@@kristelxoxo …now where in my comment did i say or imply that? you see people having a good laugh over something that’s not even that serious and out of nowhere a random kpawp stan comes to ruin the mood 😒.
@@elik5818 Taeyong, Mark,, and Jisung are main dancers of their units. Ten is THE main dancer. Even the other members named him as the best dancer of the group and there's a reason he did the dance break alone in black on black and he's in the front for Resonance's dance break as well.
전체 직캠을 봐도 우리 애를 한번에 못 찾겠어요.. 사람이 너무 많아요 스엠.. 내 한계치는 23명이야.. 이제 멈추자 제발.. 나 오늘 브이앱에서 런쥔이가 연습실에서 애기들도 보인다고 한 말 듣고 눈물흘렸어.. 혹시나 그 애기가 우리 애가 될까봐... 제발 멈춰줘 스엠...
Yesterday's camerawork didn't show more than half of the members & missed Yuta's iconic center, his low jump powerful swing kick as well!!! But this fancam came as a blessing & saved everything.
This is the camera that i love...can see all the members and the center... My eyes keep on following Ten...his moves is just...wow... Center jeno...he killed it
This is the cam that I need the most. I can see the whole choreo and TEN's movements clearly. I also noticed that there are only five members wearing see-through shirts, including Taeyong, Jaehyun, Lucas, Johnny, and Ten. Plus, Ten is the only one who wears a see-through crop top.
얘들아.. 내가 어제... 크흡.. 백댄서 쓰는 다른 그룹들 나오면 "우리는 백댄서 필요없는데.." 계속 이 말 했다.. 가족들 웃음벨이었다.... 하지만 난 너네가 23명 모두 엔시티라는 게 너무 다행이고 자랑스럽다,, 합 맞추기 힘들었을텐데 매번 바뀌는 노래에도 잘해줘서 고마워ㅠㅠ 아프지 말고 건강 조심하면서 행복하게 활동하자
The lack of appreciation for Yuta Nakamoto is a crime when he dances like this, he can be a super center, his vocal bridge on work it and from home is literally the best thing I have heard 2020 Give this man a lot of love please
Yuta's footwork is insanely beautiful with his unique dance style. It's sad that cameraworks do him dirty all the time, but fancams like this is there to save people like me who loves to see quality dancing.
SM won lottery when they found Yuta. Yuta is someone who can do insane locking & popping at 2:04 his fantastic footwork, This satisfying kick at 2:09 And then his vocals blessing my earbuds at 2:34 A true all rounder ace right there.
아니 다 좋은데 23명이라서 할미 보는데 눈아파 디지는줄 알았다 ㅠㅠ23명 직캠을 스엠이 따로 찍어서 올려주든가 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ애들 열심히 연습했을텐데... 잘안보인다그 잘안보여... 뮤비로 애들 보는 것도 힘들었는데 그냥 무대볼때도 누가 누군지 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ눈아퍼여 이새벽에...나 애들 보고싶다
Taeyong is just a dream to watch. His head movements and the little differences when he dances with a group...chefs kiss. I am glad I am living in the era of NCT. Particularly with Taeyong, Ten, Yuta, Xiaojun,...hell all of them.
Since we don't talk a lot or appreciate our japanese treasure Yuta much, so I will talk about him here. YUTA ATE THIS UP. He is Seriously on a whole Another level with his pro stage presence. When he came on center at 2:03 it was lit. Wish to see him more on the Center. Also how can he sound so beautiful during work it bridge?
Yuta the dancing machine we don't talk a lot about his amazing technique n clean footwork. But the kick at 2:09 idk how he even do this. Yuta you are doing insanely well even with your injuries.
우리... 인준이 어디 갔니... 아이고 찾았다...
아이고 어디 갔니...
