I go trinity manamune shoijin bc and botrk, trinity manamune shoijin are pretty good first items to build last 2 are up to you but if youre gonna take voltaic cyclosword get seryldas too yea, they nerfed the slow, but seryldas starts at 20 percent and scales with amount of lethality, but it still applys lethality before the armor pen you essentially get more armor pen than old seryldas, tech. works better than old seryldas up to 250 armor
@@hxrlz6669 I did this build just to get HP and with some damage too since the slow, ability haste and the lethality are very good, I’m up to 3400 HP with this build while playing Conqueror sometimes and it’s decent imo
Id replace the voltaic with something with a lil more tank shred or utility, tri force mm and shojin are enough foir squishys, botrk can target everyone so its a good last item, can help shred tanks and pop squishys quicker, but i mean ez is in such a dogshit spot rn, as dragdar was explaining hes still a winnable champ but he just lacks kill power, I think a base ad buff would be decent dragdar but what I think would be better would be a q buff would be best, maybe base ad changes too but I think q should go up to more ad%
@@hxrlz6669 I would say BoTRK is good but too situational since it’s only very good for duelists but especially if your enemies against you, are playing HP champions or stacking HP champions. He got massive buffs recently so it’s ok now I think
I tried going Doran's > Tear + Pick Axe > Brutalizer > Sheen > Trinity. It felt SO MUCH BETTER than rushing Sheen. TF > Manamune > Voltaic > Serylda's > *Situational*. I usually go Black Cleaver or Maw. But sometimes, when we need a bit more wave clear, I go Profane Hydra. It stacks very well with Serylda's and 450 radius proc feels better than Ravenous Hydra. With that new meta, I don't see any usage for Life Steal outside the laning phase. I eather die by one-shot or stay pretty much untouched for a whole fight.
You did very well, @Dragdar! I personally didn't want a "damage," buff to Ezreal (130%AD Q is enough). Riot made a good change by rewarding aggression early with a W and E change, so that laning can be stronger, so we can spike harder. I hope that the 4s saved (2.2Qs) means a lot, especially since our uptime is massively improved late game.
xD with your click bbait titles idk what to build anymore. what do we get for armor pen tho u said BC is bad but u said they dont have tanks u wont have to get cleaver first lolool..
bro its not clickbait he is testing stuff like anybody else, determining the best build isnt as simple as just playing one or two games, every game is different and the patch is literally 3 days old so have some patience and also try the builds urself man see what feels good to u, dont just go by whatever video u saw
He went insane guys
we can always count on Dragdar to teach the ways of Ezrealbut also say the weirdest takes when something insane happens, like licking hooves
Trinity Muramana Navori Shojin Black Cleaver (3335 HP, 374 AD, 110 AH and 180 Armor with 17% DMG reduction)
What do you think about this build ?
I go trinity manamune shoijin bc and botrk, trinity manamune shoijin are pretty good first items to build last 2 are up to you but if youre gonna take voltaic cyclosword get seryldas too yea, they nerfed the slow, but seryldas starts at 20 percent and scales with amount of lethality, but it still applys lethality before the armor pen you essentially get more armor pen than old seryldas, tech. works better than old seryldas up to 250 armor
and if i went seryldas i think id get more lethality than just 1 item too, id prolly go tri force, mm, seryldas, profane hydra, voltaic
@@hxrlz6669 I did this build just to get HP and with some damage too since the slow, ability haste and the lethality are very good, I’m up to 3400 HP with this build while playing Conqueror sometimes and it’s decent imo
Id replace the voltaic with something with a lil more tank shred or utility, tri force mm and shojin are enough foir squishys, botrk can target everyone so its a good last item, can help shred tanks and pop squishys quicker, but i mean ez is in such a dogshit spot rn, as dragdar was explaining hes still a winnable champ but he just lacks kill power, I think a base ad buff would be decent dragdar but what I think would be better would be a q buff would be best, maybe base ad changes too but I think q should go up to more ad%
@@hxrlz6669 I would say BoTRK is good but too situational since it’s only very good for duelists but especially if your enemies against you, are playing HP champions or stacking HP champions. He got massive buffs recently so it’s ok now I think
"The confidence of this deer is concerning" lmao
Yo wtf. I came for the Ezreal gameplay but fkkkkk this man was blessed with beautiful hair
I tried going Doran's > Tear + Pick Axe > Brutalizer > Sheen > Trinity. It felt SO MUCH BETTER than rushing Sheen. TF > Manamune > Voltaic > Serylda's > *Situational*. I usually go Black Cleaver or Maw. But sometimes, when we need a bit more wave clear, I go Profane Hydra. It stacks very well with Serylda's and 450 radius proc feels better than Ravenous Hydra. With that new meta, I don't see any usage for Life Steal outside the laning phase. I eather die by one-shot or stay pretty much untouched for a whole fight.
« Just a lil buff huh » well that didnt aged well
You did very well, @Dragdar! I personally didn't want a "damage," buff to Ezreal (130%AD Q is enough). Riot made a good change by rewarding aggression early with a W and E change, so that laning can be stronger, so we can spike harder. I hope that the 4s saved (2.2Qs) means a lot, especially since our uptime is massively improved late game.
That fight right after baron OMG
Ive been trying tri mm bt botrk and navori and its very good
so this build is the best after all ?!
Really this karma is challenger? She torsione every naut's Q in da face
xD with your click bbait titles idk what to build anymore. what do we get for armor pen tho u said BC is bad but u said they dont have tanks u wont have to get cleaver first lolool..
bro its not clickbait he is testing stuff like anybody else, determining the best build isnt as simple as just playing one or two games, every game is different and the patch is literally 3 days old so have some patience and also try the builds urself man see what feels good to u, dont just go by whatever video u saw
No damage and bad late, bad build
Annoying that you cover the minimap.