I used this software on a 6,400 iso image and was highly impressed with the Ai noise reduction. Almost zero noise and much better than all the other software I tried.
3:02 This is such a great point that I never thought of before. If I'm at a ballgame shooting sports photojournalism and can shoot a ton of images and find the sharpest image quickly, that is such an advantage in the system.
Truth be told, I scooped up DxO Photolab 5, On1 PhotoRaw 2022 and Luminar on good deals over the pas few months, so workspace is unlikely to be included in my workflow on a permanent basis, but you gotta admire OMDS for coming up with a complete package and introducing some useful new featured in the software accompanying their camera's.
I only use OM workspace for my Om1 software updates. We’re at 1.4 now! Super easy. Keep updating OM, that way I will get a better and better camera and will never have to upgrade again! 😅😊 👌
I did use Olympus (now OM) Workspace for editing ORF RAW files, but it was horribly slow. But it did get me into editing RAW files & I started using Lightroom 5 with my OMD EM5 (Mk1). But when I got my OMD EM1 Mkii, I found that I had to upgrade to the Adobe subscription scheme to use EM1 M2 RAW Files. Instead I started using the non-subscription stand alone Capture One Pro which I greatly prefer over Lightroom. I do still use OM Workspace for two tasks.... pre-editing culling (i.e. prior to importing into Capture One) & very quick edits for non-important photos. I still find it too slow, plus Capture One has great Layer (Mask) tools. Thank you Peter for highlighting the extras in OM Workspace that I updated features. I will have a closer look, as I thought that the upgrade was just a change of name !!!
Yes please to more workspace videos. Through your suggestion (and Robin Wong's) I have tried (and failed) to use this software over the last year. I really feel it has helped me to learn my camera (em1 mkii) functions and dialling settings in camera, but also I feel I'm learning to get a better output. So Thank you to you and Robin for helping with that. I'd love to see how you might use the software and what its limits are. I do like to push the sliders around to see what is "wrong" to see what it can do, but would be super grateful to see how you edit photos efficiently, vs what mistakes you've learned to avoid (e.g. i learnt that for a series of photos I can make the same edits all at the same time. Or copy and paste!). Looking forward to your future videos!
Thanks! Once again, you bring the OM community useful information. I'm looking forward to using these features after the hummingbirds arrive in a few months.
I have been using OM Workspace for the past couple of weeks with my EM1.1 . I am new to editing software and this has been relatively painless to learn from. Most exciting feature for me was discovering I could focus stack using my old 4/3 lenses by manually focusing and shooting 4-6 images to combine in Workspace. No longer feeling an overwhelming desire to buy MFT pro lenses.
Thank you for the tips! I used Olympus Workspace a few times for features like focus stacking and seeing where the focus spot was and metadata that Lightroom doesn’t show. I use an Em1 mark 2 and Lightroom 6. It is so nice to see new features that I can use. Great that you highlight things for those that don’t have the latest gear! Thank you again.
Great content. I just started using this software. I'm new to Olympus. I have been using Nikon's free software for over a decade. I think this free OM software is on par or better.
Very helpful, in fact I updated my Olympus Workspace just a little before I saw your video appear on TH-cam. I can't take advantage of all the features since I have a very old camera.
I tried the AI noise reduction and was really impressed with the output. I am going to play with it a little bit more and compare with DXO PL4. I had noticed that when I processed my .ORF files with DXO there was a subtle color shift
I am very impressed with the new AI noise reduction of OM Workspace. I am using Darktable as my preferred PP software, but it seems now to be surpassed by Workspace on noise reduction at least.... I didn't use Workspace for at least 2 years, but now I will definitely use it more often. Thank you OMD ;-)
@@ForsgardPeter I often shoot high fps in flight images to get that exact wing position, especially with swallows and bees. This will make life so much easier and ya, seeing your preview of how it works, it looks really solid, works as well as I could hope. Will be much better than loading into LR and scrolling through batches.
As usual a good presentation and interesting information Peter. This is an unexpected but most welcome ‘WOW’ factor from The new company. As a true amateur I had been struggling with my back room software and never fully comfortable with Lightroom etc. Amongst other things this software gives added value to my newly ordered OM1. Look forward to your future assessments on this software. Cheers!
I have found cumbersome and difficult to use but was more interested in your comments about using it direct from the camera, especially for the new AI noise reduction. I would like to see more videos on that workflow.
@@ForsgardPeter I appreciate your advice. You note arrived just as I was leaving on a short trip, so I didn't waste my time trying. When I do any type of travel I don't take a laptop or tablet, so using the camera as the processor would be a big help. I tried to use it, but need to try OMD Workspace and the camera as the processor in a more controlled environment first. Thanks again.
I agree Peter , those are very useful incremental improvements . Sadly, EM10 mark ii and EM 5 mark ii are overlooked . This is a major omission I feel that OMD needs to resolve if it genuinely cares about its customers . I continue to use the EM10 because of its flip screen and the amount of control that the camera offers over the mark iii/s and IV versions . It should not be beyond the capabilities of OMD to include this update features and I hope that they do so very soon. I certainly would love to use the AI components for local adjustments and really cannot justify acquiring an EM 1 mark ii when my present camera is so new and works just fine. Sure , it has some very useful tools that my present camera lacks , but those are not deal brakers by any stretch of their imagination . If I am going to invest in more lenses then I need to feel that I am supported and appreciated . If that ongoing support is not forth coming , it will send a very negative message to potential users , who may bypass these cameras and look to others that have ongoing support across their rages . Very useful and timely update and thank you Peter for sharing this with us. Finally , OMD should also post something to highlight these benefits to users , as I did not know about it until I watched your video just now . OMD - we want you to succeed and we will continue to be committed to the brand … but only as long as we feel that we are valued as consumers of the system.
