Idk if people understand how much better this system is than the old one. We had to spend so much currency to switch out armor subclasses when in fact why did we have armor subclasses to begin with? Great video and insight, thank you as always
Thank you so much, your explanation was so easy to understand. My brother-in-law was trying to explain this to me and my wife, but you broke it down and showed examples.
I left the game for a year and a half and it felt like everything changed. I didn’t understand the armor charge AT ALL, and every video or forum explanation I’ve seen explained some condensed version of it that still didn’t make any sense to me because it all sounds like game jargon babble.You’ve helped me understand this a great deal better, thank you.
This morning, I realized I need to find an educational video to learn new mode systems. The next thing I thought was you might have one and look what happened.
I legit don't see why anyone needs this. I started playing D2 during season 14 and it took about two and a half seasons to understand pretty much everything. The new mod system isn't hard at all to figure out. I just wish the stat booster mods and elemental font of might mods could tell me how much of a benefit they gave you.
Very useful video! Especially considering the changes to MODs. I look forward to seeing new loadout videos. I have created a solar Titan with Synthoceps, very similar to what we had in the previous season. I was glad to see the survivability and damage of hammers did not change much. The passive artifact MODs usage is something I have been hoping for for a long time. Cudos to Bungie for that but the NERF to Heart of Inmost Light still makes my blood boil plus the content vaulting so early. I am so disappointed that I have not bought Lightfall. This is the first DLC I have not purchased since D1 launch.
Best explanation video I’ve seen. Just took a look at your other videos and this is going to be my go to channel for Destiny. Just wish I found it earlier before the demise of Bungie. Subscribed since I know whatever game we all migrate to, your videos will always be the go to.
Thank you for the kind words. I’ll always cover Destiny for topics it makes sense on my channel but I’ve got many games I’m eyeing to cover so I hope to provide help for you again some time in the future.
Before watching this video I was a big Destiny noob, now I feel like I'm ready to face any challenge this game will throw at me. Great video, great voice, great content, I will be back.
I remember optimism! "For young warriors, death is an enemy they wish to try their strength against. For those of us a little older, she is an old friend, an old lover, and one we are not eager to meet again soon." -Robert Jordan
The problem with these types of games that survive for years and revamp frequently is finding comprehensive specific guides for returning players like myself. So thank you so much for this video! Also this is literally the type of play style I've been trying to figure out that you made a generic template for😂 It's so hard to even think of the right keywords to Google when returning to games these days. Then there's the inevitable clickbait or fluff videos that literally just hand hold and read verbatim in game descriptions. If anyone happens to read this comment are there any suggestions on when or how to use my upgrade modules as I'm power grinding? I haven't played since the Forsaken dlc and I feel like I'm always so 25 of 25 and just randomly infusing to my current level old exotics that I reacquire.
Thank you for taking the time to make these. You’re a naturally gifted teacher, vids feel very accessible for new players like me. Appreciate the work you’re doing
@@Ebontis Thanks man this helped a lot. Any chance you could do a video or a walkthough of end game to get to 1840? Where you explain the raids dungens and such? I am struggling at 1827. (:
Half way through this video and I'm jonesing to go mess with mods! Thanks E for another great video explaining things that it would take hours of valuable play time to figure out. 👍
I wish, I so wish they had HOW much things were buffed/reduced by on mods. Rampage for example, I only know it does more damage. How much more? No idea. Vorple? Don't know her. How much does this reduce Arc damage taken? I dono, a mugs worth? Another thing that's been playing on my mind, should I prioritise stat boosts, so the +5 or +10 mods over the active mods? I've got a triple 100 (res, rec, dis) build but only if I stack 4 +10 recovery mods. And can the active mods push stats over 100? Or is it hard capped to 100?
I really like that artifact mods are now passive, and that armor mods are no longer subclass-dependent. The loadouts option is welcome too. But as a relatively new solo player with no D2-playing friends, I don't like the increase in difficulty, though I understand that longtime players enjoy it. Also for Bungie, harder difficulty means more playtime, which means more potential profit. However, when it comes to games, I don't necessarily equate difficulty with enjoyment. Playing D2 often feels too much like doing math homework. Or in the case of raids and dungeons, planning the WW2 Normandy invasion. 😂 I also wish that Bungie would explain specifically what mods do, instead of using ambiguous adjectives. I hate having to go to 3rd party sites and apps to explain to me how they work, or to play the game.
