good video my estimate, my query is, I have a 415 that I cannot calibrate, the HC reaches 38% LEL and fails. what can i do ?? I would appreciate your comments. I AM using for calibration 50%lel gas
Alarm settings can be set in the menus. See 14:40 on how to access the menus. If you have the IR dongle for these, you can set the alarms via RKI's free software.
It's very useful video. Thanks! 6:32
thanks for the video, very helpful
good video my estimate, my query is, I have a 415 that I cannot calibrate, the HC reaches 38% LEL and fails. what can i do ?? I would appreciate your comments. I AM using for calibration 50%lel gas
How to change gas alarm settings
Alarm settings can be set in the menus. See 14:40 on how to access the menus. If you have the IR dongle for these, you can set the alarms via RKI's free software.
How to change date and time
Check out 14:40 on how to get to the menus. You'd change the date and time there. This is demonstrated in the video.
How does the calibration expiry time change??
Did you learn it. I need to help too about exp. Time
Comment calibrer l'oxygène drager X-am 7000