horror and Dead Space filled that void in gaming for me at the time. It took everything I loved about games, horror movies and sci-fi and went on to become one of my favorite games of all time.
I have the unpopular opinion of liking the idea of coop of deadspace 3. It undermines horror for sure but coop in this age is so rare and I'll take it where I can get it.
I loved the co-op tbh. I enjoyed Dead Space 3 as a whole even if it couldn't live up to the previous entries' polish. I liked the weapon system too, it could've used a bit more balancing work though. It was obvious that EA cut the development of the game short though, since many reported bugs remain unfixed.
Let's not forget Deadspace 2's Steam release, where all the DLC was enabled by default, including schematics for health and ammo packs that would normally have to be found in the game later, along with enhanced versions of every weapon (to go with the Ammo packs) and suits for free, making it impossible to ignore. The only way for this to be disabled was to download the .exe from the Origin version, put it in the Steam version folder, and launch only in offline mode, lest Steam automatically check the game on launch and 'Fix' the replaced .exe file.
A little bit of history. Original Deadspace 2 is released without all the free items. On the first week of release, people discovered that there is a bug that causes advanced suits not showing up in New Game+ and suits does not unlock even after players completed the game in higher difficulty. PC being PC, movers begin to dig into the game code to try to make a workaround for the bug instead of waiting for an official fix. During this process, 1 of the master decided to dig into the texture file to check if those advanced suits are included. There he discovered all the DLC items listed in this video is already available and locked on the physical disc. All the DLC items are even installed on to the computer, just locked away from everyone until they purchase the DLC packs that is pending launch. The modder process to post what he discovered onto the forum followed by other modders confirming the same thing. This angers the community and the forum exploded with threads that accuse EA of being greedy. After a week, a patch drops that is supposed to fix the New Game+ and suit unlock bug. People downloaded the patch from the forum (yes, it is a download link posted by dev on the forum) and try to install it only to get a static black window pops up. Puzzled, someone posted on the forum asking what is going on only to discover that the patch is the exe file for the game and you are supposed to copy paste the file into the game directory manually to replace the existing exe. After that the community discovered all the DLC content has been unlocked in the shop with 0 credit price. Furious with how shoddy the treatment is, the community again took to the forum demanding dev to at least put a price on the item so that new players will not be able to purchase them and steam roll through the game but the dev has since gone silent with 0 patches and fix. Fast forward to the release of new story DLC release for the console, PC community are generally excited for it only to later told by the dev that the DLC is for console only and the PC version is released without the module handle any future DLCs. From there onwards, the game is dumped by the dev and never receive any support anymore. Fast forward to today, new players are still confused why there are a bunch of free items in the game and still praise the game without knowing the atrocities that happened and they are actually getting dumped on.
Part of me really wants another video game crash to happen. It seems that that will be the only way company's will see the damage they are doing to the industry.
Baines And even then, they're so blinded with greed they may not even realize that they themselves caused the crash, let alone the damage they did along the way.
Nope, because they aren't gonna change only get worse. The average gamer and general public are to vapid to see what supporting companies like EA does and has done. I personally simply refuse to buy AAA titles. I play on PC and support solid indy devs.
Baines Unlikely. They'll probably just blame it on the customers for not buying enough games. Or Used games for hurting new game sales. Or their own marketing companies for fabricating lofty promises. Or-
Damn Jim. You have been ON POINT lately with these vids. Glad there's someone out here saying what we're all definitely thinking. These are some rough times for gaming... and I only see it getting progressively worst over the next few years. Keep being the our Voice please.
Firstname Lastname there have been far more good games this year than in the last couple. A lot of these TRIPLE AAAYY developers are getting worse but this seems to be a largely western game developer problem (with the exception of a certain pachinko-loving company). Japanese game developers like Nintendo, Atlus, Square Enix, and even SEGA have been better than ever lately.
Just look at the indie scene. I pretty much do ont buy "triple A" games, they're almost always crapped out. At the very least, a bad indie game (that isn't the shite Jim usually covers, i.e. Asset flips and the like) still FEELS like they were trying. And you can directly message them to let them know what they could do better or change. Mostly. Y'know. Whatever. But seriously.
*_How has the 60$ price tag not gone down yet?!?_* 60$ Mentioned only briefly in the vid, but time to look at it - digital sales in the last decade grew *that much* stronger, that higher budgets can still turn higher profits for _much less_ than 60$, as digital purchases have ~0 per-sale costs (~0 server bw/sale). Car prices experienced the economies of scale effect *with* huge per-sale costs, so how can ANY game budget still justify a 60$ price tag in the *digital* market??
its such a shame that modern corporations are so greedy for immediate profits rather than empire building. They look on to Mario and Zelda like super properties, not realizing that to make that amount of fame and wealth requires actual craft and care. These arent the classic Business/capitalist americans wanting to leave their kids with a bigger and better thing than what they started with, these are "give it all to me now, and salt the earth for the future" Ayn Randers.
personally I liked the co op in dead space 3 really... mainly because of the way it messed with you by having both characters seeing diffrent things. launch week I thought my friend was just freaking out over nothing all the time it was great. But otherwise...? yeah, game bogged down by too much moneygrubbing.
Funny thing is, that was originally how Dead Space 3 was supposed to be, the second player was supposed to turn out to actually be in Isaacs head, a sort of other personality of his hallucinated into existence by his breaking mind. Which would have been pretty cool if it happened.
That sounds like some innovative design, with the separate perspectives thing... kind of impressive.^^ But... a Dead Space protagonist called Carver? That's like a Call of Duty protagonist named Scopey McHeadshooter, for frick's sake... or Bang Ironsights. =_=;;
Shame EA never learned its lesson from the first bunch of cross-media releases. The anime film got a sequel. There were two further graphic novels. Another book. Dead Space 2 and 3 both got story based DLC. EA were determined to make this franchise into something bigger than it was. First book was the only decent one out of them all.
Just read a piece on microtransactions in gaming on the CBC! Way to beat the mainstream to the punch, Jim. I've really enjoyed your passionate defense of good hearted gaming, and your powerful campaign against the Devilish Devs of the Triple-A Deeps! :D
As far as I know, the Isaac costume made one other appearance, and was pretty much relegated to the atrium lunch room after that. At least, as of when I worked there a few years ago. Gotta say, that suit is BEAUTIFUL, though!
That advertisement though. "Your mom hates it" seems like such a 90s thing to say. It's up there with "I like the powerglove - it's so baaaad!". Thus, I don't actually have anything against the slogan per say - it can be perceived as funny - but the whole video montage is attrocious. This is the type of shit that gives gamers a bad name.
Has anyone noticed that The Evil Within is following a similar path as Dead Space? Game 1: Good game, Blended action and horror together. Game 2: Slightly less horror, a bit more action. So based on this, we can predict that The Evil Within 2 might have a similar ending and might look a little like this. Game 3: Absolutely no horror, A metric shit-ton of action Now, my point here isn't that this will happen, and I hope it won't, but I think it's necessary to point out that this might happen.
A lot of people did not like the first game, despite it's success. The ending chapters to Evil Within 2 are less actiony than the first (remember the Rocket Launcher and Turret sections, bus chase etc.). It is not really the same as Dead Space, there are no mobile tie-ins, no multiplayer or co-op, and despite being a 2017 release with a weapon upgrade system based on collecting resources, no micro-transactions.
Same for Resident Evil. There are always new characters, but there's a lot of returning ones in every game. That's what happens when you have the same protagonist group in multiple games. They get used to the crazy stuff happening around them, and stop being afraid of it. That's why it gets more action oriented, as it would be somewhat unrealistic for them to keep being afraid of things they deal with on such a frequent basis.
Anthem looks like a generic piece of shit flavor-of-the-season game forced out of EA's rotting asshole so, most likely it'll underperform and EA will throw the devs under the bus
Visceral built itself upon mostly single player, tightely scripted and atmospheric games. They got moved towards generic shooter with mostly multiplayer bend. Bioware is renowned for its well written, singleplayer role playing games, now they are working on the generic shooter with mostly multiplayer bend... Nope, don't see a pattern here.
Eh, Drew Karpyshyn (Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, KOTOR) is writing Anthem. It looks interesting, and with Karpyshyn at the writing helm, it should have intriguing worldbuilding and all that good shit. Him having left Bioware to pursue his novel series is probably part of why ME:3's ending was such a disappointment. And remember, Bioware used to work on other genres before it was typecasted as "that RPG studio". They were apparently good back then, I think dismissing them now is silly. I agree that Criterion is probably on the chopping block, but it might be Ghost Games next if the new NFS disappoints. Have Ghost Games ever made a good Need for Speed? Pretty sure they haven't.
