The portion where you talked about the sleeping space being carved out for just sleeping was SPOT ON! Even parents that don’t have kids that room share can use your tips of removing toys and doing all of the preparations outside of the room before entering. Honestly, it’s a great tip for adults too. I’m starting to reserve my bed for just sleep and reading a physical book right before. My sleep has already improved. Have a great week!
We have two boys with two year gap. The smaller one is about to turn 9months. We did moved them together in a bedroom last week- since our older one was abou 20 months he had separate bedroom and playroom. Putting them together to sleep in the same room was surprisingly easier than I expected. Hope it’s going to stay that way
I am in the thick of the room sharing transition with my 7 month old and 2.5 year old. We’re about two weeks in. It’s been a pretty rocky so far, so the encouragement is appreciated.
I've got the same age kids and trying to prep to transition my 7 month old! She's not sleeping through the night yet so... I think I need to work on that before I move her over lol. Hope it worked out for you!
I’m currently 20 weeks pregnant with my second baby girl and I LOVED all the advice in this video so much because I feel like I’m going to miss a lot having that one-on-one time with my oldest and helping her wind down in my bedroom after baby goes to sleep will be a great uninterrupted time for that 🥰 Besides, everything you explained in the video makes so much sense! You guys are doing great!
Yes this is just the video I needed. We recently just started room sharing my twins into my five year olds room! They’ve actually all been doing really well with it but I’ve still been feeling really anxious about it. Room sharing almost seems like a taboo thing these days and yet there are so many people who do so! It very encouraging just to know there are other people out there who are doing so, because sometimes I wonder if we’re insane for trying!!
This is really helpful! I planned to do room sharing with my kids, but we found out that we're expecting twins! And I worried that meant I would have to change my plans. My older one will be about 3 when we merge their rooms. How is the age gap working for you with room sharing?
@@s.a.w5493We’re only 6 weeks in but so far it seems to be going very well. I keep checking with 5 year old if she is ok with it, but she seems to have adjusted and hasn’t been bothered if one of the twins has woken and in many ways I think it’s helped them bond a little more. She’s never liked being in a room on her own so she seems to quite like knowing they’re there with her. We usually get the twins to sleep first and she does her bedtime routine in our room in slips in quietly about half an hour later and so far we’ve had no issues there. I can foresee that we are going to have the odd crazy night but it seems to be doable. I hope it could work for you also and congratulations on your twins!
Ah this gives me some hope! We are expecting our second and they will be 2.5y apart and will room share as soon as we feel ready. Our living situation just makes it a nonnegotiable for them to be together as soon as possible. Thanks for the tips!
oh, we slept all 5 of our family in one bedrom. when the newbornbaby cried, the toddlers never waked up. my husband and i have once changed all the bed-stuff with light, and the sleeping toddler didn‘t wake up. as you said…
My 2.5 and 8 month old have their own rooms at home, but share at my moms house. The 8 month old still wakes up for 1 night feed but they’re able to still peacefully coexist when they have to share spaces at night so it’s definitely possible
We’ve moved both babies at 4 months and thankfully had easy transitions. Our 2 year old does not nap so it’s super easy to have them on the same bedtime routine. Our boys are 15 months apart and do great. We just found out we’re having a girl just after our oldest turns three, so that will be a much more unique transition for us 😅
Can you do a video on how your transitioned Rook to a toddler bed? I would love to have my son transitioned to his toddler bed before baby #2 comes (I still have a while) but I’m just unsure how to go about it.
I'm not pregnant with a second kid yet, but I'm mentally prepping for this. I remember when my younger sister and I were 6 and 9yrs, my baby sister started sleeping in our room at 4 mos. I don't even remember any of that except that I thought it was fun lol. So maybe she cried at night and I didn't know, or I just got used to it.
The portion where you talked about the sleeping space being carved out for just sleeping was SPOT ON! Even parents that don’t have kids that room share can use your tips of removing toys and doing all of the preparations outside of the room before entering. Honestly, it’s a great tip for adults too. I’m starting to reserve my bed for just sleep and reading a physical book right before. My sleep has already improved. Have a great week!
