it's much easier to get into PB these few years, no. of UHNWIs grow a lot in APAC's (especially Greater China), thus more demand for PB and asset man services, leading to more hirings. As for how to break into this industry, it's a bit complicated to explain in a few words, maybe I will make another video about it later. Also, I would say 50/50 for males and females hiring but top management tends to be males
我都想知PB點入,上年為咗最後可以去到PB,由B2B sales轉行去Banking,不過只係Business Banking因為以前淨係做開公司客,想知下一步有咩方向可以去到PB入門嘅要求
想請問點樣入PB?想知道點樣搵工, 同埋入職要求。另外如果係從其他行業轉會唔會有難度?唔該曬 Thanks! 🙏
你段片好inspired, 正。 另外,想問問PB 主要做乜credit product? 係咪多數都係Lombard loan再加股票,樓,或其他asset去做抵押?仲有冇啲好特別嘅loan會做㗎?謝謝
最正常當係係Lombard 同derivative ,collateral 多數係容易係公開市場發售的產品,多數包括︰stock, preferred stock, bond, structured note, ETF, mutual fund。包唔包,或者點包PE fund, hedge fund 就間間行有自己守則。
自住/ 兩三個單位的收租樓應該唔少大行會接受,成棟樓抵押的話比較難。
有時我聽到超級富豪們搵aircraft, Art/ antique financing,但呢D financing 好少係香港完成我都唔知太多。
想請教你,pb全權管理有8厘係正常會有既回報? 我成日都好驚全權管理,俾人做啲我蝕佢賺既投資
Pb d banker 咪即係老sales, 招呼班闊佬
其實就係做雞姐 (利申 institutional buy side)
Hello, KJ.想了解下私人銀行有無話邊間好d?例如借錢息率,產品,收費等等。同埋都聽過如果零售銀行同PB買同一樣野個價都會吾同?
另外,有無d產品系投資者要特別小心或者系RM好鐘意sell的?例如DCI, FCN?
最後,PB 同EAM又應該點選擇?
鬥平就匯豐,而且服務ok;產品齊同brand name 最強就UBS,但UBS客多如果你唔係大客就服務未必有咁好,JP Morgan 或Morgan Standley服務就好好,而且好多產品都可以tailor-made,不過價錢就唔平,同門鑑高,所以其實每間都有各自嘅好處。
Retail同 PB價錢當然好唔同。Retail Bank都有structured product,但佢會賣D一早structure好嘅 product比你。如果同一個product去PB bank request 翻同一個features,係可以平一至兩成,所以係可以差好多,特別係credit deri product。
Product嘅話,其實每隻都係fair嘅,無一隻係特別坤錢。不過accumulator就要特別小心,佢賺就賺最多,但蝕又蝕最多。Accumulator 同 Deccumulator都係比較危險,但use appetite 好嘅話係可以玩,因為睇中真係可以賺好多。
PB 同EAM當然揀PB,除非你真係多錢多到管唔曬,要有自己嘅family office,咁就需要一個EAM幫你打理。但如果你得幾千萬美金嘅話,咁開PB就好過,主要EAM都會食你水。EAM食一浸,PB又食一浸,係好唔著數。有D人真係有3-4 billion嘅資產,要分開唔同嘅 Private Bank打理,咁我覺得係ok嘅 。如果你得五千萬美金,咁你開個匯豐、UBS再加個JP Morgan,每間放廿球,咁都唔係特別需要EAM。
另外都想問下如果系ib買債券同系PB買個價會吾會PB平d?因為都有聽過個RM會mark up?定系一樣呢?d息率有無話邊間行平d?同埋PB個收費模式系點?有無mgt fee, custodian fee, performance fee等等?
Hello KJ, PB入行係咪好難? 請男定女多? thanks.
it's much easier to get into PB these few years, no. of UHNWIs grow a lot in APAC's (especially Greater China), thus more demand for PB and asset man services, leading to more hirings. As for how to break into this industry, it's a bit complicated to explain in a few words, maybe I will make another video about it later.
Also, I would say 50/50 for males and females hiring but top management tends to be males
@@privatebankerinvestmentacademy Thank you for your sharing. add oil