ㅋㅋㅋ⫬ㅋㅋ⫬ㅋ⫬ㅋ⫬ㅋ⫬ㅋ⫬ ⫬ㅋㅋ⫬ㅋ⫬ㅋ⫬ㅋ⫬ㅋ⫬ ⫬ㅋㅋ⫬ㅋ⫬ㅋ ㅋ 자꾸 인준이 잃어버리지 말라궄ㅋ̤̫ㅋ̤̮ㅋ̤̻ㅋ̄̈ㅋ꙼̈ㅋ̆̎ㅋ̐̈ㅋ̊̈ ㅋㅋㅋ
ㅋㅋㄱㄱ ㅋㅋㅋ ㄲ레알 공감ㅋㅋㅋㄱㅋ
우리 루카스 좀 찾아주세요. ☔ ☂️ 🌧 🌂 🌦 ⛈ ☔ ☂️ 🌧 🌂 🌦 ⛈ ☔ ☂️
아 진짜 공감ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
아 ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
the fact that he was front AND center is what makes this even funnier to watch 😭
Idols cant make mistakes now?
@@kristelxoxo …now where in my comment did i say or imply that? you see people having a good laugh over something that’s not even that serious and out of nowhere a random kpawp stan comes to ruin the mood 😒.
@@not_in_the_mood i dont see whats funny laughing over a mistake tho
우와 22명이서 하는 레저넌스 직캠..... 사랑합니다 감사합니다 최고에요 근데 남은 킹웅 직캠에다가 22명 개인별 직캠까지 나온다......? 이건 그냥 세계 최고 방송국 되어버리는 거임
만세요 만세...
22명일걸요 지성이 부상으로 ㅠㅠ
지성이 없어요ㅠ
헐 맞다 그러네요 제가 정신이 아까 없었나봐요... 우리 쮜송이 부상 땜에..... 세상에.. 그걸 잠깐 깜빡했네요ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ 엉엉엉ㅇ 울 햄쮜송 보고싶어
흐엥ㅠㅠ 맞아 지성이 형ㅠㅠ
이때 제노 파랑머리는 최고였는듯,, 엄마들이 잘 찾을 수 있도록 gps심어둔 것 같음
머리마저 효자
진~심 빨머-파머-윈덱스머리-백금발-흑발 테크 개미침;;;
엔시티 개별직캠주시면 최고의 방송 kbs
가능해요? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
엔시티를 만나고 내 안구는 직캠기능을 갖추었다. 솔직히 이제 쏙쏙 잘 찾는다
Ten is Ten.
Ten's my everything
He's the best.
taeyong is notorious for running his practice room like the navy and he's the sergeant. the way he glanced twice over to lucas though 😭
He was probably MAD lmao
Tbh this was better than Yesterday's Stage Camerawork..........
Atleast we are able to focus on members without Camera moving too much like yesterday
Because sm hasn't released their practices MV. I'VE just realized every centers has different dance than the rest of members.
IKR , thanksfully they released this. If not its such a waste we couldnt see their hardwork :")
Yes I agree! Their dancing speaks for itself
agreee! I like this camera version
샤오쥔으로 엔시티 입덕. 이런 레전드 밸런스캐는 또 처음이다... 근데 여기까지만 하자 23명까지는 품을 수 있지만 그 이상은 ㅠ
2:06, 3:30 같이봐염
엔도시들 살짝씩 품고 있었는데 저도 샤오쥔으로 완전 입덕 -> 웨이브이 관계성에 웨이쩐니+시즈니되어벌임...
여기도 곧 영어로 도배되겠지....
월드스타 엔시티 사랑한다..
오 왠일로 한국댓글이 많네요 영어공포증 삭제 ^^ 밑에는 완전 영어밭이긴 하네 ... 월드스타 엔시티 사랑해여 ..
Lucas raising a whole different Roof
Ten is Ten
Ten's my best boy
Ten is my everything
Ten holding the best dancer title since sm rookies, Nct , superm and wayv
7 years and still holding this title!
Way to go ten
Sorry, Wayzenni Nctzen dont forget to str34m wayv turn back time video on show champ we need 1M for winning award thanks before :)
Taeyong, Jisung and Shotaro are just as good tho?
@@oioioioioioioio_7659 yup they are!
Ten taeyong mark jisung haechan shotaro are amazing dancers!!