@@catrionathomson8981 It’s most popular camera is the EM 10 series - which underlines the importance of protecting and supporting that customer base , as one day it may wish to upgrade to a pro line model . Look after the pennies and watch the pounds grow . Ignore that core base and just focus on the pro market and you limit sales and are at risk of future camera sales migrating to competitors at other brands and push others to phones as the camera of choice . OMD has a heritage to build upon and has the heart of existing users to nurture in tours new business . To ignore those facts and you can say goodbye to building a solid and viable business . I hope OMD is thinking about these issues as I wish them to succeed and know they have much to offer .
@Catriona The new owner of OM is JIP. Its mission on the Japanese market is very specific (recovery programs or decommissioning programs for Japanese companies). It is enough to remember that she also dealt with the restructuring of the "Vaio" brand which once belonged to Sony. We must remember that there are no sentiments in business.
It is good to see they put serious work into the MFT System. Sometime ago I did not use OWS because it was too slow. I got a new computer and now it is ok. This computer has a GPU (Graphics processing Unit). Not very high end, but it speeds up OWS a lot. It must be manually enabled in the settings. Possibly it is faster than in-camera processing.
Hi Peter, why do you claim that the results of OM workspace are at least as good as dxo PR at 6:08? There is a very clear difference in my eyes with dxo PR having a way better result. Also it would help if you would show the before picture and not just the results. We have no reference now. Anyhow, thanks for another video!
You can round trip from LR to Workspace. Don’t know a way to do it from Workspace but it can go to PS and then open the image on Camera Raw and do the edits there before saving as a tiff.
This noise reduction software for free would be a big improvement, especially if you prefer to edit just af few chosen picture in Photoshop or Affinity software instead of grinding through everything in lightroom with DxO plugins
I have successfully updated to version 2 but on both my PC's the Noise Reduction software is so memory hungry that it fails to download on my not really that old computers that I use for editing. This is the one element I was really interested in, may be Olympus should look at this.
Wow! This is really amazing and unexpected! I haven't even looked into the new workspace! Thanks for doing this! I'm hoping they fixed the APP as well! I've used the app a few times to transfer images as well as control my camera. It comes handy but I've found the old app not as smooth. Let's hope! Thanks again, Peter.
This is an amazing update. I use this software for all my photos. Mostly nature photography/ wildlife/ landscape. I have really enjoyed the software but some of the new features are going to be even more helpful.
Thanks for the presentation! Did you see any significant difference in color compared to DXO? In Rob Trek’s comparison Colors in OM Workspace were muted.
First the OM1 and now this! It seems OM Systems is serious about keeping Olympus customers on board. I hadn't planned on ever upgrading my Em1 II, but now I'm imagining how nice the OM1 would be. I like and use the Oly workspace, and further integrating it with the new camera tells me OM Systems wants to be in this business.
Douglas I shoot about 50/50 photo and video, purely as a hobby and I feel the same. I really like my em1ii, but the OM1 looks better in every way. I was planning on waiting a few years, I fear a GAS attack coming on now!
OM Systems aren't so serious about keeping existing customers with older model cameras though are they?. It would appear that to have the support of OM systems, you now have to throw away perfectly good equipment and spend a few thousand to be eligible for any support. Limiting access to software based on the camera you have is a slap in the face for many existing Olympus users.
@@guywright7388 the em1ii is supported, and it's over five years old. I think the 16Mp camera RAWs and processors simply can't be comparable with the new software.
You mentioned future video topics for OM Workspace... I would definitely like to see much more detail (with screen shots) explaining how to best use OM Workspace. Lots of people talk about features, and sometimes point out the buttons on the screen. However, I've not yet seen a step by step explaination of how best to go from images in camera, imported to Workspace, selected/rejected, then edited, and finally exported for print. Such a chain of events would be really nice to see. Thanks
Thank you Peter I had downloaded this but didn’t realize the noise reduction feature was there! Received my “new” em1 mkii yesterday with only 612 shutter actuations. It really is a new camera. The features and performance of the auto focus are sooooo much better than my D7100 was. Don’t see why anyone could complain about the evf it is awesome to say the least! Have a great rest of your day!
I like using it to transfer the images from camera to the computer, selecting “only new images” works really well. As mentioned in the video the processing on the computer is really slow (even with a decent workstation), the results are ok if you can handle the slowness. I will definitely look into the new noise reduction. The shot organizer sounds super as i don’t know of any other sw that will group the shots, very nice.
Hi Peter. I have just received my OM1 and I am unable to se any of my usual editing suites because (as yet) profiles for the OM1 are not yet available and therefore ORF from the Om1 are not recognised. Please do a series on using the OMD workspace platform It will help with my present situation lurching about without the necessary knowledge. I never needed to use it with my previous EM1 iii as the profiles were already available.
I have the older Workspace which is compatible with the E-PL6. The new version sounds nice,and I will check it out. Thanks for sharing Peter. All the best!
Update: I did get it to install on my iMac Pro. As Peter suggests, the AI Noise Reduction looks very good. I chose one night-time shot (ISO1600) and compared the results with DxO Deep Prime - it is very hard to tell the difference. Very good performance.
Great content! I am not able to process ORFs from the OM 1 in my current Lightroom version and I can't update Lightroom or computer :( . So I am thinking about using workspace to import ORFs to my computer and lightly touch them up. Can you explain the workflow for that please.
Hi Peter, thanks for the great video! My workflow is my biggest headache right now (My Chromebook is not supported by OM Workspace and not fully by Lightroom). I would be really interested to hear more about the different workflows people are using.
Hi Peter, well, as matter of fact, I just starting using today, this morning when I was ready to start working and launched Olympus Capture and Workspace, I was prompted to download the new versions of both apps, and I noticed the new OM System logo.
I noticed they added the new update and tried it out because I was curious about the noise reduction. It seems pretty good. I will have to test it out more.
