The bishops should lead the way by matching and then population shall follow. Let the other denominations follow suit .Paul Biya must go and ambazonian shall be free.
How can people who collects car gifts from a cult grand master be talking of hope...42 plus another 7 years of hope...what a joke from mammon operatives. Woe to those who call good evil and evil good. Only time will tell.
Cardinal Tumi who was all your senior decline a top of the range car gift from this bloody regime in 1988 when he was made a cardinal, explaining that his 504 was sufficient for his needs, example of integrity and modesty of a good shepherd...were you guys not aware of such a godly example.....are there no good cars in your you are driving in cars bought with looted ill gotten funds and talking about hope...words but no pracatable examples...hollow words indeed...woe to those call evil good and good evil. Only time will tell.
May God bless these Bishops
The bishops should lead the way by matching and then population shall follow.
Let the other denominations follow suit .Paul Biya must go and ambazonian shall be free.
How can people who collects car gifts from a cult grand master be talking of hope...42 plus another 7 years of hope...what a joke from mammon operatives. Woe to those who call good evil and evil good. Only time will tell.
Cardinal Tumi who was all your senior decline a top of the range car gift from this bloody regime in 1988 when he was made a cardinal, explaining that his 504 was sufficient for his needs, example of integrity and modesty of a good shepherd...were you guys not aware of such a godly example.....are there no good cars in your you are driving in cars bought with looted ill gotten funds and talking about hope...words but no pracatable examples...hollow words indeed...woe to those call evil good and good evil. Only time will tell.