i have 62% winrate playing on 6k+ as offlane... i think is pretty good you have really good sustain, can clear wave and neutrals with first skill... but you must have a sup 4/5 with good stun/initiation so you can play on ult and you are hard countered by nyx and silencer
I just picked this guy up and it’s a lot of fun. Strictly 3 though anything else feels like a grief. Auras is the way to go to. Let your one and two do damage and you just farm and ult in.
@@breakthrough2991 yeah I played a few games of carry dawnbreaker into good matchups but felt very underwhelming but I had to try it out , offlane and soft support are the way to go , and auras this patch are insanely strong
i have 62% winrate playing on 6k+ as offlane... i think is pretty good you have really good sustain, can clear wave and neutrals with first skill... but you must have a sup 4/5 with good stun/initiation so you can play on ult and you are hard countered by nyx and silencer
I just picked this guy up and it’s a lot of fun. Strictly 3 though anything else feels like a grief. Auras is the way to go to. Let your one and two do damage and you just farm and ult in.
@@breakthrough2991 yeah I played a few games of carry dawnbreaker into good matchups but felt very underwhelming but I had to try it out , offlane and soft support are the way to go , and auras this patch are insanely strong
>Farm slowly
you just q or w the wave and clear the jungle at the same time, what are you even on about
Yes I know that , all I said was she isn’t the slowest but not the fastest farmer , which is true , there is faster farmers than dawnbreaker
Idk bro, Dawnbreaker is pretty fucking good as an offlane, farm is fast af. Usually
Mid game I’m the highest scaled hero in the game.
I have 59%-win rate on her.
agree with a previous comment; she can farm very fast without a maelstrom/BF. Learn to properly use her W and you can double farm small + medium camps
Anyone can farm fast with maelstrom battlefury lol. You would never buy those items on dawnbreaker.