Yeah, the difficulty bump was absolutely a move designed to resolve two issues: Content Creator/Streamer burnout and complaints, and dips in player engagement halfway through every season.
@@grayden4138 For me, the difficulty of the WQ seasons wasn't the problem. It was the repetitive required seasonal gameplay, the oppressive rng, the constant nerfs to the class, weapons, armor and mods I enjoy using, and having to level back up at the start of each new season. Upping the difficulty, in addition to still having to put up with those issues, just makes playing D2 even more frustrating.
I'm a "long tyme" player BUT I'm 100% not liking the more difficult level stuff 👎🏾 now everything feels like I'm doing some master nightfall LOL I like to enjoy the game not stress off stuff 🙂
Actually big dog the cosmetics do change over so long as the cosmetic such as shaders for the ghosts or armor are equipped at the time of the load out save, it’s a full load out. An example is I have two completely different colored hunters within the same class both using different weapons but the same armor only thing that is different is the color of the armor so I believe it works for mastercrafts aswell if the weapon is already in the state then no biggie
Thanks for the video. So, do you recommend that, when build-crafting, do NOT mix yellow with blue mods; rather, go all yellow (plus any green perks that increase your max armor charge stacks) or all blue (plus any green perks that increase your armor charge duration)? Also, I think if you are already Tier 10 for a given ability, the yellow mod that improves recharge rate of that ability would likely be useless. Lastly, do orbs automatically generate an armor charge, which you can then increase by applying, say, a green perk, or is there some other mechanic that translates orb pickup into armor charges? The reason I ask is that the perks seem to speak to creating/stacking ADDITIONAL armor charges but are silent on generation of the initial charge. Confusing.
Question being the withherhoard is disabled as a quest the perk * mass effect is not in the first perk it was replaced with a barrel is it still a good weapon even though it looks patched?
So you want to lean into a blue mod (decaying charge) or a gold mod build? They conflict if you have a gold on, say your arms and a blue mod on your legs. Am I understanding this right?
I like not having 4 different exotic armors. As a main warlock and 2nd year player. I could tell everything was going to focus around aspects and fragments.
one major problem that I can see with the new load-outs/mods system is that if you are building to void or building to solar you will be selecting different mods on your artifact and the new load-out save does not save the mods you have selected, and it should or at least let us select more than 12
You sir have eanred a fan ans subscriber with this video! Thank youfrom someone who just got back into Destiny and hadn't played since Mara and Pluto was found to have people! I really appreciate this video and the orb of power part was critical as well. If you could go over weapons and how to (if it is possible ) impact the impact on weapons so that they hit harder I would be so happy. Regardless, thanks a lot. ALSO 12:28 IS THE ORB OF POWER PART
Helpful video thanks! Do you think it makes sense to mix blue and yellow mods? I can’t work out whether it’s wasteful and to just build in to one or the other.
so this means the plus 10 resilience is now just able to be equipped by anyone? I joined d2 late because it had suck a rocky start and loved d1 and because of that I didn’t have any of the plus 10 stat armor mods but I had all the plus 5 ones
You got a couple things wrong. You CANNOT pull weapons from your other characters, they have to be in your Vault for in-game loadouts to fetch them. Also, the in-game loadouts DO save cosmetics, they just don't show in the overview.
They reduce the cost of equipping the related mods from 3 energy to 1. For example, you could stack 3 grenade kickstarts for only 3 energy on your arms instead of 9 with the Authorized Grenades unlocked
@@TheBadChaka do you know how it works if I save my solar Titan for example and then I switch back to my Void Titan what happens with Artifact mods ( Surge etc) ? Need to change them manually or what?
@@Ebontis yeah i started about a week ago and this is what i've been told. 1771 power level and naked with the lame default mods. Might have to get Lightfall lmao.
Can someone please explain this to me?I'm a returning player who last played when beyond light dlc was released. I've just noticed I have no weapon mods to insert in a mod socket but I know I did when I last played. Did bungie change the system or something? I went to get some off banshee but he doesn't have any either.
Can you or anyone else tell me why I can't get any of the mods that allow you to force a +10 stat on armor? No one can really answer that for me (other than it's probably RNG), but if it's RNG... my luck must be reallllllly bad LOL.
