[۱۰/۱۵، ۰۱:۲۷] آرمان: 1.I'd really to record my own pod cast but I'm not sure what topic to choose myabe the thing is i Like the theacher but she hardly notice me [۱۰/۱۵، ۰۱:۳۶] آرمان: 2.i really want to be a contestant one of those tv game shows but im not sure what kind of people they're looking for im not sure i want to now what she is think i mean most of ohther have been acting thing were they [۱۰/۱۵، ۰۱:۴۲] آرمان: 3. if I'd had formal training when i was young i think i could have been a singer good question [۱۰/۱۵، ۰۱:۵۰] آرمان: 4.I'd like to act in a college play but i get scared when i perfrom in front of people confident people
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[۱۰/۱۵، ۰۱:۲۷] آرمان: 1.I'd really to record my own pod cast but I'm not sure what topic to choose myabe the thing is i Like the theacher but she hardly notice me
[۱۰/۱۵، ۰۱:۳۶] آرمان: 2.i really want to be a contestant one of those tv game shows but im not sure what kind of people they're looking for im not sure i want to now what she is think i mean most of ohther have been acting thing were they
[۱۰/۱۵، ۰۱:۴۲] آرمان: 3. if I'd had formal training when i was young i think i could have been a singer good question
[۱۰/۱۵، ۰۱:۵۰] آرمان: 4.I'd like to act in a college play but i get scared when i perfrom in front of people confident people