D&D Players, What's the highest damage you ever did on a turn?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 27 ก.ย. 2024
  • What's the highest damage you ever did on a turn?
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ความคิดเห็น • 192

  • @ShadowDude6488
    @ShadowDude6488 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    I was playing a Warforged Juggernaut Monk/Fighter. We were fighting the BBEG on the roof of a tower that was hundreds of feet tall. My magic items of choice were a Belt of Storm Giant Strength, Wings of Flying modified to be a built in jetpack, and a modified Ring of Featherfall to where I take no fall damage, but not slowed down.
    So for the finishing blow, I go up and grapple the BBEG (29 STR go brrr), throw him over my shoulders, then use the rest of my movement to jump off the tower. He couldn't break out of my grapple, but he broke in 2 over my iron shoulders once we landed, dealing 142 fall damage. I then carried the upper half of the boss by flying to the top of the tower.
    I even shouted "HEAVENLY, POTEMKIN, BUSTER!!!", while doing it, hyping the table.

  • @funnyblog100
    @funnyblog100 หลายเดือนก่อน +22

    DM didn’t even make me roll damage for this one. Because my bard somehow dropped two entire ships on a monster one of which was a galleon.

    • @nickjean3350
      @nickjean3350 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      breaking the spell that allows a flying fortress so that an adamantine castle lands on the bbg after reaching terminal velocity.

    • @artyd42
      @artyd42 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Accidentally set off the BBEG's world ending attempt killing off not only the BBEG, the party, the entire city the party was in, but also setting off every single minor volcano that was anywhere near the 4 major mountains. We didn't calculate damage. I kinda became the BBEG.

    • @Ghoulastre
      @Ghoulastre หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      I once as a level 4 had to face a tarraske with one more party member, as that day we decided to do a small campaign of colliseum, we found in a different dimension.
      After a few fights, the DM got bored and wanted to party wipe, so I decided to play smart, not hard, and as they tarraske was killing everyone in the colliseum I told my party bud to follow me as we headed to the prize room.
      There a staff that would send us back to home was located.
      The price to use it was to lose my lvl back to one.
      And the tarraske started following us as I opened the portal.
      So I decided to do a risky move, waiting for the tarraske to be halfway throught the portal before closing it on him.
      I rolled nat 20.
      I got the whole tarraske XP.
      And kinda did infinite damage, cuz how do you withstand a dimensional portal closing on you.
      The one time I was a Big brain on a campaign

  • @ryxceb9977
    @ryxceb9977 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Friend of mine made her own system based on MMO mechanics (Tank/Support/DPS classes; abilities and spells cost MP; armor stats and abilities; etc) and wanted us to play test it and help balance it. I had just finished watching an anime series, and wanted to make one of the characters when I saw their weapon as a starting weapon, despite it being one of the weakest weapons. During my session zero, I rolled a crit and did 93 damage, at level 1, with a 1d4 weapon. So, as any good play tester would do, I tried to break the game. I had a class ability that added an extra 1d6 to my next two attacks (not turns), a racial ability that deals 1d6 damage to myself to add 2d8 damage to my next attack, then another racial ability that adds 1d6 to my attack on that turn. Then, my weapon's crit ability multiplies ALL damage by 3, for a max damage potential of 102, at level 1, with a 1d4 weapon. Needless to say, she reworked some abilities after. On crit, my weapon now only multiplies dice numbers by 2, and grants a second attack. Bringing my new maximum damage potential to 124. Then, I find out that one of the party members has an ability similar to the Haste spell, thus doubling my max damage potential to 248. And to add insult to injury, I had a class ability, as a reaction, to heal equal to a quarter of the damage I last dealt. Now, in order to not scare my DM as badly, I caveat it with the fact that it takes three turns to set up the buffs (as each ability was a bonus action), then I would have to roll 4 nat 20s in a row, then roll max on all damage dice, all 4 times. Despite all this, it came to bite me in the butt, as the DM started balancing encounters to my damage potential. Until we fought a boss with damage mitigation higher than what the tank can dish out, causing him to lose agro, ending in a near TPK, where myself and the party's NPC were the only survivors.
    TL;DR: I accidentally created a glass cannon capable of dealing triple digit damage at level 1 with a 1d4 weapon, which resulted in a near TPK when the DM tried to balance for my max damage

    • @OrangestGuy
      @OrangestGuy หลายเดือนก่อน

      How dare you share our table trauma for the world to see. Was it not enough that our tank and my character died. Now you ask for my upvotes!? I spit in your general direction, your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberry! Pffffft!!!

    • @OrangestGuy
      @OrangestGuy หลายเดือนก่อน

      How dare you reveal the shame of our table for all the world to bear witness. Was it not enough that I, as well as our dear compatriot, expired due to ill explained raid mechanics. Now I am forced to relive it once more in this public forum. For shame sir, for shame. I do declare you to be the son of a hamster, and to have descended from the stench of ancient berries! Pffffffffftttttt!!!

    • @dtscheererbo
      @dtscheererbo หลายเดือนก่อน

      How dare you, to air the shame of our group for all to hear. Was it not enough that I, along with our dear friend, expired at the hands of admittedly poorly balanced mechanics, but that I must now relive the tragic tale, here in this public forum. For shame friend, for shame. You truly are descended from a lineage of those that reek of ancient small fruit and miniscule, short-tailed rodents.

    • @dtscheererbo
      @dtscheererbo หลายเดือนก่อน

      How dare you, to air the shame of our group for all to hear. Was it not enough that I, along with our dear friend, expired at the hands of admittedly poorly balanced mechanics, but that I must now relive the tragic tale, here in this public forum. For shame friend, for shame. You truly are descended from a lineage of those that reek of ancient small fruit and miniscule, short-tailed rodents.

    • @OrangestGuy
      @OrangestGuy หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      How dare you, to air the shame of our group for all to hear. Was it not enough that I, along with our dear friend, expired at the hands of admittedly poorly balanced mechanics, but that I must now relive the tragic tale, here in this public forum. For shame friend, for shame. You truly are descended from a lineage of those that reek of ancient small fruit and miniscule, short-tailed rodents.

  • @richard7199
    @richard7199 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    I don’t even remember the build I had, but basically I was a Monk with a homebrew item that allowed me to jump equal to my speed.
    I leapt from the ground to the ceiling over and over and over and over again, smashing a mini-boss on the ceiling and the floor repeatedly until the DM just said that the dude was dead. Think Rock Lee’s Primary Lotus but over a dozen times in a row.

  • @mirakluaragnos2863
    @mirakluaragnos2863 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    323 Damage in a Singular attack
    Pathfinder e1, was playing Fenris Rolnesu, my Gunmagus. Level 1 Spellslinger Wizard/15 Eldritch Archer Magus.
    Magus can Cast a spell through a weapon attack via a Spellstrike. Eldritcher ARcher did so with a Ranged attacks. Spellslinger Archetype gave me proficiency with Firearms.
    Fenris shot a Dragon with Spellstrike through his highly enchanted Musket combined with the spell Cosmic Ray, does untyped Damage through Space Radiation, and through a Magus Class feature, maximized the spell damage. I rolled a Crit. Muskets in Pathfinder e1 do four times their damage on a Crit, and thanks to School of Gun from Spellslinger, a Spell shot through my Firearm had a Critical Multiplier of Times 3. The Dragon did not die, it had around 400 hit points, but Fenris essentially just stepped out, and with a perfect aim and powerful arcane magic SHOT A HOLE THROUGH IT!
    I was so proud of it, I wrote that Moment down.

  • @troperhghar9898
    @troperhghar9898 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    This happened about a month ago, during the latter part of a curse of Straud campaign.
    The party arrived at St.Markovia's Abby and in a moment of roleplay the party's wizard revealed he was the creator of the Mongrulfolk as his own experiments who escaped, first he thanked the abbot for taking care of them then while the party took the abbot into town to convince the locals the abbot was a good guy wizard set off a Glyph of Warding bomb but not a normal bomb with 100 fireballs NOOOOO the wizard set the book with 200 pages full of *Cloudkill*
    So all together the wizard did 1000D8 poison damage 4000 ft wide filling every nook and cranny of every room as every Mongrulfolk's lungs filled with blood and every one of them died
    Guys I think I watched a war crime

  • @albinoreaper2949
    @albinoreaper2949 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Alright, it’s not *technically* traditional DND, as we modded the undying hell out of it, but the most damage I’ve ever seen at a table was when I did 686 damage.
    I was playing a homebrew’d class called Berserker which is basically an opposite barbarian, in the sense the class is designed to deal massive amounts of damage, but has almost unfair amounts of low hp.
    It was a party of 9, with two buffers and a healer and a couple of other buffs from other party members, and I had a hideously powerful fire zweihander that dealt an extra 3d12 (1d20 normal) fire damage on celestial enemies, in addition to doing a base 5d16 (digital dice) damage because of perks applied by the Berserker’s passive feats.
    One nat 20 hit dice and 3 attack actions later, a celestial warrior is very much dead and gone.