Zack West CD Project is by all definitions a AAA studio working with a AAA budget and staff. Often times Indie games or "AA" as you call them deliver good but simple games. There's nothing wrong with that but if you want a game with some real meat to it you have to look towarda AAA studios. There's nothing wrong with AAA in principal, however the general practices we see today are sadly changing that.
You could say that CD Projekt Red is AAA, but compared to budgets of most AAA games, their games have much lower budgets. Which is a core tenet of AAA as a term ("A lot of money"). AA games typically have smaller budgets and scales, but turn out complex games. I would class Paradox as AA, and they put out the most intricate games out there. Devolver Digital has published the Shadow Warrior and Serious Sam games, which look like AAA games, but are from a publisher who isn't cockheaded. Ninja Theory put out Hellblade, Frictional Games puts out top-notch horror games like Soma, Digital Extremes has Warframe which kills as far as looter-shooters go, Grinding Gears has Path of Exile which is probably the best ARPG getting support, Runic Games puts out AAA level games like Hob... with more mainstream developers such as IO Interactive (Hitman) and Avalanche Studios (Just Cause) going independent, we're seeing a golden age in the AA scene and the death of publishers.
So Phoenix Labs, the guys currently making Dauntless, just opted OUT of their loot box system in progress. This is the first company I have heard in awhile actually not wanting to do loot boxes.
The fact that Dead Space 2's marketing missed the mark is both sad and sort of suprising to me because I remember the website for the first Dead Space being some of the best game advertising I'd ever seen. At the time I was pretty young... the way the website revealed story and gameplay in an interactive and artistic way leading up to its launch has stuck with me to this day. I can't think of any other media advertising that managed to intrigue and strike such an emotional chord. I'd love to see a new IP engage with their future audience like that once more
What really pissed me off about DS3 besides the Microtransactions was how they pretty much carved what i feel is the actual ending into the DS3 awakened DLC; oh and co-op was okay until you realize they cut off some content into that so if you didn't play co-op you kind of missed out on some carver backstory. Now i'm just said because i wanted a DS4 and a ending for Iss-ac
I knew a couple of people from the dev team (specifically working on the multiplayer for Dead Space 2). Got alpha/beta codes and discussed and gave them some feedback before the release of DS2. It was a very positive time, with so many hopes for the sequel to one of the best new survival/horror action IPs. It had more action, but it worked in many ways even better than the first game. These guys left the company before the release of DS3. EA's meddling was going insane and the dev team was not happy with it. At all. Morale within the dev team was circling the drain. This jimquisition episode opened some deep wounds :(
Hey Jim, how about an episode about how ridiculous the profit margins actually are in todays market. Like how Konami was so disappointed in mgsv sales it stopped producing games even though they made 100% profit in one week.
Undergroundtornado that would be interesting it's just Konami makes most of its profits from gambling so if their view Can Company isn't making as much as gambling there like fuke it
I loved the original Dead Space, but 2 & 3 felt like they were trying to grab an audience that true Survival Horror will never appeal to. Shame on you EAnus, R.I.P. Visceral, you will be missed 😭
I've recently finished Dead Space myself and it was a blast, granted there was moments of slight difficulty swings in both directions sometimes. Loved it.
Just think of what a proper Dead Space could pull off with today's tech. Now remember that EA killed that future like a blast to the chest from a Looper blunderbuss.
I am so happy that the Resident Evil series belongs to a Japanese company. Sure CAPCOM lost its way and is guilty of its own sins (in disc DLC for example.) however I blame bad Western Influence. Plus RE7 proved that at the end of the day, CAPCOM remembered who they are. EA however is beyond salvation. They passed that point 15 years ago.
DogOfHades it should be expected that companies from America and companies from Japan should have different internal values and cultures, but your point kind of loses steam when you think about how they’ve just been trend hoping with that series ever since Code: Veronica and 4. Like, 7 was good but it still had the obvious hallmarks of what the popular trends in horror were leading up to it. And that’s not even bringing up the online games, the squad based cover shooters, the mobile ports, the rail shooters, the co op games, and the episodic games. All of which ranged from “tolerable” to “abominations before god” lol. As much fun as I’ve had with RE over the years, even with RE2 being one of my all time favorite games, I still don’t have faith in Capcom to do more than trend hop. I mean, the only thing they haven’t had is a Resident Evil RPG at this point, which is sad because I’d actually be somewhat excited about that lol. XD Still though: STAAAAAAARRRRRRSSSSSSS!
Let's just stick to "if it's corporate, it's greedy". That's how companies work. Money is their only goal and nothing else, thus they want to meet that goal as much as possible before their inevitable demise, and the end justifies the means.
Reisdent Evil is my favourite series. Capcom are a terrible company. They literally denied us local co-op on the PC for RE5. They ported over a non-working version of RE5 to release the DLC like six years after they got it on consoles, and never fixed any of it, but they did 'rip out' (as their own notes put it) the split-screen code so that modders couldn't use it to mod local co-op back in, as modders had done on the original version of RE5, which never got the DLC. The newer version of RE5 is impossible to finish unless you know a less obvious, alternative way of finishing the ship deck section. I will say that Western influence _is_ often a terrible thing, and I love the Japanese approach to a lot of stuff, like the understanding that a game is never going to be 100% realistic so they may as well focus on other ways to make it immersive as well. I love the way RE4 and 5 don't put your reticle in the centre of the screen. Western influence seems to be at its worst when stamping out individual design ideas in favour of more recycled rubbish, but corporate greed abounds in the West and the East alike.
He's...BACK!!! | 3:04 - ...and thus they clothed their naked villainy with old odd ends stolen forth from holy writ and seemed a saint, where at most they played the devil. | 12:05 - That's the problem with making the same tired excuses, they eventually stop working. | 15:40 - Well...we know who to thank for fear.
Down the line or maybe closer than we think, maybe members of the dev team responsible or talented inspired peeps of Dead Space fandom will create a Kickstarter for a spiritual successor.
Today I learnt that Jim Fucking Sterling Son can hold a tone for a long time. You should think about starting to sing Jimmy Boi ^^, you would be good at it.
Poor, poor deadspace...the only horror game I ever truly enjoyed playing...even if the eye machine freaked me the fuck out in the second game dood. :'(
When I first played that dead space demo..... What a surprise it actually frightened me. I thought this is what resident evil use to be. I bought the game when it came out and wasn't disappointed. Great news dead space 2. Loved it. Played the dead space 3 demo and had some reservations.. Dead space 3 was released. The price dropped pretty quick. I went ahead and purchased it. Never made it pass the 2nd level. I just stop playing it.... Some how everything I enjoy eventually gets destroyed. Thanks EA.
I have a spooky idea for a horror game. Its a singleplayer 60$ game where you can buy lootboxes with real money that can give you skins or temporary boosts to let you run in the game ( you can only run if you get these boosts) . Also you don"t have a start button until you pay another 60$ for the Silver edition.
It also didn't help the game that they refused to put it on steam and use their own shitty client. Even respawn hate their EA overlords and looking to move on again.
If microtransactions are OPTIONAL, why isn't there an OPTION in the OPTIONS menu to turn off the ads for them?
It still would be not enough, as games are composed off interconnected systems, and ever cutting the tumor out may have consequences on adjacent systems.
MajkaSrajka microtrasactions are like the hydra. Cut off one head and another 2 will appear
idiesies That was my idea back when DLC was starting to become a thing, I was fine with DLC being in it's own little menu, so I never even had to look at it if I didn't want to. More and more though, they started putting it right there next to the other stuff teasing you to buy it. Like in Need for Speed Hot Pursuit, were the cars you had to pay extra for were in the same garage as the normal ones that came with the game.
With microtransactions though, IDK if it is the same thing. Paid loot boxes need to just die in a fire, I don't care what the ESRB says, with all those flashy lights and animations, the only thing separating them from slot machines is that you can't win real money. In a way they are actually worse than traditional gambling, at least with a slot machine, there is a chance you could win your money back. Slot machines don't get placed in your living room ether.
lootcrates that are made to be a grind to get against real life time for seasonal items? yeah that sounds optional to me. they are optional if you want to miss out on content. the alternative is adjusting drop rates, or making the crates more readily avaiable. or even better, get rid of the crates all together, keep a money system and buy exactly which ones you want with ingame currency, ala R6S. The one great thing from that game was that you earned credits by playing and then could buy whatever you wanted.
Just because something is optional doesn't mean it's not still bad.
