This was a great video :) My wife and I just bought some land that's completely clogged with (living and dead) blackberry stalks. Some of them are bigger around than my thumb. How big do you let your plants get? Do you ever cut them down because they're getting too thick?
Thankyou! I purchased some raised box garden boxes today, and she told me a black berry bush had gotten started in it from hers inher yard 🤷♀️, it's huge! I'm so excited to get it started, really appreciate your video! Love gardening! 🍅🌶🌻🌵
Thank you Cameron for all the ideas on backyard fruits growing you are sharing. I learned so much from you! I bought the dwarf stone fruits propagated by Zaigler after watching one of your videos. I was eating the fruits last summer with pride. I am nurturing the trees like they are my babies. Thanks again, Cameron!
This is so helpful! This past year was our second year with our two boysenberry plants. I didn’t get to them all summer, and they were 8ft (or more) away from the plants in all directions. Canes EVERYWHERE!! I snipped a few because they were rooting, and gave them to our neighbor. Then trimmed them all up. We are in zone 5b and I was told by Bakercreek (were we got our starts from) that we have to cover them over the winter. So I just trimmed off the old canes, and tucked the new ones in under a bed of straw for the winter. It worked really well last year. We only got 4 berry’s this past season. So I’m looking forward to a few more this coming year. And this video is so helpful! I’m definitely going to give this set up a go. Thank you for sharing!
Very informative. I was debating myself to do one of these to methods. But after watching this I'm definitely going to use the two wires one. My Blackberrys are huge and need to be on a trellis ASAP. 😃 Thanks you so much! ❤🙏
Wood posts sunk in concrete rot quickly because the conditions for wood rot, specifically the water and oxygen, are ideal several inches below the surface. Treat your post ends with roofing tar, let that dry before planting the posts, and they will last a lot longer.
Thank you for this video! We built our trellises just like this and have been very successful so far! Our Triple Crowns are super healthy and happy. We are installing bird netting this year, but can't quite figure out how to do it around this particular type of trellis. Any tips or suggestions?
Nice job with your triple crown! For trellises like this, I'd construct a simple frame using electrical conduit pipe that's larger that the trellis and plants, and set it on the outside. Another option is to have your bird netting rolled on pvc or other pipe and draping it over some t-posts. To give it some frame over your trellis
Are you growing berries in your setting? How are you managing the canes? Thanks to TBG Subscriber "Learn to Bloom" for requesting this video! If you want to grow these tasty, THORNLESS Triple Crown Blackberries, they're here on Amazon: What's your favorite berry?
I have utility poles for my berries. Giant cedar transmission pole chunks. One is probably 20” thick. I have utility hardware, insulators and copper wire installed but I need to add 5’ cross arms and a second wire. I have an anchor on one end but need to add a second so I can tension the spans of wire. It will look great. I didn’t want to steal anything so it’s taking longer. I’m retired so I’ll have to visit the utility recycling area. I let terrible wild blackberries take over but I’m finally removing them and planting more Boysenberries, Red and yellow raspberries, Loganberries and Tayberries. I have two strips of about 100’ each to plant berries. So 200’ of berries. It’s work. My uncle Phil always had lots of berries to give away and use. He inspired me.
Question, I just planted several bushes in the spring, how did you or do you prep the ground to keep the ground clear from grass/weeds? My plants are growing great but still babies and the grass is over taking them in height. Is it just good ol fashioned weed pulling?
You've got a few options. 1) Spray with an organic spray (be VERY careful to not overspray onto your plants), 2) cover with cardboard and mulch to smother the grass. 3) pull by hand. Good luck!
Was this filmed earlier or are you eating boysenberries in june/july? I have them in large pots and this yeat i tied colored string around the canes that had fruited so I know which ones I can remove. How do you know which of yours need removing if you let them grow together? I really like the idea of the 2 wires but mine are on concrete, so nowhere to put in posts. I am going to try growing one plant on a cattle panel arch and I intend to start the canes on the left side and then any new canes will go on the right side and see if it works.
I like the colored string idea. I might have to try that next year. My new canes are growing like wildfire. I'm hoping the fruited canes will turn brown so that I can distinguish them from the newer canes which are gray, I think...
Hi Michaela, this was filmed in early June. Our boysenberries are most ready to eat in late may and all of June. I LOVE the idea of tying a different colored string onto the canes for easy identification. I've got some different colored flag tape that I may use to try this on my end. Your cattle panels seem like they could work well. Definitely a strong enough structure to secure these to.
Hi Kamran, thank you so much for your videos. Would you make a video on how to make fruit sweeter? I have a "sweet lime or sweet lemon" tree that needs a push in that direction. I've gone to laguna hills nursery here in OC and two people working there recommended two things. One said buy the 0-0-22 langbenite fertilizer, the other said that Gary Matsuoka uses the following mixture on his own trees at home. That mixture being mixing garden molases +seaweed extract+fish emulsion, table spoon of each per gallon of water spray once a wee. Can you give us a video and your thoughts and what you yourself think is the best remedy? Thank you so much.