  • @Annathesa
    @Annathesa 13 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Don't remember any of my own, but the highest from my players was exactly 400, at level 5.
    The rogue had caught sight of an ambush along the road by a large group of goblins and decided that HE was going to ambush THEM instead, without telling the party. I think he just wanted to see what he could do and thought he could flee, but nope; he went down in about one round. I wanted to give him a one-off chance to survive and instead of death saves or them killing him outright, so I had the goblins gather around and kick his unconscious body, slowly dealing damage towards the death threshold.
    Over time, more and more goblins gathered, cheering and jeering, as his hp dwindled and the party caught up.
    Then the wizard arrived, dropped a boosted fireball on the area (with an ability that let them ignore one square in the aoe, sparing the rogue), and wiped out the entire encounter.
    Amusingly, the wizard was the rogue's in-game sibling, and they hated each other. They later regretted that fireball. lol

  • @gradyelliott7594
    @gradyelliott7594 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Meteor Swarm with the fire damage transmuted to thunder damage, then maximized, and the bludgeoning damage empowered. I got 215 points of damage *per target* and the area of effect was HUGE. I have no idea how many targets I hit because we were fighting an army of demons that filled up the whole map. Closest thing to a nuke in D&D

  • @williamlogan7145
    @williamlogan7145 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    782 from a level 14 cleric in 5e. We were surrounded by a hoard of zombies and undead. I cast 7th level fire storm, reminiscent of the scene from Noah 2014

  • @Sillylittlemoron
    @Sillylittlemoron หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Nowhere near the highest damage but unnaturally high, one of my players was an artificer who had welding gloves, using a NORMAL SHORTSWORD deals 23 damage due to casting heat metal on the sword.

  • @vivansolace
    @vivansolace หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    I have a story for you from my RIFTS campaign I was running a few years back. The players all were fighting a Vampire infestation in a small town and most of the people who lived in the town had lost family members. We had a Mutant Dog Boy, a Glitter Boy, and a Veritech Fighter Pilot from the Macross saga, all in this town trying to keep the vampires from gaining the upper hand and taking control of the town. The team found the lair of most of the vampires throughout six sessions and discovered by tortuous means on a Master Vampire that there was still something g much stronger than he was. He led them to a huge cave system under the town hoping that he could get his leader a vampire Intelligence to help in taking out the party. Now the party was getting beaten pretty badly and the Veritech Pilot had a few grenades left and decided to make a makeshift dirty bomb. She rolled more than 2 dozen critical rolls with each one doubling the damage, and in the end, she had damage output of around 1.5 million MDC to 3 Million MDC I can't remember. The explosion took out the intelligence and left a half-mile-deep crater in the earth the town was also never to be seen again. The only problem was that the team also would have been taken out if not for the NPC Mutant Dog Girl I had to help out if they needed it the NPC teleported them to England and then promptly passed out from the use of her Magic and the Vehicle that held magic for The NPC to use.

  • @crowbar_the_rogue
    @crowbar_the_rogue หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I didn't keep track, but it was around 90. The enemy was vulnerable to bludgeoning, which my level 7 Monk absolutely loved.

  • @sparkselm173
    @sparkselm173 9 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I once took out a large-sized mecha suit by doing 380 damage in one shot at level 9.
    For context, we were using a One Piece conversion for 5E, which did mean we were probably doing more damage than standard D&D, but even so my damage output in that instance was ridiculous; it helps when circumstances align with subclass features. My base weapon was a +2 Kanabo with 5d6 damage, I put an extra 10 onto that from Great Weapon Master, an extra 4 from rage, another 8 from strength and proficiency, my subclass gave me an extra 1d8 to a chosen (imbued) weapon while raging, my subclass also gave me the ability to change the damage type of my imbued weapon to one of five elemental types for which I chose lightning, and to top it off my subclass also gave me siege on all my attacks, and I crit plus brutal critical.
    So in total, we're talking 15d6 + 3d8 + 24, averaging 46 damage, which all got doubled because the mecha was vulnerable to lightning, and then doubled again because my attacks had siege and the mecha was counted as an object.

  • @zacharyhuhn8366
    @zacharyhuhn8366 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I remember when a monk-rogue in the party with an op homebrew magic item used a bunch of ki points to use a whole buch of attacks at the very start of the round. He killed an adult dragon that was at full health in ONE turn.

  • @BeaglzRok1
    @BeaglzRok1 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Friend's Wildfire Druid in a Mad Mage campaign (actual spoiler ahead)
    dropped Sunburst in a room full of Shadows and Shadow Assassins. After vulnerability, the total damage was something like 1,060-1,080. My Warlock was in the room as well, but had cast Tasha's Otherwordly guise on Celestial so she was immune to the radiant damage.
    My personal cap was similar, getting a crit upcast Guiding Bolt on a creature with Vulnerability to Radiant damage, so the one hit was like 60 damage. I usually play martial-likes, so I probably have a bigger number across several attacks in a single turn, but that's the one I remember.

  • @ColdSilverD1
    @ColdSilverD1 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Critical hit with a level 17 Barbarian that was over 300.
    I was wielding a greatsword named 'Eyebiter.' It was heavily enchanted in terms of hit and damage: 5d8 slashing, 4d6 necrotic, critical range of 19 and 20, and +5 to hit. But it had a nasty curse: wielder loses their sight over time. Since it is a heavy role play campaign (a good 90% of the time) and combat isn't often, having a cursed item that affects the character out of combat storywise balances out the extremely difficult and powerful fights we do have.
    We were fighting a boss: a shapeshifter who, when they took the shape of a player character, had their abilities AND their items. "I" raged and struck our fighter twice. Normal hit. Critical Hit. As a Barbarian, it had max Brutal Critical, so three additional damage dice on top of the double from the critical itself. Oh, and the homebrew subclass added on an additional 4d4 fire damage. The end result: over 300.
    The fighter had to roll a new character. Thankfully he had already been considering doing it, so the blow wasn't quite so bad.

  • @Starfloofle
    @Starfloofle หลายเดือนก่อน

    This happened recently. A mounted character plus *spirit guardians.*
    After the distraction to the north was successful in pulling the enemy out of formation into a big stupid line to reinforce their vulnerable defenses, the party's level 6 cavalier with the local cleric riding behind him with spirit guardians up proceeded to absolutely *storm* through the enemy lines like a goddamn lance of light. Said cavalier had not used a SINGLE action OR his movement, only his horse's, so he leapt off his horse with a warhammer in hand, proceeded to do a rush attack through three skeletons instantly killing two of them (one crit their save lol) because of bludgeoning vulnerability, getting himself into position to attack the enemy commander, who he then *action surged* and killed in two hits, with enough cleave damage on the second that he *threw* the hammer into the commander's chest, sending him crashing into one of his goons to kill that guy too-- And then he picked up the spear of the man he just killed to defend himself with.
    He killed something like *twenty-two enemies* in six fucking seconds. There were around 50 enemies on the map because there was a tactics meeting beforehand and I knew it was going to go something like this, but I was still stunned at how this man deleted half the enemy forces in a single freaking turn.
    ...It made it all the more shocking when one of the BBEGs teleported in to retrieve the shipment that these people had stolen for him, created a big-ass barrier to trap one player and him inside-- He leveled his lance at the shield and BROKE THROUGH to save that player by challenging the big bad to a duel. Big bad was top of initiative and proceeded to crit said cavalier and *kill him instantly.* No death saves, just *instantly dead.*
    The remaining party put up one hell of a fight to avenge their fallen captain but in the end big bad didn't even take them seriously and stalled until dawn came and refreshed all the magic items. Including the one he uses to teleport. So he just peaced out. Needless to say I think I established the big bad well by having the strength of who he *killed* be well established...

  • @henrywebb3463
    @henrywebb3463 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Happened to me in a campaign. I was given a Crossbow by some resistance fighters but they only had 4 bolts for the thing. So I used all 4 bolts (I was a Sorcerer and not specked for range attacks[Pathfinder]). Every shot I fired was either a Crit or did the maximum damage possible. I carried that crossbow for the rest of the campaign.

  • @thesilverknook
    @thesilverknook หลายเดือนก่อน +31

    Not me, but one of my players. In a level 20 one shot I DM’d for three of my buddies, I had a puzzle in a tower that led to a crazy fight with a tarrasque that was also a 17th level spell caster. It was insane: they were dealing shit tons of damage and we were having a blast. However, there was a problem in the middle of the encounter. One of the players, a Monk 17/Blood Hunter 3, had spent all of his ki points and, eventually, the tarrasque cast Power Word Kill on him. He was below 100 HP, so he died immediately. Luckily, one of the players revived him and, since we were almost out of time to play anyway, I gave him back all of his ki points and abilities. Come his turn, he absolutely offloads every feat, ability, extra attack, blood rite and resource on this tarrasque. It was already nearing 0 HP, but it’s safe to say that he completely destroyed it. We never ended up calculating exactly how much damage he dealt, but once we got into the tens of thousands, we decided that enough was enough. All RAW. I don’t remember the exact class build and I’m pretty sure he used some homebrew feat that I wasn’t privy to, but it wasn’t anything crazy; not like he gave himself a +18 Vorpal Antimatter rifle or anything like that. That was a fun night. Godspeed, Fig the Godslayer.

