Sunday 15 September 2024 - A Thinking Man's Filter 65-0822E - William Marrion Branham

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 14 ก.ย. 2024
  • branhamtaberna...
    Dear Mrs. Jesus Christ,
    Spirit of the living God, breathe on us. Let us take Your Filter and live under It, Lord. Breathe the fresh air of the Holy Ghost into our lungs and into our souls each day. We can only live by Your Word; every Word that proceeds out of Your mouth for this age that we’re living in.
    We have tasted of Your Heavenly things and have Your Word in our hearts. We have seen Your Word manifested before us, and our whole soul is wrapped into It. This world, and all the things of the world are dead to us.
    We are Your germ seed Word that was in You from the beginning, standing here, drawing Your seed Life. Your seed is in our hearts by Your foreknowledge. You predestinated us to draw through nothing else, but Your Word, Your Voice, on the tapes.
    The eye age has arrived; there is nothing left but Your Coming for Your Bride. Our filter is Your Word, Malachi 4, Thus Saith The Lord.
    Let us plant Your Word in our hearts, and purpose that we’ll not turn to the right hand or to the left hand, but live true to It all the days of our lives. Father, send down upon us the Holy Spirit of Life, and quicken Your Word to us, that we might manifest You.
    The desire of our hearts is to be true sons and daughters for You. We are sitting in the presence of Your Voice, ripening, making ourselves ready for our soon Wedding Supper with You.
    Nations are breaking. The world is falling apart. Earthquakes are shaking California as You told us it would. We know very soon a fifteen-hundred-mile chunk of it; three or four hundred miles wide, will sink, maybe forty miles down into that great fault out yonder. Waves will shoot plumb out to the state of Kentucky, and when it does, it’ll shake the world so hard that everything on top of it will shake down.
    Your last warning is going forth. The world is in total chaos, but all the while Your Bride is resting in You and Your Word, sitting together in heavenly places as You talk to us, and comfort us along the way.
    How thankful we are, Father, that we can simply “Press Play” and hear Your Voice speak to us, encourage us and tell us:
    Don’t fear little Flock. All that I am, you are heirs to. All My power is yours. My omnipotence is yours as I stand in your midst. I have not come to bring fear and failure, but love and courage and ability. All power is given unto Me and it is yours to use. You speak the Word and I will perform it. That is My covenant and it can never fail.”
    Oh Father, we have NOTHING to fear. You give us Your love, courage and ability. Your Word is in us to use when we need It. We speak It, and You will perform It. It is Your covenant, and It can NEVER FAIL.
    Mortal words can not express how we feel, Father, but we know You see into our hearts and souls; for we are a part of You.
    How thankful we are that You have provided a way for the world to hear Your Voice in this end-time. Each week, You invite the world to come join in to hear Your angel messenger as You feed us Sheep Food that has been stored up to sustain us till You return for us.
    We Love You Father.
    Bro. Joseph Branham
    Message: 65-0822E A Thinking Man's Filter
    Time: 12:00 p.m., Jeffersonville Time
    Scriptures: Numbers 19:9 / Ephesians 5:22-26

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