8:12 Needless to say that add campaign made everyone who was involved "Cry like an anime fan on prom night!"
1TrulyMad What does the "Cry like an anime fan on prom night" mean? (I know the video where it comes from) What is "prom night" and why are anime fans supposed to cry?
Thanks and sorry for my no-knowledge xD
A "prom" in American culture is a dance held at the end of each school year, where kids are expected to ask each other along as their date. "Cry like an anime fan on prom night" is meant to suggest that anime fans are losers that can't get dates, and so rather than dancing the night away they'll be in their rooms crying of loneliness when prom night rolls around.
It still surprises me that nobody talks about the fact that EA was implicitly marketing their M rated survival horror game to children who still needed their mom's approval to get a game. Adults 18 and over don't care if their moms wouldn't like a game, that's not why we play games.
The Co-Op initially imagined for Dead Space 3 was something that I've heard would have exceptionally added to the game by playing off of Issac's insanity, and that the Co-Op player was supposed to be something called "Shadow Issac" that would, in certain situations, see different things than Issac himself saw. That would have been interesting, cool, and fresh. Instead we got Carver, grizzled warman Number: Fuck off, who just went around calling Issac crazy for half the game. Hell, some former Visceral employees, prior to the closure mind you, put this info out there, and told us that the only reason this version of the co-op didn't come out was because EA didn't think exploring the psychosis that Issac was going through would be a sellable gameplay feature.
ChivalrousSnake blame all on EA isn't it
you think an employee from a company would talk bad about their company ?
ChivalrousSnake deplorable indeed.. curious how that campaign with old women was okay but not the coop mechanic which you mentioned... _my theory_ is that the ad campaign was green lighted because a lot of kids and simpletons would find it funny but implementing coop in a way that both players aren't equally powered means they can't compete for kills and other stuff and that would make coop boring (for some) also exploring psychosis like that would have turned of the same casual audience...
That component may have turned off some people, hell, I bought Dead Space 1&2 but didn't play myself because I am a massive coward and I can't handle scary atmospheric games, but I loved its story and lore. Plenty of people are like me, albiet they'd have at least tried to play the game themselves beyond like 4 levels, and when playing with a friend on Co-Op that sort of thing would have been interesting, because they mentioned some of the flashback sections would have had Issac going nuts and shooting things while the partner would have been shouting at him because he'd like be getting shot BY Issac.
Their idea was when all else fails!! add call of duty man to the game, which is essentially what carver was dood. -_-
Some of that was still in the game. When playing Co op there are sections where the two characters see different things, or there are parts where the other player will be freaking out and fighting enemies, but you won’t see anything.
The fact games can be referred to as “Apps” now is insane. Like I’m only 19 and I don’t think ever seen an industry change so fast in a negative way in my life
to be fair, how many industries have you seen change? I mean you weren't even mentally aware of industries changing til 2-3 years ago if you even were then or are now. If you were say 70 years old and hadn't seen an industry change so fast in a negative way then ya that would be a good point because... you would have seen many industries change, be born and die through your 70 years. But since you're only a weeb child, it don't make much sense nahmean
I'm 46, the "Golden Age" of PC gaming ended and changed forever when Modern Warfare 2 came out. Until then, PC games were made for PC's by PC players.. Then the corporate's realized how much money gaming was worth and moved in.. queue PC games being bad console focused ports, DLC, unlocking, day one patches etc etc.. now loots boxe's/gambling and unfinshed games being sold and left unfinshed...
The Gump for a view my friend, that is alot better than pre-Greenlight time
the game industry has always been pretty vicious on the business side, you just don't remember the studios that blizzard ate pre-activision for example. the whole tech industry is a big orgy of companies eating companies and in turn getting eaten by bigger companies.
Amen, Gump. I'm 27 and was born at the dawn of PC gaming. I got to experience the rise, the glorious mountain top, and the plummet to the depths we find ourselves in now. Alas, greedy shill publishers have ruined everything, not just PC gaming.
it really sucks that Visceral games had to get closed down because greedy Corporate bullshit
Tevya Smolka I just don't get why Electronic Arts could have just let visceral actually make their game you know for variety have multiplayer games and single player games that way they don't put their eggs in one basket but sadly Electronic Arts doesn't think that way they don't care don't shut it down just to save a penny or two.
i don't get it either
Bioware makes EA's single player games.
yeah but who knows how long this is going to last
Why try to make a diverse and healthy market WHEN YOU COULD BE RAKIN IN DAT DESTINAY CAAAAAYYYUUSHH!!!!
Ready yourselves folks, this is gonna another modern millitary FPS style shitstorm.
If EA wanted to get more money from Dead Space they should've cross-branded and added the Cornflake Homunculus™ as an enemy, they get in-game advertising and the most terrifying enemy for their series yet.
An enemy? How dare you
Antidote I know, really, he should've been a playable character.
How could they promote it by adding an unkillable character? The cornflake can not be killed. It can only be reborn.
it could be one of those unkillable characters that chase you around during the game
No matter how much you'd attack it, only flakes would fall off... the horror!
"At its core, Dead Space 3 was a good game, great even..."
Jim, I'm glad you had the gall to say that, because most people just shit on DS3, sight unseen. I got a ton of enjoyment out of that game. I thought the weapon crafting system was a nice touch (at the time), and I believe a buddy and I got some really fun hours of co-op in with it. Shame that EA went and exploited the crafting system as a way to ram-rocket DLC in our faces.
Yeah i really enjoyed DS3 as well. Pretty sure i even took it for a co-op spin with a friend eventually too.
StonerMk2 Again, it ain't DS1 or 2, which were some of the best survival horror games of all time. I look at DS3 like I look at RE5: really fun, but a fairly aggressive departure from the games that came before it.
Did you honestly try out multiple types of guns though? Most of them were utter shit and you would just default to the set ups that provided what you needed, high damage and crowd control. The only two guns I ever crafted were an assault rifle with a shotgun attachment for the fast and heavy damage and a force gun for crowd control. Every other recipe were just so much worse why would you ever bother to use them?
macpotty i never bothered to understand which part does what in that stupid crafting system.
Brady Smith Hey, people used to say RE 5 is trash before 6 set the bar for cop outs, but I still had a fucking time and a half with it! I probably lost entire literal weeks to Mercenaries! But as far as DS3? Had a great premise, awesome story, and co op could honestly be brilliant at times, particularly when one character would start succumbing to their respective madness. Said player would be seeing and fighting crazy, impossible shit, even for necromorphs, while the other could only watch as their partner flailed around violently
Make Unitology great again!
We're going to build a marker and make gov-sect pay for it!
1:50 I would also add that the Necromorphs themselves, the way they changed their bodies was also heavily inspired by the 1982 film The Thing.
The art team took inspiration of real car and world accidents more than the thing. Check it out, is on the official forum !! :D
First thing I though when I saw the necromorphs was, damn this is like The Thing..!
Avelier Plays the thing came out in 1986 and was based on a film from the fiftys called the thing from another world.
Sorry not trying to be a dick but thought I'd share.
If you want even more trivia, “The Thing From Another World” was partially inspired by a novella titled “Who Goes There”.
I heard that the filmmakers like Howard Hawks originally wanted to make a “Who Goes There” movie, but they could not adequately portray a telepathic shape-shifting Lovecraftian abomination with the current technology, so they were forced to make it into an original sci-fi/horror film that merely draws some inspiration from “Who Goes There” (basically “The Thing From Another World” is to “Who Goes There” what the silent film called “Nosferatu” is to Bram Stoker’s “Dracula” novel).
Later on, John Carpenter was hired to direct an 80’s remake of “The Thing From Another World”. Because John Carpenter adored the original and did not want to imitate it too much, he got the idea to look at what inspired the Howard Hawks movie, to see how he can make his version distinctly different. When he read “Who Goes There” and realized that he now had the technology to portray the shapeshifting monster, he decided to shift gears and have the movie just be an adaptation of the book, instead, rather than a remake of “The Thing From Another World”. However, Carpenter was supposedly required to still have the title be “The Thing”, since the studio still wanted to market it as a remake of the 50’s monster movie.
[Eye twitches]
miracleofsound love your music by the way the pale blood song based on blood-borne is awesome as well as you died for Dark Souls.
I dunno, I always heard it was a popular convention :p
I have long disliked the use and overuse of the term "packs" for digital videogame add-ons. There is no box for them to have been "packed" in, you don't open any sort of "package" containing multiple items and the worst offenders are single item "packs" that defy the definition of what a "pack" is. I remember the first time I heard of some of these packs and when the item list within the "pack" stopped at ONE, I was convinced there was an omission somewhere -- a typo. Then I saw more of them and I realized that someone lost their grip on how language works. Again.
language evolves. digital package is a perfectly reasonable term for describing a collection of items that can be purchased in one group. the use of packs for single items is egregious I will give you that though.