    • @AnoNymous-gn6tl
      @AnoNymous-gn6tl หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Tens of thousands?! Jeepers... I haven't played DnD since 2007, so I don't know how Monk and Blood Hunter synergize, or how to min/max the use of ki/feats/abilities, but holy crap...
      "That's a lot of damage!"

    • @thesilverknook
      @thesilverknook หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@AnoNymous-gn6tl Phil Swift would be proud
      Yeah I think it involved a lot of “double damage” abilities and such, though I’m not entirely sure of the exact build. The rest of the players also checked it and said it was RAW. Oh and we only stopped after we got to tens of thousands, there was a lot more left to calculate.

    • @ledlebrgr5380
      @ledlebrgr5380 24 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      ​@@thesilverknook So you're saying they could have potentially ended up dealing hundreds of thousands of damage? If so, goddamn XD

  • @tychohaggman6683
    @tychohaggman6683 11 วันที่ผ่านมา

    i once had a level six gnome battle smith artificer hit a mind flayer with a bolt of force (5d4) from a repeating shot light crossbow (1d8+1) plus intelligence modifier (+4), i almost killed it in a single turn, the entire mission was accidentally scaled for a level seven party. i know its not that much but i was really stoked to do that much.

  • @Jessie_Helms
    @Jessie_Helms หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I believe the highest damage I’ve ever done was in Pathfinder 2e with my Thief Rogue Monk named Jenta Tyvrane.
    You see, as a Thief Rogue Jenta can use her _dex_ modifier not only for her to-hit, but also for her damage, with finesse _and melee_ attacks.
    Monk turns your unarmed strikes into d6’s instead of d4’s.
    And Stumbling Stance makes them d8’s +1 (from Backstabber).
    As a Rogue at 5th level, she gets 2d6 sneak attack.
    And with Handwraps of Mighty Blows she gets +1 _and_ doubling the damage dice of her attacks.
    So this dainty little 5’6” Drow girl ran _past_ the sharpshooter, past the cheeta in a mech suit, and past the buff lizard man, faux-drunkenly stumbling the whole way and _smashed_ into the giant crab with a crit, landing 4d8 + 4 + 1 + 4d6 damage, then landed her second hit normally dealing 2d8 + 4 + 1 + 2d6.
    That’s a total of 6d8 + 8 + 2 + 6d6 in a single round of combat from a level 5 PC.
    That’s more than a fireball (8d6) in melee with 2 types of damage being inflicted.
    I believe the final numbers somewhere around 50-60 damage.

    • @nitaigur6990
      @nitaigur6990 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The sneak attack dice shouldn’t be doubled though

    • @Jessie_Helms
      @Jessie_Helms หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@nitaigur6990 according to both GM’s I played with _and_ according to How It’s Played you double sneak attack damage on crit.

  • @NovaAnnicchirico
    @NovaAnnicchirico หลายเดือนก่อน

    In 3.5e theres a 2nd level flammable grease spell and a feat called sculpt spell, which can change the aoe to a 20 foot wide, 30 foot high cylinder of grease. Unknown to me, the dm was a plumber and quickly figured out the amount of volume and counted each ounce as the normal fire damage for the grease spell per ounce. I dont remeber exactly, but i think it was six digits when averaged. Was in a underground lab and because of the sudden massive heat wave/sudden vacuum from all the o2 being sucked up in a confied space, it destroyed *everything*. Luckily the dm allowed us to flee for the duration of the spell before that and we put enough iron doors between it and us. Was never allowed the spell again.

  • @litalunasol9347
    @litalunasol9347 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Pirate campaign, I was a druid and had an aquatic dinosaur as my animal companion. Was in with a group of 7-8 including my dino. We landed on an island and decided to go exploring. We came across a field of crops to trudge through. While we were in the middle of it, my character has the bright idea to set it on fire. 36d6 x 7-8 I made a nuke that only 2 characters survived(I wasn't one of them). A vain Aquatic Elf and a Wereshark War Cleric.

  • @theoverpreparerlamenters3r436
    @theoverpreparerlamenters3r436 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    There was this level 12 Path of Giants / level 2 fighter that dished out nearly 200 damage, counting fall damage. They turned my dragon boss fight into a fucking slaughterfest.

  • @penguinmaster7
    @penguinmaster7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    once did 79 damage in a single shot using a combination of steady aim, sharpshooter, piercer, sneak attack, and a lucky nat20. at level 10.
    from then on, most boss fights took place in tiny rooms where i couldn't get any distance.

  • @BradTheTryHard
    @BradTheTryHard 22 วันที่ผ่านมา

    At the table? On multiple occasions between a couple characters, i hit something like 2 to 3 hundred damage, one was an incredibly lucky wild magic sorcerer who had some homebrew item he used to get action surge a few times.
    The other was a rogue with a gun using exploding dice rules. He gained the reputation that nothing ever survived after having me point my gun at them. This started because he was a pacifist, but due to the GM only running combat... It grew to being because he was a cold effective killer.

  • @grumpyroger3025
    @grumpyroger3025 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    My level 1 Goblin caster in PF1e with a few homebrew rules:
    1. The grease spell is flammable
    2. Every creature in a swarm takes damage individually, to avoid a single crit backstab on the 'swarm' from killing a whole 5x5 cloud of individual diminutive bugs.
    As such, I cast grease on/above the swarm, coating them all in it. Then I lit them on fire with a mundane torch. It was ruled that the swarm contained 10,000 individual creatures - and since mundane fire does 1d4 damage per turn, I rolled the d4.
    On a 3, the DM ruled that I had just dealt 30,000 (THIRTY THOUSAND) fire damage to that swarm, resulting in a flash-fire that ultimately consumed the forest we were in. I retired that character since he would never do something as cool as that again.

    • @jypsridic
      @jypsridic หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I didn't play a lot of PF1 but it's basically 3.5 and as such swarms were still almost certainly immune to crits, and sneak attacks, and given the diminutive size they'd also be immune to weapon damage. AOE damage like lighting grease on fire would be 1.5x the damage.
      That turn you described should have maxxed out at 6 potential damage.
      That said rule of cool exists for a reason and it sounds like you all had a great time of it, so no harm no foul.

    • @grumpyroger3025
      @grumpyroger3025 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@jypsridic DM had a pet peeve against the RAW swarm rules

  • @Reepicheep-1
    @Reepicheep-1 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

    My DM ran an insane mini campaign including enemies such as freaking Unguliant and facehuggers. We had been plane shifted onto the actual Nostromo and encountered a nest of 'spiders' coming down a hallway at us. I didn't know what he intended when he said, 'damage is exponential based on the aoe squares,' but I ended up casting & holding Sickening Radiance for the full 10 minutes in the hallway. I told my party to clean up whatever got through, and I Mind Slivered with them.
    After a couple AFK hours at work, my DM said I had inflicted "(3,600x24)=86,400 damage" Well, I was impressed. After campaign was over, he said if we had explored the ship more rather than 'noping' out to a crazy store (6 pack of Master Balls, Myolnir armor, a lightsaber, Sensu beans [full HP, slots] etc.) We would have encoutered SPAWN with a facehugger. Wish I'd been able to join the next chapters of that world.

  • @protencya2150
    @protencya2150 หลายเดือนก่อน

    in a 15 level one shot the cleric player casted sunburst hitting 9 targets. Dealt around 450 damage in total since only the boss made the save and the damage roll was high

  • @darthjawa1369
    @darthjawa1369 หลายเดือนก่อน

    i have 2 actually 1 in 3.5 and 1 in 5e. The 3.5 one is a half Minotaur goliath Barbarian/Fighter/ Frenzied Berserker . He wielded a Colossal Goliath Great hammer (+5 with some Elemental Bonuses and Increased Crit range) made of Platinum (which makes it a heavier weapon and raises the damage amount. The weapon itself did 8D8 damage in addition to his strength mod and various feats he was doing a +60 to that and adding max power attack in. He ran in managed to get 2 crits in a turn whilst doing Maximum power attack (-20 attack, to add 120 damage to each hit , Supreme power attack and several Feats that boosted it in some way as well as wielding a weapon in 2 hands doubles it normally) so his base hits were doing 180 +8D8 Damage and with 2 crits , 2 misses, and 1 regular hit he dealt over 1000 damage in one turn to a Big bad Red Dragon, and even managed to cleave one of its peons to death. Now the downfall of that was a frenzied berserker has to make a save or attack any creature if it has no enemies to fight. I also managed to take out one of our party members (Rogue) in 1 round before they got me controlled. lol. The 5e one was an Isekai character. when we came into the DND realm we gained special powers. Some had super attributes, some could make magic items freely (to a certain level) , 1 person had a targetable deck of many things, so we were all powerful. I was Gestalt, meaning 1 had 3 classes at the same time. TO keep the power level down to a point i chose to not go full casters so I was a barbarian/Fighter/Ranger and Later Artifcer instead of ranger for later levels. we realized a flaw that feats and ASL's are tied to your class level so i had any feats i could get and my strength dex and con were all 20 or better by the end. We got to level 17 by the end of the Campaign and were FIghting a Tarrasque that we had inadvertently released. However, we knew it was coming for us and the DM gave us a 2 minute prep time and allowed for us to get a surprise round. I had Haste on, Zephyr Strike, and various other Buff spells put on him by others i got a surprise round in which i Action Surged. 9 attacks, all with advantage, Nearly killed the Tarrasque in 1 round. I had the boost from Gloomstalker, zealot Barbarian, and Rune Knight FIghter as well as improved Critical as i got some extra benefits of fighter than normally can happen (Multiple subclasses) IT went a decent way after me and i got an Attack of opportunity from Sentinel on it, but then our Ranger ally took the final shot with her per (TIger Turned displacer beat through Shenanigans with the deck and wish) Her ability was to absorb a power of something she or or pet killed. Well they killed it, but a round later it turned into a Tarrasque itself as it could not contain the power. So we had to fight it again, the second Tarrasque nearly killed the party and when it was slain it reverted back to the friendly Displacer beast

