#32 Internet of Things with ESP8266 #4: Upload Programs Over the Air (OTA)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 29 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 122

  • @ianxtreem
    @ianxtreem 8 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I really enjoy your videos. Very clear and straight forward. You have helped me with my IoT experiments a lot.

    • @AndreasSpiess
      @AndreasSpiess  8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      +Ian Buchanan Thanks, that is what I intended...

  • @vicne5516
    @vicne5516 8 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Please note that you do not *need* another serial software (putty or equivalent) to receive serial debug information while flashing via OTA. The way I do is start a new instance of the Arduino IDE (by clicking on its icon a second time - not by using the "File > Open" which just opens a new sketch in the same instance) and set the port of this second instance to the traditional serial port.

  • @norm1124
    @norm1124 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Danke für all die Tipps und Links. Hast Du dazu eine "gesammelte Werke" (= Blog / Google Doc / o.ä.) mit allen Perlen?

    • @AndreasSpiess
      @AndreasSpiess  8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +norm1124 Nein, bis jetzt noch nicht. Den Code publiziere ich jeweils auf Github. Und wenn es Platinen oder so was gibt, ebenfalls. Da habe ich "Room for Improvement". Allerdings steigt dann der Aufwand und es gibt noch mehr Nachtschichten ;-)

    • @norm1124
      @norm1124 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +Andreas Spiess kommt mir so bekannt vor...

  • @rameshrathod5373
    @rameshrathod5373 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hello Kind peoples i'm trying OTA programming on CC2538 SOC.
    initially i referred Z-stack in "IAR EMBEDDED WORKBENCH IDE " getting so much of errors couldn't able to solve those errors.
    now i'm trying in linux platform , can any one suggest me any web pages or any tutorials to implement this task.
    any help will be greatly appreciated!

    • @AndreasSpiess
      @AndreasSpiess  4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Maybe you watch my newer videos about IOTappstory.com?

  • @ljl451
    @ljl451 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    I am using Arduino IDE 1.6.8 and esp8266 board version 2.3.0,
    but under File->Example->ESP8266mDNS I do not find your OTA example?
    Do you know why?

    • @AndreasSpiess
      @AndreasSpiess  7 ปีที่แล้ว

      This is a quite old video and I did not play with this functionality. I changed completely to webupdate (see my newest video). I think, you find examples under "Arduino OTA", but I am not sure

    • @ljl451
      @ljl451 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thanks for your reply.
      I have seen your videos about IoTAppStory and an update is definitely better.
      I would prefer to wait for some time prior to try it.
      I am not very good as an early adopter...

  • @Dialbist
    @Dialbist 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Please create video about esp8266 sheduler, how this can be done

    • @AndreasSpiess
      @AndreasSpiess  7 ปีที่แล้ว

      What do you mean with a scheduler?

    • @Dialbist
      @Dialbist 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Sorry for my bad english. Scheduled tasks in the module, for example, I set up the day and time, when this time is reached, some action takes place. As it is implemented for example in sonoff, the scheduled task is configured at a certain time, in the application, and then written to the module. The task is executed regardless of whether the module is connected to the Internet or not. Independent scheduler in the module.

    • @AndreasSpiess
      @AndreasSpiess  7 ปีที่แล้ว

      You find a similar thing in video #7. But it does not work properly without internet connection, because the ESP8266 has no internal RTC.

    • @Dialbist
      @Dialbist 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Do you mean #71? In this video is just what I need, but there's one task is configured at a specific time. How to do multiple tasks with the ability to set the time and day, e.g. for MQTT. So for example dl.itead.cc/IM160712005/sonoff_TH10_TH16-4.jpg in the application, you configure the timer task, but the task is recorded in the device itself and does not work in your application and sends a command to the device. Sorry if I was not clear explain.

    • @AndreasSpiess
      @AndreasSpiess  7 ปีที่แล้ว

      GeneriK This is all I have.

  • @mikelemon5109
    @mikelemon5109 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Why cant the OTA part be implamented into the boot loader of the arduino again? is it already fixed?