Oh, yeah. I GET it. I just don't have to LIKE it. Actually, I do like the inventive names some of these collections have gotten over the years, and I'll concede that I may have overstated how and why the term bothers me. It's just that I'd like to imagine some sort of compressed code unfurling (unpacking itself) reverse origami-style to become a puzzle piece that fits perfectly into the main game's code. THAT would justify calling a single item a pack.
Well... time to replay Dead Space again.
Just in time for Halloween
yeah, but just the first 2 of them
ive been trying to speed run dead space
metfan4l always !
Best series and story ever
Hell yeah!
wonder how many other people are, like me, buying Dead Space 1 and 2 in response to visceral's shutdown. i also wonder, if there are plenty more people doing the same, will EA see this as a sign that people are still interested in single player experiences akin to what Dead Space offers, or will the point soar completely over their head? perhaps they'll see it as an example that when they shut down a company they receive boosted sales or something lol, who knows
EA is a blindfolded Zombie trying to suck a goat cock, but the goat doesnt exist. So no, they wont realize any signs
Probably the latter.
Even if they do see a surge in Dead Space interest, they already killed Visceral.
Considering how they didn't care when Skate 3 suddenly shot up massively in sales to the point they had to reprint it cause retailers didn't have enough copies 4 years after the game came out, I doubt they'll be reasonable and understand people still enjoy the genre.
All they hear is what their "focus groups" tell them, and all focus groups tell you is what games they already like, not what new game experiences they would like, because even they don't know.
Dead Space 3 wasn't bad, a lot of fun tightly scripted sequences in it, and the microtransactions were horrible, yet the weapon crafting itself rather inventive and fun to tinker with. You can still today enjoy it if you just "acquire" those resources and weapon parts by other means if you know what I mean...
i dont think he was really in that forest
ok nah that's defos a spook forest. I know cause I got really spooked when the fatty fatty bum bum scarecrow came on screen also I peed abit
ok lies lies!
*taste you* if are noting but a lair
I could swear that's the backdrop for the main menu of "7 Days to Die".
I have examined the pixels, and as a Professional Photoshop Person, I can assure you the spooky forest is legit.
Do you remember the time when you bought a game you actually got the entire game?
Dennis Fluttershy You're right. We have plenty of games to choose from that don't rely on micro-transactions. They should be rewarded and the shitty and greedy publishers need to be boycotted until they get their head out of their ass.
this is why Nintendo is my favourite video game company right now
No i dont, it must have been in the 80s because in the 90s when i started gaming we already had patches and expansions
Strazdas what?
Yes. And games were super short and hard as fuck to compensate. We had kind of a golden age in the PS - PS2 era, that is, if you knew how to choose, because for every 1 good game, there were 20 shitty cash grabs. We didn't have the internet to such extent to keep us informed. That's how they made their buck back then. It has always been a shitshow, but now it's objectively worse since it got mainstream audience and cash.
Video games for years have been fighting the following stigmas: Games are playthings meant for children. Gamers are immature. Games are murder simulators. Games are only gratuitous graphic content and therefore not "true art". Games are only targeted towards immature 14 year old boys and not for any other age group or gender. Though slowly but surely, the game community had managed to chip away at these stereotypes to help gaming be recognised as a respectable pastime.
Then EA's, "Dead Space 2 Will Offend Your Mom" campaign came out and set the debate back 10 years. Bravo EA. Fuckin' bravo.
"Games are misogynist and racist" is also a horrible libel
Some of those stigmas are not really as misguided as we would like to think they are. Considering the amount of gratuitous violence in them it does raise concern that we are limiting the ways in which games are expressing themselves as an art medium. And the perception of games being for young teenage boys still holds some truth as ever since Nintendo helped restore the console market in the US games have been marketed and designed towards young boys and men. This is why the term "Gamer" has been associated with young, white, straight males. And this also ties into another issue in how games portray other people groups outside this typical demographic as well as how some of its fans treat those people.
Still was an amazing game
Tbh I think that commercial is funny in a really cheesy way. Id honestly consider it a classic game commercial at this point.
Nah man me and my Dad thought that commercial were hilarious (yeah we knew it was cheesy). Bought the game and loved it!
I don't get why people are so butthurt about it
I'm still ready for the grand slam face-off of Jim "Sterdust" Sterling vs. Randy "Bad Pitch" Ford.
Alexander Castro-Vera, I'd settle for Sterdust vs Bone Button.
R.I.P bullfrog and Westwood studios
Smeg in the Heads Westwood did the Dune games, right?
What's The Takeaway? Not actually sure, I remember them for the command and conquer games
What's The Takeaway?+
They did Nox, the Dune games and the C&C games before 2002
**pssst** You forgot Pandemic.
Scarecrow is pretty spooky, but at least he isn't the Jimsaw Killer. That guy was terrifying. Thank God that the Jimsaw Killer died from walking over crushed-up Doritos, and will never come back to haunt us in some extremely contrived manner. Yes, the Jimsaw Killer is definitely dead. Also, he never existed. Long live the Jimsaw Killer.
He came back last Haloween and lost all of his boglins to Albert Wesker.
*triple* *AAAAA!!*
More like triple *AIDS*
Heh. Got 'em. Take *that* EA
That seems rather fitting indeed.
triple ayyy
Anyone else think of the Fonz when he says that? AAAAAAAAAAaaaaaa....
Torchmanz I imagined it in a "Kirk-shouting -Khaaan!" way myself
So much for EA being voted the worst company several years in a row teaching them anything.
LordDoom10 Did you really think it would? As if they care about what anyone thinks about them.
As long as they're still making stupid amounts of money, what do they care?
why should they, if people just continue to buy their games
EA: "Investors are happy. So fuck it. Buy our games. If you don't, we'll buy that other company and destroy it."
"We totally learned our lesson, you guys! We're committed to not earning any more of these awards. Really! Scout's honor!
...Oops! Had our fingers crossed! =D"
Speaking of crysis, I believe it also needs an episode of its own. The delay and radical changes between Crysis 1 and 2 definitely deserves a closer look.
Cemges E Noah Caldwell Gervais did a really good long series retrospective
"They re-worked it to get it running for the consoles"
- Roll credits.
Yep. The Crysis games were always meant as tech demos for CryEngine. I love 'em, and used to play them all the time. Come on, who hasn't cleared a map in Crysis, then run back through it collecting all the trucks in one place, then lobbing a grenade into their midst just to watch their video cards shit themselves?
A month after Dead Space 3 was released, a single player DLC with the 'real ending' was released for $10 which personally pissed me off : /
TheCheezCo true that brother!
i actually finished dead space 3 and i really liked the ending with the world crashing down around you, that was pretty dope, tho i am curious as to what was in that dlc
b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but-t i-its *oPTioNNaL*
I never bought the "true ending DLC" for Dead Space 3. I thought the ending as it is existed in the base game, was perfect. Isaac dies. His coop buddy dies. They won despite dying.
Then, they release DLC where the ending is that the "Brethren Moons" area killing all of humanity everywhere in the galaxy and nobody can stop it... and then Isaac and his buddy die in orbit around earth to the Moon Necromorphs.
First ending was better. You cannot do a "hopeless end, humanity is completely wiped out" ending to a book, movie, game, TV Show, etcetera... Unless YOU'VE FUCKING EARNED IT. Dead Space 3 didn't earn it.
XxTaiMTxX I didn't that it was explicit that they died at the end of the DLC. They've gotten through some ridiculous situations. It seemed to be a set up for 4.
Oh yeah, Games as a Service, how did that go for SimCity 2013? Oh wait, it didn't.
It is funny as "game as service"... actually works for... indies.
Games as product is in the simplest terms: You pay, you get the box, you gtfo.
Games as service may introduce free patching, free DLC etc. - anything that can sustain the community and connection between dev and player.
You can see for example like either Darkest Dungeon release their stuff (Shieldbreaker PogChamp), or Don't Starve.
Games as service isn't the cancerous part of the equation. AAA's are.
The biggest gripe I had with DS2 was Isaac having a voice. I liked my lumbering glowy cyclops man where the only voice acting was a man screaming inside a bucket
haha that is the best description of him I've read.
Louis Bowels I like the silent protagonist because I like to feel that I am the character because I have taken control some people want a voice because they have no imagination I can imagine Isaac having a voice instead of the game giving me a voice.