I have just started using OM Workspace without really knowing how to get the best from it, so this is very helpful thank you. I used Lightroom and Photoshop for years but don’t anymore so I am on a big learning curve with a new camera too, OM1 - my retirement indulgence. Recently bought software called ON1 which I am liking. I am going to try using OM Workspace for initial sorting, culling , selection and use ON1 for further editing of my final keepers. I am interested to know if you are familiar with that software? Watching you from tropical Far North Queensland in Australia. 😀
Thanks for digging out these new features and giving them a first real world review Peter. I'm using om workspace mainly for importing the photos from SD card and convert my high res suits - My editing software does not support them 😭. Usually I export them as tif and edit them later. Any other recommendation on how to export best for later editing? Which steps would you recommend to do before export in om workspace? (I have the feeling that with all options unchecked the tif is far less editable than.
Thanks for this review Peter. I use Workspace to sift through all my photos and delete all the ones I don't want to keep. The new sorting features will help a lot with that. And if the noise reduction is comparable with DxO's, I will be more than happy to do that in here too before continuing the rest of my workflow in Photolab. So yes I really would like to see your more in depth review of its noise reduction feature compared to Pure Raw and/or Topaz'.
Good video, thanks. Ok. In LrC is a big problem to manage Olympus raw (I have em1 m ii). I often use linear profil to start editing. I might try using ws for global editing and then switch to LrC for local adjustment.. but it's absurd to pay a lot of money for Adobe to not have compatibility with om 😡
@@ForsgardPeter From many past updates to today, LrC with Olympus film simulations (I don’t know with OM) are terrible (especially the WB and the too strong contrast). So I have to use linear profiles
Peter a useful video however Ive found on a Mac M1 firmware upgrades don't work unless you compromise Security and Privacy Settings. Overall I wish OM Systems would allow us to download firmware to a card for updates
I'm hoping you can answer a question I have about OM Workspace Peter? If I edit a ORF in Workspace, will Lightroom recognize the edits I made in the ORF file? Can I save it as an ORF and import it into Lightroom, or do I have to export a Tiff file and import the Tiff to Lightroom, thereby baking in the changes? I ask because I would like to take advantage of the AI noise reduction in Workspace, but still be able to do subsequent raw editing in LIghtroom and PS.
That is something that is a bit of a problem. I have not found a way to export raw images from OM Workspace. The only way is to export to tiff or jpg. I hope they fix this.
To use the AI noise feature I need a new GFX card - may be I'll do that even though I upgraded to a 2GB card specifically for acceleration in an earlier Workspace (which was still DOG SLOW)? Then I discover (thanks to this great video) that I also need to buy a new camera as they aren't going to support my E-M10ii or any E-M10 cameras ?!? That's me out then OMS :(
I can see me shooting and uploading to at least a i7 laptop in the field..My only concern is the price vs value and the AF system, although I never had any real issues with my E510.I doubt if the software is too slow to make a real difference. Some folks make a big deal about 'speed', like everything needs to be so fast, when it's actually just something to complain about.
Great review! Something I haven't found yet is how to just find one image by name, out of a whole group. For example, I copy my images in folder named by the date, and I may have about 900 images (raw + JPG), If there is just one or two that I'd like to apply the AI Noise reduction, I didn't see a way to filter the whole set and just find the one image.
Thank you Peter for this. I would be interested in knowing what your workflow is with OM Workspace and Adobe Lightroom when post processing images. It sounds like you would use OM Workspace to determine which images to keep then move over to Lightroom for more detailed post processing, but how do you do that? Do you export from OM Workspace as a TIFF file to then import into Lightroom or is there another way to transfer files to Lightroom?
Interesting software upgrade Peter ;I shall try it out to see how it compares to my rather old edition of Lightroom to which I am quite attached . Unfortunately my cameras - EM10 mark 4 and EM5 mark 2 are not included in the linked AI features . If you have an existing download of Olympus Workspace , you can download the new OM system by upgrading easily through this which I think is more straight forward .
Thanks for this clip, Peter. I think you put your views and opinions quite well, and found your comments on the AI noise reduction quite informative. I'm new to the OM-1, and thought I'd check out the software. Firstly, the focus stacking in OMW is a bit restrictive: I tried it and got a warning that it only works for a specific series of lenses - but I couldn't find what those lenses were, though I assume at least one will be the 80mm macro. I also got a warning that even then it would only work when focus stacking was performed in the camera, which I didn't do on my little experiment recently. For noise reduction, I just did a simple test, and thought that on my image OMW did best overall, although my demo version of the DxO product was pretty close. Darktable - which I've used for years - performed admirably, though while I focused on just part of the image, I was able to make a real mess of the rest of it. Still, DT allows for masks, so I'd probably be able to approach OMW in terms of results, but with a lot more effort. OMW seemed to do a great job of combining two images that I had bracketed exposure on. Oh, and OMW installs okay in Linux where it runs very fast, although it won't allow me to update the camera firmware, which basically forces me into Windows, which I am not pleased about, but I'll survive.😇
@@ForsgardPeter Following up on my comments: I'd now rate the DxO noise reduction as being quite superior to OMW. Sometimes blending images with different exposures is terrific, and sometimes less than ideal. I looked more closely at focus stacking, and though I am able to do it in-camera without issue, so far getting it done in OMW has defeated me - I tried with my 80mm macro lens and a variety of camera settings but without success. Perhaps it's my (relative) unfamiliarity with my OM-1.
Unfortunately the AI Noise reduction requires an Nvidia GPU + latest Driver. I have AMD. I hope this will improve over time. Not a real problem, because I have PL5 ;-)
Hello Peter, thanks a lot for your videos that i'm a huge fan of! I would like to ask you a couple of questions: 1) Do you think that OM Workshop will be updated adding older cameras to be fully compatible with? (i have an E-M10 Mark II) 2) Do you know some webinar or online course that let get a certificate after being completed? 3) Could you please make a tutorial about OM Workshop? I apologize to have bothered you with so many questions and thank you again for your guides! A lot of greetings from Italy!
@@ForsgardPeter No Peter, I enjoy my Olympus gear for my 'fun' shooting. Have the M1 Mk III now and an OM-1 on order. Still a Nikon shooter and still trying to learn my Z9. Hopefully I have lots of 'clicks' left! Stay safe and healthy!