Thanks, Billie! That's interesting! I haven't given that any thought, but it's easy to believe that making changes to the inputs would make changes to the tree's fruit. I'll look into this a bit further. Thanks for the idea!
@@TheBusyGardener I have blackberries growing wildly throughout my property, but I had to order some boysenberry plants! I’m looking forward to tasting them.
Hey Steve, top wire here is about 5 feet tall, though loaded and when it has stretched is probably closer to 4-4.5 feet. I think my using galvanized wire vs. stranded cable causes more stretching and as a result, more sagging. Hasn't posed any problem issues, thankfully.
Hi... I also live in the foothills of San Gabriels! The rocks are killing me too but are you dealing with gophers as well? And if so how do you deal with them?
I have those crazy things popping up all over the yard since Christmas! I've got a whole arsenal of traps, poisons, and gas. I just haven't actually used them yet. This. Means. War... lol
@@TheBusyGardener The longer you wait, the more rodents you get. The only rodenticide that is actually recommended for organic orchards, berry patches, and fruit orchards is the bromethalin compound because none of it ends up in the fruit, berries, or vegetables.
🌳🌳🌳Get our high-impact guide *"The 9 things I WISH I knew BEFORE I Started My Backyard Garden"* now for only $7
This was a great video :) My wife and I just bought some land that's completely clogged with (living and dead) blackberry stalks. Some of them are bigger around than my thumb. How big do you let your plants get? Do you ever cut them down because they're getting too thick?
@@chriscynefin966 great question.
Thankyou! I purchased some raised box garden boxes today, and she told me a black berry bush had gotten started in it from hers inher yard 🤷♀️, it's huge! I'm so excited to get it started, really appreciate your video! Love gardening!
Thanks, Janice! That sounds like a ton of fun!
Thank you Cameron for all the ideas on backyard fruits growing you are sharing. I learned so much from you! I bought the dwarf stone fruits propagated by Zaigler after watching one of your videos. I was eating the fruits last summer with pride. I am nurturing the trees like they are my babies. Thanks again, Cameron!
Wow, that is so encouraging to hear. Your story is why this channel exists!
This is so helpful! This past year was our second year with our two boysenberry plants. I didn’t get to them all summer, and they were 8ft (or more) away from the plants in all directions. Canes EVERYWHERE!! I snipped a few because they were rooting, and gave them to our neighbor. Then trimmed them all up. We are in zone 5b and I was told by Bakercreek (were we got our starts from) that we have to cover them over the winter. So I just trimmed off the old canes, and tucked the new ones in under a bed of straw for the winter. It worked really well last year. We only got 4 berry’s this past season. So I’m looking forward to a few more this coming year. And this video is so helpful! I’m definitely going to give this set up a go. Thank you for sharing!
Here's to a solid year of berries!!
Thank you for the advice. I got loss with numerous arching vines from the plant and don't know what to do. 👍
Looks great my friend!
Thank you. Just bought a boysenberry but had no idea how to support it. Thanks for easy and practical trellis ♥ P
Happy to help! I had trouble finding examples when I first planted ours, and this method has worked well for us. Good luck!
Just what I needed thank you . New follower here
I'm so glad it helped! Thanks for watching :)
Thank you for the tips
Thanks! Subscribed. What did you use for the post specifically and wire? Need to make this for our blackberries.
Very informative. I was debating myself to do one of these to methods. But after watching this I'm definitely going to use the two wires one. My Blackberrys are huge and need to be on a trellis ASAP. 😃
Thanks you so much!
Glad it was helpful! Two wire system has been REALLY easy, especially because the trellis doesn't get in the way of annual cleanup of the canes
Wood posts sunk in concrete rot quickly because the conditions for wood rot, specifically the water and oxygen, are ideal several inches below the surface. Treat your post ends with roofing tar, let that dry before planting the posts, and they will last a lot longer.
Thank you for this video! We built our trellises just like this and have been very successful so far! Our Triple Crowns are super healthy and happy. We are installing bird netting this year, but can't quite figure out how to do it around this particular type of trellis. Any tips or suggestions?
Nice job with your triple crown! For trellises like this, I'd construct a simple frame using electrical conduit pipe that's larger that the trellis and plants, and set it on the outside. Another option is to have your bird netting rolled on pvc or other pipe and draping it over some t-posts. To give it some frame over your trellis
Awesome video!!! Thank you!!!
Glad you liked it!
Can you share what type of galvanize wire you used and thickness of the wire used on the berry bush?
Galvanized wire from Home Depot, and not sure of the size, but it was the thickest they had handy
Are you growing berries in your setting? How are you managing the canes? Thanks to TBG Subscriber "Learn to Bloom" for requesting this video! If you want to grow these tasty, THORNLESS Triple Crown Blackberries, they're here on Amazon: What's your favorite berry?