Honestly, if you can't see that Ten is on another level you aren't paying enough attention.
Ten slayed in Black on Black, now Ten did it again in Resonance.
Sorry, Wayzenni Nctzen dont forget to str34m wayv turn back time video on show champ we need 1M for winning award thanks before :)
@@hitachy_xuxi lezz g
I can't take my eyes of Ten but Taeyong too also slayed everyone praising Ten alot but how about the leader needs praised too both also my bias
@@hitachy_xuxi that's my fave Way V song I streamed everyday
sometimes this pop in my head out of nowhere and i giggle to myself
Me too😭
ME RN ☠️
same which is why i'm back after a whole 2 years
TEN center moment hits me harder~!!
And also Xiaojunn~~
My eyes just focus on Ten, he is so incredible
Sorry, Wayzenni Nctzen dont forget to str34m wayv turn back time video on show champ we need 1M for winning award thanks before :)
Jeno standing out so much as the center and Ten's spin omg FINALLY A FANCAM WITHOUT THE CAMERA SHAKING SO MUCH
i'll never get over lucas missing every single beat
Not funny 🤣🤣🤣
TEN is on another level! Can’t wait to see his solo
he already has two solo
Sorry, Wayzenni Nctzen dont forget to str34m wayv turn back time video on show champ we need 1M for winning award thanks before :)
@@pinkchocolate474 And what about other member
he's releasing another sm station tomorrow aug 10 6pm kst !!
@@jungwoobestboy5743 yes solo stations and he's going to release another one, paint me naked tomorrow at 6pm kst!! make sure to tune in
woah you see why Ten‘s the main dancer
his stage presence and everything is just amazing
He’s A main dancer not Thee, there’s 4 total official main dancers ten, taeyong, mark, and jisung
@@elik5818 Taeyong, Mark,, and Jisung are main dancers of their units. Ten is THE main dancer. Even the other members named him as the best dancer of the group and there's a reason he did the dance break alone in black on black and he's in the front for Resonance's dance break as well.
@@hagkpopfan90s he’s a main dancer there’s no such thing as the main dancer, he’s the best dancer yes but he’s not the main dancer they’re all good
@@hagkpopfan90s and not every member said he was the best dancer they had different opinions some thought it was taeyong
@@hagkpopfan90s not*
TEN stage presence is on another level..
His face always shines and his movements are just 🔥🔥🔥
what do you expect from the main out of all main dancers in NCT? TEn Out Of TEN 🔥
@@xYD8o1x TEN is TEN 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔟
Yes for me ten is the most talented among all nct members. He is ace.
Can't wait for wayv comeback
Ten is 10 out of ten, perfect
Agree. Real fact 📝
i was sad so i came back to this for a good giggle
Not funny 😂😂😂
@@xuxisuushiix ur right it’s absolutely hilarious lucas sushi babe xx
Same hahaha
전체 직캠을 봐도 우리 애를 한번에 못 찾겠어요.. 사람이 너무 많아요 스엠.. 내 한계치는 23명이야.. 이제 멈추자 제발.. 나 오늘 브이앱에서 런쥔이가 연습실에서 애기들도 보인다고 한 말 듣고 눈물흘렸어.. 혹시나 그 애기가 우리 애가 될까봐... 제발 멈춰줘 스엠...
애들,,, 옷 포인트 따라 가세요,,, 포인트들이 조금씩 다른데 최애 동선 외워서 찾아가다가 잃으면 옷 포인트 찾아서 갑니다... 나중에 농담식으로 127명 된다는 말이 실제가 될까봐 눈물이 벌써 줄줄 나요...
@@야볼펜나와 저도 항상 옷 보고 애들 찾아요.. 얼굴이 잘 안보이니 옷이라도.. 진짜 눈물 나오네요...
우리정우 찾아요 .. 영웅때는 그나마 형광옷이여서 띄었는데 와 여기선 ..