I’m a longtime Lr user. I want to continue to use it and also want to take advantage of the new features. What might the workflow be between the two to make use of these new features?
I have been doing all my editing on my iPad with Affinity Photo. It’s nice to be able to edit from my family room and not being stuck in the office on my desktop. One disappointment is the AI Noise Reduction needs a graphics card with at least 4Gb of memory and my desktop only has a 3Gb card.
I downloaded Affinity Photo for my iPad, and it was such a paradigm shift I had no clue where to start. I've been using the jpg editors that are available, and if I really need to edit raw then I go to Luminar 4 on my PC.
Not really sure. I know that Rob Trek has made a tutorial, but I think it is about an earlier version. I have a plan to make one, but have not started it yet.
Thanks Peter, interesting video! Does the camera processing trick work with the EM5 mkIII? I have a quite slow laptop and not having it might bea deal breaker for me...
As a now fairly longterm user of Lightroom, I don't particularly want to use OM Workspace as my editor. But, is it worth using it import pictures to my Mac first, with the AI enabled as you suggest, then importing to Lr? If so, a bit on the best was of doing that would be handy. I think the AI only works 1600 ISO or higher, but I don't think I can split the images in the camera to import only these via OM W?
I am finding many new features and options in this update. Hope it gets faster. It's good software. Probably the best of any free software from a camera manufacturer according to DPR last year. And that was the 1.4 version.
I know this is an older video but hopefully you can answer a few questions. Does Olympus Workspace only deal in .orf files? I have a .cr3 file I'm trying to import. I love some of the art filters my EM1 Mark 3 has in particular the "Dramatic Tone II" and wanted to see how this filter handles a picture from another source. Alternatively having presets for the filters in Lightroom would be good but I don't think that is available.
Peter, You will be interested to know that owners of the older Olympus workspace can get the new OM Workspace just by going through the update feature that comes with the program. I just updated mine. I'll be interested in seeing how well I like it.
Great content Peter. Thanks. I cannot understand why OMSystems restricted the new noise reduction system to just certain cameras. Noise is endemic on most Micro 4/3 cameras so the AI System should be available to all Olympus / OMSystems cameras.
I used this software on a 6,400 iso image and was highly impressed with the Ai noise reduction. Almost zero noise and much better than all the other software I tried.
3:02 This is such a great point that I never thought of before. If I'm at a ballgame shooting sports photojournalism and can shoot a ton of images and find the sharpest image quickly, that is such an advantage in the system.
This sounds great for old folks who despise editing.
One stop done
Thank you very much!
Thanks Peter. Always learning something good from watching your channel!
Glad to hear it! Have you tried it yet!
The idea of a focal analyser is fantastic - I spend so much time looking. Thx Peter
It is a great tool and saves a lot of time.
Thank you Peter! Lots of new information which I hadn't realised up until now.
Truth be told, I scooped up DxO Photolab 5, On1 PhotoRaw 2022 and Luminar on good deals over the pas few months, so workspace is unlikely to be included in my workflow on a permanent basis, but you gotta admire OMDS for coming up with a complete package and introducing some useful new featured in the software accompanying their camera's.
I only use OM workspace for my Om1 software updates. We’re at 1.4 now! Super easy. Keep updating OM, that way I will get a better and better camera and will never have to upgrade again! 😅😊 👌
I did use Olympus (now OM) Workspace for editing ORF RAW files, but it was horribly slow. But it did get me into editing RAW files & I started using Lightroom 5 with my OMD EM5 (Mk1). But when I got my OMD EM1 Mkii, I found that I had to upgrade to the Adobe subscription scheme to use EM1 M2 RAW Files. Instead I started using the non-subscription stand alone Capture One Pro which I greatly prefer over Lightroom.
I do still use OM Workspace for two tasks.... pre-editing culling (i.e. prior to importing into Capture One) & very quick edits for non-important photos. I still find it too slow, plus Capture One has great Layer (Mask) tools. Thank you Peter for highlighting the extras in OM Workspace that I updated features. I will have a closer look, as I thought that the upgrade was just a change of name !!!
Very good, thank you Peter. More Tutorials about using the workspace please!
I used it last night I posted my photo to your Facebook page. It's a good software and it's free.
Yes please to more workspace videos.
Through your suggestion (and Robin Wong's) I have tried (and failed) to use this software over the last year. I really feel it has helped me to learn my camera (em1 mkii) functions and dialling settings in camera, but also I feel I'm learning to get a better output. So Thank you to you and Robin for helping with that.
I'd love to see how you might use the software and what its limits are. I do like to push the sliders around to see what is "wrong" to see what it can do, but would be super grateful to see how you edit photos efficiently, vs what mistakes you've learned to avoid (e.g. i learnt that for a series of photos I can make the same edits all at the same time. Or copy and paste!).
Looking forward to your future videos!
Thanks! Once again, you bring the OM community useful information. I'm looking forward to using these features after the hummingbirds arrive in a few months.
I have been using OM Workspace for the past couple of weeks with my EM1.1 . I am new to editing software and this has been relatively painless to learn from. Most exciting feature for me was discovering I could focus stack using my old 4/3 lenses by manually focusing and shooting 4-6 images to combine in Workspace. No longer feeling an overwhelming desire to buy MFT pro lenses.
Thanks for the info Peter, my Workspace is now updated and ready to go. Oh and well done to Finland on their Olympic gold in ice hockey!
Thank you very much! It was a great tournament from us.
Great news, Peter and explanation. 👏
Thanks! 😃
Please, Peter, do some tutorials on using OM Workspace. I would like to learn how to get the most out of this software.
This is amazing news !!!! AI in OM Workspace I can't believe it !
Thank you for the tips! I used Olympus Workspace a few times for features like focus stacking and seeing where the focus spot was and metadata that Lightroom doesn’t show. I use an Em1 mark 2 and Lightroom 6. It is so nice to see new features that I can use. Great that you highlight things for those that don’t have the latest gear! Thank you again.