RED SEA GAMING need Freeman here
Louis Bowels
Looking back on the game, I forgot that Isaac was a silent protagonist in the first game. I actually like him as a voiced character better. I think it suits the game better since you are already playing as a character anyway. He should just be a quiet protagonist in my opinion.
i find the "youre mom hates dead space" commercial funny bc while my mom would've definitely gotten freaked out, my grandma would've been saying "all right!" and getting all excited. she loved violent things like that
I really liked them too. It was funny and on the nose. I don't get how so msny people hate them.
I remember when I played Splatterhouse at my nan's house. When I finished that quick-time event that pulled a colon out of a monster's ass, she said "This is the happiest I've ever been!"
Rewatching this episode, I remembered my mom's reaction to Dead Space 2. Of all the times she could have come in and looked over my shoulder, she did so during that one scene in the school section where a necromorph infant crawls up to a traumatized woman who thinks it's her child, climbs into her embrace, and then explodes, coating the window you're watching in blood and gore! Given that I was 21 when DS2 came out, it's not like she was going to demand I stop playing violent games, but she certainly did *not* like that!
@@Deathclaw-lh5tl Late to the party I know - but holy shit, god bless your nan! 💖
Yeah but the problem is that they would have never shown your grandma's reaction in their ad, because it goes against the ad campaign's goal - to show that all middle aged women are "scared of videogames"
That's why this ad campaign is total bullshit.
Boycott EA, Ubisoft, and WB Games. Multiplayer focused, giant boring open worlds, and crammed to the teeth with microtransactions/loot boxes or dlc. Rest in Peace Dead Space...
I kinda like ubisoft i know they done some shitty things in the like downgrading games but they listen to the fans and they are trying something better
you forgot Blizzard/Activision imo
And Bethesda, at least until they stop rererererereleasing Skyrim full price and work on the next Elder Scrolls.
I think we need a ray of hope in all this doom and gloom. All these companies that have been eaten by large publishers were bought because they tried and failed to exist on their own. The couldn't support themselves with game development costs rising. This is no longer true. Game development has matured to such a point that 1 person is responsible for all the graphics in Hellblade. 1 person made the entire game world where just a few years earlier it would have required a large team of artists.
So the future is brighter than ever. Now a small team of a dozen or so people can create a game that resembles in many ways a full on AAA game and they can knock them out in 2 years. The development tools are so good now and for those just starting out, they're all free. Get yourself Unity, Blender and some support software and you too can make good games without any big investment in a game development platform.
So the future is bright because now smaller teams can make money without big publishers and that also means they can make games they want to make, not games that will reach a mass audience to make a billion. So we can expect some really focused games that please certain audiences. Think Dead space with its focus on horror. Platfomers, adventure games, old school isometric RPG's. Theyre all emerging right now inbetween the giant hundred million dollar games and they're making money. Some are breaking through to become even bigger hits. Publishers days are numbered as you just can't compete with small agile indie companies that serve a community rather than big fat bloated companies with layers and layers of management following only what market studies have shown will reap the most return on investment.
Well said. Might wanna rephrase "knock them out in 2 years" though. People might misinterpret it as an asset-flippey kinda vibe. Also I highly doubt those developers feel like they "knocked a game out" - it takes time, dedication, talent and in many ways, sacrifice.
Hard work, but total creative freedom is the payoff.
Yep case in point Larian studios. They just released their second crowdfunded game Divinity Original Sin 2 which a pretty good game (not as good as it could have been but its still at least as good as BL made by Bioware which is why its the top rated game on Metacritic for pc in 2017)
Clay Mann publishers are not needed in today's industry. It just takes more work and major publishers try to make it seem like they are needed
natty_the_great no games are ever as good as they could be. But divinity original sin 2 was the single best rpg game to come out in 2017. Just a shame it's so niche
This is pretty much the positive side of "anybody can make a game these days".
EA seriously need legal investigation, the damage they have done to the industries creativity is incalculable.
I don't think it's illegal to be a corporate machine. There may be illegal practices involved but stifling creativity in the interest of money isn't illegal in and of itself.
The legality of EA buying up studios that could be perceived as competition and then shutting them down would be illegal - I don't really think EA are doing that, but they are strangling the life out of every company they come in contact with with their ugly business practices. I'd say EA and Activision are just as bad as each other.
I didnt mention activision because im not sure you can call shitivision a legal company or even that they make games anymore. Do they? Mostly just seems to be stupid gambling machines. EA would still be worse however. Activision just tends to screw itself up. EA screws EVERYBODY up. And just for good kicks ubisoft are just ubidumbasses.
kawrght It's completely legal. They buy studios, drive them into the ground by pushing things they think will work, and then shutdown the studio they own when it doesn't. Nothing illegal about. They just suck at business and it hurts those of that are fans of the franchises and studios they kill.
[pedant mode] If it's incalculable, it can't be presented as a legal argument in court. [/pedant mode]
Dead Space still continues to be my favorite game of all time. It was a perfect match between horror and action. Story and pacing. Fear and imagination taking over. I still will never understand why these huge publishers can't give a game a realistic budget and realistic goals to keep these games alive and profitable. Horror in generally isn't a genre that makes it to the big stage, and if it does, it never really does it on repeat. It hurts that there will never be another dead space.
See the thing about any business industry is that you see a shift towards services when the market has matured and there isn't much variation between products among competitors. It's a way to breathe new revenue into companies that are struggling but there's a few problems between the model and what we're seeing these days.
First, while one can argue that any AAA game coming out today does cost a pretty penny to develop, you can counter this by saying that there are enough pricing strategies to more than compensate for this with the initial $60 dollar price tag alone. Not to mention that things like season passes, collector's editions, and microtransactions are basically just ways to keep syphoning the consumer's wallet up front for either little return or the promise of "something good" later.
Secondly, this is the VIDEO GAME industry where the sky's the limit and the only limitation in terms of what can be created is the imagination of the people designing the game. EA on the other hand and all the other big names in gaming have deemed a first/third person shooter as the thing that must be developed because market research shows it's what the consumer wants. Services are supposed to come about when you can't differentiate your products, not when you have self imposed restrictions on what a blockbuster game can be. There are plenty who still use the basic formula and still manage to tell engaging and creative stories, so it's not just that your yearly CoD or Battlefield game is the only offering. Companies are just afraid to take risks these days; if it can't meet a bottom line then there's no point in investing in it. EA is the worst when it comes to this as they don't just forgo their own passion, but the squash the passions of others as evidenced by their meddling in Dead Space 3 and their dissolving of Visceral who was in the midst of a promising single player Star Wars game.
Finally and most importantly, Fuck EA and their greedy ways.
Thanks for reading.
That's a good fucking intro if I've ever seen one, Jim!
Anyone remember the twinkle twinkle little star trailer for dead space 1?
No, but I do remember when you heard it in game. You're stuck in an elevator and it starts softly coming through your radio, implying you're either hallucinating it or someone on the station has snapped and started singing it through the radio for some reason. I normally don't find the "creepy nursery rhyme" cliche scary, but that was such a clever way of using it, I had to mentally applaud it.
Fantastic trailer if you ask me.
Thanks for reminding me. Now I’m not going to be able to sleep tonight. Also, damn good trailer.
the main intro is creepy
Yup, it's on my channel in fact x) i loved it so much i had to upload it here back in the day
Just watched the intro, and I'm already laughing out loud!
Thank God for Jim.
The reprise of Drill Queen was a wonderful reunion.
Deadly Jimquisition?
No one ever talks about the dlc in the first game. The Tank suit increases your defense by 50%. That was the first time I'd ever experienced "pay to win." the First two games are still two of my all time favorites, I'd buy a remaster of them in a heartbeat.
Just got a switch. it's seriously a breath of fresh air when you buy a game, boot it up, and aren't hit with loot boxes or micros.
To be honest you could already feel EA's influence in Dead Space 2. It's more action-oriented gameplay, cringey marketing and more "broadening the appeal" no-nonsense in your face type horror.
Listen to the soundtrack to the end credits for Dead Space 1, then listen to Dead Space 2 credits theme. That alone represents a shift in direction. Even the trailers and stuff. Remember the "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" for the original game? Contrast that with Dead Space 2 again.
I never played Dead Space 3 because I could just tell... Jim sums it up perfectly what they did with that. A damn shame. Whatever I didn't like about DS2 was NOTHING compared to what they did with the mobile game type microtransactions bullshit they did with the third game. Immersion killer indeed.
Our Old House The marketing shifted horribly. The UK box for DS had the strap line ‘THERE’S NO HELP COMING’. Simple, understated and chilling. Shot of Isaac looking out a tear in the hull.
