This was closer than most people would have you believe. I wanna see them fight again now that Rose has put on some size and is better acclimated to the weight class.
Fiorot no demostró nada en esta pelea. Peleando en casa y frente a una rival más pequeña de tamaño y encima lesionada, Fiorot sólo pudo lograr un triunfo ajustado, con signos de fallo localista. Namajunas se dislocó un dedo de su mano derecha ni bien empezada la pelea. Pese a pelear desde el primer round con una sola mano, Namajunas superó a Fiorot en golpes significativos. Me gustaría que volvieran a enfrentarse.
These commentators must have brain damage from getting hit in the head one too many times. I can't believe they can't figure out that what Rose threw at 8:06 was a piece of tape holding her broken finger to another finger for stability. They were just talking about her finger being damaged...smh.
Fiorot face broke Rose's finger lol. Moving up is her down fall. She's fighting people with comparable reach now. Her asset with smaller fighters were her gorilla arms.
A Rubber Band. Was ProbabLy Using It To Try & Keep Her Pinky Straight That She Broke In About Three PLaces EarLy In The First Round. Not To Take Anything Away From The Warrior °Manon's Courageous Victory But It DefinetLy Took A Huge Weapon Out Of °Thug•Rise's ArsenaL By Not Being AbLe To Fire That Straight•Right-Hand Either As A Stiff•Jab •OR• For•Power (&) She Had To Get Reconstructive Surgery On It After This Fight ! 😮
Ganes o no, siempre serás mi favorita Namajunas ❤
It's fun watching this fight again but with different camera angles.
This was closer than most people would have you believe. I wanna see them fight again now that Rose has put on some size and is better acclimated to the weight class.
Gladiators I salute you. Top level performance.
Fiorot no demostró nada en esta pelea. Peleando en casa y frente a una rival más pequeña de tamaño y encima lesionada, Fiorot sólo pudo lograr un triunfo ajustado, con signos de fallo localista. Namajunas se dislocó un dedo de su mano derecha ni bien empezada la pelea. Pese a pelear desde el primer round con una sola mano, Namajunas superó a Fiorot en golpes significativos. Me gustaría que volvieran a enfrentarse.
@sfer1 Entonces quién le dejo la cara así a namajunas?? El primero y segundo lo gano claramente Fiorot
Ya no hay en español😔
Para mi a ganado namajunas a llevado ella el combate
These commentators must have brain damage from getting hit in the head one too many times. I can't believe they can't figure out that what Rose threw at 8:06 was a piece of tape holding her broken finger to another finger for stability. They were just talking about her finger being damaged...smh.
ufcespanol = english? Then ufcenglish = chinesse??
Something is wrong..... 🤔
Fiorot face broke Rose's finger lol. Moving up is her down fall. She's fighting people with comparable reach now. Her asset with smaller fighters were her gorilla arms.
Manon est super bonne elle est toujours en ofensive elle a complètement débordée Namajunas qui une des Top's !!
What does Rose pull from her right glove and toss at the 8:04 mark?
A Rubber Band. Was ProbabLy Using It To Try & Keep Her Pinky Straight That She Broke In About Three PLaces EarLy In The First Round. Not To Take Anything Away From The Warrior °Manon's Courageous Victory But It DefinetLy Took A Huge Weapon Out Of °Thug•Rise's ArsenaL By Not Being AbLe To Fire That Straight•Right-Hand Either As A Stiff•Jab •OR• For•Power (&) She Had To Get Reconstructive Surgery On It After This Fight ! 😮
Probably a rubberband used by her corner to tie her dislocated finger down.
@@AngladaFamiliaIt's a rubber band from Fiorot hair, lol.. 😂😅