Interesting video and would certainly like to see a more in depth video tutorial please.
Great content. I just started using this software. I'm new to Olympus. I have been using Nikon's free software for over a decade. I think this free OM software is on par or better.
Great video. I need to download this version. I rarely use it, but it looks very useful now.
Thanks Peter for drawing our attention to this upgrade. I was not previously aware of it.
Glad to help!
Very helpful Peter! I shoot quite a lot on birds & this will be a time saver . Thank You 👏
Thank you Peter, another informative video!
Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks.
Very interesting! Thank you Peter!
Very helpful, in fact I updated my Olympus Workspace just a little before I saw your video appear on TH-cam. I can't take advantage of all the features since I have a very old camera.
Your videos are always interesting and highly informative. Thank you for another useful post.
Thank you very much!
Felicidades por el video, no consigo instalar el OM Workspace
I tried the AI noise reduction and was really impressed with the output. I am going to play with it a little bit more and compare with DXO PL4. I had noticed that when I processed my .ORF files with DXO there was a subtle color shift
In the the comparison Rob Trek did ( iso 3200 and up) the colors were muted in OM Workspace. It’s not easy to find the perfect software😊
I am very impressed with the new AI noise reduction of OM Workspace. I am using Darktable as my preferred PP software, but it seems now to be surpassed by Workspace on noise reduction at least.... I didn't use Workspace for at least 2 years, but now I will definitely use it more often. Thank you OMD ;-)
It is worth a try.
The image selection tool is amazing. Wow
It works pretty well. It makes the image search so much faster.
@@ForsgardPeter I often shoot high fps in flight images to get that exact wing position, especially with swallows and bees. This will make life so much easier and ya, seeing your preview of how it works, it looks really solid, works as well as I could hope. Will be much better than loading into LR and scrolling through batches.
Your environs are much lighter and brighter here, Peter. Personally, I think that's much better! 😊👍
Good info, as usual, thank you.
Cool, thanks!
As usual a good presentation and interesting information Peter. This is an unexpected but most welcome ‘WOW’ factor from The new company. As a true amateur I had been struggling with my back room software and never fully comfortable with Lightroom etc. Amongst other things this software gives added value to my newly ordered OM1. Look forward to your future assessments on this software. Cheers!
You should try this!
Definitely want to see the noise reduction compared to DxO and Topaz. Awesome new upgrades to be seen.
I have found cumbersome and difficult to use but was more interested in your comments about using it direct from the camera, especially for the new AI noise reduction. I would like to see more videos on that workflow.
Unfortunately the Noise AI do not work if you use USB RAW and have the camera as your processor.
@@ForsgardPeter I appreciate your advice. You note arrived just as I was leaving on a short trip, so I didn't waste my time trying. When I do any type of travel I don't take a laptop or tablet, so using the camera as the processor would be a big help. I tried to use it, but need to try OMD Workspace and the camera as the processor in a more controlled environment first. Thanks again.
I appreciate your video on OM Workspace. It’s a tool I should utilize more, especially because I don’t believe in leasing software.
Glad it was helpful! OM Workspace is free and that it is one of it's best "features"!
I agree Peter , those are very useful incremental improvements . Sadly, EM10 mark ii and EM 5 mark ii are overlooked . This is a major omission I feel that OMD needs to resolve if it genuinely cares about its customers . I continue to use the EM10 because of its flip screen and the amount of control that the camera offers over the mark iii/s and IV versions . It should not be beyond the capabilities of OMD to include this update features and I hope that they do so very soon. I certainly would love to use the AI components for local adjustments and really cannot justify acquiring an EM 1 mark ii when my present camera is so new and works just fine. Sure , it has some very useful tools that my present camera lacks , but those are not deal brakers by any stretch of their imagination . If I am going to invest in more lenses then I need to feel that I am supported and appreciated . If that ongoing support is not forth coming , it will send a very negative message to potential users , who may bypass these cameras and look to others that have ongoing support across their rages .
Very useful and timely update and thank you Peter for sharing this with us.
Finally , OMD should also post something to highlight these benefits to users , as I did not know about it until I watched your video just now .
OMD - we want you to succeed and we will continue to be committed to the brand … but only as long as we feel that we are valued as consumers of the system.
I totally agree that adding the older cameras to this would serve the customers a lot more. I hope they ad older cameras to this.
Absolutely right. We can support a brand as long as he take his audience seriously. And the market position of OM is not among the strongest now.
@@Perski2844 isn’t Olympus/OMDS the third best selling camera system in Japan?
It’s most popular camera is the EM 10 series - which underlines the importance of protecting and supporting that customer base , as one day it may wish to upgrade to a pro line model . Look after the pennies and watch the pounds grow . Ignore that core base and just focus on the pro market and you limit sales and are at risk of future camera sales migrating to competitors at other brands and push others to phones as the camera of choice . OMD has a heritage to build upon and has the heart of existing users to nurture in tours new business . To ignore those facts and you can say goodbye to building a solid and viable business .
I hope OMD is thinking about these issues as I wish them to succeed and know they have much to offer .
The new owner of OM is JIP. Its mission on the Japanese market is very specific (recovery programs or decommissioning programs for Japanese companies). It is enough to remember that she also dealt with the restructuring of the "Vaio" brand which once belonged to Sony. We must remember that there are no sentiments in business.
It is good to see they put serious work into the MFT System.
Sometime ago I did not use OWS because it was too slow.
I got a new computer and now it is ok. This computer has a GPU (Graphics processing Unit). Not very high end, but it speeds up OWS a lot.
It must be manually enabled in the settings. Possibly it is faster than in-camera processing.
Hi Peter, why do you claim that the results of OM workspace are at least as good as dxo PR at 6:08? There is a very clear difference in my eyes with dxo PR having a way better result. Also it would help if you would show the before picture and not just the results. We have no reference now. Anyhow, thanks for another video!