It comes from your ghost. Spend the materials to masterwork that bad boy. And you can choose between xp boosts, resource finders, or discipline/strength/intellect etc armorer (which is the one you're after). Mob/res/recov are top group. Disc/str/int are bottom group. Whatever armorer you pick, it will also give stats to two from the opposite group. Example:. If you're farming for high resilience, choose discipline armorer. Yes, it's likely to roll with higher discipline, but your other spiky stats will be from two of the top group. Cheers-
@@gregbrown3082 I've done all that. 2 full ghosts, but the mods (other than the intellect one strangely) just aren't there. I've heard it's a bug, but I'm uncertain.
I’d love for them to allow us to unlock all mods but can mark ones we want as active. All this reset stuff is a bit convoluted and could be solved easy by having a item tick system especially if you just want to change one mod
I hope they add more mods that add stats like powerful friends and radiant light maybe mods for each piece that increases one stat for each stat (head discipline, legs mobility, chest resilience, class item recovery, arms strength)
I can't get mods from the vendors in the tower. I haven't played since Forsaken. Do I have to unlock them in some way? Banshee and ADA only has bounties
So say for an example, my Warlock has 70 Discipline and I have the Font of Focus on and activated via Orbs of Light, would it essentially have made my Discipline up to 100 by 30? 🤔 Still trying to understand Font mods. 😗👍 Edit: Nvm I rechecked his vid. Fascinating mod mechanics. 😙👌
I am so confused by mods. You made a great video but none of the mods you talked about or I have read about in other guides are on my character. I am guardian rank 6 and i dont have basic mods available for some reason. Im sure I am doing something wrong but I don't understand what but it is hurting my ability to make effective builds.
Unstoppable Scout doesn’t proc for me when using it on Unstp Champions. All scouts. I have to fish it out. ADS, let go, ADS , let go, ADS then gun flashes, icon left side of hud. (Titan, any sub class, any scout. Glaves pop ‘em no problem)
Oh man lol I can finally kinda wrap my head around mods 😅😅 I'm a idiot when it comes to this game just a total caveman. And d2 mods read like a TCG card. So far buildcrafting/mods/perks are my less favorite part of the game and it's like 45% of it lol it been hold me back fingers crossed I can get the hang of the game synergy
I just want to know who decided and why they decided to make mod slots in the mod window shaped like toast... I can't not see toast when they're empty :(
That's why I always post have Mic. You don't need to do call outs all game, all I need is a little 30 second coordination pre match. Is that too much to ask?
@@swarlly i agree 100% , and unfortunately ill kick people for 45mins for not mic'n up for gm prep .... i glady use mic however unfortunately lfg dont share same coms preferences and for some reason i still feel guilty kicking players when ik its unnecessary to complete content but i still need to know what everyone has going into it .... mics are only needed to ask one question , generally i like helping players with no mics i enjoy the challenge and respect how others choose to play ... so yes the removal of ability to see teammates champ mods ect was just pointless ... they removed it ...
This is getting so fricking confusing this armor charge stuff. If we don't do it exactly right you could literally hurt your strength and play and actually be weaker. Way to confusing friend....Im just going to wait for your builds so I know I'm not an idiot playing with mods that are not even doing anything....
Same here. It doesn't look like the "sinking feeling" shader at all. I've looked up "lightning effects" shader and "sinking feeling" is the only one that comes ip
Finally someone can actually explain these things to a regular player. Thank you, this was just what I needed!
note you can't stack the same mod on the same armor, it lets you but it only registers 1 per armor piece.
Y am I having a hard time getting leg mods can't level up to 6
only mod i would want is making the orbs come to you.. similar to how wells worked.. picking them up is a chore
I'm guessing they didn't include a seeking orb type mod on purpose. They want us running to pick them up maybe
@@gahfwa3541 ive died trying to pick them up a lot of times lol or its next to a champ and i get melee'd to death
I had seeking wells in every load out. I considered it a must have. Specially on boss fights where he'll stomp us if you get too close
Have to admit I don't like chasing them either . It can put you in a bad situation, but that's part of the game . Risk / reward I guess .
Right 🤔 "every" season I've never taken off seeking wells 😔 running out and grabbing them in harder content is sometimes a death wish 😂
Coming back after years i was pretty lost. This video is great.