  • @jjortiz1808
    @jjortiz1808 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    why does mine get
    Arduino: 1.8.5 (Windows 10), Board: "NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module), 80 MHz, Flash, Disabled, All SSL ciphers (most compatible), 4M (no SPIFFS), v2 Lower Memory, Disabled, None, Only Sketch, 115200"
    Sketch uses 306540 bytes (29%) of program storage space. Maximum is 1044464 bytes.
    Global variables use 27728 bytes (33%) of dynamic memory, leaving 54192 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 81920 bytes.
    23:12:32 [ERROR]: Error Uploading
    23:12:32 [ERROR]: Error Uploading
    This report would have more information with
    "Show verbose output during compilation"
    option enabled in File -> Preferences.

    • @AndreasSpiess
      @AndreasSpiess  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Maybe you try the blink sketch first. It seems to be a communication problem.

  • @alevi7856
    @alevi7856 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi Andrea,
    #1 Just for my understanding : where is stored the OTA info in the ESP memory and how does it work (roughly) ?
    I am asking you so because I can understand that OTA still works quite well as long as the ESP is within reach of the router it has ***INITIALLY*** signed and connected to (by ways of 'ESP_BasicOTA.ino') ... but what happens if I switch to another router and still want to OTA my ESP ?
    Do I have to run once again the 'ESP_BasicOTA.ino' with the new credentials to force the ESP to memorize these in its memory ?
    #2 Just a (kinda) cosmetic question : how comes that, after a ***successful*** OTA upload, the IDE bottom window displays 2 error lines like below :
    Uploading ...............................................................
    19:17:29 [ERROR]: No Result!
    19:17:29 [ERROR]: No Result!
    Have you seen these error messages on your side and if so, do I really have to worry about it (I confirm again that the uploading ended successfully) ?
    Thanks again for your work.

    • @AndreasSpiess
      @AndreasSpiess  7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      +Yann M I only use webupdate, not the normal Arduino OTA. So, I cannot answer your questions. I just guess, that your ESP has to have a connection to the WiFi to do OTA. This is independent from OTA. To connect to any WiFI, it needs the credentials. Otherwise, the access point will not connect.

  • @anumsheraz4625
    @anumsheraz4625 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    I had problem with the Wifi port not showing even if I restart my Arduino IDE. Solution:
    1. make sure your PC is on same wifi network as on which you configured your boot loader program.
    2. if still doesn't works, go to preference > Network and turn off proxy , restart IDE.
    3. if still doesn't works, make sure your Wifi network is not blocking some contents from Firewall (usually happens in Universities or restricted Wifi networks)

    • @AndreasSpiess
      @AndreasSpiess  7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you for your valuable feedback!

  • @sallerc
    @sallerc 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you for these episodes about the ESP8266 and IoT, didn't know the OTA was possible, very cool! Received my NodeMCU today BTW, so can finally start playing with it.

    • @AndreasSpiess
      @AndreasSpiess  8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      So, have fun with your new gadget!

  • @deangreenhough3479
    @deangreenhough3479 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi Andreas
    I have been working on the OTA project and run into a few issues.
    1. I am unable to find DNS_SD_Arduino_OTA.ino, I have searched ,I can loacte ESP8266mDNS holding 2 files: mDNS_Web_Server & OTA_mDNS_SPIFFS. Searching the internet, I am only able to find information on OTATest.ino.
    2. Also where do I find out a reference for what the functions do?
    3. When are you anticipating releasing your "looking further into the programming of OTA"
    Thank you kind sir

    • @AndreasSpiess
      @AndreasSpiess  8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      +Dean Greenhough For the moment I have to work for money and do not have a lot of time for my hobby ;-). So, I cannot help you right now. I think also, that there are two different OTA projects running, but I am not sure. In the meawhile I can only point you to the following page: github.com/esp8266/Arduino/issues
      You will find lots of info and helpful people there. They helped me too, when I had problems with OTA.

  • @belenjimenezg
    @belenjimenezg 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi! I have an ESP32. I'm using the library httpUpdate for OTA Updates. What is the difference between httpUpdate and ArduinoOTA? Thanks

  • @alenalex3532
    @alenalex3532 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi Andreas,
    Great video, you gave me a good understanding about OTA.
    I was looking forward to update my ESP8266 over the internet remotely from a location far away from where my ESP8266 module is installed. Can you share some ideas about it? I'm kind of stuck.
    Thank You!