저 기절함...23명 넘기면 진짜 이수만 버블 열어라
텐 is the best performer, please focus him👏🏻
Addicted for Ten body movement while dancing, so smooth, neat, graceful and powerful in one time
한참 정우 찾다가 헤이 어디든 갈 수 있어 나오는데 눈물 줄줄 날뻔... 진짜 마트에서 엄마 잃어버렸는데 저 멀리서 엄마가 내 이름 부르는 느낌....
정프되기 전에 이 댓글 보면서 우하하 하고 웃었는데 어느샌가 내가 이러고 있네…. 정우야 고마버…
Well i think this is a different version of resonance
yesss we finally get what we need
Still waiting for practice dance vid😂
MAMA CAMS R LIKE : ⤵️↕️↖️⤴️↪️🔁🔂↩️↗️⬅️
I can't stop looking at Ten, he's on another level.....
Same here
yes yes ten solo dance is amazingggggg
Me too 🙋🏻♀️
The way he danced, he makes you focus on him
Ten performance is perfect, he is unique and so charming
the only thing lucas is raising is taeyong's blood pressure tho
The stage full of talents, but my eyes still stuck on TEN LEE 10!
Same hereeee
@@무제無題-m5w He's the guy in the mesh crop top that spins around 3:19. He's the main dancer of NCT.
@@무제無題-m5w the one that's showing off his waist @3:19
Even there have 100 people in same stage. My eyes will stick at ten
Ten really super duper talented
finally i can see the focus on ten part
the spin so so so so good
his stage presence was insane TEN LEE
and Xiaojun too he so powerful
makes me giggle every single time
stop praising ten, i'm tired of liking all your comments :')
hahaha! me too!
Me toooo>
I was about to throw hands hahaha
Lol same yes he's good but about our leader Taeyong ? Doesn't get much praised mostly of him being a good leader 😟 and Yuta 🙁
무대 꽉차는 아이돌 nct..... 요기까지만 허용할게 진짜 ... 우리애들 너무 멋있어 진짜 😊
TEN runs at 4:19 so cute~~
They performed great yesterday~
y'all stop hating on my boy lucas. he too was raising the roof, he was just doing in in the different neighborhood
What happened?. I dont understand
@@dianirjayanti1795 watch closely around Raise the Roof part
Ten dance is on another level
...... 내 최애가 백댄서1 정도의 지분을 맡았을 때 심장이 찢어질듯한 그 심정..
내 윈윈꺼거 ,,, 파트좀 늘려주세요 맴찢어집니다 ,,,공평하게 분배좀요 스엠 ㅜㅜ
최애가 천러는 아니지만 진짜 🤦 심각해 파트가 없어요 걍ㅠ
하이고....적응이 된거 같은데 단체 직캠 보니까 새삼 진짜 많다.....
taeyong turning his whole head always gets me 😭😭
Yesterday's camerawork didn't show more than half of the members & missed Yuta's iconic center, his low jump powerful swing kick as well!!!
But this fancam came as a blessing & saved everything.
Yuta's kick on resonance is the best which the main performance failed to capture. Am glad this fancam exists.
Let’s be honest ten ate that whole choreo up
i love how we’re all here after months for one reason and we all know what it is 😭
TEN is Perfect!
This is the camera that i love...can see all the members and the center...
My eyes keep on following Ten...his moves is just...wow...
Center jeno...he killed it
This is the cam that I need the most. I can see the whole choreo and TEN's movements clearly. I also noticed that there are only five members wearing see-through shirts, including Taeyong, Jaehyun, Lucas, Johnny, and Ten. Plus, Ten is the only one who wears a see-through crop top.
Sorry, Wayzenni Nctzen dont forget to str34m wayv turn back time video on show champ we need 1M for winning award thanks before :)
NCT was literally about to raise Lucas and throw him off the roof 😭
Y'all need to respect his effort
진짜 공명이란 말이 너무 잘 맞는듯! 개개인도 너무 완벽하고 이렇게 23명이 한 팀으로도 너무 완벽! 군무 나올 때 진짜 짜릿했다 크으
우리 아주버님 말하는 줄 알았네여ㅋㅋ
Yuta's stage presence is the best I have seen in Nct. He knows how to deliver the right emotions.
