7 Roundtable discussion and conclussions

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 5 ก.พ. 2023
  • Webinar ETIP HYDROPOWER: Unifying the voices of hydropower in Europe
    Roundtable: "What form of sustainable organisation representing the hydropower sector is required to ensure the vital role of hydropower in the energy transition sector?"
    Moderation: Anton J Schleiss, ICOLD; Jean-Jacques Fry, ICOLD and Patrick Clerens, EASE
    Participants: Klaus Jorde, IEA; Denis Albrecht, EDF; Liv Randi Hultgreen, SINTEF; Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug, EERA; Toril Christensen, EVINY; Giovanna Cavazzini, COST-HYDRO and Pablo Valverde, IHA
    Conclussions: Anton Schleiss, ICOLD

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