    • @AndreasSpiess
      @AndreasSpiess  8 ปีที่แล้ว

      I am just working on this topic. The video will come out this or next Thursday.

  • @ashishkushwaha5770
    @ashishkushwaha5770 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Very nice explained indeed. I use the python script that arduino uses to upload via OTA and now I can update my esp via R-Pi. There is a bit problem I have more then 100 ESPs connected to about 10 R-Pi and I am restricted to use DHCP, so every time when I update ESPs I need their IP address to do this. One solution that I came up with is to write an script to do that. Is there any way to make it possible at the ESP end? Instead of uploading the firmware by script can we just download the bin file directly to the flash in ESP, whenever I put the new bin file in particular directory? that would make ESPs self up-gradable whenever new firmware change is made in binary file.

    • @AndreasSpiess
      @AndreasSpiess  8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Look at my videos about the IOTappstore. I think, this would be an excellent solution to your problem.

  • @nicolasmorel5359
    @nicolasmorel5359 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you for your videos, they are really interresting! You open so many "doors" for our schools projects!
    If I may ask you an advise, my students and I are working on a school project with an ESP8266. We need a sub program (only activate on boot of the program by a special input during the first 3 sec) to start the Wifi to get update OTA like the one you show in that video. We try so many things, it seems to work but the wifi is always on and we don't want that (wifi on only when this sub program is activate).
    May we ask you to take a look of our small program to help us find how to get only wifi activate when the sub program is chose?
    My students and I thank you in advance.

    • @AndreasSpiess
      @AndreasSpiess  8 ปีที่แล้ว

      Did you try WiFi.disconnect() or WiFi.mode(WIFI_OFF)? I do not know if it works.
      Another possibility could be to use ESP.deepsleep for 1 microsecond and wake-up with WiFi disabled (after you did the OTA update).
      "ESP.deepSleep(microseconds, mode) will put the chip into deep sleep. mode is one of WAKE_RF_DEFAULT, WAKE_RFCAL, WAKE_NO_RFCAL, WAKE_RF_DISABLED. (GPIO16 needs to be tied to RST to wake from deepSleep.)"
      You can also have a look at my videos concerning IOTappstore, which give you another possibility for OTA.

  • @selvaaai
    @selvaaai 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Can i do the OTA from anywhere in the world?
    For Ex :Programmer in US and ESP8266 or node MCU in INDIA.IS it possible with the above

    • @AndreasSpiess
      @AndreasSpiess  7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      With this concept: No. If you watch my newest videos you get a possibility to do that with IOTappstory.com

  • @deangreenhough3479
    @deangreenhough3479 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    I've been working through the night and as you say there are 2 different versions.
    I do believe I'm getting closer to resolving this and appreciate your early morning message.
    I will post up what I find, with your permission. Once again many thanks for replying.
    Have a good day at work

    • @AndreasSpiess
      @AndreasSpiess  8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +Dean Greenhough Yes, please post it!

  • @giampaolomaneri2704
    @giampaolomaneri2704 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi Andreas! Good video, congratulations! I would like to ask you if there is a way to do the same but over the internet. I will appreciate your response. Thanks for sharing all your knowledge with us!

    • @AndreasSpiess
      @AndreasSpiess  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Maybe you watch my newest video about iotappstory.com ?

  • @ayoubelmouddene3111
    @ayoubelmouddene3111 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    When I upload the bootloader code to the esp12e, I dont find my device in the port section. I restart the IDE and I added arduino to the softwares allowed in the firewall but I still get nothing. Any help please?

    • @AndreasSpiess
      @AndreasSpiess  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Remote diagnostics is not easy. So I cannot help.

  • @HariWiguna
    @HariWiguna 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Andreas, although I subscribe to your channel, I have missed this episode somehow.
    Great content as usual! I'll have to try OTA. How reliable is it now?

    • @AndreasSpiess
      @AndreasSpiess  8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +Hari Wiguna Thank you for your comment. I also see your videos and liked the last with the stop motion intros.
      After the first tries with OTA a few weeks ago I did recently quite some uploads and had no problems. So, for the moment (or for the configuration I currently use?) it is stable.

    • @HariWiguna
      @HariWiguna 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      Excellent. I'll try it this weekend. Thanks Andreas!

