Seth Shostak is a joke. You should be able to tell by the fact that he promotes all over youtube and never entertains ANY legitimate questions, nor does he answer any kind of correspondence . $0 years of wasting money searching a void, writing books, giving lectures and videos and not ONE answer or finding.
That's pretty cool. This episode originally aired on the day I turned 27
Excellent name.
"Riding on a light beam.
That's nice."
Good show.
No mattet if Seth speaks for beginners or experts he is definitely a listen.
Is there instrument to find exoplanets behind the Milkyway dark area?
I was really hoping this meant a new season of StarTalk All-Stars. :-(
Woah, nobody else here! D: Pun randomly fitting. : >
oh, I didn't knew this was for kids (or for dummies).
Seth Shostak is a joke. You should be able to tell by the fact that he promotes all over youtube and never entertains ANY legitimate questions, nor does he answer any kind of correspondence . $0 years of wasting money searching a void, writing books, giving lectures and videos and not ONE answer or finding.