I have utility poles for my berries. Giant cedar transmission pole chunks. One is probably 20” thick. I have utility hardware, insulators and copper wire installed but I need to add 5’ cross arms and a second wire. I have an anchor on one end but need to add a second so I can tension the spans of wire. It will look great. I didn’t want to steal anything so it’s taking longer. I’m retired so I’ll have to visit the utility recycling area. I let terrible wild blackberries take over but I’m finally removing them and planting more Boysenberries, Red and yellow raspberries, Loganberries and Tayberries. I have two strips of about 100’ each to plant berries. So 200’ of berries. It’s work. My uncle Phil always had lots of berries to give away and use. He inspired me.
How far apart are these berry bushes planted ?
These were planted around 6 feet apart. A little tight, but production has been good
How far apart are the 2 wires from each other, 20 inches?
The bottom wires are probably around 20 inches, and the top probably 30
Question, I just planted several bushes in the spring, how did you or do you prep the ground to keep the ground clear from grass/weeds? My plants are growing great but still babies and the grass is over taking them in height. Is it just good ol fashioned weed pulling?
You've got a few options. 1) Spray with an organic spray (be VERY careful to not overspray onto your plants), 2) cover with cardboard and mulch to smother the grass. 3) pull by hand. Good luck!
Was this filmed earlier or are you eating boysenberries in june/july? I have them in large pots and this yeat i tied colored string around the canes that had fruited so I know which ones I can remove. How do you know which of yours need removing if you let them grow together? I really like the idea of the 2 wires but mine are on concrete, so nowhere to put in posts. I am going to try growing one plant on a cattle panel arch and I intend to start the canes on the left side and then any new canes will go on the right side and see if it works.
I like the colored string idea. I might have to try that next year. My new canes are growing like wildfire. I'm hoping the fruited canes will turn brown so that I can distinguish them from the newer canes which are gray, I think...
Hi Michaela, this was filmed in early June. Our boysenberries are most ready to eat in late may and all of June. I LOVE the idea of tying a different colored string onto the canes for easy identification. I've got some different colored flag tape that I may use to try this on my end. Your cattle panels seem like they could work well. Definitely a strong enough structure to secure these to.
Hi Kamran, thank you so much for your videos. Would you make a video on how to make fruit sweeter? I have a "sweet lime or sweet lemon" tree that needs a push in that direction. I've gone to laguna hills nursery here in OC and two people working there recommended two things. One said buy the 0-0-22 langbenite fertilizer, the other said that Gary Matsuoka uses the following mixture on his own trees at home. That mixture being mixing garden molases +seaweed extract+fish emulsion, table spoon of each per gallon of water spray once a wee. Can you give us a video and your thoughts and what you yourself think is the best remedy? Thank you so much.
Thanks, Billie! That's interesting! I haven't given that any thought, but it's easy to believe that making changes to the inputs would make changes to the tree's fruit. I'll look into this a bit further. Thanks for the idea!
@@TheBusyGardener Thank you so much.
What do I do when the blackberry plants grow much taller than the trellis and begin to droop to one side? Thanks.
Depends on the type of blackberry. I generally tip mine around 6-8 feet, even though I'm wrapping around the trellis wire
Those would be Black Magic blackberry plants.
Is that Cucamonga peak?
The one and only!
What should be the distance between each boysenberry bush?
Usually depends on how erect the canes are. The more trailing, the wider between plants
5:38 You can’t blame that little guy For trying.
@@TheBusyGardener I have blackberries growing wildly throughout my property, but I had to order some boysenberry plants! I’m looking forward to tasting them.
What is the height of your top wire? Thanks!
Hey Steve, top wire here is about 5 feet tall, though loaded and when it has stretched is probably closer to 4-4.5 feet. I think my using galvanized wire vs. stranded cable causes more stretching and as a result, more sagging. Hasn't posed any problem issues, thankfully.
Hi... I also live in the foothills of San Gabriels! The rocks are killing me too but are you dealing with gophers as well? And if so how do you deal with them?
I have those crazy things popping up all over the yard since Christmas! I've got a whole arsenal of traps, poisons, and gas. I just haven't actually used them yet. This. Means. War... lol
@@TheBusyGardener The longer you wait, the more rodents you get. The only rodenticide that is actually recommended for organic orchards, berry patches, and fruit orchards is the bromethalin compound because none of it ends up in the fruit, berries, or vegetables.
Nice bro !
Thanks Stephen! 🔥
So are you growing boysenberry and blackberry in the same row?
Yup! Half blacks, half boysens. Their trailing habit makes this a challenge. This would work MUCH better with fully erect cultivars of blackberries
Good music.
Thanks! 😊
What about blueberrys
I don't trellis blueberries!
Lastima ,no entiendo el idioma
Lo siento! No puedo ablar en Espanol muy bien. Necessito practicar mas para los videos