I know I'm late but as someone who quit at statis and just came back this was exceptionally helpful thanks
Idk if people understand how much better this system is than the old one. We had to spend so much currency to switch out armor subclasses when in fact why did we have armor subclasses to begin with? Great video and insight, thank you as always
Helped me understand building and start making my own builds and seeing how everything can interact with eachother. Very well done, thank you
Thank you so much, your explanation was so easy to understand. My brother-in-law was trying to explain this to me and my wife, but you broke it down and showed examples.
I left the game for a year and a half and it felt like everything changed. I didn’t understand the armor charge AT ALL, and every video or forum explanation I’ve seen explained some condensed version of it that still didn’t make any sense to me because it all sounds like game jargon babble.You’ve helped me understand this a great deal better, thank you.
This morning, I realized I need to find an educational video to learn new mode systems. The next thing I thought was you might have one and look what happened.
Seasonal mods becoming more like perks and passive is lowkey, a huge QoL change that makes build crafting way, way easier and streamlined.
Thank you so much for this vid. never really understood how the mods worked. Now I'm creating orbs and using my class abilities every time.
I legit don't see why anyone needs this. I started playing D2 during season 14 and it took about two and a half seasons to understand pretty much everything. The new mod system isn't hard at all to figure out. I just wish the stat booster mods and elemental font of might mods could tell me how much of a benefit they gave you.
Very useful video! Especially considering the changes to MODs. I look forward to seeing new loadout videos. I have created a solar Titan with Synthoceps, very similar to what we had in the previous season. I was glad to see the survivability and damage of hammers did not change much. The passive artifact MODs usage is something I have been hoping for for a long time. Cudos to Bungie for that but the NERF to Heart of Inmost Light still makes my blood boil plus the content vaulting so early. I am so disappointed that I have not bought Lightfall. This is the first DLC I have not purchased since D1 launch.
Cheers for the breakdown, I had to learn organically though this helps crystalize as well surely eases the barrier for new comers~
THANK YOU I needed this you just made my destiny day when I wake up I'm going to check my armors n stuff out n check all the video again
Needed a video like this. Started playing for the first time in years
Best explanation video I’ve seen. Just took a look at your other videos and this is going to be my go to channel for Destiny. Just wish I found it earlier before the demise of Bungie. Subscribed since I know whatever game we all migrate to, your videos will always be the go to.
Thank you for the kind words. I’ll always cover Destiny for topics it makes sense on my channel but I’ve got many games I’m eyeing to cover so I hope to provide help for you again some time in the future.
Before watching this video I was a big Destiny noob, now I feel like I'm ready to face any challenge this game will throw at me. Great video, great voice, great content, I will be back.
I remember optimism!
"For young warriors, death is an enemy they wish to try their strength against. For those of us a little older, she is an old friend, an old lover, and one we are not eager to meet again soon."
-Robert Jordan
Grinding master duality boss a few weeks ago was awesome. Very good stats and the extra ghost. I also used my ghost to get discipline rolls etc
The problem with these types of games that survive for years and revamp frequently is finding comprehensive specific guides for returning players like myself. So thank you so much for this video!
Also this is literally the type of play style I've been trying to figure out that you made a generic template for😂
It's so hard to even think of the right keywords to Google when returning to games these days. Then there's the inevitable clickbait or fluff videos that literally just hand hold and read verbatim in game descriptions.
If anyone happens to read this comment are there any suggestions on when or how to use my upgrade modules as I'm power grinding? I haven't played since the Forsaken dlc and I feel like I'm always so 25 of 25 and just randomly infusing to my current level old exotics that I reacquire.
New here. New sub. thanks for the load out screen explanation . You were the first to answer my questions about it without having to ask😊
Great vid and super helpful on understanding the armour charge stuff.
This is an excellent video, thank you for posting!
I love how you explain things, casuals like me appreciate it!!!
does the mod system include different artifact setups?
Thank you for taking the time to make these. You’re a naturally gifted teacher, vids feel very accessible for new players like me. Appreciate the work you’re doing
You're very welcome!
@@Ebontis Thanks man this helped a lot. Any chance you could do a video or a walkthough of end game to get to 1840? Where you explain the raids dungens and such? I am struggling at 1827. (:
Great video! Thanks a lot for this.
Thanks E! Informative as always
This was perfect for explaining things to my friend who is newer to the game
Half way through this video and I'm jonesing to go mess with mods! Thanks E for another great video explaining things that it would take hours of valuable play time to figure out. 👍
Thanks for this guide. We gave new lights in clan this will help better than my explanations
Learnt more in this video than my last 3 years in neuroscience
Awesome video. Very clear and understandable explanations. I appreciate you.