DxO is much sharper. These image were out of the camera. The final version will be the one that matters. I know I should have showed the original.
Another great video.
Can you send photos from workspace to Lightroom or Photoshop for further editing?
You can send it to Photoshop, but did not figure out how it would be send to Lightroom.
You can round trip from LR to Workspace. Don’t know a way to do it from Workspace but it can go to PS and then open the image on Camera Raw and do the edits there before saving as a tiff.
Great video, Peter, and the inclusion of AI noise reduction is great. The picture sorting feature, I find really interesting, and will give it a try.
The sorting thing makes it so much faster to sort and and find the images.
This is awesome! I'm a new subscriber. I just purchased the OM-1. I'd love to learn more about Olympus Workspace! Thanks for the helpful content!!
Welcome aboard! I will make some more videos about OM Workspace in the future.
This noise reduction software for free would be a big improvement, especially if you prefer to edit just af few chosen picture in Photoshop or Affinity software instead of grinding through everything in lightroom with DxO plugins
May only work for jpg!
I have successfully updated to version 2 but on both my PC's the Noise Reduction software is so memory hungry that it fails to download on my not really that old computers that I use for editing. This is the one element I was really interested in, may be Olympus should look at this.
Wow! This is really amazing and unexpected! I haven't even looked into the new workspace! Thanks for doing this! I'm hoping they fixed the APP as well! I've used the app a few times to transfer images as well as control my camera. It comes handy but I've found the old app not as smooth. Let's hope! Thanks again, Peter.
It is still a bit slow, but I hop they will improve it in the future.
This is an amazing update. I use this software for all my photos. Mostly nature photography/ wildlife/ landscape. I have really enjoyed the software but some of the new features are going to be even more helpful.
Thanks for the presentation! Did you see any significant difference in color compared to DXO? In Rob Trek’s comparison Colors in OM Workspace were muted.
DxO PureRAW does not support OM-1 files yet.
First the OM1 and now this! It seems OM Systems is serious about keeping Olympus customers on board. I hadn't planned on ever upgrading my Em1 II, but now I'm imagining how nice the OM1 would be. I like and use the Oly workspace, and further integrating it with the new camera tells me OM Systems wants to be in this business.
Totally agree!
Douglas I shoot about 50/50 photo and video, purely as a hobby and I feel the same. I really like my em1ii, but the OM1 looks better in every way. I was planning on waiting a few years, I fear a GAS attack coming on now!
OM Systems aren't so serious about keeping existing customers with older model cameras though are they?. It would appear that to have the support of OM systems, you now have to throw away perfectly good equipment and spend a few thousand to be eligible for any support. Limiting access to software based on the camera you have is a slap in the face for many existing Olympus users.
@@guywright7388 the em1ii is supported, and it's over five years old. I think the 16Mp camera RAWs and processors simply can't be comparable with the new software.
@@chrisarnold9412 there are thousands of people with EM 5 & EM 10 cameras who get no benefit from this .
Peter, thanks and useful video, as usual. I would be interested to see how you integrate OMWS in your workflow.
Another excellent overview
Thank you.
Thank you peter
You mentioned future video topics for OM Workspace... I would definitely like to see much more detail (with screen shots) explaining how to best use OM Workspace. Lots of people talk about features, and sometimes point out the buttons on the screen. However, I've not yet seen a step by step explaination of how best to go from images in camera, imported to Workspace, selected/rejected, then edited, and finally exported for print. Such a chain of events would be really nice to see. Thanks
I have a plan to make a tutorial for OM Workspace.
Thank you Peter I had downloaded this but didn’t realize the noise reduction feature was there! Received my “new” em1 mkii yesterday with only 612 shutter actuations. It really is a new camera. The features and performance of the auto focus are sooooo much better than my D7100 was. Don’t see why anyone could complain about the evf it is awesome to say the least! Have a great rest of your day!
That is practically new! Enjoy your new camera! Hope you have time this weekend to try it!
I installed it yesterday (to develop an OM1 file downloaded from DPReview) and got a very prominent notice about that new noise reduction
@@ForsgardPeter now I have no excuse not to work on your weekly challenge photos😀!
I like using it to transfer the images from camera to the computer, selecting “only new images” works really well. As mentioned in the video the processing on the computer is really slow (even with a decent workstation), the results are ok if you can handle the slowness. I will definitely look into the new noise reduction. The shot organizer sounds super as i don’t know of any other sw that will group the shots, very nice.
Hi Peter. I have just received my OM1 and I am unable to se any of my usual editing suites because (as yet) profiles for the OM1 are not yet available and therefore ORF from the Om1 are not recognised.
Please do a series on using the OMD workspace platform It will help with my present situation lurching about without the necessary knowledge. I never needed to use it with my previous EM1 iii as the profiles were already available.
Sometimes these take time. Software companies need to do their magic first before adding new cameras.
I have the older Workspace which is compatible with the E-PL6. The new version sounds nice,and I will check it out. Thanks for sharing Peter. All the best!
Thanks, and sam to you! Give this new version a try and see if fits your workflow.
Update: I did get it to install on my iMac Pro. As Peter suggests, the AI Noise Reduction looks very good. I chose one night-time shot (ISO1600) and compared the results with DxO Deep Prime - it is very hard to tell the difference. Very good performance.
Can not download AI support. It states some how my 12.2.1 Mac Pro requirements are not supported. Another _FREE_ softwares what I wouldn't trust.
Great content! I am not able to process ORFs from the OM 1 in my current Lightroom version and I can't update Lightroom or computer :( . So I am thinking about using workspace to import ORFs to my computer and lightly touch them up. Can you explain the workflow for that please.
Hi Peter, thanks for the great video! My workflow is my biggest headache right now (My Chromebook is not supported by OM Workspace and not fully by Lightroom). I would be really interested to hear more about the different workflows people are using.