얘들아.. 내가 어제... 크흡..
백댄서 쓰는 다른 그룹들 나오면
"우리는 백댄서 필요없는데.." 계속 이 말 했다..
가족들 웃음벨이었다.... 하지만 난 너네가 23명 모두 엔시티라는 게 너무 다행이고 자랑스럽다,, 합 맞추기 힘들었을텐데 매번 바뀌는 노래에도 잘해줘서 고마워ㅠㅠ 아프지 말고 건강 조심하면서 행복하게 활동하자
저희 부모님은 알겠으니까 제발 조용히 해달라고...ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
0:18 태용 (잘생긴 사람중에 잘생김)
0:32 재현
0:40 재민 (옷이 하얀색)
0:45 쇼타로
0:49 도영( 3:51 에도)
1:01 성찬 (길다)
1:11 마크( 2:59 )
1:20 윈윈
1:29 제노(파란 머리)
1:39 양양
1:50 루카스(이목구비가 잘보임&길다22)
1:51 왼쪽 끝에 정우( 2:30 헤이어디든갈수있어)
1:56 쟈니(제일거대한 사람 찾으면 됨)
2:06 유타(샤오쥔(주먹흔드는)앞에)
2:13 텐
2:19 태일
3:12 왼쪽 끝에 헨드리(핑머)
3:35 샤오쥔
4:11 천러
4:31 쿤
4:38 왼쪽 끝 런쥔(아이고 찾기힘들다)
4:45 센터 오른쪽 해찬(건강한 피부색 찾기)
지성이 없어요
닉값ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ지대루하셨어옄ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ덕분에 손주들 잘 구경했어옄ㅋㅋㅋ감사합니닼ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
감사합니다.. 랜선 면봉 콘서트.. 안경 두개써도 안 보여서 죽을 뻔했네요,, 절 구해주렸습니다... 아리가또
지성이 없어서 아쉬움 ㅠ
거대한 시람 건강한 피부색 찾기 십ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Looking how people discuss bout Ten makes me feel happy all day. His move is really on another level
Imagine being the best dancer in the groups of dancers, Ten said FLEXIN’
They all did so so good. But Yuta and Ten is on a whole another level with their stage presence
Every time I’m sad I come back to this and I laugh every time
What amazing performance , Ten stood out the most, his dance is on another level
인원 수 많은 거 새삼 놀라면서도 자랑스러우면서도 당황스러우면서도 사랑스럽다
tetep like walau gangerti
@@andipangeran518 hehh😭
Ten stage presence is just too amazing
Can we appreciate how the stylists custom made 23 similar but different outfits, thats actually insane
The lack of appreciation for Yuta Nakamoto is a crime when he dances like this, he can be a super center, his vocal bridge on work it and from home is literally the best thing I have heard 2020
Give this man a lot of love please
Ten chittaphon is so amazing and talented
Yes true but all are too
KBS.. 정말 사랑합니다 .. 전체 직캠이라니 가슴이 웅장해지는군요 ,,
nahh the whole preformance was looking good, and lucas’s part pained me to watch… taeyong had to check twice 💀
Where taeyong was
@@saloni22815 at about 1:52 watch taeyong and you can tell he's staring at lucas
laughed on how Taeyong immediately turned his head to Lucas' direction when he realized something was off. LOL
This is so funny after read some tweet about how strict Taeyong as a leader😂
Lucas prolly slept outside that day 😭
It's so amazing that my eyes stick with TEN the whole performance even if there're so many members there.He's on another level.
TEN so perfect
I just realized that during jeno's center part when he's controlling, leading the neos and creating ripple effect is so powerful
He did that black on black era
Which part?