DS2 was ‘BRING THE TERROR TO SPACE’ and a lot of blurb about “dominating” enemies, plus gundude pose. Macho nonsense already supplanting subtlety and vulnerability. I think DS3 may even have been worse.
Dead Space 2 had a trailer with “Ring around the Rosie” in it, but it wasn’t nearly as effective and doesn’t even appear in the game.
It's not a coincidence my favorite part of 2 was when you had to go back aboard the Ishimura. In general the game was too pew pew for me.
damn I just gave both songs a quick listen and damn the second one does scream sell out, the first one was legit though it sounded very much like a horror movie theme.....
Dead Space 3 was free on PS+ once and gods was that game a shit show, I stopped short of finishing the tutorial level cus I didn't want the achievement, i ended up deleting it off my list cus it sucked so bad, they should have talked to Bioware a little and had one of their TPS engineers work on it cus that's where they were going with it and it felt wrong, the shooting was awkward, the weapons lacked impact and even cover mechanics were broken.....
naww my take on Dead Space was first game was like vodka straight, second one was sellout piss beer and the third one was sellout piss beer with too much water and zero kick but sold in a designer label.....ugh
Don't forget they sold the real ending of Dead Space 3 as DLC. They left the game's ending as a cliff hanger and then sold extra content that completed it.
PurpleIsALetter that is horrible imagine 30 years from now people want to play Dead Space 3 will be getting the incomplete version because the servers that Supply the DLC are long gone that's why I think DLCs a short-term solution. you want a long-term game so the game can be preserved. You want the game to be the same as it was when it released 30 years from now Lake Super Mario Bros that released in 1985 or 86 it's the same game after 30 years you want Dead Space 2 the last 30 years without all those DLCs.
RED SEA GAMING I never even bought the DLC because I was too mad about it so I have no idea what happens.
Remember the new prince of persia? They cut the ending from that too and sold it as dlc. They released the game on pc, but without the ending dlc.
Read it.
Now you know. I honestly don't know how you can make a fourth one after that. I actually wonder if Jim played that DLC, because that may have been a dead giveaway as to the future of Visceral.
oplahfling Classic EA, really. Unfortunate.
Press F to pay respects.
Phone not letting me do this
I don't care if he a wants to stay multiplayer focused. But they need to STOP buying developers that makes single player games like RPGs if they have no interest in the genre!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They bought a developer like BioWare and then force them to make terrible decisions that destroyed their name and then shut down one of their Studios for underperforming even though it's their fault!
NRB10ful you are absolutely correct if EA is not interested in RPGs or RTS or any genre that isn't multiplayer focused why are they buying them and then shutting them down it's as if they're trying to shut down competition and trying to take away franchises and hide them from existence. Because EA has Wing Commander command and conquer and a lot of other franchises I cannot name in their vaults and they're planning not to do anything with those franchises.
EA doesn't have interest in any genre. They have interest in $$$
NRB10ful - It's called engineering a monopoly
NRB10ful - You can go ahead and insert any developer EA has acquired over the years in that last sentence.
Lassi Kinnunen - I'm not convinced they or any of the other meddling executives are looking for a long term hit. Just short term gains. Single-player experiences remain in the player's consciousness longer than multiplayer ones do. We're still buying Mario and Zelda games years after their debut. We're still talking about how Bioshock and Spec-Ops: the Line and Silent Hill and The Last of Us affected us-- and when those games get sequels (or don't), we sit up and take notice.
Meanwhile, multiplayer games are only as good as the communities that spring up around them. You can't engineer interest like that, and when the next big thing comes around, the zeitgeist shifts. PUBG (aka PlUnkBat) may be the flavor of the month now, but when was the last time you heard news story after news story about Pokemon Go? Day-Z? Dota 2? CS:GO? WoW? Mech Warrior? Tribes? Gauntlet? Pong? Okay, maybe I went too far back in time, there, but you know what I mean. (...Spacewar!?) Even Overwatch fervor has died down somewhat. No, I don't think executives are thinking long-term at all -- in fact, I'll bet some of them think this videogame thing is just a forty-year long flash in the pan. It'll all just blow over and we'll all go back to hula hoops and kites.
EA killed Westwood and Bullfrog. C&C and Theme Hospital were my childhood. That's enough reason to hate these cunts.
"Microtransactions are optional and can just be ignored"? Listening to that baby screaming at the top of it's lungs at the restaurant table next to you is also optional and can just be ignored. You know what else it is? Annoying, unavoidable and totally unnecessary for the dining experience. Never forget that just because publishers CAN put constant pressure on players to spend more money doesn't mean they SHOULD. (Or that we should put up with it.)
...and the restaurant is forced to conclude that people LIKE that sort of thing, give families with screaming babies discounts (so they'll keep coming), advertise their screaming baby motif, and ultimately influence the restaurant industry to follow suit. With revenue greasing the mountainside, the slope has never been slipperier.
TBH I'll take the microtransactions over the screaming baby at the restaurant. I just fucking hate babies... anywhere.
Well said!
I thought it said "A Girly Post Mortem"
Darkness Prevails same
I'm a girly boy
I thought it said “A Skyrimy Post Mortem”
"Like, so, now we totally make an incision on the abdomen, okay?"
jim sterling in a skirt when
I believe that Bioware is next for the chopping block. Andromeda is their Dead Space 3 and Anthem is going to be their Battlefield: Hardline...
Andromeda was barely made by Bioware as a was a side team.
Tries. I'm just not sure if it will matter if Anthem is anything less than overwhelming success.
I agree Bioware is in trouble!!
I hate to say it but you may be right, I was once told by a successful businessman that "you are always remembered for your last project" and this was their last project, and it was a failure, even if it wasn't exactly 'Bio-Ware' they still get the blame for it.
Perzyn jim sterling beat to that prediction by like a couple weeks
And what gets me they could have sold 5 million copies if they fucking didn't used microtransactions and DLC.
I love sci-fi horror and Dead Space filled that void in gaming for me at the time. It took everything I loved about games, horror movies and sci-fi and went on to become one of my favorite games of all time.
I have the unpopular opinion of liking the idea of coop of deadspace 3. It undermines horror for sure but coop in this age is so rare and I'll take it where I can get it.
I loved the co-op tbh. I enjoyed Dead Space 3 as a whole even if it couldn't live up to the previous entries' polish. I liked the weapon system too, it could've used a bit more balancing work though. It was obvious that EA cut the development of the game short though, since many reported bugs remain unfixed.
I agree. Ill take what i can get in terms of coop, especially in a game like dead space
I feel you. I don't want it in my Dead Space specifically, but I really really want more co-op.
Really would've liked a CPU partner to explore all the levels if I couldn't have a partner
Let's not forget Deadspace 2's Steam release, where all the DLC was enabled by default, including schematics for health and ammo packs that would normally have to be found in the game later, along with enhanced versions of every weapon (to go with the Ammo packs) and suits for free, making it impossible to ignore. The only way for this to be disabled was to download the .exe from the Origin version, put it in the Steam version folder, and launch only in offline mode, lest Steam automatically check the game on launch and 'Fix' the replaced .exe file.
Lol. Then there no point to playing then.
A little bit of history.
Original Deadspace 2 is released without all the free items. On the first week of release, people discovered that there is a bug that causes advanced suits not showing up in New Game+ and suits does not unlock even after players completed the game in higher difficulty.
PC being PC, movers begin to dig into the game code to try to make a workaround for the bug instead of waiting for an official fix. During this process, 1 of the master decided to dig into the texture file to check if those advanced suits are included. There he discovered all the DLC items listed in this video is already available and locked on the physical disc. All the DLC items are even installed on to the computer, just locked away from everyone until they purchase the DLC packs that is pending launch.
The modder process to post what he discovered onto the forum followed by other modders confirming the same thing. This angers the community and the forum exploded with threads that accuse EA of being greedy.
After a week, a patch drops that is supposed to fix the New Game+ and suit unlock bug. People downloaded the patch from the forum (yes, it is a download link posted by dev on the forum) and try to install it only to get a static black window pops up. Puzzled, someone posted on the forum asking what is going on only to discover that the patch is the exe file for the game and you are supposed to copy paste the file into the game directory manually to replace the existing exe.
After that the community discovered all the DLC content has been unlocked in the shop with 0 credit price. Furious with how shoddy the treatment is, the community again took to the forum demanding dev to at least put a price on the item so that new players will not be able to purchase them and steam roll through the game but the dev has since gone silent with 0 patches and fix.