  • @andrewnotrealname848
    @andrewnotrealname848 หลายเดือนก่อน

    My DM made the mistake of allowing us to summon the BBEG. I, being me, set a trap of 90 oil flasks. I layed out the entire structure of the trap and after a single nat 20 to set it up, we summoned the BBEG. What I didn't know at the time was the the BBEG was vulnerable to fire damage. It spawned, I triggered the trap with my held action, and BAM! 900 damage round 1 followed by another 900 the second round. Luckily the DM was used to my high damage BS so he gave the boss 2000 HP. He wasn't prepared for my trap, but he was sure prepared for my level 11 echo knight to whip out his flame tounge first round of combat and action surge, levvying out almost 300 damage first round. His 2000 HP didn't even matter, that boss was simply murdered in 2 rounds.
    To make a long story short, I soloed a 2000 HP boss in one round, it just took until the second for all of my round 1 damage to sink in.

  • @LarryJ2022
    @LarryJ2022 หลายเดือนก่อน

    There was a king that was turning into a massive monster/beast of some sort, and I was hardly the strongest member of the party. Everyone's pulling out magical weapons and spells. I convince the people at the long table to grab onto the table and battering ram it against the king. The DM ruled it would be a strength based improvised weapon roll. For each person at the party. And it crit. It ended up with something like 406 damage or something silly like that. For those curious, yes the king was still up afterwards.

  • @rayzerot
    @rayzerot 27 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Highest damage I ever did in a round was when I asked, "Damn. How'd you get so ugly?"

  • @InfectedMoo
    @InfectedMoo หลายเดือนก่อน

    I had a character that was based around maximizing damage per turn. 2 levels of Warlock, 2 levels of Fighter, 3 levels of Sorcerer, and enough other levels to get to at least 17.
    Action Surge and Quickened Spell results in 3 Eldritch Blasts, all boosted by Agonizing blast for 12x(1d10+5) for a maximum of 180 per turn.
    Alternatively, rather than using my bonus action and sorcery points for that, I could use Mage Hand Legerdermain from Arcane Trickster (11 levels of Rogue gives Reliable Talent and makes the build very useful out of combat as well) to give all my beams that turn advantage.

  • @bekahreece2018
    @bekahreece2018 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    It was a team effort that resulted in a single turn of over a thousand damage.
    Our party collected ball bearings from day 1. The GM knew we were planning something but could not figure out what. Eventually ball bearing prices skyrocketed, then there was a ball bearing shortage and nobody had any, but it was too late. We had collected enough to fill a Bag of Holding to max capacity.
    We enacted Operation Overbearing during a mass battle where we had tricked three separate enemy armies into fighting each other (because eloquence bard). Our druid became an eagle to fly our artificer four hundred feet above the battle with the Payload Bag. The wizard got to the outskirts of the battle to get within range for a fireball, with the others ready to pull him back to safety as needed.
    On the turn when all armies had fully engaged, the artificer emptied the Bag. A calculated 250,000 greased ball bearings plummeted down over 100 square feet of the battlefield, bursting into fire when the wizard's readied action got into range.
    Max fall damage is 12d6. Per ball, of which over a thousand hit each combat square. On fire.
    We never calculated the full damage. The GM described Armageddon wiping out all three armies in six seconds, the list of war crimes was updated, and we promised never to do it again.

  • @shamdonnosnikta9570
    @shamdonnosnikta9570 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Maybe not damage numbers, but had what we called the you die beam. The only things that could possibly suvive where on the upper divine tier.

  • @EricTheChampion5393
    @EricTheChampion5393 หลายเดือนก่อน

    My first/second campaign I ever played in, was… well… things often got out of hand. We were going to level 100, and me and the other player’s characters all had really busted homebrew weapons and abilities. The DM and us, were rather inexperienced with running a balanced game. So stuff like this happened on the regular.
    So for context: My character took in three kids at about the level 40ish mark. The eldest was Scyn. I ended up building him as an entire crit fishing, super fighter, who could make upwards of 12 attacks in one action. He had a tweeked samurai fighter, where the ability that translates advantages into attacks. He could then transfer all of those into additional attacks, and his weapon, while only a meer 1d20, could convert any bonuses to hit chance into extra damage. He also had a 7, 16-20 crit chance. And could take upwards of 3 actions surges in one turn.
    So with all that in mind. We ended up fighting a robot made by the BBEG. My friend knocked the robot prone, which for some odd reason, he ruled as all attacks crit and auto hit. So… Scyn took his turn(s) and nuked the poor dastard for very nearly 24,000 damage… per action. Which roughly translates to 100,000 damage. And this isn’t counting the fact that other characters also attacked the robot as well. Poor thing only lasted 18 seconds, before Scyn turned a Tomahawk into a power saw. Good times…

  • @Vox_80
    @Vox_80 26 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I had dropped into a friend's campaign at level five and was immediately greeted with this homebrew ooze creature that was created by an experiment gone wrong by the person that hired the party. It had an attack that sapped 1d4 intelligence from the creature it attacked on a failed save for some number of turns I don't remember, but (unbeknownst to the party at the time) gained vulnerability to psychic damage for the same duration while it "processes" the intelligence it stole. My aberrant mind sorcerer hit it with a quickened spelled mind spike, followed by a mind sliver for something like 55 damage (this was like a month ago, I don't remember the exact damage.) Right after it had stole someone's intelligence. After I said the damage I said also I should know it's location for the mind spikes duration, to which the dm just said it's current location is splattered all over the wall.

  • @imthejman85
    @imthejman85 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Highest I ever did in a single turn was like 380-400 range.
    Backstory: Our party was part of an all-Gith storyline(we found out Vlaakith was killing and betraying the Gith race(which she kind of is in current lore IIRC) and we refused to sacrifice more of our creche to her power-hungry ways) so we(the entire creche) abandoned Vlaakith to run. Two of our 4 PC's were almost exclusively control based, the other two were built for pure destruction(one melee, one spell caster). I played the melee DPS character(lv 4 divine soul sorcerer, lv 2 fighter, lv 5 conquest paladin.
    Two things made my(and the other PC's) overpowered even at level 11. One, we use variant crit rules. If you roll a crit, whatever dice you roll on the attack normally are maxed out, and then you roll again like you normally would. It makes crits have some actual punch. We started using this rule because certain members of our group will roll max damage on normal hits all the time, but crit rolls and you roll minimum damage.
    Number two, we used another variant for customizable weapons that grow with the characters(ancestral weapons). Anyone that has never looked up ancestral weapons... some of the abilities are beyond OP.
    My characters ancestral weapon allowed me to crit on a 19-20, gave whatever I hit disadvantage on wisdom saving throws, and any time I used a paladin divine Smite it added 2D8 to the radiant damage from baseline lvl 1 spell slots. In other words, a baseline divine smite does 4D8 damage, plus weapon damage, plus booming blade for another 2 or 3D8 thunder damage(doubled if you crit while using the booming blade).
    The very first fight we got into during our escape from the rest of the Gith was three Gith warriors and a young red dragon. Final side note, our DM tends to max or double the HP pool of most big creatures because he knew our four characters were basically all power gamer characters, so the HP pool for this basic young red was over 350... knocked out before it ever got to make an attack.

  • @westerneagle7177
    @westerneagle7177 หลายเดือนก่อน

    During my first campaign, I was playing a gunslinger that duel wields pistols. We were tasked with going to this manor in the woods to kill an Ember Roc. However one of the party members got suspicious about the gnome homeowner being related to some backstory trauma so he and the rest of the party began searching the house while my gunslinger sat on the roof to keep watch.
    Turns out the gnome had been the one to kill the PC's brother and he and the rest of the party got into a fight which my gunslinger didnt hear. A turn in the Ember Roc appeared. My gunslinger had to single handendly fight the Ember Roc while the party delt with the gnome. At this point we had all recieved magical weapons and my gunslinger's pistols were improved so they each did an extra 1d6 one necrotic one radiant(one pistol was black and the other white).
    I rolled three attacks and one of them crit, action surged and hit two of the three attacks for a total of 120 damage, almost single handedly killing the Ember Roc(one other party member showed up and hit him once).
    We then had to jump off the roof(about 20ish feet) and run away because the gnomes family returned to their now dead father/grandfather.

