Thank god at last justice has been small the compensation or case is atleast someone is punished for their evil deeds,hope others also learn lesson thru' this.
The next step is for Xiao Zhan Studio to nail down all those Hunan TV staff and wyb fans who proudly proclaimed that they were part of 227 last year. Also waiting for the court to prosecute that Windmill, Wang Fugui, Midnight Pumpkin and their whole unsavoury gang.
@@flutegirl5591 his name is Qian Feng (the most obese among the four). If you watch DDU series after 24/08, he will not appear as he was suspended on 25/08 pending investigation. There are many YT videos talking about him these two days...whereas the other guy Z's case has quiet down, latest is his name was taken off his Shanghai Theatre Academy alumni
@@flutegirl5591 It is indeed the one, the most "chummy-chummy" with WYB. And since it took more than 2 years to gather all the evidence, yet includes a security video showing him bringing the victim in a very intoxicated state, while she only drank "mild wine" at the restaurant, she suspects that she was drugged. And since at least 2 staff members of DDU seem to have been involved as intermediaries, it smells of an organized case like with KW, so she, and netizens with her now, expect to find more victims in the future. As someone "joked", it feels like there is a Nie Huaisang hidden somewhere helping to reveal all the dirty secrets that were washed away in the past...
Internet is never a place exempt from the law. I am glad to hear something has finally been done to punish those bullies. In US, once this kind of record exists in your background, you will never get hired by a respectful company. Hope the capital behind the cyber bullies will also get the punishments it deserves.
XiaoZhan Congratulations on your win but please don't stop there you need to after WYB fans well the one spoke against you don't forget the restaurant owner who use your picture to advertise you need to put everyone in their place it's not truly about the money it should be truly about protecting your name..
Ha Xiao Zhant ha egy zsákruhába öltöztetnék, ő abban is nagyon jól nézne ki. Ezek a ruhák amiben látható fantasztikusan jól áll neki. Annyira jól mutat bennük, hogy egyáltalán nem néz ki 30 évesnek. Tökéletes alak. A deraka vékonyságát sok nő biztosan irigyli. Nagyon jók ezek a Li Ning által bemutatott ruhák.
Now what they need to do stop the shipping between him & WangYibo all those pics some of them are inappropriate the kisses one not to many out..won't apologize for my thoughts.. I love & respect XiaoZhan he deserves the 🌎he has A Pure & clean Soul Don't need rumors or hater's in his life..
Yeah, the compensation amount is low to compared to other countries. The difference is we don't such strict laws like China in terms employment & education opportunities. Those who lost in civil suits in my country can even stand for political elections. There are politicians who have lost defamation suits but still sitting nicely in their seats, don't need resign-> they just need to issue a public apology to the plaintiff & their supporters even defend them for the slanderous remarks
Indeed, the money is only a little part of this ruling! 60 years of impact on not only yourself but also your children, you may think about it more carefully!!!
所以壞事不可做 善良的人不可欺 公道自在人心,肖戰願你順心順力,鴻運當頭!👍👏😊😚
#肖战告黑胜诉 人人都要为自己的言行负责,网络不是法外之地!支持维权!
恭喜肖战❤️维权成功!钱不是最重要,最重要是给他一个警告⚠️自毁前程!造谣一时爽,被告实在惨!早知今日 何必当初!
謝謝小編澄清我們的歌事項,恭喜正能量肖戰告黑成功。支持繼續維權。精神賠償判得實在太輕了。犯罪前應該知道後果的。自作孽不可活不要憐憫。還有好多沒告得到呢。希望那些等天收!好開心肖戰又有新微電影廣告推出,越戰越勇,皇天不負有心人,繼續發光發熱,蜚聲國際,健康,順利,快樂 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
恭喜战战 支持維權👍👍
謝謝小編的資訊👍🤗❣ 肖战維權勝訴,可喜可賀!愿战战所有的民刑維權訢訟成功✌,希望這案例能對那些仍在網絡線上線下作案的黑子,起到阻嚇作用,還人們一個清朗正氣的譽論場!開心等著9月8日在余生請多指教見肖战顧魏顧醫生😍💞💞💞🌹🐰🐰🌹💞💞💞🤩✌✌
謝謝小編~~將肖戰的一日訊息 報導&整理的有條有理,清楚易懂!
@@xiuokabe5735 快乐追肖战🥰😍
雖然一路走來非常辛苦及艱難, 可至少是一個好的開始. 如易律師說的, 這些無良的黑子一個都不會放過. 要為自己言行付出應有的代價. 可那些職業帶頭的黑子一樣沒少造謠抹黑. 最近更是多了一堆YT營銷號,本來不報導戰的, 反而最近一直報, 標題也寫的搧動, 有的標題與內容不符, 有的內容OK可都是強力掛件了某人照片, 明顯是披皮專業營銷號, 一直出來溜說戰要參加XXX的, 總之, 會誤導很多人. 大家一切小心為事. 不要回黑. 更希望政府能更大刀整頓, 尤其是那些惡意P圖,P黃圖的營銷號, 也該讓他們接受法律制裁了.