This was incredibly helpful! thank you
Great video, and thanks for the update on this. keep up the great work.
1:58 also cosmetics on your armor, at least it changed mine.
I wish, I so wish they had HOW much things were buffed/reduced by on mods. Rampage for example, I only know it does more damage. How much more? No idea. Vorple? Don't know her. How much does this reduce Arc damage taken? I dono, a mugs worth?
Another thing that's been playing on my mind, should I prioritise stat boosts, so the +5 or +10 mods over the active mods? I've got a triple 100 (res, rec, dis) build but only if I stack 4 +10 recovery mods. And can the active mods push stats over 100? Or is it hard capped to 100?
Seriously. Can't play this game without a laptop open. And your reddit/youtube accounts on dueling tabs
I really like that artifact mods are now passive, and that armor mods are no longer subclass-dependent. The loadouts option is welcome too.
But as a relatively new solo player with no D2-playing friends, I don't like the increase in difficulty, though I understand that longtime players enjoy it. Also for Bungie, harder difficulty means more playtime, which means more potential profit. However, when it comes to games, I don't necessarily equate difficulty with enjoyment. Playing D2 often feels too much like doing math homework. Or in the case of raids and dungeons, planning the WW2 Normandy invasion. 😂
I also wish that Bungie would explain specifically what mods do, instead of using ambiguous adjectives. I hate having to go to 3rd party sites and apps to explain to me how they work, or to play the game.
Yeah, the difficulty bump was absolutely a move designed to resolve two issues: Content Creator/Streamer burnout and complaints, and dips in player engagement halfway through every season.
@@grayden4138 For me, the difficulty of the WQ seasons wasn't the problem. It was the repetitive required seasonal gameplay, the oppressive rng, the constant nerfs to the class, weapons, armor and mods I enjoy using, and having to level back up at the start of each new season.
Upping the difficulty, in addition to still having to put up with those issues, just makes playing D2 even more frustrating.
It never got harder imo. I'd say it will never be possible to get harder bcuz how the abilitys work
@@Itz__Swifty That's interesting. Are you currently able to play the legend lost sectors?
I'm a "long tyme" player BUT I'm 100% not liking the more difficult level stuff 👎🏾 now everything feels like I'm doing some master nightfall LOL I like to enjoy the game not stress off stuff 🙂
Thanks this was really helpful. I’m a returning player and totally forgot a lot of the armor tuning.
Glad it helped!
Actually big dog the cosmetics do change over so long as the cosmetic such as shaders for the ghosts or armor are equipped at the time of the load out save, it’s a full load out. An example is I have two completely different colored hunters within the same class both using different weapons but the same armor only thing that is different is the color of the armor so I believe it works for mastercrafts aswell if the weapon is already in the state then no biggie
New Light quest at Shaw Han is giving you the arables for completing it. No one is talking about this.
Thanks for the video.
So, do you recommend that, when build-crafting, do NOT mix yellow with blue mods; rather, go all yellow (plus any green perks that increase your max armor charge stacks) or all blue (plus any green perks that increase your armor charge duration)?
Also, I think if you are already Tier 10 for a given ability, the yellow mod that improves recharge rate of that ability would likely be useless.
Lastly, do orbs automatically generate an armor charge, which you can then increase by applying, say, a green perk, or is there some other mechanic that translates orb pickup into armor charges? The reason I ask is that the perks seem to speak to creating/stacking ADDITIONAL armor charges but are silent on generation of the initial charge. Confusing.
What shader/armor set are you using. I know it's not the "sinking feeling" shader. So what is it that gives off the lightning effects?
W vid. Thanks for making it. Friends finding it useful.
Its annoying to chase orbs yes after I finally learned the seeking they take them away isn't there a fragment in void that pulls them to u?
Question being the withherhoard is disabled as a quest the perk * mass effect is not in the first perk it was replaced with a barrel is it still a good weapon even though it looks patched?
Thank you sir! Earned my sub and like today
Where are you finding the numbers for the blue mods. The additional 60 strength?
So you want to lean into a blue mod (decaying charge) or a gold mod build? They conflict if you have a gold on, say your arms and a blue mod on your legs. Am I understanding this right?