    @ETREDROOMREVIEWS หลายเดือนก่อน

    I was a pyromancer sorcerer, due to in game reasons, I would make wild magic surges when I casted a leveled spell. So I up cast a fire ball, surge 86 (custom list) cast the same spell again but one level higher for free then roll again on table. next roll 85, same effect, surge 98, cast fire ball at 9th level then roll again, 73, creatures you damage with spells this turn take half of total damage of spells again at the beginning of their turn. 177 fire damage that ignored resistance to fire damage.

  • @dragonriderabens9761
    @dragonriderabens9761 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Over 800 damage once
    there was some Homebrew involved (DM been handing out HB weapons like candy at times) but the big thing was this player got no less than 6 crits
    he was a fighter with an expanded crit range, and used action surge
    most crits dealt about 200 damage
    he was also buffed to the 9 hells, which takes a full round of combat to do

  • @Echolater763
    @Echolater763 หลายเดือนก่อน

    423 and a full team survival. April 17, 2023. Torrasque slain being dunked like a basketball via the party's bard/lock who banished them by poling it's brown star and crit failed it's save into the air, I the barbarian was a movement build and got us away far enough i dropped from 300+ hp to 44 and the bard lock just cast second life to come back with 1 hp, the rogue and I quote "used the barbarian's corpse as cover" thinking i died as i took half initially and we had a small combat prior to this encounter. Was fun never forget how we forced the DM to calculate gravity vs weight

  • @Zero070810
    @Zero070810 16 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Not DnD, but close. College friends were doing a generic role play system where we mainly used d20s. About 3/4 of the way through the story we were prison breaking a npc out of an island prison. My Rouge had blasting powder for this. Botched it and killed him. During the escape we encountered shadow beasts that become the matter they consume. Thinking fast I throw the blasting powder into a mass of them. Succeed. All shadow beasts are now part blasting powder. What sets off the blasting powder you may ask? Water.
    That island was later referenced as the Island of Perpetual Explosions.

  • @Fitcher007
    @Fitcher007 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Sorcerer 17/ Tempest Cleric 3. Meteor swarm, use metamagic to change fire damage to thunder, use channel divininity to max thunder damage. I hit at least 40 enemies. 120 thunder + 77 bludgeoning damage. About 3/4 of enemies failed saving throw. So it was at least 6900 damage totall.

  • @cynthesizer_
    @cynthesizer_ หลายเดือนก่อน

    Played in a Homebrew Pokemon campaign, one of the players delivered a doubly super effective, critical hit Leaf Blade for 246 (I think? Was somewhere around there) damage

  • @judgepeacock4937
    @judgepeacock4937 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I don't know my highest damage dealt on one turn, but the most damage I've ever done in one HIT was 150 with a level 15 character.
    Here's the recipe:
    Take 9 levels in Order of Scribes Wizard, 4 levels in any class of sorcerer, and 2 levels in tempest domain cleric. I named this character Blitzkampfer Wizoric. First name is German fir lightning fighter, surname is literally a combination of wizard, sorcerer, and cleric.
    In the first round of combat I hit myself with lightning lure and failed the save, then used my reaction to cast absorb elements at 7th level followed by casting spirit shroud at 8th level which I used transmute spell to change to lightning damage.
    On my next turn I attacked using Steel Wind Strike. Now I'm not sure if this is legal as per RAW, but I used an order of scribes feature to turn the force damage from steel wind strike into fire damage and then used transmute spell to make that lightning damage as well.
    Finally use Tempest Cleric's Channel Divinity: Destructive wrath. This maxes out all lighting or thunder damage when you roll for it.
    The party was fighting three leviathans, and the DM's expression after this maneuver was priceless.

  • @sterlinggecko3269
    @sterlinggecko3269 หลายเดือนก่อน

    my DM in a 3.5 game banned Shapechange one level before I got it. another character already had it. my backup character could deal an average of 846 damage per round, not counting crits, without Shapechange, as a Master Transmogrifist. he could kill the entire party in one round and still have attacks left over.

  • @zeriul09
    @zeriul09 หลายเดือนก่อน

    without shenanigans, about 2883, thunderwave shotgun with 2000 ball bearings, several hundred for dropping a tower on a dragon etc
    most damage in a turn, my current campaign just ended when one of the players summoned the instant fortress inside a magically volatile tower, at top of said tower was an ever-night device powered by the magical ley lines under the tower that had been set to max, covering the world's sky in magical darkness
    instant tower weights nearly 2000 tonnes, falling 1000ft to magic tower basement, it also destroyed the floor so the ever night device fell too, gave up on calculating damage but several million seemed about right considering the circumstances, yes the players survived by accepting a demon deal in freeze time, they walked away but only one of them remembers who they are

  • @da_gonozal6754
    @da_gonozal6754 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lvl 6 Order of Scribes with the lorehold student background, so I could get radiant damage from spiritual guardians.
    We fought a final battle against a group of shadow demons, which so happened to be weak to radiant damage. I caught seven in the blast, five failed their save.
    Rolled a nice 32 dmg. Coupled with the weakness, that added up to a solid 384 damage total.

  • @yoface2537
    @yoface2537 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This is a twofer, in our first campaign, once we reached level 18 our rogue did 84 damage to a boss, in our second campaign, at only level 9, the same player, a paladin this time, did over 100 damage

  • @barbaraandsteven8596
    @barbaraandsteven8596 หลายเดือนก่อน

    4e will be 4e sometimes… had an epic level dual wielding ranger and we were fighting Dagon, one of the princes of the abyss. My ranger used a high level power that allowed you to keep attacking until you missed an attack (it required you to be dual wielding as you must alternate between weapons as you attack). A very long series of good rolls in a row later and he had killed Dagon… from full HP… in a single turn. Dagon had 1184 HP… the even funnier part, was the fact that I was also built for bleed (had a bunch of features and feats causing hits to add stackable dmg at the start of targets turns)… we calculated all the bleed dmg the hits had built up and Dagon would have taken more than 2000 damage at the start of his turn…

  • @PoxMox-t7r
    @PoxMox-t7r หลายเดือนก่อน

    Not my story but my father’s(D&D veteran). Prepare yourselves, it’s a long one: So my father was playing his dwarf fighter/barbarian called “Keltor Spikehead” in a 3.5 or pathfinder campaign. The party was about level 11 or so and they were on a mission to slay a mad sorcerer that’s been annoying them for a while. The party got deep in the sorcerer’s dungeon when they arrived at the first “antichamber” before the sorcerer’s room. It was filled with powerful minions and the party was in difficulty as almost everyone was running out of ressources, spell slots and even hp. My dad finally came with an idea and shared it to the rest of the party: what if we rushed to the door?(not the one they came from) they all agreed and Keltor led the group through the enemies and ignored them to get to the said door. Keltor destroyed it with his trusty adamantine axe called “Lockpick”. On the other side was another antichamber, also filled with baddies, so same strategy applies. The players were running for their lives straight through the danger zone while all the monsters were after them from the first AND second room. To the door, Keltor turned it to dust again and arrived in the boss room were sat the sorcerer. When it came down to roll the new initiative, Keltor ended up first followed by the Sorcerer, than the wizard of the team. On that single round my father had, he used every single trick and ability he had, he even had a cheat sheet listing every crazy Wombo Combos possible. He obviously used an old thing called “saved crits” that were pre-made crits he could save for later and did a whopping 196 damage…to the sorcerer that probably only had less than 120. The guy didn’t even had the time to do his turn his head was already rolling on the floor. When the wizard’s turn came, he teleported the entire party out the dungeon before all the enemies from the previous room caught up to them. The Dm applaud the party and this move by my father became a legend. I think it was reckognized by a representative of the league of adventurers as one of the greatest D&D move done in the province.

  • @ItsKoraBaraca
    @ItsKoraBaraca หลายเดือนก่อน

    I’m currently in my first ever session, but I did 72 damage in one turn at level 4. I used scorching ray against an enemy weak to fire and rolled a nat 20

  • @Gh0stWh33l
    @Gh0stWh33l หลายเดือนก่อน

    This story is called
    *Cue Sure Promise frim Big O*
    We were fighting Illithids on the Moon, and my DM had elected to give my Warforged Palidan, Sawtooth, several integral upgrades over the course of this high-level adventure, including an Antimatter Rifle buikt into him that had no Ammo. By Final Boss Time, we'd managed to reach Level 20, and I'd been saving the One Shot from my Antimatter Rifle I'd managed to acquire for something important.
    Cue the final battle against an Elder Brain, where these events took place.
    IIRC, the creature had been Eyes of the Grave'd by our Cleric. The DM ruled that since this was the only time I'd get to use it, I could smite on this Attack, even though it was ranged. You'd expect a story like this to have Advantage, right? No such luck for me, this was a straight roll on middling dex before I was rendered SoL on account if me not having any ranged options to deal with a freaking Elder Brain in its Brine Pool. A Hail Mary play.
    I narated as personal Anchors shot out into the ground, winching me into place as my arms expanded, exposing heatsinks to the cool air inside the chamber. The Antimatter Rifle telescoped out from my chest as I uttered the words "SAWTOOTH: FINAL STAGE!"
    The shot was clean, I rolled, and when the magical number showed up, Everyone went feral.
    Natural 20.
    Level 5 Smite.
    12d8 Necrotic+2d4+14d10 Radiant, doubled.
    There was a hole in the world where the Elder Brain used to go. I forget the final tally, but I believe it was above 300, as I rolled max on nearly every die.
    To fit the refrence, the Antimatter rifle dropped out of his chest after that, reduced to a pile of molten slag.