Thanks you a lot Peter
Hi Peter, well, as matter of fact, I just starting using today, this morning when I was ready to start working and launched Olympus Capture and Workspace, I was prompted to download the new versions of both apps, and I noticed the new OM System logo.
I noticed they added the new update and tried it out because I was curious about the noise reduction. It seems pretty good. I will have to test it out more.
Which software like this one can be use with an Olympus om d e M10?, Thank you and best wishes for this new year. Great videos.
This should work with E-M10 cameras.
I have just started using OM Workspace without really knowing how to get the best from it, so this is very helpful thank you. I used Lightroom and Photoshop for years but don’t anymore so I am on a big learning curve with a new camera too, OM1 - my retirement indulgence. Recently bought software called ON1 which I am liking. I am going to try using OM Workspace for initial sorting, culling , selection and use ON1 for further editing of my final keepers. I am interested to know if you are familiar with that software? Watching you from tropical Far North Queensland in Australia. 😀
Thanks for digging out these new features and giving them a first real world review Peter.
I'm using om workspace mainly for importing the photos from SD card and convert my high res suits - My editing software does not support them 😭.
Usually I export them as tif and edit them later. Any other recommendation on how to export best for later editing? Which steps would you recommend to do before export in om workspace? (I have the feeling that with all options unchecked the tif is far less editable than.
I would do noise reduction if needed. After that basic global adjustments and then exporting the image with the best quality tiff.
@@ForsgardPeter thanks a lot for the confirmation. As the 50mp shots are most of the time already quite clean denoise maybe not needed.
Thanks for this review Peter. I use Workspace to sift through all my photos and delete all the ones I don't want to keep. The new sorting features will help a lot with that. And if the noise reduction is comparable with DxO's, I will be more than happy to do that in here too before continuing the rest of my workflow in Photolab. So yes I really would like to see your more in depth review of its noise reduction feature compared to Pure Raw and/or Topaz'.
Good video, thanks. Ok. In LrC is a big problem to manage Olympus raw (I have em1 m ii). I often use linear profil to start editing. I might try using ws for global editing and then switch to LrC for local adjustment.. but it's absurd to pay a lot of money for Adobe to not have compatibility with om 😡
For Ai noise reduction LrC is good but it produce a new file.. probably is better to manage in ws and after manage one file in LrC..
What do you mean LrC has no compatibility with OM?
@@ForsgardPeter From many past updates to today, LrC with Olympus film simulations (I don’t know with OM) are terrible (especially the WB and the too strong contrast). So I have to use linear profiles
Peter a useful video however Ive found on a Mac M1 firmware upgrades don't work unless you compromise Security and Privacy Settings. Overall I wish OM Systems would allow us to download firmware to a card for updates
I have talk to them about this problem. Not sure waht they will do in the future. I hope they change this.
I'm hoping you can answer a question I have about OM Workspace Peter? If I edit a ORF in Workspace, will Lightroom recognize the edits I made in the ORF file? Can I save it as an ORF and import it into Lightroom, or do I have to export a Tiff file and import the Tiff to Lightroom, thereby baking in the changes? I ask because I would like to take advantage of the AI noise reduction in Workspace, but still be able to do subsequent raw editing in LIghtroom and PS.
That is something that is a bit of a problem. I have not found a way to export raw images from OM Workspace. The only way is to export to tiff or jpg. I hope they fix this.
Garvin Hoey uses it for tethered shooting.
To use the AI noise feature I need a new GFX card - may be I'll do that even though I upgraded to a 2GB card specifically for acceleration in an earlier Workspace (which was still DOG SLOW)?
Then I discover (thanks to this great video) that I also need to buy a new camera as they aren't going to support my E-M10ii or any E-M10 cameras ?!?
That's me out then OMS :(
I can see me shooting and uploading to at least a i7 laptop in the field..My only concern is the price vs value and the AF system, although I never had any real issues with my E510.I doubt if the software is too slow to make a real difference. Some folks make a big deal about 'speed', like everything needs to be so fast, when it's actually just something to complain about.
Great review! Something I haven't found yet is how to just find one image by name, out of a whole group. For example, I copy my images in folder named by the date, and I may have about 900 images (raw + JPG), If there is just one or two that I'd like to apply the AI Noise reduction, I didn't see a way to filter the whole set and just find the one image.
Thanks. Not sure if it is possible.
Thank you Peter for this. I would be interested in knowing what your workflow is with OM Workspace and Adobe Lightroom when post processing images. It sounds like you would use OM Workspace to determine which images to keep then move over to Lightroom for more detailed post processing, but how do you do that? Do you export from OM Workspace as a TIFF file to then import into Lightroom or is there another way to transfer files to Lightroom?
I have not figure that out yet. I will make a video when I have check it out.
Interesting software upgrade Peter ;I shall try it out to see how it compares to my rather old edition of Lightroom to which I am quite attached . Unfortunately my cameras - EM10 mark 4 and EM5 mark 2 are not included in the linked AI features . If you have an existing download of Olympus Workspace , you can download the new OM system by upgrading easily through this which I think is more straight forward .
Thanks for this clip, Peter. I think you put your views and opinions quite well, and found your comments on the AI noise reduction quite informative. I'm new to the OM-1, and thought I'd check out the software. Firstly, the focus stacking in OMW is a bit restrictive: I tried it and got a warning that it only works for a specific series of lenses - but I couldn't find what those lenses were, though I assume at least one will be the 80mm macro. I also got a warning that even then it would only work when focus stacking was performed in the camera, which I didn't do on my little experiment recently. For noise reduction, I just did a simple test, and thought that on my image OMW did best overall, although my demo version of the DxO product was pretty close. Darktable - which I've used for years - performed admirably, though while I focused on just part of the image, I was able to make a real mess of the rest of it. Still, DT allows for masks, so I'd probably be able to approach OMW in terms of results, but with a lot more effort. OMW seemed to do a great job of combining two images that I had bracketed exposure on. Oh, and OMW installs okay in Linux where it runs very fast, although it won't allow me to update the camera firmware, which basically forces me into Windows, which I am not pleased about, but I'll survive.😇
Thanks for sharing.