  • @deangreenhough3479
    @deangreenhough3479 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    This is the clearest set of instructions for OTA, Sunday morning project, here we go. Many thanks Andreas

    • @AndreasSpiess
      @AndreasSpiess  8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +Dean Greenhough Thanks. Unfortunately, I had to work today and had no time to deal with my hobby...

  • @robertkes
    @robertkes 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ah, I was wondering how to do it. You served solution with the best possible way. Thank you again for preparing all videos.

    • @AndreasSpiess
      @AndreasSpiess  8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +Robert Kesek You are welcome!

  • @antonbeck439
    @antonbeck439 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Are there new information for the esp8266-01 module? I often use them and it would be much easier to flash them ota.

    • @AndreasSpiess
      @AndreasSpiess  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      They usually only have small flash chips.

  • @siddheshbhalerao7084
    @siddheshbhalerao7084 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    i am new to use node mcu. i am trying to write interrupt handler to receive data through uart.
    when node mcu receives any data on uart it shud go in the interrupt handler.
    please help me out with this.
    thanks in advance.

    • @AndreasSpiess
      @AndreasSpiess  7 ปีที่แล้ว

      I never used interrupts on the ESP8266. So, I cannot help you.

  • @xxstormuxx
    @xxstormuxx 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Andreas can you make a video how to give arduino wifi access (esp8266) ?

    • @AndreasSpiess
      @AndreasSpiess  7 ปีที่แล้ว

      +Artur Z No, i do not think so. There are Tutorials around and since I work with the ESPi never used a combination of both. So, I have no know-how

  • @2sks499
    @2sks499 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    How fast esp8266 to transfer packets? In mbps.. upload speed. Thanks

    • @AndreasSpiess
      @AndreasSpiess  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      I do not know. Usually, the time to transfer our small data is very short compared to all other things like establishing the connection or connect to Wi-Fi

  • @DiyintheGhetto
    @DiyintheGhetto 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey i just recently found this video too. I must say this is awesome to see i love Ota stuff helps me a lot now i see the Esp has OTA I'm happy :)

    • @AndreasSpiess
      @AndreasSpiess  8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +joseph chrzempiec (josephchrzempiec) Great!

    • @fuzzie4755
      @fuzzie4755 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +joseph chrzempiec (josephchrzempiec) Did you get it running? I have an exception and cannot get around.

  • @alevi7856
    @alevi7856 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi Andreas,
    Thanks for your contribution clarifying how OTA works on the ESP8266 board.
    I have successfully implemented OTA to my ESP12E/ESP8266 board and my OTA uploads work quite right !
    I still have an issue, though.
    I understand that the serial monitor can NOT work over the air on the same port that the one that has been used for OTA (well, ESP8266 is not supported this way within the Arduino/IDE).
    However, monitoring my program is mandatory for me and I would like to be able to monitor it via Wifi when it runs.
    I saw in your video that you're using Putty to monitor it on COM13 !
    How did you manage to establish a link between COMxx and the WiFi connection to the ESP (192.168.100.xx in my case)
    I have tried many other options to no avail (Telnet, SSH ...)

    • @AndreasSpiess
      @AndreasSpiess  7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      There are a few more videos out since this one. Maybe you watch them (one about telnet and two about the IOTappstore). Maybe they help. Currently, I use remotedebug (github.com/JoaoLopesF/RemoteDebug) to monitor my devices.

    • @alevi7856
      @alevi7856 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hallo Andreas,
      es macht gut (ich meine 'Lopes_RemoteDebug') !
      However, a few remarks (maybe I am doing something wrong) :
      #1 Telnet has to be closed then reopened again everytime the ESP is RESET, otherwise a Telnet network error window pops up
      #2 RemoteDebug's Telnet session is VERY slow to startup, meaning that any debug.print statement in the void setup() section is definitely lost (I use to monitor scrupulously the initialization of the WiFi connection, and now, without the serial monitor, this info is lost ... not enough time to debug.print it !)
      #3 Is there any way to speedup somewhat the Telnet baud rate, it looks like a 300bauds TTY back in the 70's !
      Thanks again for your precious hints.