Fast forward to the release of new story DLC release for the console, PC community are generally excited for it only to later told by the dev that the DLC is for console only and the PC version is released without the module handle any future DLCs. From there onwards, the game is dumped by the dev and never receive any support anymore.
Fast forward to today, new players are still confused why there are a bunch of free items in the game and still praise the game without knowing the atrocities that happened and they are actually getting dumped on.
Part of me really wants another video game crash to happen. It seems that that will be the only way company's will see the damage they are doing to the industry.
And even then, they're so blinded with greed they may not even realize that they themselves caused the crash, let alone the damage they did along the way.
I dunno, alot of these publishers have more than enough money to ride out any potential crash. They'd only be emboldened afterwards.
Nope, because they aren't gonna change only get worse. The average gamer and general public are to vapid to see what supporting companies like EA does and has done. I personally simply refuse to buy AAA titles. I play on PC and support solid indy devs.
Yeah, except I think indies could support us if that happens, and the big companies would burn. That'd probably work.
Baines Unlikely. They'll probably just blame it on the customers for not buying enough games. Or Used games for hurting new game sales. Or their own marketing companies for fabricating lofty promises. Or-
*Press F to make us whole.*
Excuse me, sir, have you heard the good word about Unitology?
No, I refuse!
The Marker will remember this...
Pyrodiac Make us whole again!
Damn Jim. You have been ON POINT lately with these vids. Glad there's someone out here saying what we're all definitely thinking. These are some rough times for gaming... and I only see it getting progressively worst over the next few years. Keep being the our Voice please.
Firstname Lastname there have been far more good games this year than in the last couple. A lot of these TRIPLE AAAYY developers are getting worse but this seems to be a largely western game developer problem (with the exception of a certain pachinko-loving company). Japanese game developers like Nintendo, Atlus, Square Enix, and even SEGA have been better than ever lately.
Chuck Batman5 You definitely have a point there. Cross our fingers and hope for the best.
Just look at the indie scene. I pretty much do ont buy "triple A" games, they're almost always crapped out. At the very least, a bad indie game (that isn't the shite Jim usually covers, i.e. Asset flips and the like) still FEELS like they were trying. And you can directly message them to let them know what they could do better or change.
Y'know. Whatever. But seriously.
*_How has the 60$ price tag not gone down yet?!?_*
60$ Mentioned only briefly in the vid, but time to look at it - digital sales in the last decade grew *that much* stronger, that higher budgets can still turn higher profits for _much less_ than 60$, as digital purchases have ~0 per-sale costs (~0 server bw/sale). Car prices experienced the economies of scale effect *with* huge per-sale costs, so how can ANY game budget still justify a 60$ price tag in the *digital* market??
Holy shit, you've got some lungs there Jim.
Well, he can't be all gut, after all. 80, 85% tops.
its such a shame that modern corporations are so greedy for immediate profits rather than empire building. They look on to Mario and Zelda like super properties, not realizing that to make that amount of fame and wealth requires actual craft and care. These arent the classic Business/capitalist americans wanting to leave their kids with a bigger and better thing than what they started with, these are "give it all to me now, and salt the earth for the future" Ayn Randers.
Nintendo ain't really the capitalist monster here
Meh, nothing special it's what capitalism gets us.
6:14 Jesus Christ is my favorite game critic
personally I liked the co op in dead space 3 really... mainly because of the way it messed with you by having both characters seeing diffrent things. launch week I thought my friend was just freaking out over nothing all the time it was great.
But otherwise...? yeah, game bogged down by too much moneygrubbing.
CloudHiro This. I also liked that.
Funny thing is, that was originally how Dead Space 3 was supposed to be, the second player was supposed to turn out to actually be in Isaacs head, a sort of other personality of his hallucinated into existence by his breaking mind.
Which would have been pretty cool if it happened.
That sounds like some innovative design, with the separate perspectives thing... kind of impressive.^^
But... a Dead Space protagonist called Carver? That's like a Call of Duty protagonist named Scopey McHeadshooter, for frick's sake... or Bang Ironsights. =_=;;
Thank God For You Jim Stephanie Sterling
gotta love those deadly premonition sounds.
Shame EA never learned its lesson from the first bunch of cross-media releases. The anime film got a sequel. There were two further graphic novels. Another book. Dead Space 2 and 3 both got story based DLC. EA were determined to make this franchise into something bigger than it was. First book was the only decent one out of them all.
As long as they're still making upwards of $1 billion per year, they have no reason to stop doing what they're doing.
EA makes money, not games.
Not forever they don't. You can only have a bad reputation for so long before it starts to catch up with you.
I think we know that nowadays, you CAN pay your way to a good reputation. For... enough people. More than you think. Especially Fox and Friends.
You mean they're like Valve ;)
Isaiah Johnson nuh huh , look at Monsanto... The worst company in the world... And they still there. Companies don't care about reputation
modern capitalism in a nutshell, really
Just read a piece on microtransactions in gaming on the CBC! Way to beat the mainstream to the punch, Jim. I've really enjoyed your passionate defense of good hearted gaming, and your powerful campaign against the Devilish Devs of the Triple-A Deeps! :D
As far as I know, the Isaac costume made one other appearance, and was pretty much relegated to the atrium lunch room after that. At least, as of when I worked there a few years ago. Gotta say, that suit is BEAUTIFUL, though!
Will the new intro song be back ever? Drill Queen is great, but doesn't fit the intro at all
Anyway, great video as usual
Yeah, I hate that he apparently abandoned it because people hate change.
I stopped buying from EA years ago. I refuse to buy anything with the EA name attached to it.
That advertisement though. "Your mom hates it" seems like such a 90s thing to say. It's up there with "I like the powerglove - it's so baaaad!".
Thus, I don't actually have anything against the slogan per say - it can be perceived as funny - but the whole video montage is attrocious. This is the type of shit that gives gamers a bad name.
Has anyone noticed that The Evil Within is following a similar path as Dead Space?
Game 1: Good game, Blended action and horror together.
Game 2: Slightly less horror, a bit more action.
So based on this, we can predict that The Evil Within 2 might have a similar ending and might look a little like this.
Game 3: Absolutely no horror, A metric shit-ton of action
Now, my point here isn't that this will happen, and I hope it won't, but I think it's necessary to point out that this might happen.
A lot of people did not like the first game, despite it's success. The ending chapters to Evil Within 2 are less actiony than the first (remember the Rocket Launcher and Turret sections, bus chase etc.).
It is not really the same as Dead Space, there are no mobile tie-ins, no multiplayer or co-op, and despite being a 2017 release with a weapon upgrade system based on collecting resources, no micro-transactions.
Happened to F.E.A.R. as well.
Same for Resident Evil. There are always new characters, but there's a lot of returning ones in every game. That's what happens when you have the same protagonist group in multiple games. They get used to the crazy stuff happening around them, and stop being afraid of it. That's why it gets more action oriented, as it would be somewhat unrealistic for them to keep being afraid of things they deal with on such a frequent basis.
I like this Jim-Scarecrow. A Jim-Crow if you will. I think thats a name we can all get behind.
Belisarius0000 How about Scerling?
Stercrow anyone?
I get it
Thank you.
Next upp is Bioware, sucess or failure on anthem. Its dead either way. Its either just gonna die if failure, or become Anthem if success.
Anthem looks like a generic piece of shit flavor-of-the-season game forced out of EA's rotting asshole so, most likely it'll underperform and EA will throw the devs under the bus
Visceral built itself upon mostly single player, tightely scripted and atmospheric games. They got moved towards generic shooter with mostly multiplayer bend. Bioware is renowned for its well written, singleplayer role playing games, now they are working on the generic shooter with mostly multiplayer bend... Nope, don't see a pattern here.
Actually I think Criterion is next, most of it's veteran employees have already left, and they are nothing but a support studio these days.
scottthewaterwarrior god burnout would've stayed big if they just didn't leave it hanging
criterion is fucked and it makes me so sad
Eh, Drew Karpyshyn (Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, KOTOR) is writing Anthem. It looks interesting, and with Karpyshyn at the writing helm, it should have intriguing worldbuilding and all that good shit. Him having left Bioware to pursue his novel series is probably part of why ME:3's ending was such a disappointment.
And remember, Bioware used to work on other genres before it was typecasted as "that RPG studio". They were apparently good back then, I think dismissing them now is silly.
I agree that Criterion is probably on the chopping block, but it might be Ghost Games next if the new NFS disappoints. Have Ghost Games ever made a good Need for Speed? Pretty sure they haven't.
I wish games weren’t making it so hard to enjoy games these days
I wish more people would actually see the light of indie instead of whining at "games".