We have two boys with two year gap. The smaller one is about to turn 9months. We did moved them together in a bedroom last week- since our older one was abou 20 months he had separate bedroom and playroom. Putting them together to sleep in the same room was surprisingly easier than I expected. Hope it’s going to stay that way
I am in the thick of the room sharing transition with my 7 month old and 2.5 year old. We’re about two weeks in. It’s been a pretty rocky so far, so the encouragement is appreciated.
I've got the same age kids and trying to prep to transition my 7 month old! She's not sleeping through the night yet so... I think I need to work on that before I move her over lol. Hope it worked out for you!
I’m currently 20 weeks pregnant with my second baby girl and I LOVED all the advice in this video so much because I feel like I’m going to miss a lot having that one-on-one time with my oldest and helping her wind down in my bedroom after baby goes to sleep will be a great uninterrupted time for that 🥰 Besides, everything you explained in the video makes so much sense! You guys are doing great!
Yes this is just the video I needed. We recently just started room sharing my twins into my five year olds room! They’ve actually all been doing really well with it but I’ve still been feeling really anxious about it. Room sharing almost seems like a taboo thing these days and yet there are so many people who do so! It very encouraging just to know there are other people out there who are doing so, because sometimes I wonder if we’re insane for trying!!
This is really helpful! I planned to do room sharing with my kids, but we found out that we're expecting twins! And I worried that meant I would have to change my plans. My older one will be about 3 when we merge their rooms.
How is the age gap working for you with room sharing?
@@s.a.w5493We’re only 6 weeks in but so far it seems to be going very well. I keep checking with 5 year old if she is ok with it, but she seems to have adjusted and hasn’t been bothered if one of the twins has woken and in many ways I think it’s helped them bond a little more. She’s never liked being in a room on her own so she seems to quite like knowing they’re there with her. We usually get the twins to sleep first and she does her bedtime routine in our room in slips in quietly about half an hour later and so far we’ve had no issues there.
I can foresee that we are going to have the odd crazy night but it seems to be doable. I hope it could work for you also and congratulations on your twins!
This video keeps coming up for me since I started searching for how to do this and I’m so thankful for it! Gonna try it soon🙏🏽
Can you do a video on your sleep training techniques??
Yes, I find that so hard to do with my 2nd child - hence his sleep is still a mess with 6 months...
Yes!! 😃
Ah this gives me some hope!
We are expecting our second and they will be 2.5y apart and will room share as soon as we feel ready. Our living situation just makes it a nonnegotiable for them to be together as soon as possible. Thanks for the tips!
oh, we slept all 5 of our family in one bedrom. when the newbornbaby cried, the toddlers never waked up.
my husband and i have once changed all the bed-stuff with light, and the sleeping toddler didn‘t wake up. as you said…
My 2.5 and 8 month old have their own rooms at home, but share at my moms house. The 8 month old still wakes up for 1 night feed but they’re able to still peacefully coexist when they have to share spaces at night so it’s definitely possible
6 months and sleeping through the night?! My toddler isn't even sleeping through the night yet haha
Same :D
We love the sleep training + snoo
This was very helpful. I've been thinking about this a lot recently. Thank you for sharing.
Yesssss. This is a great topic. We're going to have our girls share a room soon
Curious if you have Rook in a toddler bed or crib? I’m debating on transitioning my oldest to a toddler bed before adding baby to his room…
We’ve moved both babies at 4 months and thankfully had easy transitions. Our 2 year old does not nap so it’s super easy to have them on the same bedtime routine. Our boys are 15 months apart and do great. We just found out we’re having a girl just after our oldest turns three, so that will be a much more unique transition for us 😅
Can you do a video on how your transitioned Rook to a toddler bed? I would love to have my son transitioned to his toddler bed before baby #2 comes (I still have a while) but I’m just unsure how to go about it.
I'm not pregnant with a second kid yet, but I'm mentally prepping for this. I remember when my younger sister and I were 6 and 9yrs, my baby sister started sleeping in our room at 4 mos. I don't even remember any of that except that I thought it was fun lol. So maybe she cried at night and I didn't know, or I just got used to it.
Thank you so much for this encouragement
Is your older one in a toddler bed and the smaller one in a crib?
This is so helpful! Thank you!