兔毛栽培隊也都發文警告了: 近来很多并非粉丝的披皮黑粉,换上艺人相关的id昵称和头像,在一些敏感话题上恶意引战甚至自导自演,望所有粉丝擦亮双眼,明辨是非,切勿受有心之人挑唆,不要上当。
Congratulations Xiao Zhan for winning this case and getting some justice done. Thank you NanoEnt for keeping us posted about Xiao Zhan.
❤Xiao Zhan forever❤
Xiao Zhan forever 💖💕
感謝小編 我們的歌3闢謠完 還真是失望了😩
Congratulations my beautiful bunny xiao Zhan 🐰🌷❤️
Xiao zhan forever ♥❤
我發現自從去年227事件後, 戰戰都不太注重唱歌, 自"光點"後, 也不再出新歌, (除了影視劇OST外) 很多音樂獎, 大粉也呼籲不投票, 現在連"我們的歌" 都不參加。真的是低調得無法再低調。感覺好像在唱歌這一塊奶酪不能動, 動啦就會太高調~ 怕會熱度過高! 本身戰戰就是有才華, 但總覺得他在收歛鋒芒! 不知大家有沒有這種感覺! 問題是, 我還真挺喜歡戰戰的舞台表演及唱歌! 這不也是他熱愛的事嗎?
@@yun8928 me too
Justice may be late but never absent! Kudos to 肖战.
Zhan is the best
Thank god at last justice has been small the compensation or case is atleast someone is punished for their evil deeds,hope others also learn lesson thru' this.
Xiaozhan ❤️
The next...wait and see 😎
太棒了! 终于还战战一个公道!
Thank you 🌹
Yes congrats xiaozhan
The next step is for Xiao Zhan Studio to nail down all those Hunan TV staff and wyb fans who proudly proclaimed that they were part of 227 last year. Also waiting for the court to prosecute that Windmill, Wang Fugui, Midnight Pumpkin and their whole unsavoury gang.
one of the DDU hosts is being accused of rape on 24/08/2021...been following up on the progress.
@@flutegirl5591 his name is Qian Feng (the most obese among the four). If you watch DDU series after 24/08, he will not appear as he was suspended on 25/08 pending investigation. There are many YT videos talking about him these two days...whereas the other guy Z's case has quiet down, latest is his name was taken off his Shanghai Theatre Academy alumni
Correct. All the bad people should go to the hell where they deserve. XZ is very nice, so he is always taken advantage of.
@@flutegirl5591 It is indeed the one, the most "chummy-chummy" with WYB. And since it took more than 2 years to gather all the evidence, yet includes a security video showing him bringing the victim in a very intoxicated state, while she only drank "mild wine" at the restaurant, she suspects that she was drugged. And since at least 2 staff members of DDU seem to have been involved as intermediaries, it smells of an organized case like with KW, so she, and netizens with her now, expect to find more victims in the future. As someone "joked", it feels like there is a Nie Huaisang hidden somewhere helping to reveal all the dirty secrets that were washed away in the past...
@@questionsroxelane3643 Director Nie! Hahaha!
Internet is never a place exempt from the law. I am glad to hear something has finally been done to punish those bullies. In US, once this kind of record exists in your background, you will never get hired by a respectful company. Hope the capital behind the cyber bullies will also get the punishments it deserves.
XiaoZhan Congratulations on your win but please don't stop there you need to after WYB fans well the one spoke against you don't forget the restaurant owner who use your picture to advertise you need to put everyone in their place it's not truly about the money it should be truly about protecting your name..
听说是个记者,请问小编如果它畜生再上诉拖延时间, 那么受害者的精力,精神受的苦,罚的那点钱有用吗???保护好人的法律太弱了,有点失望。
@@NanoEnt2 謝謝解說👍。希望它背後的指使者和金主快快落網。
Ths for the information ....
上幾個月有一個也是勝訴, 要賠20萬, 怎麼這次才2萬?😂
@@NanoEnt2 原來還沒結案😂 希望快點出結果。小編, 那麼那個8/18馬路邊邊訴訟呢?😀
@@xiuhuachen3770 谢谢!无论怎样,就是喜欢看到肖战告黑成功的结果!
Ha Xiao Zhant ha egy zsákruhába öltöztetnék, ő abban is nagyon jól nézne ki. Ezek a ruhák amiben látható fantasztikusan jól áll neki. Annyira jól mutat bennük, hogy egyáltalán nem néz ki 30 évesnek. Tökéletes alak. A deraka vékonyságát sok nő biztosan irigyli. Nagyon jók ezek a Li Ning által bemutatott ruhák.
Now what they need to do stop the shipping between him & WangYibo all those pics some of them are inappropriate the kisses one not to many out..won't apologize for my thoughts.. I love & respect XiaoZhan he deserves the 🌎he has A Pure & clean Soul
Don't need rumors or hater's in his life..
Yeah, the compensation amount is low to compared to other countries.
The difference is we don't such strict laws like China in terms employment & education opportunities. Those who lost in civil suits in my country can even stand for political elections. There are politicians who have lost defamation suits but still sitting nicely in their seats, don't need resign-> they just need to issue a public apology to the plaintiff & their supporters even defend them for the slanderous remarks
Indeed, the money is only a little part of this ruling! 60 years of impact on not only yourself but also your children, you may think about it more carefully!!!
Eng sub :(
Added:) Thanks 😊
eng sub plz
they're there now