    • @AndreasSpiess
      @AndreasSpiess  7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      1. Yes, it resets
      2. If I need this info, i put a delay(5000) at the beginning of the setup. This gives me time to start the telnet. But somethings I still debug with Serial. remotedebug is more for production environments and monitoring
      3. I do not know about the speed. Sometimes it is quite fast, sometimes not. I have no clue about telnet, I just use it ;-)

    • @alevi7856
      @alevi7856 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Another question :
      You mentioned in your very exhaustive video #31 that you got inspired from the work of a certain John Lassen at www.john-lassen.de/index.php/projects/esp-8266-arduino-ide-webconfig
      This link does not work anymore, do you know of any Github or mirror where I could also check his work ?

  • @KDM-Reloaded
    @KDM-Reloaded 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hello sir, I am following your videos and so far, i have re-achieved most of them. You are really good mentor for the humanity of course!. I do my master thesis, this year. Last semester i have graduated and my thesis about " Smart Home Automation on Esp8266 Wireless Sensors ". This year i am developing that project and i stuck at OTA problem, which causes " wdt reset " and requeries manuel reset. Sadly, as result i couldn't find any solution. Can you show me a way, please?

    • @AndreasSpiess
      @AndreasSpiess  7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Remote diagnostics for hard problems is not easy/possible. And I assume, your problem is hard.
      Maybe you are aware of my videos about IOTappstory.com, which takes a different approach to OTA. I suggest to try them out if not done yet.

    • @KDM-Reloaded
      @KDM-Reloaded 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you,sir! i will look them asap

    • @taohawaii
      @taohawaii 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Are you using deep sleep? If so, you might not be generating the interrupt correctly or you might be using your boot configuration pins ( 0, 2, 15 ) for something else and the chip is resetting.

  • @warperone
    @warperone 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi - for #32 OTA - you didn't explain very well how you got serial commands from Arduino code to be displayed in Arduino IDE using PuTTY. Can you explain in more detail step by step.

    • @AndreasSpiess
      @AndreasSpiess  8 ปีที่แล้ว

      Maybe you want to watch my video #73 of today.This might help.

    • @warperone
      @warperone 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi Andreas, thanks for prompt response. I just viewed #73 and even though it was not directly related to my question it still a fantastic informative video. My question to be more specific is how you go Serial comms from a device you were re-flashing OTA - i.e. did you have a separate serial cable to your PC from the ESP or were you somehow connecting to Serial OTA ?

    • @alevi7856
      @alevi7856 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi Mars,
      Could you finally get it working ...?
      I have been facing the same issue and haven't been able to solve it so far.
      I've tried to Telnet, SSH my OTA/ESP, but to no avail ...

  • @jmaguilarr
    @jmaguilarr 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    your voice sound different that now

    • @AndreasSpiess
      @AndreasSpiess  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      I am older and have better equipment;-)

    • @jmaguilarr
      @jmaguilarr 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@AndreasSpiess Older and wiser , great videos !!!, good job

  • @KDM-Reloaded
    @KDM-Reloaded 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Sir can you make HTTP Advanced Update OTA from Raspberrypi server and esp ?

    • @AndreasSpiess
      @AndreasSpiess  8 ปีที่แล้ว

      Look at my newest videos about the IOTappstore. This can be done also on a raspberry. It only needs php and a webserver

    • @KDM-Reloaded
      @KDM-Reloaded 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you

  • @ThereIsProbablyNoGod
    @ThereIsProbablyNoGod 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hallo Andreas, ich habe vor kurzem angefangen mich mit den ESP8266 Teilen zu beschäftigen und bin dadurch auch auf Deinen Kanal gestoßen. Hat mir sehr geholfen. Bei OTA hänge ich jetzt aber und ich hoffe Du kannst mir helfen.
    Ich habe 2 unterschiedliche ESP8266 Module gekauft, um mal zu testen, was mir am meisten zu sagt. Eines ist ESP8266-F mitz 4M flash ohne USB Anschluss und eines ist das NodeMcu Lua ESP-12E WIFI Development Board. Bei letzterem funktioniert alles wunderbar. Beim ersten kann ich zwar per FTDI Adapter die Software flashen, aber per OTA klappt nichts. Irgendwie kann keine Verbindung aufgebaut werden, obwohl das ESP8266 im WIFI angemeldet ist. Ich kann sogar per MQTT die interne LED ein und aus schalten. Nur OTA funktioniert halt nicht, obwohl ich das gleiche script drauf habe, wie beim Development Board. Woran könnte das liegen? Vielleicht hast Du eine Idee. Würde mich freuen.
    73 de OE4HDS

