ReTV: Kā Salacgrīvā jūtas bez “Positivus”
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 31 ม.ค. 2025
- Pēc divu gadu pārtraukuma atkal sācies populārās mūzikas festivāls “Positivus”, taču ierastā Salacgrīva nomainīta ar Rīgu. Organizatori atzinuši, ka jūras pilsētā festivāls vairs nenotiks, līdz ar to iedibinātās tradīcijas ir pārtrauktas. Festivālu norises laikā vietējie iedzīvotāji jau bija pieraduši pie festivāla burzmas, savukārt uzņēmēji iemanījās labi nopelnīt, bet tagad tā vairs nebūs. Kā jūtas salacgrīvieši?
- บันเทิง
Pozitivus Rīgā ir tas pats, kas 2021 Pasaules čempionāts hokejā bez skatītājiem.
Can someone translate what they are saying? I was at Positivus 2022, and I'm quite disappointed. Last time I went, 2016, Positivus took place in Salacgriva, which was absolutely beautiful - right near the sea, hammocks tied between the pines, thousands of fairylights tangled into the tree branches above our heads, terrific music and atmosphere. That's what I was waiting for this year, that's how I want to remember the event. However, it happened in the middle of the city - with poor planning and management, it looked nothing like in 2016. Back then people were not doing drugs publicly like that, this year everyone was high on molly! It was horrible and heartbreaking to look at, and it's coming from recovering addict!
I had a chance to talk to two local girls who were at the event, and they said that the location was chosen like that, for people to go and drink in the town after the last performer. They invited me and my crew to join them at Summerfest which was happening nearby, as they were leaving, but we had already paid for the tickets and camping area.
I don't think I'll ever go back to Positivus, unless it will happen in Salacgriva like it's suppose to.
Whoever felt sad that they missed it or couldn't come - you didn't miss anything at all, ASAP, Black Country, New Road, Thundercat and Chris Noah were amazing, but everything else was horrible. The way it was filmed, advertised, while it was happening - BULLSHIT, camera tricks, it was nothing like it!!!
In general, they interviewed the locals of Salacgriva, on their opinion, and they say they are disappointed that the festival went away, it was a nice change, and good for local businesses. Also the locals were skeptical of whether Positivus is going to be enjoyable for the festival goers, as the charm of retreat to nature and sea is gone. Then they mention that Positivus organizers note that one of the mayor reasons for relocating the festival to Riga, is the proximity to airport, which eases logistics for the touring artists. Afterwards they are talking about the future potential for Salacgriva to host another events.
It's all about the money 💰 generation has changed, music has changed, trends, wibe, drugs and so on. Last time I was at Positivus in 2014 and its already wasn't the same like it was use to be before.
It has suffered the faith of many music festivals, they sold out. To sum up the reason for the change of location as per the narrator - the long distance from Riga and difficulties that come with accommodating the needs of top-tier performers. If you look at the Salacgriva venue globally, it really is in the middle of nowhere. Albeit some may see romance in it, most artists need short travel distances and quick turnaround, which is difficult with the previous location all things considered.
Salacgrīvā tusiņš sākās jau ceturtdienas vakarā ar pasākumiem telšu pilsētiņā. Tas turpinājās piektdien ar koncertiem un tusēšanai visu nakti ar dīdžejiem līdz agram sestdienas rītam. Sestdien no rīta bija īpaša rīta programma, kas atkal mēreni aizplūda koncertos un ballēšanā līdz svētdienas rītam. Rīgā nevar ne priedi pastutēt, ne smiltīs normāli pavāļāties! Nav tā plašuma un dabas sajūtas! Tāpēc, kamēr festivāls notiks Rīgā, to negrasos apmeklēt! Lai Majors pats iet uz savu pasākumu. Salacgrīvā vismaz varēja arī pa lētākām naudām ārzemnieki apmesties nekā maksāt par mitekli Rīgā :P
KAs tas par Positivus ja cilveekiem ,neko nevienam neprasot, atñem pozitiivas emocijas,dabu un labsajuutu. Tur no positivusa paari paliks tikai chiks.
Zin kā, šitas atgādina gadījumu, kad mūsu pilsētā Līgo balle notika kultūras namā. Kuram ienāca prātā šī ģeniālā ideja? Droši vien ar laiku aizies arī šī lokācija, jo cilvēki ātri pierod. Atkal lielāka peļņa pāri visam.
Sen jau to biju teicis :)
Taisīs jaunu festivālu turpat,tā ka atšķirību nemaz nejutīs :D Rīgu ar Salacgrīvu ,kā vietu kur rīkot nevar nemaz salīdzināt :)
positives labakais festivals!
Piedevām šogad tika spēlēts kaut kāds stulbs reps, kas nevienam īsti nepatika. Domāju, ka notiek šī festivāla noriets.
Reps ir pasaulē populārākais mūzikas stils. 😄 "Nevienam nepatīk" 😄😄😄😄
reps populārs, tāpēc arī spēlē. es neklausos, tāpēc arī Positivus nav man vairs interesants, "Laba Daba" ir kaut kas pievilcīgāks.
Ļoti labi, ka nenotiek Salacgrīvā
bye bye positivus
Tāli jābrauc
Rīga droši ka gribēja peļņu sev
nezināju ka tur vispār ir futbola laukums
Нет свободы ☝️
@@IceGnikDilf menti un suņi apkārt
Tas ir loti labi ka Salacgriva vairs nav es vasara esmu pie omes pa nakti nav reali gulet
ieliec ausu aizbāžņus. problem solved. pasaule neriņķo apkārt ap tevi btw
@@Daminionz bet basi tapat iet cauri
2dienas x 1g paciest nevari? Nikulis
Nu ir lunis.... :D Ome mani pēc trim dienām tikai ieraudzītu.