Indie isn't all it's cracked up to be either.
Indie/AA is actually pretty fantastic. Hard to complain about Devolver Digital, CD Projekt Red, or Kalypso.
Zack West
CD Project is by all definitions a AAA studio working with a AAA budget and staff.
Often times Indie games or "AA" as you call them deliver good but simple games. There's nothing wrong with that but if you want a game with some real meat to it you have to look towarda AAA studios.
There's nothing wrong with AAA in principal, however the general practices we see today are sadly changing that.
You could say that CD Projekt Red is AAA, but compared to budgets of most AAA games, their games have much lower budgets. Which is a core tenet of AAA as a term ("A lot of money").
AA games typically have smaller budgets and scales, but turn out complex games. I would class Paradox as AA, and they put out the most intricate games out there. Devolver Digital has published the Shadow Warrior and Serious Sam games, which look like AAA games, but are from a publisher who isn't cockheaded. Ninja Theory put out Hellblade, Frictional Games puts out top-notch horror games like Soma, Digital Extremes has Warframe which kills as far as looter-shooters go, Grinding Gears has Path of Exile which is probably the best ARPG getting support, Runic Games puts out AAA level games like Hob... with more mainstream developers such as IO Interactive (Hitman) and Avalanche Studios (Just Cause) going independent, we're seeing a golden age in the AA scene and the death of publishers.
Jim really is the Cassandra of video games, isn't he.
Replaying the DS series. Just got to DS3 (which I’ve never played) and I just keep thinking, “look how they massacred my boy…”
So Phoenix Labs, the guys currently making Dauntless, just opted OUT of their loot box system in progress. This is the first company I have heard in awhile actually not wanting to do loot boxes.
The fact that Dead Space 2's marketing missed the mark is both sad and sort of suprising to me because I remember the website for the first Dead Space being some of the best game advertising I'd ever seen. At the time I was pretty young... the way the website revealed story and gameplay in an interactive and artistic way leading up to its launch has stuck with me to this day. I can't think of any other media advertising that managed to intrigue and strike such an emotional chord. I'd love to see a new IP engage with their future audience like that once more
I loved No Known Survivors! It was brilliant and added some great world building to the setting.
With that lung capacity you ought to try a really prolonged "Triple AAAAAAAAAAAA" sometime.
What really pissed me off about DS3 besides the Microtransactions was how they pretty much carved what i feel is the actual ending into the DS3 awakened DLC; oh and co-op was okay until you realize they cut off some content into that so if you didn't play co-op you kind of missed out on some carver backstory. Now i'm just said because i wanted a DS4 and a ending for Iss-ac
I love how that timer in the camera matches the actual time, a nice small detail
I knew a couple of people from the dev team (specifically working on the multiplayer for Dead Space 2). Got alpha/beta codes and discussed and gave them some feedback before the release of DS2. It was a very positive time, with so many hopes for the sequel to one of the best new survival/horror action IPs. It had more action, but it worked in many ways even better than the first game.
These guys left the company before the release of DS3. EA's meddling was going insane and the dev team was not happy with it. At all. Morale within the dev team was circling the drain.
This jimquisition episode opened some deep wounds :(
Hey Jim, how about an episode about how ridiculous the profit margins actually are in todays market. Like how Konami was so disappointed in mgsv sales it stopped producing games even though they made 100% profit in one week.
He talks about this almost every week.
Undergroundtornado that would be interesting it's just Konami makes most of its profits from gambling so if their view Can Company isn't making as much as gambling there like fuke it
I loved the original Dead Space, but 2 & 3 felt like they were trying to grab an audience that true Survival Horror will never appeal to. Shame on you EAnus, R.I.P. Visceral, you will be missed 😭
R.I.P Visceral you were too good for EA
I've recently finished Dead Space myself and it was a blast, granted there was moments of slight difficulty swings in both directions sometimes. Loved it.
Great game series, really gonna miss it. Hate how it now ends on that massive cliff hanger.
I love how Jim says "Triple Ayyy!"
Just think of what a proper Dead Space could pull off with today's tech. Now remember that EA killed that future like a blast to the chest from a Looper blunderbuss.
I am so happy that the Resident Evil series belongs to a Japanese company.
Sure CAPCOM lost its way and is guilty of its own sins (in disc DLC for example.) however I blame bad Western Influence.
Plus RE7 proved that at the end of the day, CAPCOM remembered who they are.
EA however is beyond salvation. They passed that point 15 years ago.
DogOfHades it should be expected that companies from America and companies from Japan should have different internal values and cultures, but your point kind of loses steam when you think about how they’ve just been trend hoping with that series ever since Code: Veronica and 4.
Like, 7 was good but it still had the obvious hallmarks of what the popular trends in horror were leading up to it. And that’s not even bringing up the online games, the squad based cover shooters, the mobile ports, the rail shooters, the co op games, and the episodic games. All of which ranged from “tolerable” to “abominations before god” lol. As much fun as I’ve had with RE over the years, even with RE2 being one of my all time favorite games, I still don’t have faith in Capcom to do more than trend hop. I mean, the only thing they haven’t had is a Resident Evil RPG at this point, which is sad because I’d actually be somewhat excited about that lol. XD
*cough*KONAMI*cough cough, vomit*
Yeah I have a feeling you somehow forgot that Konami exists... lets not stereotype all companies based on their country of origin
Let's just stick to "if it's corporate, it's greedy". That's how companies work. Money is their only goal and nothing else, thus they want to meet that goal as much as possible before their inevitable demise, and the end justifies the means.
Reisdent Evil is my favourite series. Capcom are a terrible company. They literally denied us local co-op on the PC for RE5. They ported over a non-working version of RE5 to release the DLC like six years after they got it on consoles, and never fixed any of it, but they did 'rip out' (as their own notes put it) the split-screen code so that modders couldn't use it to mod local co-op back in, as modders had done on the original version of RE5, which never got the DLC. The newer version of RE5 is impossible to finish unless you know a less obvious, alternative way of finishing the ship deck section.
I will say that Western influence _is_ often a terrible thing, and I love the Japanese approach to a lot of stuff, like the understanding that a game is never going to be 100% realistic so they may as well focus on other ways to make it immersive as well. I love the way RE4 and 5 don't put your reticle in the centre of the screen. Western influence seems to be at its worst when stamping out individual design ideas in favour of more recycled rubbish, but corporate greed abounds in the West and the East alike.
He's...BACK!!! | 3:04 - ...and thus they clothed their naked villainy with old odd ends stolen forth from holy writ and seemed a saint, where at most they played the devil. | 12:05 - That's the problem with making the same tired excuses, they eventually stop working. | 15:40 - Well...we know who to thank for fear.
Down the line or maybe closer than we think, maybe members of the dev team responsible or talented inspired peeps of Dead Space fandom will create a Kickstarter for a spiritual successor.
Unicronic Arts should be a t-shirt man
Today I learnt that Jim Fucking Sterling Son can hold a tone for a long time. You should think about starting to sing Jimmy Boi ^^, you would be good at it.
Poor, poor deadspace...the only horror game I ever truly enjoyed playing...even if the eye machine freaked me the fuck out in the second game dood. :'(
Best gaming moment ever in my books
I love that scene so much but I had to try so hard to get through that twisted part dood. XD
And now, a quote from Jim Sterling's Dead Space 4 headcannon
"Isaac Clarke would not stop pooping"
You earned the thumbs up for the outfit and crypt keeper reference.
I really hate when it rains in Breath of the Wild, too.
When I first played that dead space demo..... What a surprise it actually frightened me. I thought this is what resident evil use to be. I bought the game when it came out and wasn't disappointed. Great news dead space 2. Loved it. Played the dead space 3 demo and had some reservations.. Dead space 3 was released. The price dropped pretty quick. I went ahead and purchased it. Never made it pass the 2nd level. I just stop playing it.... Some how everything I enjoy eventually gets destroyed. Thanks EA.
Just begining to watch, how much air can you hold in your lungs, holy shit.
I find myself here on this old video sad all over again about the loss of dead space
I have a spooky idea for a horror game. Its a singleplayer 60$ game where you can buy lootboxes with real money that can give you skins or temporary boosts to let you run in the game ( you can only run if you get these boosts) . Also you don"t have a start button until you pay another 60$ for the Silver edition.
Nice work Jim
It also didn't help the game that they refused to put it on steam and use their own shitty client.
Even respawn hate their EA overlords and looking to move on again.
This satiates my chronic addiction to rat buggery
I loved this video, especially the final segment. Thank god for you Stephanie!
During the first milisecond I though I saw Guillermo del Toro in Death Stranding