    • @ThereIsProbablyNoGod
      @ThereIsProbablyNoGod 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hallo Andreas, nachdem ich heute Nachmittag Stunden damit verbracht habe, das Problem zu lösen, konnte ich es gleich, nachdem ich Dich hier um Hilfe gebeten hatte selber lösen. Ich musste einfach die Verbindung von GPIO0 zu GND kappen. Ich bilde mir ein, dass ich das heute Nachmittag aber schon ohne Erfolg gemacht hatte, aber nach alledem weiß ich jetzt nicht mehr sicher, ob das stimmt. Jedenfalls funktioniert es jetzt wunderbar.
      Ich habe aber in meiner loop() den kompletten code ohne Bedingung drinnen, also ArduinoOTA.handle(); und den normalen Programmcode. Da wird immer alles ausgeführt. Funktioniert und man muss beim OTA keine Buttons drücken oder sonstwas machen. Keine Ahnung, ob das einen unerwünschten Sideeffect hat. Mal sehen.

    • @AndreasSpiess
      @AndreasSpiess  7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Soweit ich weiss ist das so im Konzept. Das sollte keine Nebenwirkungen haben.

  • @bobq3238
    @bobq3238 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you.This info is very useful.

  • @jesuishalil
    @jesuishalil 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Could ssh replace serial capabilities?

    • @AndreasSpiess
      @AndreasSpiess  8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +Flo wey I am not a specialist in this matter. I was glad that other people solved the OTA problem ;-). The right place to ask this question is:
      There are the guys with the "big heads"

  • @RomanAKozak
    @RomanAKozak 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi Andreas, How could I preform an OTA update without having to press the buttons?

    • @AndreasSpiess
      @AndreasSpiess  8 ปีที่แล้ว

      Not easy. Your module has to know if it has to start the normal operation or if you want to do an update. Any signal (noise, light, temperature etc.) can be used instead of a button.
      I read also that you can do a OTA from a web service. This would then first check, if a new version is available and update. This web service could be called every time you start the module. But I never tried it so far.

    • @RomanAKozak
      @RomanAKozak 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      Andres - I appreciate the quick reply, thanks! I make eng videos as well. My esp8266 will be deployed where physical access to it is not possible. My idea is that though a HTTP request my device will look if there is an update, if there is one it would somehow download the firmware, flash itself then auto restart. With the code you described above I should be able to initialize the otaInit() method from a web request instead of a button press correct? My issue is my device will never be powered down, so it cannot do any checking on startup.

    • @AndreasSpiess
      @AndreasSpiess  8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +Roman Kozak Then you could watch my video #67 and start the request each day, each week, or each month. Without any human interaction

    • @warperone
      @warperone 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      I managed to do this i.e. no special buttons to press. Here is tutorial : elementztechblog.wordpress.com/2016/06/28/over-the-air-update-for-esp8266-using-arduino-ide/

    • @AndreasSpiess
      @AndreasSpiess  8 ปีที่แล้ว

      How does the ESP distinguish between OTA and normal operation during boot?

  • @MakunaRGBIC
    @MakunaRGBIC 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    The yield() call in your loop should not be needed.

    • @AndreasSpiess
      @AndreasSpiess  8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Maybe. I always include a yield() in my loop. Does not cost a fortune, but saves surprises...

    • @MakunaRGBIC
      @MakunaRGBIC 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +Andreas Spiess you only need it inside of loops statements in rare cases, the way it is used here it will never help.

  • @XerotoLabs
    @XerotoLabs 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    so cool! nice

    • @AndreasSpiess
      @AndreasSpiess  8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +XerotoLabs Thanks! I just saw, that you were also quite productive in the last few days! I had no time to watch youtube because i anyway was behind schedule...

    • @XerotoLabs
      @XerotoLabs 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +Andreas Spiess work and arranging my work room is still ongoing , but i had some time to get a few done. I have many projects on the go . One is repairing a MOSFET in my 'new to me' W10 laptop so it can run of AC plug. LOL It's a very busy season too .
      you make great videos , always well done .