  • @phenik403
    @phenik403 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Like 358 I think. Phantom rogue, grave cleric, fighter multiclass… my group had a pair of rings that could be worn by a pair to guarantee a crit using one of their reactions. Threw on some wyvern poison, grave cleric channel divinity to make them vulnerable to the next attack… rogue sneak attack + wyvern poison critically doubled then doubled again by vulnerability.

  • @dieselsdungeons
    @dieselsdungeons หลายเดือนก่อน

    I don't have any hard numbers here, and it probably counts more as a "bad-ass" moment, but I'll share all the same.
    Played a character named "POE!" (yes, the exclamation mark is part of his name); an "ancient" human cleric that basically looked like Diogenes & had the personality of Bumi from The Last Airbender. Playing v3.5
    We wound up on this island of the undead, and were facing a mummy lord. As it walks forward, everyone takes their distance.... except for me. Dumbly stand in the middle of the room.
    "How's it going, big guy?" I ask.
    He saunters over too me, brushes his hand against my cheek, and says "aren't you CUTE!"
    In almost Bugs Bunny style, respond "let me return the favor!" and give him a *BOOP!* on the forehead.
    Through some rules loopholes (and talking to the DM first), my cleric could manipulate positive energy. And one of his domains was Pestilence. Domain passive bonus: immune to ALL disease. Including magical disease. Which means the Mummy Rot from the Lord's touch did NOTHING.
    When I gave him the *BOOP!* on the forehead, I cast Cure Critical Wounds. In D&D v3.5, positive energy (healing) damages undead.
    In one DUMB exchange, I marginalized a major threat as a cartoon gaff, and melted his face off like that scene in Ark Of The Covenant.
    .....this was actually neither the best (or worst) of the shenanigans of POE!

  • @trevhart2124
    @trevhart2124 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I was a level 9 Blade Singing Wizard multiclassing into a Level 8 Arcane Trickster Rogue.
    And the Blade of Sharpness was my go-to weapon 90% of the time (The one that chops limbs with 2 nat 20s and does an extra 4d6 Slashing on crits.)
    I used Tenser's Transformation on what was basically the Final Boss of out campaign (we stopped it early, and said boss was a MindFlayer) and for some reason, on my turn...I felt it, I felt that a nat 20 was coming.
    I wasted no time, I moved in, did my 3 hits with advantage, and got a NAT 20 on BOTH ROLLS.
    -4d6 Sneak Attack
    -1d8 Slashing
    -2d12 Force
    -4d6 Slashing for the SOS Crit.
    It all added up to 80 damage on a single strike (I had multiattack, and used my bonus actions for off hand strikes.)
    So the total I did in my single turn, with my Swords alone was 129.
    I was so proud of this, I screenshot the roll on Roll20 and pinned it in my friend's group chat. Just so I'd never forget the time I did a slash so epic, it warped the space around it

    • @trevhart2124
      @trevhart2124 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Ah, sadly I didn't get the chance to lop off a limb because the boss we were fighting had the power to not only summon minion, but to redirect all damage to said minions while they're in play.
      But I can't be upset, because my DM bent the rules a bit and had me cut off her face tentacles, the thing that was allowing her to summon her minions in the first place.
      Which makes it even more cool to me because my slash was so strong, it bent the freaking rules. Happiest moment in DND

  • @davenrippe480
    @davenrippe480 หลายเดือนก่อน

    pathfinder first edition. I was playing a Kitsune Wizard (evoker) we had been playing for a few years by now and were up against the BBEG and were level 40 with 10 tiers of mythic. I did in one turn 1,556 damage and dusted both the BBEG and a traitor in the party after they killed two other party members

  • @magatsu6811
    @magatsu6811 หลายเดือนก่อน

    203. My most used character, Magnus, with the homebrewed dragon-shifter class/race my DM made, had bonuses to crit dice, and I was able to bump his crit range up a bit too. When transforming, two major passives proc; He becomes Large, and can knock foes prone on a failed Strength check whenever he attacks them. The subclass Magnus was can get his current amount of attacks+1 as a bonus action/reaction when he knocks a target prone(5 attacks at level 8). He hit a skeleton, knocked them prone on the second hit, and proceeded to crit three times in a row on that skeleton. Regular attacks did 3d6, and got upped to 7d6 on a crit. He reduced the skeleton to dust, though he didn't even need more than the second attack to kill. Each crit did 54, 51, and 56 damage respectively, and the first two did 21 each. He was a crit build though, and that was his highroll.

  • @Grymreefer
    @Grymreefer หลายเดือนก่อน

    to an individual 124 hp's (gideon's forbidden blast) to a group 437 hp's (abi-dalzim's horrid wilting) ad&d 2e

  • @BoredTAK5000
    @BoredTAK5000 หลายเดือนก่อน

    So there we were at level 5 sneaking into the xanathar’s lair to get a mcguffin (or McMuffin if you’re my autocorrect) when we see a faction falling back after waking the xanatha. My party and I are cornered when I (the fighter) step forward, pour some purple wurm poison onto my longsword, climb into the saddle of the unicorn my party summoned (I forgot how) and charged. I threw EVERYTHING into this one round including action surge and 4/5 of my superiority die. I have advantage because the xanathar didn’t expect a halfling to charge it. I crit twice out of 4 attack and hit the other two for 6d8 slashing + 6d8 radiant (crystal blade) + 6d8 (superiority die) + 42d6 (purple wurm poison) + 20. I rolled something like 279 damage (I don’t remember) soloing the xanathar in just one round. My fighter was a chad the entire campaign but this was 100% his crowning achievement.

  • @Badgergoose
    @Badgergoose หลายเดือนก่อน

    I never had a number, but we pulled some party shenanigans and managed to take out the supports of a 5 story stone tower that raised the whole thing and took out about 40 bandit enemies hiding it. The DM just rolled a massive handful of dice and said "It's enough"

  • @Author1219
    @Author1219 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I don’t remember the exact damage. But here is the scenario. Four WH40k grey knights have surrounded a human Khornate who has a hellblade. Fun fact: hellblades are not demonic weapons RAW, and have a fantastic penetration. GM house rule was Lightning Attack did one hit per degree of success. Whirlwind of Death meant that all of my hits were AOE. I raged. I got a crit. The grey knights were described politely as sashimi.

  • @Sylancewillfall
    @Sylancewillfall หลายเดือนก่อน

    Mid 70s on a crit with a paladin rolling nearly perfect damage. Oh and i was only level 3, DM was shocked to his core

  • @Sarah-gp3xh
    @Sarah-gp3xh หลายเดือนก่อน

    Highest damage ive done was at lv 18, Oathbreaker paladin with 30 charisma. Rolled a crit with 180+ damage from banishing smite with a regular smite + improved divine smite + 1d8 slashing +21 from the charsima and strength mod and +3 from the vorpal sword. Did a 2nd attack for another 70 or so for a total of 257 damage.

  • @Ghoulastre
    @Ghoulastre หลายเดือนก่อน

    Due to a smart brain move of mine, I once dealed infinite damage.
    I was a wizard, and my party was small, it was a small campaign we did as one of the group wasnt around.
    We were sent to a colliseum, and after a few fights, the DM decided to party wipe us, summoning a tarraske as the party was level 4.
    So we ran into the prize room, where we found a staff that would teleport us to another dimension. With the price it'd remove my level back to 1.
    So I used it, and opened the portal, but I decided to wait for the tarraske to cross the portal slightly to close the portal on him.
    No creature can withstand a dimensional shifting portal closing on them, and I rolled a nat 20 on closing it, beheading the tarraske clean, and as I already paid the price to lose level, I got the whole tarraske xp, thing my dm had to nerf cuz was lotta xp.
    Will keep remembering it as the day my brain hit 100% potential and even won a prize from a party wipe attempt from the DM.
    Using a scape route tool as a weapon

  • @torgr01
    @torgr01 หลายเดือนก่อน

    My highest damage? I think it was when I cast Sunburst for the first time. I cast it as centered on self instead of on a point of my choosing because I thought it worked like another spell i had. One of my allies crit failed the save and took about 140 radiant damage, they were also the only ally in range that didn't have an innate or class bases resistance to radiant damage. They then shot ms in the back twice for about 70 damage. Not sure about total damage dealt from AoE attacks, but that is the highest single damage in one attack O can remember.

  • @MasterElements
    @MasterElements หลายเดือนก่อน

    3.5 Paladin/Great Weapon Master with a scythe, which has a base crit multi of 4, which gets increased to 5. If I crit with a smite I easily got into the 500 damage range.