@@seeehhlll2833 4:53
1:49 man is playing Marco Polo with the beat 💀
여기서 23명 직캠 다 올려준다? 그러면 3대 방송사 중 최고의 방송사 kbs 앞으로 kbs 만 본다
KBS만 보는걸로 되겠나? 아주 그냥 돈쭐내야지;;
지성오빠 부상땜에 22명밖에 없어요ㅜㅠㅠㅠㅜ
케베스 이거보면서 찍었어야하나..? 이러고있는거 아닙니까?ㅋㅋㅋㄱ
Yuta's footwork is insanely beautiful with his unique dance style. It's sad that cameraworks do him dirty all the time, but fancams like this is there to save people like me who loves to see quality dancing.
guys stop he’s just raisin the roof in a different time zone 🙄
ten is the main dancer of a 23-member group for a reason
Sorry, Wayzenni Nctzen dont forget to str34m wayv turn back time video on show champ we need 1M for winning award thanks before :)
@@hitachy_xuxi ভগ
@@hitachy_xuxi This comment 👆👌
What? Is ten the main dancer in whole Nct?
SM won lottery when they found Yuta.
Yuta is someone who can do insane locking & popping at 2:04 his fantastic footwork,
This satisfying kick at 2:09
And then his vocals blessing my earbuds at 2:34
A true all rounder ace right there.
True. Thank god Yuta auditioned
@@fiona3383 yes
I can’t stop looking at Ten 😭
not lucas playing dingo mafia dance with himself 😭😭😭
you're going to jail 😭😭😭
bet afterwards mfer gonna say a different song was playing in the ear piece
@@sunglasshae i could totally imagine him saying that cuz of how goofy he is not cuz he wanted to excuse himself
Can't stop looking at Ten
Jeno doing that move at 4:53 will always give me goosebumps
ikr he's leading 22 mens
Just like black on black centering them and doing the same
Ten is so hot in here. He performed a different vibe from original 90's love version. This one is a cool hot guy concept. And he did it SO good.
ten always hot hihihiii
lucas being offbeat will never not be the funniest thing ever
I think I'm addicted to Ten's part
아니 다 좋은데 23명이라서 할미 보는데 눈아파 디지는줄 알았다 ㅠㅠ23명 직캠을 스엠이 따로 찍어서 올려주든가 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ애들 열심히 연습했을텐데... 잘안보인다그 잘안보여... 뮤비로 애들 보는 것도 힘들었는데 그냥 무대볼때도 누가 누군지 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ눈아퍼여 이새벽에...나 애들 보고싶다
Ten is always Ten❤️
Taeyong is just a dream to watch. His head movements and the little differences when he dances with a group...chefs kiss. I am glad I am living in the era of NCT. Particularly with Taeyong, Ten, Yuta, Xiaojun,...hell all of them.
Ten is amazing
Yuta Ten is focusing my eyes, also Jaehyun center at the end 🔥🔥🔥
it brings me comfort knowing i can look this up any day whenever i'm feeling down and will always give me a good laugh at the end cuz of him
You can't spell talent without '' T E N "
not ten, but tnt 👁👄👁
@@angelinefeliciawalah1955 lmao😂
@@angelinefeliciawalah1955 YOU DID NOT 💀💀💀
you cant spell talent without TEN or TNT bcs it will be alt or ale 👁👄👁
Sorry, Wayzenni Nctzen dont forget to str34m wayv turn back time video on show champ we need 1M for winning award thanks before :)
Since we don't talk a lot or appreciate our japanese treasure Yuta much, so I will talk about him here. YUTA ATE THIS UP.
He is Seriously on a whole Another level with his pro stage presence. When he came on center at 2:03 it was lit. Wish to see him more on the Center.
Also how can he sound so beautiful during work it bridge?
Yuta is really ace
yuta and xiaojun center is a beautiful combination
he really deserves more center partssss
성찬 키 욀케 크냐 키 큰거 알고 있었지만 일케 보니까 실감나넹
1:47 Me when I learn a kpop dance at .25x speed and try to do it at normal speed.
good one hahahaha
HAHAHAHA OMG! I JUST LAUGHED! This is the best comment ever.
Yuta the dancing machine we don't talk a lot about his amazing technique n clean footwork. But the kick at 2:09 idk how he even do this.
Yuta you are doing insanely well even with your injuries.
finally a clear view of Ten's center moment
I love it when almost comments is about Ten..
I lowkey want him to stay in the group so that we get this kind of comedy every performance