@@ForsgardPeter Following up on my comments: I'd now rate the DxO noise reduction as being quite superior to OMW. Sometimes blending images with different exposures is terrific, and sometimes less than ideal. I looked more closely at focus stacking, and though I am able to do it in-camera without issue, so far getting it done in OMW has defeated me - I tried with my 80mm macro lens and a variety of camera settings but without success. Perhaps it's my (relative) unfamiliarity with my OM-1.
Unfortunately the AI Noise reduction requires an Nvidia GPU + latest Driver. I have AMD. I hope this will improve over time.
Not a real problem, because I have PL5 ;-)
Hello Peter, thanks a lot for your videos that i'm a huge fan of! I would like to ask you a couple of questions: 1) Do you think that OM Workshop will be updated adding older cameras to be fully compatible with? (i have an E-M10 Mark II) 2) Do you know some webinar or online course that let get a certificate after being completed? 3) Could you please make a tutorial about OM Workshop?
I apologize to have bothered you with so many questions and thank you again for your guides! A lot of greetings from Italy!
1. I have no idea. 2. What kind of courses are you talking about? 3. I might after I have used it a bit more.
@@ForsgardPeter i'm talking about photography courses! Thanks, i will stay tuned on your channel as always! Have a nice day!
Thank you Peter! Great video as always. Looking forward to playing with my OM-1 when it arrives. (Says a 50+ year Nikon shooter. Still am, btw! 😅)
Big changes ahead?
@@ForsgardPeter No Peter, I enjoy my Olympus gear for my 'fun' shooting. Have the M1 Mk III now and an OM-1 on order. Still a Nikon shooter and still trying to learn my Z9. Hopefully I have lots of 'clicks' left! Stay safe and healthy!
I’m a longtime Lr user. I want to continue to use it and also want to take advantage of the new features. What might the workflow be between the two to make use of these new features?
I will make a video about that. I have not figured the best way yet.
Hi Peter.Just found your site and enjoyed your review om OM Workspace.Can you tell me what you mean by AI in the video.Thanks Graham.
Artifical Intelligence.
@@ForsgardPeter Thanks Peter.Enjoying your You Tube videos.
I have been doing all my editing on my iPad with Affinity Photo. It’s nice to be able to edit from my family room and not being stuck in the office on my desktop.
One disappointment is the AI Noise Reduction needs a graphics card with at least 4Gb of memory and my desktop only has a 3Gb card.
Unfortunately, noise reduction is quite processor demanding job.
I downloaded Affinity Photo for my iPad, and it was such a paradigm shift I had no clue where to start. I've been using the jpg editors that are available, and if I really need to edit raw then I go to Luminar 4 on my PC.
Seems very positive move for OMDS, but also perhaps shows a future strategy aimed at the 1 & 5 series, dropping the 10 & Tough.
Peter, what is available for training support for OM Workspace? Are good tutorials available? Instructions are important.
Not really sure. I know that Rob Trek has made a tutorial, but I think it is about an earlier version. I have a plan to make one, but have not started it yet.
Thanks Peter, interesting video!
Does the camera processing trick work with the EM5 mkIII? I have a quite slow laptop and not having it might bea deal breaker for me...
Unfortunately it does not. I think it works only on E-M1X, E-M1 MKIII and OM-1.
Can it save custom menu settings from the camera and transfer them to the new OM-1?
You mean from your old camera? Most likely not, but I we have to find out. It would be great if we could.
Can it do focus stacking?
Yes it can if you have used the bracketing in camera.
@@ForsgardPeter Thank you
LR does have all Olympus art filter,s etc from the basic panel.See Anthony Morganti, LR tuturiols, think it,s lesson 6/7 (of 30!). Excellent vid,s.
Thanks for the tip. I will check that if I can find it.
As a now fairly longterm user of Lightroom, I don't particularly want to use OM Workspace as my editor. But, is it worth using it import pictures to my Mac first, with the AI enabled as you suggest, then importing to Lr? If so, a bit on the best was of doing that would be handy. I think the AI only works 1600 ISO or higher, but I don't think I can split the images in the camera to import only these via OM W?
If you have Lightroom I would not use OM Workspace at all. Now that DxO and Topaz support OM-1 files I would use those for noise reduction.
I am finding many new features and options in this update. Hope it gets faster. It's good software. Probably the best of any free software from a camera manufacturer according to DPR last year. And that was the 1.4 version.
It is very good. A bit slow, but other than that it works well.
Is the E-M5 II not supported for AI noise reduction?
Unfortunately no it is not.
I know this is an older video but hopefully you can answer a few questions. Does Olympus Workspace only deal in .orf files? I have a .cr3 file I'm trying to import. I love some of the art filters my EM1 Mark 3 has in particular the "Dramatic Tone II" and wanted to see how this filter handles a picture from another source. Alternatively having presets for the filters in Lightroom would be good but I don't think that is available.
OM SYSTEM Workspace works only on Olympus/OM SYSTEM raw-files. It is a camera brand specific software.
Can you open om work space from light room?
Also peter if I put it into the olympus soft wear will it still be in raw if I bring it back into light room. Thanks frank
No you cannot.
Have the Workspace and DxO pictures changed places in side-by-side comparison at ≈ 6min?
Not sure I have to check that.
Peter, You will be interested to know that owners of the older Olympus workspace can get the new OM Workspace just by going through the update feature that comes with the program. I just updated mine. I'll be interested in seeing how well I like it.
Yes you can do that too.
Great content Peter. Thanks.
I cannot understand why OMSystems restricted the new noise reduction system to just certain cameras. Noise is endemic on most Micro 4/3 cameras so the AI System should be available to all Olympus / OMSystems cameras.
I agree.
question 1 - can workspace process RAW? 2 does Olympus offer a video editing program? thanks
Yes it can process a raw to jpg. OM Workspace can handle video too. I have not tested that.