  • @jonahbutterfield5792
    @jonahbutterfield5792 หลายเดือนก่อน

    202 damage, the creature was vulnerable to radiant, I had foresight, holy weapon, and a magic weapon that added the radiant damage. I did 4 hits in a turn with 1 or 2 crits with max level smites at level 16 about
    I rolled fairly well and did 101 damage which doubled to 202 due to its mentioned weakness.
    It didn’t die xD it had like 800 hit points but man it felt good. Still is the record at my table

  • @neock
    @neock หลายเดือนก่อน

    most i ever did? think it was like 700 or so. made an actual arcane rail cannon. adamantine slug enchanted with antigravity and the actual gun had so many failsafes it wasnt able to be broken. (the DM tried. i thought of everything when making sure it was failsafe lol) shot thrue sevral airships (magitech types), 2 mountains and apparently an ancient dragon we later found out about..

  • @Zigzorark
    @Zigzorark 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

    2^301 power.
    Yes, that much. Due to flavor text in a single item I had on my snake familiar, it does a single damage to an enemy and inflicts poison. A single point of damage. 1 damage. BUT! If it kills whatever it hits (The enemy had one health) it would increase to 2 damage. Then 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, you get it. Uhhhh, the Druid summoned 300 butterflies at once with insect swarm or whatever the spell was called.

  • @Cyber_Moose
    @Cyber_Moose หลายเดือนก่อน

    I was in a campaign and had a stroke of luck that I will never see again, at level 3 I cast inflict wounds, nat 20, critical, proceed to roll max damage on every single roll, for a total of 60 damage, due to a rule my DM wanted to use (weaknesses so some things took double damage from certain damage types i.e. necrotic) it took 120 damage, all at level 3. It had 10hp

  • @AeronHale
    @AeronHale หลายเดือนก่อน

    Theoretically my highest damage done in one turn was something like 200-250 or so.
    It's however more on a technicality than a straight damage roll.
    I one shotted an efreeti.
    I was using a frostbrand weapon which has the ability to extinguish magical flames 50% of the time.
    Since elementals are more or less living magical fire a frostbrand weapon should have a 50/50 chance of extinguishing their lifeforce.
    So I chucked the sword at it's face, flipped a coin, and it died.
    The DM allowed it because it was a gamble that had a very good chance of backfiring and costing me a weapon of legendary if not minor artifact status.
    It wasn't a normal frostbrand sword but one forged by an ancient silver dragon in the astral plane using materials from the body of a dead god.
    So it was quite a bit more powerful at +5 and dealing 2d10 frost instead of 1d6 while also granting several nasty abilities as well as being sentient.

  • @luigines6457
    @luigines6457 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I nearly one shot a manticore. I am a lv. 5 Gloomstalker Ranger, and the first Gloomstalker ability allows you to take an extra attack and deal an extra d8 of damage for every successful attack, and since I'm using the Marking feature from TCoE, I landed all my shots, critting one of them, and rolled 9d8 damage plus 3d6 and 3d4 damage, on top of 12 damage from my +4 Dex. Mod. The DM told me I brought it down to 1 HP. However. The most damage done in a single turn was probably done by a combo two of my friends did. One is a Barbarian and the other is a Tortel Paladin, saying he weighs over 400 pounds. The Barbarian chucked a 400 boulder of a turtle at a group of 8 or more Orcs, and killed all of them.

  • @develvideo
    @develvideo หลายเดือนก่อน

    Level 20 super strong hero campaign. I carpetbombed a continent. My ranger rogue fighter could should 75 fireball arrows (6d8 per arrow) in 1 turn. Normal action: Volley + Boots of haste + action surge, hitting each square of the 5 by 5 volley grid.
    75 (6d8 + 1d10+ 5) for the opening turn. I dont remember what was rolled. It didnt matter anyway.

  • @BrodyLNg
    @BrodyLNg หลายเดือนก่อน

    My wizard had gotten a scroll of vengeful gaze of God which does 305d6 damage against a primordial gods avatar (it was the the finale of the campaign) but it also does 200d6 backlash damage. It did an assload of damage but I remember I ended up taking like 600 damage myself obliterating me.

  • @tazman2253
    @tazman2253 หลายเดือนก่อน

    can't remember the damage but had a character that was a whirling dervish. had a large field of enemies and a movement speed of 40 something like 20 attacks and was also a rogue so each enemy I hit was technically a sneak attack. 3.5 was just a litttle broken

  • @xleonhardt4416
    @xleonhardt4416 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Not me but also technically me... I was controlling one my players characters cause he wasn't able to make it and I crit twice twice on two attacks. The character was a paladin wielding a greatsword with great weapon master fighting an undead dragon. So two 3rd level smites equals an extra 10d8 damage on top of the +20 from GWM and the 6d6 from his magical greatsword (its base damage is 3d6). I also rolled really well on the damage dice which totaled to 173. Safe to say that encounter ended with me feeling defeated, even more so since I did it to myself.

  • @yourtruelordandsaviour
    @yourtruelordandsaviour หลายเดือนก่อน

    Literally last session, I played a Lvl 12 Vengeance Paladin with a belt of fire giant strength in Chains of Asmodeus. He got a tail from demon blood mutation that could do a 1d4+str meelee weapon attack as a bonus action which happens to stack with improved divine smite. We get into a fight with Dispater, the Iron Lord of Dis. I am hasted, crit on one of the three attacks, hit the others, smite on all three and get the tail attack in. I deal 32d8+1d4+32 damage for a total of 206 damage. CR 30 encounter finished in two rounds.

  • @jypsridic
    @jypsridic หลายเดือนก่อน

    3.5 player so numbers are going to be way bigger than you're used to, but that said, nothing has had enough HP for my current character to max out their one turn output yet. I've done all the pieces independently, but if I get the opportunity to put them all together at once I'll get 3 full attacks, each with 10 attacks, each attack dealing 80-90 damage, in actual play though I have had 600 damage full attacks rolled but not all dealt out due to "they die on the third attack"
    at level 16

  • @kevinskinner4986
    @kevinskinner4986 หลายเดือนก่อน

    In an epic-level pathfinder game? Like.... half a million, give or take a few hundred thousand.
    So, we're like level 40-50ish, at a level where thousand damage rounds are expected and the trash have more HP than minor deities. We come across a horde of angels who are opposing us for reasons , and they decided they would be clever and use an epic spell that binds contingent healing to automatically heal the damage they take. And they had dozens of casts each.
    Aoife eventually gets annoyed at the massive slog and casts Unbinding, an obscure 9th level spell that destroys magical bindings, containers, restrictors etc. The contingent healing immediately activates as the bindings are cut, and we watch as the angels puff up like balloons from the overhealing and pop, sending them (very messily and abruptly) back to their home plane. Our god of war that's accompanying us and complaining about babysitting immediately swears never to mess with her again.
    There was a second fight later in the campaign, where we were fighting an elder deity of fertility, and the Mother of Monsters has such ridiculous contingent healing that even the gods can't touch her. Eventually, Aoife casts a readied spell into her wound before it closes that takes all of that healing and converts it into negative energy, her weakness as a deity of fertility. And so she immediately starts screaming as instead of her wounds closing, they fester and rot, taking triple damage from all sources and dying in one round after effectively getting put through a blender.
    If Aoife had a copper piece for every time she killed ultra high level enemies with their own ridiculous healing, she'd have two coppers. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.

  • @CoyoteGris
    @CoyoteGris หลายเดือนก่อน

    996. Falling from hundreds of feet, while accelerating using fly, dash, and a "mjolnir" like hammer that fall to the ground like a light ing when invoked pushing in my feet.
    DM decided to calculate using various sources of speed instead of raw falling damage. While i had the long-time enemy in my hands pinting down polymorphed as a frog.
    I survice with DEATH WARD and rule of cool.
    The crater left remains as a message for its allies to not mess with the party.

  • @sheriff2285
    @sheriff2285 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Renegade warrior, most op thing in dnd. Without any magical items with action surge i did 86 damage in one turn and massacared goblin village.

  • @discountdavyjones5002
    @discountdavyjones5002 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lvl 6 half-orc fighter up against a lvl 6 half-orc barbarian in an anti-magic field. Greatsword versus Greataxe, civilisation versus savagery.

    Barbarians: Reckless Attack is cool and all, but never give champion fighters advantage against you - especially when they’ve not used their Action Surge.

    Five hits, two of which were crits. 108 damage, which could have been even more if I’d remembered to declare heavy attacks before rolling.
    GM really expected that to last more than 1 round.

  • @postapocalypticnewsradio
    @postapocalypticnewsradio หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    PANR has tuned in.

  • @jackhammertwo1
    @jackhammertwo1 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Boss fight decided to board a helicopter without beign invited, the four characters i was using at this point didnt liked that one, the point woman took an exception to that, cue a shotgun loaded with frag 12 (as in fragmentation like the grenades) point blank range to the neck, what was left fell from said helicopter. Thus the inner joke of "Don't.fuck.with.TS-12" was borned.

