Very well explained, thanks a lot for your continuous support. One beautiful thing I observed is, Arun explains with general practical examples when any new process/concept comes in the topic, and that will help us remember permanently. Especially In the previous RAC topics the Airport and receptionist example was amazing about how a Scan listener performs load balancing. We look forward to more like this as much as possible.
That's a minor point. You have a video called an ovrview on tea and you start talking about cups, perhaps he was lazy and used a coffee cup or maybe he's talking about sweet milk vs blackness but he hasn't started by discussing what tea is. Isn't he a guy with a phd?,
Very well explained Arun
Very well explained, thanks a lot for your continuous support. One beautiful thing I observed is, Arun explains with general practical examples when any new process/concept comes in the topic, and that will help us remember permanently. Especially In the previous RAC topics the Airport and receptionist example was amazing about how a Scan listener performs load balancing. We look forward to more like this as much as possible.
Great overview
Great explanation Sir, Thanks for the support.
Thank you Arun, well explained, especially the diffs between AWS and OCL!
Glad it was helpful!
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Availability Domain not Availability Zone
That's a minor point. You have a video called an ovrview on tea and you start talking about cups, perhaps he was lazy and used a coffee cup or maybe he's talking about sweet milk vs blackness but he hasn't started by discussing what tea is. Isn't he a guy with a phd?,