Haven't watched yet but this will be on my Watch Later for after work - i want to understand the Builds folks share.
Thanks for the vid! But yooooo. How’d you get your gear to look electric like that? Pleaaaasse?!
Will a font mod benefit you if you are already at Tier 10?
I agree some really great changes.
This was so helpful.
Thank you for this very helpful
Great job Ebontis! Love your videos and calm straight to the point explanations. Thanks and wish I could team up with you sometime...
Great video,
The load out system does actually remember our color and cosmetic choices :)
3:01 you can’t get mods since the launch of lightfall and it hasn’t been fixed since February.
I like not having 4 different exotic armors. As a main warlock and 2nd year player. I could tell everything was going to focus around aspects and fragments.
Where can I find the armor CHARGE mods? I don’t see them in my options, only the normal grey ones. How do I get these?
one major problem that I can see with the new load-outs/mods system is that if you are building to void or building to solar you will be selecting different mods on your artifact and the new load-out save does not save the mods you have selected, and it should or at least let us select more than 12
You sir have eanred a fan ans subscriber with this video! Thank youfrom someone who just got back into Destiny and hadn't played since Mara and Pluto was found to have people! I really appreciate this video and the orb of power part was critical as well. If you could go over weapons and how to (if it is possible ) impact the impact on weapons so that they hit harder I would be so happy. Regardless, thanks a lot. ALSO 12:28 IS THE ORB OF POWER PART
So helpful… thank you
Helpful video thanks! Do you think it makes sense to mix blue and yellow mods? I can’t work out whether it’s wasteful and to just build in to one or the other.
so this means the plus 10 resilience is now just able to be equipped by anyone? I joined d2 late because it had suck a rocky start and loved d1 and because of that I didn’t have any of the plus 10 stat armor mods but I had all the plus 5 ones
You got a couple things wrong. You CANNOT pull weapons from your other characters, they have to be in your Vault for in-game loadouts to fetch them. Also, the in-game loadouts DO save cosmetics, they just don't show in the overview.
So, the Ascendant 'authorized mods' for solar, void etc. How exactly do they come into play?
They reduce the cost of equipping the related mods from 3 energy to 1. For example, you could stack 3 grenade kickstarts for only 3 energy on your arms instead of 9 with the Authorized Grenades unlocked
@@TheBadChaka ah! Got it thanks..
@@TheBadChaka do you know how it works if I save my solar Titan for example and then I switch back to my Void Titan what happens with Artifact mods ( Surge etc) ? Need to change them manually or what?
Is that right? I thought armor charges stacked, but the time is only refreshed per stack not added to the total time.
You hit the "pretty high" right on the nose at 27:00. lol
That drip, though! When and where do I get that crispy electrification!?
Between you, Fallout and Datto you guys all sound the same its crazy
what is the best way to get mods?
How do you get Weapon Mods? I started playing 2 weeks ago and i still have 0 weapon mods
I think some unlock with guardian ranks.
@@Ebontis yeah i started about a week ago and this is what i've been told. 1771 power level and naked with the lame default mods. Might have to get Lightfall lmao.
Can someone please explain this to me?I'm a returning player who last played when beyond light dlc was released. I've just noticed I have no weapon mods to insert in a mod socket but I know I did when I last played. Did bungie change the system or something? I went to get some off banshee but he doesn't have any either.
Can you or anyone else tell me why I can't get any of the mods that allow you to force a +10 stat on armor? No one can really answer that for me (other than it's probably RNG), but if it's RNG... my luck must be reallllllly bad LOL.
It comes from your ghost. Spend the materials to masterwork that bad boy. And you can choose between xp boosts, resource finders, or discipline/strength/intellect etc armorer (which is the one you're after).
Mob/res/recov are top group.
Disc/str/int are bottom group.
Whatever armorer you pick, it will also give stats to two from the opposite group.
Example:. If you're farming for high resilience, choose discipline armorer.
Yes, it's likely to roll with higher discipline, but your other spiky stats will be from two of the top group.
@@gregbrown3082 I've done all that. 2 full ghosts, but the mods (other than the intellect one strangely) just aren't there. I've heard it's a bug, but I'm uncertain.