  • @Dan-fw2db
    @Dan-fw2db หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Call this cheating because I'm using Traveller, not DND, but I remote controlled a Capitol Ship to crash into a moon. No damage roll, but I knocked the moon, out of orbit, into the planet, causing a mass extinction event.
    Ended the war tho

  • @Faero2566
    @Faero2566 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I dealt a critical hit for 80+ (if i remember correctly) damage and just straight up one shot big bad monster boss (which we shouldn't have fought at all) in first fricking turn of combat. Yeah, my level five barbarian stunned everyone that day, even me. God just straight up said fuck this creature in particular.

  • @arukorubasuke
    @arukorubasuke หลายเดือนก่อน

    Joke Campaign, we had a combined attack between 3 characters. we boosted each other in the same element and somehow ended up with all of us rolling a nat 20 and enemy rolling a 1. we had multiple boosts and our weapons boosted us too and our enemy was weak to fire attacks. Our attack was boosted 3x by the fire element and us boosting each other in the fire element. DM didnt tell us how much but said we didnt just kill the enemy, revealed what was behind it and that we also burned his entire armada alive. He just didnt wanna add all the bonuses and saw that the triple damage was close enough without the boost.

  • @connorsniples4010
    @connorsniples4010 หลายเดือนก่อน

    So, of course, this whole thing is subjective because it depends on how your DM rules things. You can pull as many 'um, actualy - ' as you want, but if your DM says 'no, I don't care that the rules are written that way, you can't have your hired vilagers pass a bucket of water at the speed of light', then that's that and you can't do it. So the more permissive the DM, the higher this value will be able to be. The longer a campaign runs for, the higher the value will be. The more mcguffins that are included in a setting, on average, the higher the value will be. So having a super high value isn't impressive in and of itself.
    I have two possibilites for my maximum damage round. One is numericaly the highest, the other wasn't rolled because it was ruled an instant kill but I beleive would qualify as even higher.
    My numerically highest damage round was an utterly staggering 2560. We were in a round arena made of strong, thick walls. My DM let us exchange attack actions for movement actions. I was playing a barbarian. I had a magical item which increased my base speed to 42, boots that doubled it, and could go into a blood-rage to double it again, to a maximum speed of 168 feet per round, or, because rounds were ruled to be 6 seconds, 28 feet per second. Except, I could exchange attacks for movement, because permissive DM. And as a barbarian at twelveth level, I could make three attacks per round. All this combined meant, in combat time, my character could run around at 112 feet per second, a very respectible low-end speedster. Very kind of him to let me build my character like that. So, the radius of this round room was such that, at 112 feet per second, the lateral centrifugal force was greater than 1g, allowing me to run around the walls. It was, in fact, just shy of 2g. I argued that, because I was under 2g of force, I should be able to push off the wall twice as hard and move twice as fast. The DM allowed this, but now I was running at 224 feet per second - so my effective gforce was closer to 3.2. So I could run faster again, which increased the gforce... Of course, once my own body weight exceeded my cary weight, I couldn't run anymore. So this couldn't grow infinitely. But I was a female child half-elf barbarian with feets for hauling, so my cary weight was high and my body weight was low. Ultimately, I was able to get my character (and a huge tent spike they were holding) to about 1200 feet per second over 6 rounds of 'charging up', breaking the sound barrier on the final round. My character weighed 80 pounds with the spike included. It was ruled that the damage I would do would be proportional to how much damage a crossbow bolt would do, adjusted for weight, but rolling max damage every time for being supersonic. A crossbow bolt weighs about a quarter pound, and does 1d8 damage. Thus, when I finally made contact with the arena boss, shattering both of my arms and knocking me out instantly, I delt 2560 piercing damage in a single blow.
    The probably actually highest damage delt in a single round was something that wasn't numerically calculated. Same character. I was trying to retreve a soul from the afterlife. Because of the antics of my character (who regularly did insane things like the previous) I had managed to piss off some of the gods. So, while I was retreiving the soul of my murdered mother, the god of death tried to grab me into the underworld. So, the scene - I am on the material plane. There is a portal, with my mother's soul on the other side. I have reached through the portal and I'm trying to bring it out - the god of death grabs me. Now, I have to think fast, because just the contact is doing 6d12 necrotic damage a round, and I'm going to be dead in four rounds even if they don't bother to attack me. So, I kick the magical setup that is letting me make the portal while pulling back as hard as I can to make sure I don't end up on the wrong side of the closure. Of course, my character is very strong, and a lucky natural 20 means that I am succeeding the tug of war - so when the portal closes, the god of death is half in the material plane, and half in the underworld. And because they're reaching out of the underworld, this is *the* god of death. Not an avatar of them. Outcome uncertian, the DM decides that using an entire plane like a Guillotine is, in fact, sufficent to kill a god. They were the dumbass that stuck their body half-way through an unstable dimensional portal, after all. So that's how I instakilled a god at level 15.

  • @isolu9386
    @isolu9386 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Happy to report thst the absolute theoretical max damage in Midgard (a German ttrpg that I play) is 52 with max rolls in the span of a single round including four attacks.
    Then again any human despite level can have 20hp with max constitution. So it's still overkill.
    You can even do 58 dmg against creatures that are weak to fire. This is excluding specific magical weapons that have a dmg bonus

  • @Snowthree
    @Snowthree หลายเดือนก่อน

    I don't know the *EXACT* number... but it's what you get when you get suplexed off a 10 story tower by a supersized giant ape. It was high enough that the DM didn't even roll for damage... And we both died... but he ressed me immediately after. Edit: I was said giant ape.

  • @gelgaroth3266
    @gelgaroth3266 หลายเดือนก่อน

    224. Was playing a paladin and the dm gave me a spell scroll with a homebrew 5th level smite that could be thrown like Zeus throwing a lightning bolt and dealt 8d8 + and additional 8d10 to undead. I crit. This dm ran crits as max damage on the dice then roll the extra. That poor dullahan didn't stand chance.

  • @p2jnyoom
    @p2jnyoom หลายเดือนก่อน

    3430 damage.
    144d12+288d4+76, doubled due to vulnerability.
    Four punches. Yes, this was a Monk.
    Vecna didn’t stand a fucking chance.
    Edit: I should also add that this character also did 178 damage at Lv. 3, at the start of a campaign.
    Strahd didn’t stand a fucking chance.
    Well, if not for spooky bullshit. Lv. 6 was a formality.

  • @jaimegaitan954
    @jaimegaitan954 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The most damage i have ever done with a blowgun i did 78 damage with a blowgun....i was a rouge assassin/warlock genie multiclass and this character had really REALLY BAD stats. Most fun i ever had i miss my grung

  • @KingMidas-wn4hp
    @KingMidas-wn4hp 25 วันที่ผ่านมา

    So it was a Homebrew paper Mario campaign that ended about a month ago had been going on for 6 months now. Each player was given a different ability/perk based around other games me the barbarian picked one called paper jam because it allowed me to have copys behind me to deal damage luke another attack after mine now they shared HP and only dealt 1/4 damage. Because the enemies had a buff in hp each player starts with a magic hammer that does 1d20magic damage - anything not in your strength stat so if you had a strength of 14 whatever you rolled got -6 damage I had a 20 in strength in some store old shady merchant's shop I was sold a hammer that deals 1d20 but can do 2d20 but I take 1d20 recoil damage with advantage all magic from this weapon was magic dammage also btw there are no crits in this chamapin if you land a crit the dm will instead make something dope happen
    So me at lv 7 at 1 I start with 4 max and +2 every level
    So we were fighting a goop monster the thing that was ruining the world turning things into its army as we were at the heart of it it had brought some enemies including a fucking dragon me avoiding the dragon knowing that this was our best chance I attacked at the slime the heart as Ihit it and rolled 2 nat 20s now the recoil of it made this fair it was also a 20 but each of my 16 clones did 10 damage and the barbarians rage
    My bonus attack I get at lv5
    And path of the path of the berserker
    I get a bonus attack in trade for exhaustion so I did 708 damage in one turn but in trade took 100 points of
    my friend the dm was surprised and. Put confused but turned on his camera and clapped slowly saying congratulations you have won as he starts describing how the slime that had infected the creatures had slid off of them turning back to the original creatures and described how the slime started to rot away and disappear like a dream
    And as they look around they don't see the barbarian just the hammer with a crack down it's handle
    After the session was over we all hoped on a call and I said how that at lv 20 I could do 1,908 and this was all by the DM he had given me the idiot of the friend group the tools to make one punch man and he wasn't even pissed at me he was mad at himself that he gave me the weapon and the ability combo

  • @JosiahAkaBrick
    @JosiahAkaBrick หลายเดือนก่อน

    Twinend and empowered a Disintegrate, instantly killed two full health Barlguras

  • @donnkasten4111
    @donnkasten4111 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I once took 2 turns to get in position, poison my weapon and set up a sneak attack… only to roll a total of 5 damage… three attacks with my dagger (d4) would have averaged out to more damage the that!!! 🤦‍♂️
    Unfortunately that’s probably one of my highest damage dealt because all dice hate me.