@@satsunoryu aah! Sorry for the long reply then! Yar, that's the pits
@@gregbrown3082 no that's okay! I appreciate you trying to help. It's been pretty frustrating though lol
I’d love for them to allow us to unlock all mods but can mark ones we want as active. All this reset stuff is a bit convoluted and could be solved easy by having a item tick system especially if you just want to change one mod
I like this idea, hopefully it’s a change they can do in the future.
Please help, im level 6 but have no armor charge mods no bluengreen or yellow. How do i get them?
I hope they add more mods that add stats like powerful friends and radiant light maybe mods for each piece that increases one stat for each stat (head discipline, legs mobility, chest resilience, class item recovery, arms strength)
I can't get mods from the vendors in the tower. I haven't played since Forsaken. Do I have to unlock them in some way? Banshee and ADA only has bounties
They unlocked all the mods for everyone towards the end of last season.. Now, they will all unlock by raising your Guardian Rank to 6.
@@TheBadChaka Strange. Im already rank 6. Completed the Lightfall campaign too. Now I cant make any kind of build since I dont have mods 🤕
Did you figure it out? Because I’m having the same issue
As a f2p, I can't access rank 7, and these armor charge mods are not accessible to me. Is this a permanent thing or will it change in the next season?
how do i get armorer mods for my ghost?
Very informative.
So say for an example, my Warlock has 70 Discipline and I have the Font of Focus on and activated via Orbs of Light, would it essentially have made my Discipline up to 100 by 30? 🤔
Still trying to understand Font mods. 😗👍
Edit: Nvm I rechecked his vid. Fascinating mod mechanics.
How do you get 10 energy slots on gear…?
Masterwork it
I actually think the new system is better! But took time for it to work!
Awesome, great vid
Thanks for the visit
@Ebontis always man, your one on the few Destiny youtubers I can actually stand anymore lol
I am so confused by mods. You made a great video but none of the mods you talked about or I have read about in other guides are on my character. I am guardian rank 6 and i dont have basic mods available for some reason. Im sure I am doing something wrong but I don't understand what but it is hurting my ability to make effective builds.
I nevet cant get more then 3 charges even when I collect orbs all the time....
Unstoppable Scout doesn’t proc for me when using it on Unstp Champions. All scouts. I have to fish it out. ADS, let go, ADS , let go, ADS then gun flashes, icon left side of hud. (Titan, any sub class, any scout. Glaves pop ‘em no problem)
You have to aim down sights for about 2 seconds for it to proc. It's not instant
I feel like special ammo has been pretty plentiful this season even without mods
OMG I want that set 🏆👍✊🏾👋👋👋
Oh man lol I can finally kinda wrap my head around mods 😅😅 I'm a idiot when it comes to this game just a total caveman. And d2 mods read like a TCG card. So far buildcrafting/mods/perks are my less favorite part of the game and it's like 45% of it lol it been hold me back fingers crossed I can get the hang of the game synergy
I just want to know who decided and why they decided to make mod slots in the mod window shaped like toast... I can't not see toast when they're empty :(
Loadouts actually change your transmog
But you cant see what artifact mods teamates have so how can we plan for gms without knowing who has what.......
Here's an idea on how to know: speak.
They do have a text chat
That's why I always post have Mic. You don't need to do call outs all game, all I need is a little 30 second coordination pre match. Is that too much to ask?
@@swarlly i agree 100% , and unfortunately ill kick people for 45mins for not mic'n up for gm prep .... i glady use mic however unfortunately lfg dont share same coms preferences and for some reason i still feel guilty kicking players when ik its unnecessary to complete content but i still need to know what everyone has going into it .... mics are only needed to ask one question , generally i like helping players with no mics i enjoy the challenge and respect how others choose to play ... so yes the removal of ability to see teammates champ mods ect was just pointless ... they removed it ...
This is getting so fricking confusing this armor charge stuff. If we don't do it exactly right you could literally hurt your strength and play and actually be weaker. Way to confusing friend....Im just going to wait for your builds so I know I'm not an idiot playing with mods that are not even doing anything....
I guess I'm lucky cause my cosmetics save and switch on a button even if it's same gear.
How you get lighting effects on your armor?
Bump. I want to know this too!
Same here. It doesn't look like the "sinking feeling" shader at all. I've looked up "lightning effects" shader and "sinking feeling" is the only one that comes ip
If mobility granted you airborne effectiveness…
Honestly a good idea imo. It will make mobility a more useful perk overall for all classes not just hunters.
Free Artifact resets are limited